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Current issues in fish welfare   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Human beings may affect the welfare of fish through fisheries, aquaculture and a number of other activities. There is no agreement on just how to weigh the concern for welfare of fish against the human interests involved, but ethical frameworks exist that suggest how this might be approached. Different definitions of animal welfare focus on an animal's condition, on its subjective experience of that condition and/or on whether it can lead a natural life. These provide different, legitimate, perspectives, but the approach taken in this paper is to focus on welfare as the absence of suffering. An unresolved and controversial issue in discussions about animal welfare is whether non‐human animals exposed to adverse experiences such as physical injury or confinement experience what humans would call suffering. The neocortex, which in humans is an important part of the neural mechanism that generates the subjective experience of suffering, is lacking in fish and non‐mammalian animals, and it has been argued that its absence in fish indicates that fish cannot suffer. A strong alternative view, however, is that complex animals with sophisticated behaviour, such as fish, probably have the capacity for suffering, though this may be different in degree and kind from the human experience of this state. Recent empirical studies support this view and show that painful stimuli are, at least, strongly aversive to fish. Consequently, injury or experience of other harmful conditions is a cause for concern in terms of welfare of individual fish. There is also growing evidence that fish can experience fear‐like states and that they avoid situations in which they have experienced adverse conditions. Human activities that potentially compromise fish welfare include anthropogenic changes to the environment, commercial fisheries, recreational angling, aquaculture, ornamental fish keeping and scientific research. The resulting harm to fish welfare is a cost that must be minimized and weighed against the benefits of the activity concerned. Wild fish naturally experience a variety of adverse conditions, from attack by predators or conspecifics to starvation or exposure to poor environmental conditions. This does not make it acceptable for humans to impose such conditions on fish, but it does suggest that fish will have mechanisms to cope with these conditions and reminds us that pain responses are in some cases adaptive (for example, suppressing feeding when injured). In common with all vertebrates, fish respond to environmental challenges with a series of adaptive neuro‐endocrine adjustments that are collectively termed the stress response. These in turn induce reversible metabolic and behavioural changes that make the fish better able to overcome or avoid the challenge and are undoubtedly beneficial, in the short‐term at least. In contrast, prolonged activation of the stress response is damaging and leads to immuno‐suppression, reduced growth and reproductive dysfunction. Indicators associated with the response to chronic stress (physiological endpoints, disease status and behaviour) provide a potential source of information on the welfare status of a fish. The most reliable assessment of well‐being will be obtained by examining a range of informative measures and statistical techniques are available that enable several such measures to be combined objectively. A growing body of evidence tells us that many human activities can harm fish welfare, but that the effects depend on the species and life‐history stage concerned and are also context‐dependent. For example, in aquaculture, adverse effects related to stocking density may be eliminated if good water quality is maintained. At low densities, bad water quality may be less likely to arise whereas social interactions may cause greater welfare problems. A number of key differences between fish and birds and mammals have important implications for their welfare. Fish do not need to fuel a high body temperature, so the effects of food deprivation on welfare are not so marked. For species that live naturally in large shoals, low rather than high densities may be harmful. On the other hand, fish are in intimate contact with their environment through the huge surface area of their gills, so they are vulnerable to poor water quality and water borne pollutants. Extrapolation between taxa is dangerous and general frameworks for ensuring welfare in other vertebrate animals need to be modified before they can be usefully applied to fish. The scientific study of fish welfare is at an early stage compared with work on other vertebrates and a great deal of what we need to know is yet to be discovered. It is clearly the case that fish, though different from birds and mammals, however, are sophisticated animals, far removed from unfeeling creatures with a 15 s memory of popular misconception. A heightened appreciation of these points in those who exploit fish and in those who seek to protect them would go a long way towards improving fish welfare.  相似文献   
Summary Commercial plant tissue cultures of several ornamental plants exhibiting reduced vigor and chlorosis in stage II were found to contain bacterial contaminants. In most cases, visible evidence of the contaminants in the tissue-culture medium was not easily discernible. Physiological and pathological tests employing pure cultures proved 5 of the 10 isolates obtained to beErwinia carotovora, an important pathogen of many horticultural plants. The tissue cultures from whichE. carotovora was isolated were of plant types nonsusceptible under normal commercial production methods. These results indicate nonhost plants may serve as carriers ofE. carotovora during tissue-culture propagation and also possibly under normal methods of commercial production. Florida Agricultural Experiment Stations Journal Series No. 883. This investigation was supported in part by The Fred C. Gloeckner Foundation.  相似文献   
以两种常见园林观赏草:白穗狼尾草(Pennisetum alopecuroides ‘White’)和拂子茅(Calamagrostis epigeios)作为试验材料,利用开顶箱(OTCs)模拟法,研究了不同高浓度臭氧(O3,EO):80 nmol/mol(EO-80)、120 nmol/mol(EO-120)和160 nmol/mol(EO-160)下两种观赏草叶片逆境生理特征的变化规律。结果表明:(1)短期(7 d)内随O3浓度增加,白穗狼尾草叶绿素和类胡萝卜素含量较对照呈下降趋势,拂子茅较对照无显著变化。(2)在EO-120、EO-160下处理7 d时,两种观赏草叶片的净光合速率(Pn)和气孔导度(gs)较对照显著下降,且白穗狼尾草下降的幅度均大于拂子茅。(3)不同高浓度O3胁迫下,两种观赏草叶片丙二醛(MDA)含量较对照均有所升高,其中在EO-160下处理21 d时白穗狼尾草和拂子茅叶片MDA含量分别增加30.2%(P<0.05)和13.5%(P>0.05),表明在EO-160浓度胁迫下白穗狼尾草受到的膜脂过氧化伤害大于拂子茅。(4)在EO-120和EO-160下处理21 d时,白穗狼尾草叶片可溶性蛋白含量较对照分别显著下降24.2%和43.1%,而拂子茅较对照分别下降19.0%和22.9%(P<0.05)。(5)与对照组相比,高浓度O3下两种观赏草叶片的过氧化物酶(POD)活性随胁迫时间延长呈下降趋势,超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活性呈先升后降。(6)综合以上生理特征比较及主成成分分析表明,佛子茅比白穗狼尾草更耐O3,前者在O3高污染地区可能会有更高的应用价值。  相似文献   
Summary An efficient system for the regeneration of plants from protoplasts was developed in Alstroemeria. Friable embryogenic callus (FEC) proved to be the best source for protoplast isolation and culture when compared with leaf tissue and compact embryogenic callus. Protoplast isolation was most efficient when FEC was cultured under vacuum for 5 min in an enzyme solution consisting of 4% cellulase, 0.5% Driselase and 0.2% Macerozyme, followed by culture for 12–16h in the dark at 24°C. Cell wall formation and colony formation were better in a liquid medium than on a semi-solid agarose medium. Micro-calluses were formed after 4 wk of culture. Ninety percent of the micro-calluses developed into FEC after 12wk of culture on proliferation medium. FEC cultures produced somatic embryos on a regeneration medium and half of these somatic embryos developed shoots. Protoplast-derived plants showed more somaclonal variation than vegetatively propagated control plants.  相似文献   
Plants protect their roots by alerting the enemies of grubs   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Plant roots in the soil are under attack from many soil organisms. Although many ecologists are aware of the presence and importance of natural enemies in the soil that protect the plants from herbivores, the existence and nature of tritrophic interactions are poorly understood. So far, attention has focused on how plants protect their above-ground parts against herbivorous arthropods, either directly or indirectly (i.e. by getting help from the herbivore's enemies). This article is the first in showing that indirect plant defences also operate underground. We show that the roots of a coniferous plant ( Thuja occidentalis ) release chemicals upon attack by weevil larvae ( Otiorhynchus sulcatus ) and that these chemicals thereby attract parasitic nematodes ( Heterorhabditis megidis ).  相似文献   
蔡永立  宋永昌 《生态学报》2000,20(5):808-814
根据中国亚热带东部藤本植物的特征,修订并扩充了Mueller-Dombois和Ellenberg生活型系统中藤本植物分类部分。对本区生活型分析的结果表明,中国亚热带东部藤本植物的生活型谱是以高位芽藤本占绝对优势(72.7%)其次为地下芽藤本(17.5%)、地面芽藤本(6.2%)、1年生藤本(2.7%)和地上芽藤本(1.5%),除地下芽藤本比例略高外,与亚热带常绿阔叶林生活型谱十分接近,具有比较明确  相似文献   
以彩叶植物矾根(Heuchera micrantha)‘蜜桃’(‘Georgia Peach’)、‘小珍珠’(‘Petite pearl fairy’)、‘花毯’ (‘Tapestry’)为材料,研究不同遮荫处理对矾根观赏特征、高温半致死温度以及成活率的影响。结果表明,在遮荫条件下,三个矾根品种株高增加、叶面积变大、花序变长、开花推迟,‘蜜桃’和‘小珍珠’花期延长,‘花毯’花期缩短。遮荫引起‘蜜桃’和‘小珍珠’叶绿素含量、类胡萝卜素含量显著上升,花色素苷含量明显下降,叶色由红、紫色向灰绿色转变,叶片彩化度下降;‘花毯’的叶绿素、类胡萝卜素和花青素含量均随遮荫度增加显著上升,其叶色由浅绿转为深绿,叶脉紫红色加重,彩化度提高,观赏性增强。随着遮荫度提高,三个矾根品种的高温半致死温度明显升高,成活率显著上升。相关性分析表明,三个矾根品种的成活率与最高气温、最大光强、气温、光强分别存在极显著负相关关系,与相对湿度以及该品种的高温半致死温度分别存在极显著正相关关系。多元逐步回归分析表明,高光强是引起‘蜜桃’成活率下降的关键因素,‘小珍珠’的成活率主要取决于高温半致死温度,‘花毯’的成活率主要受极端高温的影响。  相似文献   
A protocol has been developed for in vitro plant regeneration from a nodal explant of Dracaena sanderiana Sander ex Mast. Nodal explant showed high callus induction potentiality on MS medium supplemented with 6.78 μM 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) followed by 46.5 μM chlorophenoxy acetic acid (CPA). The highest frequency of shoot regeneration (85%) and number of shoots per explant (5.6) were obtained on medium supplemented with 7.84 μM N6-benzylaminopurine (BA). Rooting was high on MS solid compared to liquid medium when added with 7.38 μM indole-3-butyric acid (IBA). Fifty percent of the roots were also directly rooted as microcuttings on soil rite, sand and peat mixture (1:1:1). In vitro and ex vitro raised plantlets were used for acclimatization. More than 90% of the plantlets was successfully acclimatized and established in plastic pots. Ex vitro transferred plantlets were normal without any phenotypic aberrations.  相似文献   
Soft rot disease can be found worldwide on fleshy storage tissues of fruits, vegetables and ornamentals. The soft rot Pectobacterium carotovorum subsp. carotovorum (Pcc) is an important pathogen of Kalanchoe spp. and other ornamental plants. The disease occurs on crops in the field, greenhouses and during transit, resulting great economic damages. The economic importance of crop loss by soft rot bacteria varies by severity of the disease and value of the crop. A destructive disease on Kalanchoe gastonis-bonnierii was observed in commercial ornamental plant greenhouses in Cameron highland and Melaka, Malaysia in 2011. Samples suspected to be infested with Pectobacterium spp. were brought to the laboratory. In pathogenicity test, a suspension of 106?CFU/ml of strains was able to cause soft rot on leaves and stems. A 434?bp banding pattern on 1% agarose gel was produced in polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification of pectate lyase encoding gene (Pel gene). PCR amplification of the intergenic transcribed spacer (ITS) (16S–23S rRNA) ITS region with G1 and L1 primers produced two main bands at about 540 and 570?bp. The ITS-PCR products were digested with RsaI restriction enzyme. For discrimination of the P. carotovorum subsp. carotovorum (Pcc) from P. carotovorum subsp. odoriferum (Pco), all isolates subjected to α-methyl glucoside test. All isolates were identified as Pcc based on phenotypic and molecular methods. This is the first report of soft rot disease caused by P. carotovorum subsp. carotovorum on K. gastonis-bonnierii, in Malaysia.  相似文献   
采用RT-PCR和RACE技术从观赏向目葵‘闽葵3号’黄色花瓣中克隆到类胡萝卜素合成途径关键基因HaPDS的cDNA,该cDNA全长2017bp,具有一个1710bp的完整开放阅读框(ORF),编码一个570个氨基酸的蛋白质。序列分析表明,HaPDS编码的氨基酸序列与其他植物的PDs蛋白具有很高的同源性,在N-端有一个辅助因子结合结构域,C-端有一个类胡萝卜素结合域。系统进化树分析显示,观赏向日葵HaPDS与万寿菊、菊花蛋白亲缘关系较近。实时荧光定量RT-PCR技术分析表明,胁肋路因在花发育的盛花期表达量最高;不同组织中的表达量舌状花瓣〉苞片〉叶片〉绿色管状花〉黑色管状花:随着基因表达量的增加,花色由白色到黄色、金黄色转变。  相似文献   
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