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The host suitability of five of the most common weed species occurring in maize (Zea mays L.) fields in South Africa to Pratylenchus zeae was tested. Based on the number of nematodes per root unit, mealie crotalaria (Crotalaria sphaerocarpa) was a good host; goose grass (Eleusine indica), common pigweed (Amaranthus hybridus), and thorn apple (Datura stramonium) were moderate hosts; and khaki weed (Tagetes minuta) was a poor host. Only the root residues of khaki weed suppressed the P. zeae infestation of subsequently grown maize. When goose grass, khaki weed, and mealie crotalaria were grown in association with maize in soil infested with P. zeae, goose grass and khaki weed severely suppressed maize root development; this resulted in a low number of nematodes per maize root system and a high number of nematodes per maize root unit. Mealie crotalaria did not restrict maize root growth and did not affect nematode densities per maize root system or maize root unit. Special attention should be given to the control of mealie crotalaria, which is a good host for P. zeae, and goose grass, which, in addition to its ability to compete with maize, is also a suitable host for P. zeae.  相似文献   
Transport of Ca2+ through discs of apple fruit tissue was examined in tissue taken at different stages of fruit development. Transport rates decreased with fruit development when cation exchange was the predominant influence on transport (with 10−6 M 45CaCl2 as the source solution). This decrease was associated with a reduction in relative cell wall surface area, cation exchange capacity and cell wall yield that occurred during fruit growth. When diffusion was the major transport force, and when transport was influenced by solution infiltration of the tissue disc (10−2 M 45CaCl2 in the source solution), transport rates increased during fruit growth. This increment was related to increases in air space of the tissue. Ca2+ transport through apple fruit tissue is influenced by the extent and nature of the cell wall, changing proportions of air space and Ca2+ concentration in the extracellular solution.  相似文献   
The effects of humic substances on in vitro culture of Golden Delicious apple are reported. Potassium humate (KH) when used in proliferation showed a negative interaction with BA while it enhanced rooting when IBA was not present in the culture medium. In the presence of IBA, KH increased root number and reduced root growth. The highest concentration tested, 500 mg l-1, caused a drastic reduction in root system development. 50 mg l-1 KH hastened rooting and plants grew more rapidly when transferred to soil.  相似文献   
休眠与萌发过程中苹果种子的呼吸代谢   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
“秦冠”苹果种子的总呼吸强度和EMP途径的呼吸强度在2℃条件下层积之后逐渐增加,解除休眠临界期大体在层积后第30天发生,此后增长速度较快。HMP途径和TCAC在临界期之前变化极慢,而后急剧增加。种子萌发后子叶和胚轴的总呼吸强度、EMP和TCAC初期呈急剧上升趋势,大约当胚轴长度达2cm时迅速下降,HMP在萌发过程中始终呈上升趋势。细胞透性层积之后逐渐降低,解除休眠至萌发阶段呈上升趋势。用不同浓度呼吸抑制剂处理解除休眠种子的试验结果表明,除1mM碘乙酸能明显刺激萌发和生长外,NaCN、SHAM和丙酮酸都表现为抑制作用。  相似文献   
Females of Tetranychus urticae Koch were reared on leaf discs of apple trees and bush beans grown at different N concentrations (0.6–75 mM NO inf3 sup- ). N-deficiency increased pre-imaginal development time, preoviposition period, and decreased female weight, fecundity and oviposition rate of the mites. N, water, amino acid, and sugar content of the apple leaves were positively correlated with weight and egg production and negatively correlated with development time and pre-oviposition period. The reverse correlations were found with total phenol content of the leaves and above mite parameters. A reduction of leaf N by 50% was related with a tenfold decline in fecundity on apple leaves. The stress mainly affected the oviposition rate and to a lesser extent the oviposition period. On apple leaves the net reproductive rate (av. no. offspring per , Ro), mean length of a generation (T), and innate capacity for increase (rm) were Ro=40.3, T=17.1, and rm=0.22 for the standard N concentration, and 4.7, 25.0, and 0.06 for strong N-deficiency, respectively.
Zusammenfassung Die polyphage Gemeine Spinnmilbe ist ein wirtschaftlich bedeutender Schädling. Die Rolle einzelner Nährstoffe bei der Milbenvermehrung wurde schon von einigen Autoren mit unterschiedlichen Ergebnissen untersucht. Der Stickstoff scheint aber einer der Hauptfaktoren zu sein.Ueber Gewebekulturen klonierte Apfelbäume sowie aus Samen gezogene Buschbohnen wurden in Nährlösungen mit verschiedenen N-Angeboten kultiviert. Aus solchen Pflanzen wurden Blattscheiben ausgestanzt und mit Weibchen von T. urticae besetzt. Gemessen wurden die tägliche Eiablage bis zum natürlichen Tod, die Entwicklungsdauer und das Weibchengewicht. Mit dem bei N-Mangel abnehmenden N, Aminosäuren- und Zuckergehalt (v.a. Sorbit) im Blatt korrelierend nahmen auch Gewicht, Ablagerate und Fekundität ab, bzw. die Entwicklungsdauer und Praeovipositionsperiode zu. Die umgekehrte Wirkung auf diese Milbenparameter hatte der Gesamtphenolgehalt. Eine Reduktion des N-Gehalts der Blätter auf die Hälfte (1.5% N) bewirkte auf Apfelblättern eine Abnahme von Fekundität und Ovipositionsrate um das zehnfache, bzw. eine Zunahme der Präovipositionsperiode um mehr als das dreifache. Der Stress beeinflusste v.a. die Maxima der Ablageverläufe und weniger die Lebensdauer. Der Wassergehalt war ebenfalls mit der Fekundität positiv korreliert.Auf Bohnenblättern legten die Tiere mehr Eier und erreichten ein höheres Gewicht als auf Apfel, dies bei gleichem N-Gehalt beider Pflanzen. Es wirken somit noch andere Faktoren auf die Reproduktion der Spinnmilben.Die Populationsparameter wurden ebenfalls sehr stark beeinflusst. Auf Apfelblättern ergab sich bei der Kontrolle eine Nettoreproduktionsrate Ro von 40.3 und bei starker N-Defizienz 4.7. Die mittlere Generationsdauer T sowie die spezifische natürliche Wachstumsrate rm betrugen für die Kontrolle 17.1 Tage, bzw. 0.22 und für starken N-Mangel 25.0 Tage, bzw. 0.06.Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass sich bereits kleinere Unterschiede im Stickstoffgehalt und damit zusammenhängend im Zucker- und Phenolgehalt stark auf die Populationsdynamik der Gemeinen Spinnmilbe auswirken können.
In field experiments, larvae of codling moth Cydia pomonella (L.) rarely acquired granulosis virus on hatching from the egg, but picked up most later, on the tree surface. Deposits of virus sprayed in 1.0% w/v skimmed milk did not affect neonate larval behaviour. Larvae died, usually in the first instar, after entering treated fruit, but they frequently entered via the calyx or near the base of the stalk or through cracks in the skin, where little feeding damage by first-and sometimes second-instar larvae was seen.
Résumé En verger, la pulvérisation d'oeufs de carpocapse avec du virus de la granulose en suspension dans l'eau (additionnée de lait écrémé dilué à 1%) n'a pas modifié la survie des chenilles avant pénétration dans le fruit; par contre la pulvérisation des arbres a provoqué une forte mortalité. Bien que des chenilles consommant des poils et la surface des feuilles aient été observées avant leur pénétration dans le fruit, ce qui aurait pu provoquer leur contamination par le virus, il semble que la contamination létale provienne des fruits seuls.La présence de produit n'a modifié ni le comportement larvaire, ni le taux de pénétration dans les fruits; la mortalité y a lieu ensuite, généralement au premier stade. Dans 74 à 78% des cas, les chenilles ont pénétré dans le fruit par le calice ou près de la base du pédoncule — aucun dégât provenant de larves du premier stade n'y était visible, de même que dans le calice pour les larves du deuxième stade. Par contre, toute pénétration par la surface du fruit était repérable dès le premier stade. Il est possible que la répartition des lieux de pénétration dans le fruit influe sur la létalité due au virus et explique les variations d'efficacité observées en verger. Un système de classification des dégâts, provoqués lors de la pénétration dans le fruit, de chenilles du premier au troisième stade est proposé pour évaluer l'efficacité des essais en verger.
The quality of shoots in cultures of the apple rootstock, M4, was used as a criterion for the selection of an optimum medium. The frequency of shoots in defined shoot clases was monitored for each of five media, which differed in the type and concentration of phytohormone. Media containing BA (1.15 mg l-1) and IBA (either 0.15 or 0.20 mg l-1) produced the maximum number of shoots that were desirable for transplantation and acclimatization.  相似文献   
Storage of apple fruits ( Pyrus malus L. cv. Golden Delicious) at different temperatures (0, 12 and 35°C) markedly altered the pattern of water freezing in the seeds. Higher temperatures of storage brought about a shift from the sequential to the discontinuous type of freezing in seeds, the low temperature exotherm (LTE) being much more pronounced than the high temperature one (HTE). The occurrence of LTE was highly correlated with embryo death. Fruit storage at higher temperatures also caused a decrease in the threshold super cooling temperature of seeds and of naked embryos, removed from the seed coat and endosperm. The decrease was less pronounced in naked embryos than in intact seeds. The results presented show that the frost resistance of apple seeds relies mainly on the supercooling ability of the embryos and is increased by the presence of seed coat and endosperm. The broad peak of the LTE indicates that, in contrast with other seeds and many super cooling organs, massive ice nucleation in apple seeds occurs within the embryo tissues and that extra organ freezing seems to be of less importance. Therefore, the increased super cooling ability of apple seeds, isolated from fruits stored at higher temperatures, seems to rely on those seed properties that protect embryo cells against heterogeneous ice nucleation.  相似文献   
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