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A method for analysis of mixtures of 3-hexuloses by gas chromatography mass spectrometry of their di-O-isopropylidene derivatives has been elaborated. The origin of characteristic fragment ions in the mass spectra is suggested on the basis of the spectra of d(12) analogues, obtained by acetonation with acetone-d(6) and on MS/MS investigations. The method has been applied to product mixtures from aldol reactions between glycero-tetrulose and glycolaldehyde and between 2-pentuloses and formaldehyde. An interesting result is the formation of ribo-3-hexulose with a high degree of stereoselectivity in alkali catalysed reaction between erythro-2-pentulose and formaldehyde.  相似文献   
The aim of the present work was to study the possibility of using the fatty acid content in the basidiospores as a taxonomic tool. Basidiospores of Armillaria borealis, Amanita muscaria, Agaricus sylvicola, Hypholoma capnoides, Cortinarius nemorensis and Russula delica were used. The content of fatty acids as well as other substances may vary to a certain degree depending on the part (pileus, stipe, lamella) or stage of development of the actual basidiocarp analysed. Moreover, substances from fungivorous invertebrates, parasitic fungi or bacteria may be found in the chemical analyses of the basidiocarps. Chemotaxonomic conclusions may, therefore, be burdened with serious uncertainties. On the other hand, the ripe basidiospores are terminated structures and belong to the most homogenous structures encountered from a basidiocarp. Their shape, size, colour and ornamentation are considerably homogenous within an actual species. Therefore, the basidiospores are often used as a reliable differentiating characteristic separating species as well as taxa of higher categories. From a practical point of view, ripe spores are easy to obtain in relatively large quantities with simple techniques, and they are not so prone to decay as the carpophore tissue. In the present study, gas chromatography (GC) and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS), after methanolysis of the fungus spores, were used to map essential fatty acids in basidiomycetes. Gas chromatography and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry revealed the presence of fatty acids of C12:0-C24:0 size in the basidiospores of these higher basidiomycetes. The major fatty acid in H. capnoides is C18:2, and the major fatty acid in the other species is C18:1. The basidiospores proved to be a good source of fatty acids for chemotaxonomic investigations of agarics.  相似文献   
Fusarium oxysporum f. melongenae is a major soil-borne pathogen of eggplant (Solanum melongena). ISSR and RAPD markers were used to characterize Fusarium oxysporum f. melongenae isolates collected from eggplant fields in southern Turkey. Those isolates were not pathogenic to tomato. Pathogens were identified by their morphology, and their identity was confirmed by PCR amplification using the specific primer PF02-3. The isolates were classified into groups on the basis of ISSR and RAPD fingerprints, which showed a level of genetic specificity and diversity not previously identified in Fusarium oxysporum f. melongenae, suggesting that genetic differences are related to the pathogen in the Mediterranean region. The primers selected to characterize Fusarium oxysporum f. melongenae may be used to determine genetic differences and pathogen virulence. This study is the first to characterize eggplant F. oxysporum species using ISSR and RAPD.  相似文献   
The use of computer simulations as a neurophysiological tool creates new possibilities to understand complex systems and to test whether a given model can explain experimental findings. Simulations, however, require a detailed specification of the model, including the nerve cell action potential and synaptic transmission. We describe a neuron model of intermediate complexity, with a small number of compartments representing the soma and the dendritic tree, and equipped with Na+, K+, Ca2+, and Ca2+ dependent K+ channels. Conductance changes in the different compartments are used to model conventional excitatory and inhibitory synaptic interactions. Voltage dependent NMDA-receptor channels are also included, and influence both the electrical conductance and the inflow of Ca2+ ions. This neuron model has been designed for the analysis of neural networks and specifically for the simulation of the network generating locomotion in a simple vertebrate, the lamprey. By assigning experimentally established properties to the simulated cells and their synapses, it has been possible to verify the sufficiency of these properties to account for a number of experimental findings of the network in operation. The model is, however, sufficiently general to be useful for realistic simulation also of other neural systems.  相似文献   
To efficiently simulate very large networks of interconnected neurons, particular consideration has to be given to the computer architecture being used. This article presents techniques for implementing simulators for large neural networks on a number of different computer architectures. The neuronal simulation task and the computer architectures of interest are first characterized, and the potential bottlenecks are highlighted. Then we describe the experience gained from adapting an existing simulator, SWIM, to two very different architectures–vector computers and multiprocessor workstations. This work lead to the implementation of a new simulation library, SPLIT, designed to allow efficient simulation of large networks on several architectures. Different computer architectures put different demands on the organization of both data structures and computations. Strict separation of such architecture considerations from the neuronal models and other simulation aspects makes it possible to construct both portable and extendible code.  相似文献   
Ascocarps of the hypogaean fungus Elaphomyces spp. from some Swedish forest stands were examined for production of ethylene. Significant amounts were produced by mature ascocarps of E. asperulus and E. granulatus. E. muricatus, which was found only in juvenile or immature stages, did not produce ethylene. None of the ascocarps studied were infected by Cordyceps. The ecological role of the ethylene production by the ascocarps is shortly discussed.  相似文献   
Several researchers propose that event-related potentials (ERPs) can be explained by a superposition of transient oscillations at certain frequency bands in response to external or internal events. The transient nature of the ERP is more suitable to be modelled as a sum of damped sinusoids. These damped sinusoids can be completely characterized by four sets of parameters, namely the amplitude, the damping coefficient, the phase and the frequency. The Prony method is used to estimate these parameters. In this study, the long-latency auditory-evoked potentials (AEP) and the auditory oddball responses (P300) of 10 healthy subjects are analysed by this method. It is shown that the original waveforms can be reconstructed by summing a small number of damped sinusoids. This allows for a parsimonious representation of the ERPs. Furthermore, the method shows that the oddball target responses contain higher amplitude, slower delta and slower damped theta components than those of the AEPs. With this technique, we show that the differentiation of sensory and cognitive potentials are not inherent in their overall frequency content but in their frequency components at certain bands. Received: 6 October 1997 / Accepted in revised form: 26 February 1998  相似文献   
Summary The early uterine response to transplanted, delayed and estrogenactivated blastocysts was studied ultrastructurally and compared with that induced by intrauterine instillations of deciduogenic agents (arachis oil, air). The uterine responses to delayed and activated blastocysts showed no ultrastructural or temporal differences. Already within 4 h after transfer to a sensitized uterus, the delayed blastocysts exhibited signs of activation, and both types of blastocysts had started to attach onto an undamaged epithelial lining. Signs of stromal cell differentiation into decidual cells were also seen as early as 4 h after transfer, while the Pontamine-blue reaction did not appear until after 8 h. The results therefore indicate that the transplanted blastocysts induced decidualization atraumatically and that the delayed blastocysts were either deciduogenic already before transfer or rapidly acquired deciduogenic properties after transfer.Artificial decidual induction with oil and air led to damage or death of a large number of cells in the uterine luminal epithelium. Within only 15 min after instillation pronounced signs of cell damage were seen, and later numerous cells were extruded from the epithelial lining. In the stroma ultrastructural signs of decidual cell differentiation and a Pontamine-blue reaction were observed as early as 4 h after induction. It is therefore suggested that oil and air induce decidualization via the epithelium by means of trauma.Supported by grants from the Swedish Medical Research Council (Project 12X-70)  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Bei einer früheren experimentellen und zytologischen Untersuchung (1927) über den bei Zuckerrüben unter dem Namen crown gall bekannten malignen Tumor, der mit den tierischen Karzinomen vieles gemein hat, ließ sich nachweisen, daß die Natur der Tumorzellen durch ihren wesentlich tetraploiden Chromosomenbestand, an Stelle des normalen diploiden, zu erklären ist.Als Fortsetzung dieser Untersuchung werden in dieser Arbeit eine Reihe experimentelle und zytologische Untersuchungen über das Teerkarzinom bei Mäusen veröffentlicht. Die Chromosomenzahl der Maus in den Normalzellen beträgt 40.Es wird eine Reihe sicherer Chromosomenzahlen von im ganzen 86 Zählungen bei jüngeren und älteren Tumoren mitgeteilt, von denen einige Papillome sind, während andere sich zu Karzinomen entwickelt hatten.Eine graphische Darstellung der Chromosomenzahlen in Tumorzellen zeigt eine typische zweigipflige Kurve mit einem Maximum ein wenig unter der diploiden Zahl, um etwa 38, und mit einem zweiten, ein wenig unter dem Doppelten dieser Zahl, um etwa 68. Die jungen Papillome haben die kleinen Chromosomenzahlen, während große Chromosomenzahlen nur bei älteren, malignen Geschwülsten vorkommen.Die Entstehung und die Bedeutung der aberranten Chromosomenzahlen, die durch die Einwirkung des Teers auf die Zellenteilung hervorgerufen werden, wird klargelegt, indem Vergleiche mit Erfahrungen von aberranten Chromosomenzahlen aus dem Gebiet der experimentellen Erblichkeitsforschung angestellt werden.In Verbindung hiermit wird begründet, daß die Krebszelle als eine Zelle anzusehen ist, die infolge ihres Chromosomenbestandes und somit ihres Geneninhalts einen erhöhten Wachstumsimpuls und eine gestörte Physiologie erreicht hat.Das Teerkarzinom wird als von einer oder mehreren zytologisch abnormen Zellen stammend betrachtet, unter deren Nachkommenschaften, die oft in bezug auf den Chromosomenbestand voneinander abweichen, eine natürliche Auslese der im Wachstum lebhaftesten stattfindet, weshalb eine zunehmende Wachstumsintensität eintreten kann.  相似文献   
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