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Resolving the conflicts between biodiversity conservation and socioeconomic development is a global pursuit for the long-run prospects of the human species. Based on Wenchuan County, a typical county in southwestern China, a group of 20 indicators quantifying regional biodiversity and socioeconomic development was established to classify and evaluate the county area spatially. A fuzzy c-means clustering (FCM) algorithm was used as the classification method. Three indices including BD, DL and DR characterizing the value of biodiversity, the level and rate of socioeconomic development of the delineated regions were formulated. The results indicated that Wenchuan County was optimally classified into 4 types of regions (region I to IV). The area percentages of the regions vary widely from 4.3 to 65.7%. The sequences of the regions on biodiversity, socioeconomic development level, and socioeconomic development rate were, respectively, IV > II > III > I, I > III > II > IV and III >I >II >IV. The spatial strategy on coordinating biodiversity conservation and regional development is to develop mainly from the east(I, II, III) and to conserve mainly in the west(IV). Eco-industry, such as eco-tourism and eco-agriculture, need to be emphasized in the process of regional development. The quantitative methods used here may have a wide applicability.  相似文献   
1IntreductionTheliteratUreonmulti-Criteriondecisionmaking(MCDM)problemshas~tremendouslyintherecentpast.TwomajorareashaveevolvedwhiChbothconcentrateondecisionmakingwithseveralcriteria:multiobjectivedecisionmaking(MODM)andmulti-attributedecisionmaking(MADM).TheformerconcentratesoncontinuousdecisionspaceandthelatterfocusesonproblemswithdiscreteSPace.FuzzysettheoryhascontributedtoMODMproblemsaswellastheMADMProblems.ThegeneralMODMproblemcanbedeft.edLllasfollows:Twostagescangenerallybe…  相似文献   
Abstract. This note is to apologize for an error in the computer program used to evaluate the random data used in Fuzzy Set Ordination according to Zhang & Oxley. After correction of this error no artifacts could be detected any longer. However, the basic conclusion of the earlier critical note still stands: if one selects environmental variables after analyzing the results of a multivariate gradient analysis, and then uses these variables as input into a multiple univariate gradient analysis, the results are expected to be comparable.  相似文献   
利用秆维管束进行中国散生竹类的聚类分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高智慧   《广西植物》1991,11(2):135-140
本文是应用模糊聚类分析方法研究中国散生竹类分类的一次尝试。分类特征采用了竹秆上、中、下三段各类型维管束数,方法上使用了模糊(Fuzzy)直接聚类分析进行综合分析。经电子计算机运算后,不仅取得了与传统分类基本一致的分类结果,同时也表明这种方法较之其它一些植物数量分类方法简便易行,此外还讨论了一些中国散生竹类分类上的问题。  相似文献   
在系统调查分析和特尔斐测定的基础上,选取人口密度、耕地人口负荷量、土地工业经济密度、居民点、厂矿用地、>25°土地面积、单位森林蓄积占用土地、耕地非旱涝保收面积7项指标,应用分值权重累加、系统聚类分析和模糊综合评价3种方法对杭州湾6市土地生态环境作综合分析评价,结果可应用于国土规划实践,对探讨土地生态环境评价的理论与方法有参考价值。  相似文献   
南方丘陵区生态水资源库脆弱度评价——以湖南省为例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
邹君  王亚力  毛德华 《生态学报》2008,28(8):3543-3552
以南方生态水资源库为研究对象,提出生态水资源库脆弱性概念,分析了其脆弱性成因和主要表现.从脆弱性成因角度构建了包含10个具体指标的南方丘陵区生态水资源库脆弱性评价指标体系.以湖南为研究案例,运用模糊物元评价模型对85个县级评价单元的生态水资源库脆弱度进行综合评判.结果表明,全省生态水资源库脆弱性等级以中等脆弱为主,其中,微脆弱等级3个,占总评价单元的3.5%,中等脆弱等级70个,占总评价单元的82.4%,强脆弱12个,占总评价单元的14.1%.脆弱度空间分布存在"西部大于东部,南部大于北部"的总体分布态势.其中,以湘西北、湘西南和湘南所构成的外部环形地带和以长沙、衡邵盆地为中心的中东部地带为全省两个比较明显的高脆弱区(带).  相似文献   
模糊C-均值聚类和TWINSPAN分类的比较研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以英国威尔士北部Snowdonia山地Aber山谷植被为例,对模糊c-均值聚类和TWINSPAN分类进行了应用和比较研究。两种方法的结果一致。模糊c-均值聚类结果给出样地和植被类型间的隶属程度,在一定程度上优于TWINSPAN。  相似文献   
A challenging activity in the promotion of sustainable development is to synthesise indicators that can support decision-making. In developing countries such as Brazil, the use of information in support of the health and health-related environment of humans needs improvement. This paper presents a proposal for a system that can evaluate human health and urban environment sanitation in an integrated manner. The indicators selected for human health were child mortality rate, mortality rate due to acute diarrhoea for all ages and 1–4-year-old mortality rate due to acute respiratory tract infections. Environmental sanitation has been represented by indicators of sanitation coverage, such as sewerage. The paper describes the design of a fuzzy linguistic model that synthesises these indicators. The designed fuzzy rule-based system has proved to be a useful tool to integrate information and assist in the public planning of interrelated areas.  相似文献   
Chironomidae are among the most conspicuous and ecological diverse group of freshwater invertebrates. They may dominate unimpacted communities in abundance and biomass, accounting for more than 50% of macroinvertebrate species in standing and flowing waters. In deep zones of eutrophic lakes and highly human-impacted streams, they are often the only family of aquatic insects remaining. In bioassessment programmes, Chironomids are often identified at the family and subfamily levels, due to difficulties in the taxonomic identification of larvae resulting from a high intrinsic morphological similarity. This may potentially result in bias as, similarly to Ephemeroptera, Trichoptera or Plecoptera, Chironomidae species, which are replaced along natural and human-impacted gradients due to differences in their ecological requirements. Recently, multiple trait-based approaches have been proposed to complement taxonomic-based assessment of streams and rivers using macroinvertebrates. However, the lack of specific trait information for Chironomidae prevents their use in the functional assessment of communities. Therefore, here, we aimed to: (1) develop a trait database for European Chironomidae genera that can be used in future bioassessment and ecological studies; (2) evaluate, by multivariate analyses, whether our new database provides additional information on Chironomidae compared to the trait information provided in the commonly used European trait database (Tachet et al., 2010); and (3) determine whether the new information on Eltonian traits (proxy to biological traits) translates the most accepted phylogenetic relationships among Chironomidae subfamilies. We gathered information on 744 species and 178 genera, for 37 traits covering 186 trait categories, and found substantial differences between our database and the commonly used European trait database. In addition, available information on traits was not always in agreement with phylogenetic relationships among subfamilies. Orthocladiinae and Chironominae which are considered sister groups in evolutionary terms actually showed confident trait relatedness based on Eltonian traits tree while the remaining relationships between subfamilies are questionable. In addition, different traits can occur in closely related taxa depending on the environmental drivers operating on their habitats. Our study reveals that the usually accepted redundancy within the Chironomidae family and subfamilies must be a product of averaging the information from finer taxonomic resolution added to the substantial lack of information for this insect group.  相似文献   
模糊聚类法在小翅雏蝗种群动态分析中的应用   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
1 引  言小翅雏蝗 (Chorthippusfallax)是我国北方草地蝗虫的优势种之一 ,主要分布在我国的内蒙古、新疆、宁夏、甘肃、青海、河北、山西、陕西等省区及国外的西伯利亚、哈萨克斯坦、蒙古等地[7,8,10 ,12 ,13 ,16] .刘长仲等[11] 对小翅雏蝗的生物学特性进行了研究 ,李鸿昌等[9] 研究了小翅雏蝗的取食行为 ,冯光翰等[1,2 ] 提出了小翅雏蝗的防治指标 ,康乐[3~ 6] 、邱星辉[5] 、颜忠诚等[17] 研究了内蒙古典型草原小翅雏蝗的时空异质性、营养生态位以及形态特征与扩散能力之间的关系 .本文依据甘肃省夏河县甘加高山草…  相似文献   
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