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In recent years, with the standardization of radiomics methods; development of tools; and popularization of the concept, radiomics has been widely used in all aspects of tumor diagnosis; treatment; and prognosis. As the study of radiomics in cancer has become more advanced, the currently used methods have revealed their shortcomings. The performance of cancer radiomics based on single-modality medical images, which based on their imaging principles, only partially reflects tumor information, has been necessarily compromised. Using the whole tumor as a region of interest to extract radiomic features inevitably leads to the loss of intra-tumoral heterogeneity of, which also affects the performance of radiomics. Radiomics of multimodal images extracts various aspects of information from images of each modality and then integrates them together for model construction; thus, avoiding missing information. Subregional segmentation based on multimodal medical image combinations allows radiomics features acquired from subregions to retain tumor heterogeneity, further improving the performance of radiomics. In this review, we provide a detailed summary of the current research on the radiomics of multimodal images of cancer and tumor subregion-based radiomics, and then raised some of the research problems and also provide a thorough discussion on these issues.  相似文献   
Del Río MG  Lanteri AA 《ZooKeys》2011,(102):51-63
A new monotypic genus of Naupactini (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), Obrieniolus del Río is described based on the new species Obrieniolus robustus del Río, endemic to Peru. This genus is easily recognized by the black, denuded and shiny integument, with imbricate microsculpture and the rounded body, with short, cordiform and moderately convex elytra. According to a cladistic analysis based on 69 continuous and discrete morphological characters, the new genus is the sister taxon of a group formed by Amitrus Schoenherr, Trichocyphus Heller, Amphideritus Schoenherr, Asymmathetes Wibmer & O'Brien and Galapaganus Lanteri. The paper includes habitus photographs, line drawings of genitalia, mouthparts, and other external features of taxonomic value, and a dichotomous key to the genera of Naupactini distributed in the South American Transition Zone.  相似文献   
薇甘菊是大湄公河次区域的重要恶性入侵杂草,其种群跨境入侵扩张备受区域各国政府的高度重视和社会广泛关注。2011年以来在我国相关农业科研机构、团队和专家的科技支撑下,中国云南与周边五国科研机构成立“大湄公河次区域植物保护工作组”。本文简要介绍工作组围绕该入侵杂草在生态异质性条件下种群扩展与灾变过程的预警监测、阻截防控带建设、替代控制与选择性除草剂协同应用取得的阶段性成效,为积极主动融入国家“一带一路”倡议的实施,服务于中国云南的经济国境线、绿色国境线和生态国境线发挥建设性作用。  相似文献   
The geographical distribution of Aconitum in the Sino-Himalayan subregion is analysed in the present paper on the basis of taxonomy and relationship between the infrageneric taxa. Asaresult, some conclusions may be arrived as follows: 1. The Sino-Himalayan subregion is the frequency centre and the diversity centre of the genus. For analysis, the distribution area of the genus are assigned to three floristic regions, viz. 1) the East-Asian floristic region, consisting of the Sino-Himalayan subregion and SinoJapanese subregion, 2) the Euro-Siberian region and 3) the North-American region (Table 1). In the East-Asian floristic region, the Sino-Himalayan subregion comprises 3 subgenera, about 5 sections, about 13 series and nearly 180 species. However, the Sino-Japanese subregion has only 2 subgenera, 2 sections. 6 series and about 50 species. The Euro-Siberian region has 2 subgenera, 2 sections, about 9 series and nearly 70 species. The North-American region has 2 subgenera (one of the 2 subgenera has only 1 species), 1 section, 1-2 series and about 26 species. Obviously, the Sino-Himalayan subregion is the richest in taxa. 2. The Sino-Himalayan subregion is not only the preservation centre of the primitive groups and species, but also an actively differentiating region. Largely in the Sino-Himalayan subregion occurs primitive or more primitive tava in the genus, such as Sect. Fletcherum, Sect. Alatosperum and Sect. Sinaconitum, Ser. Tangutica and Ser. Brunnea etc.: A fletcherianum, A. novoluridum, A. chrysotricum, A. brevicalcaratum, A. polycarpus, A. nagarum, A. tanguti cum, A. hookeri, A. naviculare, A. violaceum, etc. On the other hand, the Sino-Himalayan subregion also has the most or relatively advanced taxa, represented by the annual monotypic subgenus Gymnaconitum, A. spiripetalum, A. hamatipetalum and A. bulbitiferum ect. About 50 infraspecific taxa occur in the subregion. For example, A. hemsleyanum has 8 varities, A. franchetii has varities and A. nagarum 1 varity and 2 forms, ect. 3. In the region under discussion the genus Aconitum shows remarkable endemism. The endemic taxa include 3 sections (Sect. Fletcherum, Sect. Alatosperum and Sect. Sina conitum), 3 series (Ser. Brevicalcarata, Ser. Crassiflora and Ser. Bullatifolia) and nearly 150 species, among which primitive and advanced ones are both present. 4. The pattern of geographical distribution of the genus Aconitum shows remarkable relationship between latitude and altitude. The majority of species of this genus prefer habi tats with a cool and more or less constantly moist climate. In the Sino-Japanese subregion, with a higher latitude, the genus has an altitude range of 500-1500 m, whereas in the Sino-Hima-layan subregion the range is 2900-5000 m. To sum up, the Sino-Himalayan subregion is the diversity centre, the frequency centre, the differentiation centre, the preservation centre of the primitive taxa and the centre of endemism of the genus Aconitum, and its development in this subregion has probably been accelerated by the lift of the Himalayas and the complicated environmental conditions.  相似文献   
王国宏  周广胜 《植物研究》2001,21(3):448-455
通过甘肃木本植物生活型和果实类型构成式样对水热因子的相关分析指出:(1)乔木类、大灌木、藤木和寄生植物与各水热因子呈正相关, 小灌木与各水热因子均呈负相关, 灌木则与平均降水和平均温度呈负相关;(2)常绿类型与水热因子呈正相关, 落叶类与水热因子呈负相关;(3)走廊小区的常绿类型比例较水热条件较好的中部小区高, 原因在于其植物区系特殊的起源背景;(4)湿润度与干果类呈显著负相关, 与肉果类呈显著正相关, 干果类和肉果类的成因可能与植物生长环境中水分状况密切相关;(5)球果类与热量因子呈负相关, 与水分因子呈正相关, 与湿润度呈显着正相关;翅果、坚果、核果、果、颖果与各水热因子均呈正相关关系;蒴果与各水热因子呈负相关关系, 干冷生境可能是其形态发生的重要驱动因素;胞果类与年均降水量呈显着负相关, 表明干旱的生境有利于胞果类的发育;(6)物种多样性、生活型和果实类型丰富度以及树体的高度在水热梯度上表现出相关变化趋势。研究进一步指出, 不同果实类型生长发育对水热条件均有特定要求, 弄清果实演化序列将有助于分析特定植物群落果实类型的构成式样和揭示环境变化对植物生长发育的影响, 未来应加强果实系统发育对生态因子梯度变化响应机制的研究。  相似文献   
生境适宜度指数模型研究进展   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
生境适宜度指数(habitat suitability index,HSI)模型作为一种生境评价方法,在土地管理规划和评估中得到大量应用.本文总结了HSI模型在野生动物生境评价中的开发及应用,重点介绍了利用3S技术进行HSI建模及与其他模型耦合进行生境评价的现状;阐述了利用多种统计方法对HSI模型的评估和验证;探讨了HSI模型在主观性和非通用性等方面存在的问题和局限性,最后,就HSI模型在野生动物生境评价中的发展前景进行了展望.  相似文献   
从滇产东亚属的分布论述“田中线”的真实性和意义   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
伞形科作为被子植物中非常重要的类群,一直以来都是分类学研究的热点和难点。分类学家基于分子生物学的证据,正在努力构建一个相对合理,且能够反映各类群系统发育关系的分类系统。东亚分支(East-Asia Clade)正是近年来通过分子生物学手段在构建伞形科新的分类系统过程中命名的分支之一。该分支在地理空间上以东亚为主体,集中分布于中国喜马拉雅区域。在东亚地区复杂的地质演化历史背景下,目前该分支的范围并未准确界定,分支内部复杂的演化关系也尚未解决。东亚分支系统学问题的最终解决,将给芹亚科大系统框架的构建带来新的认识。该文结合最新的分子系统学研究结果,回顾了东亚分支提出的历史背景,东亚分支的建立及其在芹亚科中的系统位置,以及东亚分支各属的界定及其系统关系。目前已有的研究结果表明,东亚分支现有约16个属,在芹亚科系统树上与Komarovieae构成姐妹群关系;除了Heptaptera、Keraymonia和膜苞芹属外,其余各属均不构成单系,部分属(如滇芎属、茴芹属和瘤果芹属等)的模式种落入芹亚科别的分支。此外,该文还对研究东亚分支的意义以及该分支目前存在的问题进行了讨论,同时指明了其未来的研究方向。  相似文献   
非环境类因子对物种数目协同变化的影响   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
不同分类类群的物种数目常在空间上表现出显著相关地协同变化,但哪些相关系数之间存在较大的差异?究竟是什么因素导致了这种差异是值得关注的问题。从不同作者的研究方法和数据来源来看,不同研究中的研究方法、研究区域和环境条件本身就存在着差异。除以上影响因子外,我们分析了非环境类因子对物种数目协同变化的影响。结果发现分类类群间的物种数量协同变化差异明显,只有起源和生境要求相似的类群间呈显著性相关;不同鸟兽间的协同变化不存在面积效应,但是空间尺度间的相关性差异明显:物种分布型中东洋型物种的协同变化明显,而广布型和古北型不明显;在鸟类居留型中繁殖鸟与兽类的协同变化极为显著,而其他类型则不显著。综上所述,物种数量协同变化的非环境类影响因子中,生态类型和起源对分类类群间的物种数目协同关系有重要影响,  相似文献   
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