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The intracellular level of reduced glutathione (GSH) and GSH conjugation have been investigated in primary cell cultures of hepatocytes isolated from control rats, phenobarbitone (PB) and 3-methylcholanthrene (MC) treated rats. The data demonstrate that in all cell cultures the GSH concentrations show a triphasic pattern: (i) within 1 h of culture an initial marked decrease to 50% of the levels found in fresh hepatocytes; (ii) recovery of GSH concentrations to above the levels observed in fresh cells. This occurs after 6 h in culture with control cells and after 10-24 h with cells from either PB or MC treated rats and was most prominent in cells from PB-treated rats. (iii) A slow decline to between 30 and 40 nmol GSH/mg protein from 24 to 96 h in culture. Synthesis of GSH was slower in cultured cells from PB treated rats and this was confirmed by the resynthesis rates when diethylmaleate (DEM) was used to deplete GSH. The formation of GSH conjugates with racemic 7 beta,8 alpha-dihydroxy-9 alpha,10 alpha-epoxy-7,8,9,10-tetrahydrobenzo[a]pyrene (BPDE) was measured in control cells in suspension and after 3 and 24 h in culture. Despite the decrease in GSH concentrations observed between 1 and 4 h after culture, the conjugation rates were not decreased.  相似文献   
北京地区不同地形条件下的土地覆盖动态   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文
利用MSS/TM影像和1∶250 000 高程数据分析了1978~2001年北京地区土地覆盖的变化。为研究人类活动对土地覆盖类型及植被变化的影响,根据植被的分布规律和人类活动影响,利用数字高程模型(DEM)将研究区遥感影像分为不同海拔段,分别建立标志进行解译。通过转移概率矩阵计算、不同地形因子影响下的土地覆盖类型分布的GIS分析,得到如下结果:1) 1978~2001年间北京市土地覆盖变化主要发生在平原和低海拔、小坡度的平缓地区,表现为农业用地向城镇用地的转变;高海拔地区主要为天然植被所覆盖,土地覆盖变化相对较小,主要是灌丛向林地的转变。2) 地形因子显著影响土地覆盖类型的分布及变化。随着海拔的升高和坡度的增大,农业用地和城镇用地减少,林地和灌丛逐渐增加。坡向对植被的分布也有较大影响。  相似文献   
采用现场调查与系统模拟的方法,以辽东湾复合湿地生态系统为研究对象,全面分析了生态系统内各生态单元对有机污染物的净化能力,提出了复合生态系统的污染物净化量估算模型,并基于研究区的数字高程模型(DEM)信息,对整个湿地生态系统重新进行了优化设计.结果表明:各生态单元对化学需氧量(CODCr)、生化需氧量(BOD5)、石油类等污染物的净化能力存在差异,导致不同组成与结构的生态系统净化负荷有所不同;系统原CODCr净化量为188.9 kg·d-1、净化负荷量为2.84 g·m-2·d-1,而根据研究区DEM信息对系统进行优化设计后的CODCr净化量为313.3 kg·d-1、净化负荷量达4.72 g·m-2·d-1,净化效率提高了近20%.  相似文献   
小五台山是河北省最高峰,具有较完整的暖温带植被垂直带谱。本文通过野外群落植被调查,结合由TM遥感影像解译1:50000地形图制作的DEM数据而得到的植被图,分析了小五台山主要植被群落的分布状况及其与地形的关系。结果表明,小五台山从低海拔到高海拔,依次出现灌丛、阔叶林、针阔混交林、暗针叶林、矮林、灌丛、草甸等植被类型。森林景观的面积最大,占总面积的60.7%;平均斑块面积最大的是阔叶林和亚高山草甸,斑块破碎化最严重的是水体和针阔混交林。不同的植被类型在不同的地形条件下分布特点不同,林地在北坡所占面积比例(占总面积的75%)远大于南坡(46%),说明水分条件是小五台山森林分布的限制因子之一;灌丛和草甸与林地相反。随海拔高度的变化,不同植被类型的分布面积比例发生变化,出现替代现象,形成植被垂直带谱。由于坡度的影响,增加了带谱内植被组成的复杂性。  相似文献   
对城市地形组合类型及其地形对风场影响的研究,有助于城市风场机理的认识与生态环境的优化。以高层建筑密集的广州市主城区为例,在确定城市宏观地形类型的基础上,基于最小成本路径(LCP)辨识了风道,并对风环境质量进行评价。主要结论有:(1)将城市地形简要概括划分为4个一级地形、11个二级地形类型。(2)以LCP路径与盛行风交角不超过22.5°的标准,筛选确定通风路径作为风道。根据LCP格网的密度与频次,结合不同风向下风速与风频,评价分析了风环境类型与空间分布。(3)根据自然与城市地形的配置,北风风环境质量远高于西北风和东风;东风由于风频与风速最低,因此通风条件较差。(4)珠江航道在三种风向下都是尺度最宽贯穿城市最好的风道;区域性的风道与风环境较好的地段集中在与主风向平行的主干道上,但以近似南北走向的居多;由于广州城市地形高度以珠江新城峰林为中心向外递减,以低地地形为主的主城区外围通风优于中心区域,特别是珠江新城峰林与网络状台地为主的老城区,通风环境较差。基于LCP的评价结果需要同其他方法相互验证,才能使其不断完善优化。  相似文献   
唐立娜  黄聚聪  代力民 《生态学报》2011,31(12):3531-3536
针对以辽东山区森林生态类型划分的需求,探讨了所需DEM数据的最低精度要求,通过对比试验和Kappa检验,得到1:10000比例尺DEM是划分辽东山区森林生态类型的较佳数据源。通过实践工作和对比试验研究,本文总结了针对ELT划分的需求,进行地形图扫描矢量化生成DEM数据过程中需要解决的关键技术问题,提出了等高线矢量化中纠错的有效方法,采用TOPOGRID命令生成了更符合客观地形状况的DEM数据,解决了生态分类系统中的关键性技术问题,该技术方法具有普遍性。  相似文献   
Genetic transformation of maize is highly dependent on the development of embryonic calli from the dedifferentiated immature embryo. To better understand the regulatory mechanism of immature embryo dedifferentiation, we generated four small RNA and degradome libraries from samples representing the major stages of dedifferentiation. More than 186 million raw reads of small RNA and degradome sequence data were generated. We detected 102 known miRNAs belonging to 23 miRNA families. In total, we identified 51, 70 and 63 differentially expressed miRNAs (DEMs) in the stage I, II, III samples, respectively, compared to the control. However, only 6 miRNAs were continually up-regulated by more than fivefold throughout the process of dedifferentiation. A total of 87 genes were identified as the targets of 21 DEM families. This group of targets was enriched in members of four significant pathways including plant hormone signal transduction, antigen processing and presentation, ECM-receptor interaction, and alpha-linolenic acid metabolism. The hormone signal transduction pathway appeared to be particularly significant, involving 21 of the targets. While the targets of the most significant DEMs have been proved to play essential roles in cell dedifferentiation. Our results provide important information regarding the regulatory networks that control immature embryo dedifferentiation in maize.  相似文献   
The effect of glutathione enrichment and depletion on the survival of Pachysolen tannophilus after ethanol stress was investigated. In this work, we verified that both control and glutathione deficient yeast cells were much more oxidized after ethanol stress. Depletion of cellular glutathione enhanced the sensitivity to ethanol and suppressed the adaptation. Incubation of the cell with amino acids constituting glutathione (GIu, Cys, Gly) increased the intracellular glutathione content, and subsequently the cell acquired resistance against ethanol. The level of reactive oxygen species, protein carbonyl, and lipid peroxidation in glutathione enriched groups were also studied. These results strongly suggest that intracellular glutathione plays an important role in the adaptive response in P. tannophilus to ethanol induced oxidative stress.  相似文献   
Questions: Do differences in previous land use cause long-lasting changes in soil chemistry? Is vegetation composition affected by the previous land use after 50 years of secondary succession? Is the effect of previous land use caused by pre-existing differences in environmental conditions or mediated through changes in soil chemistry? How important is the effect of previous land use in relation to other factors? Location: Doupovské Mountains, Czech Republic. Methods: A stratified random sampling design was used to collect 91 vegetation relevés with accompanying soil samples. The effects of previous land use (arable field, meadow, pasture) on soil pH, organic carbon (C), total nitrogen (N), C:N ratio and available phosphorus were tested by an analysis of covariance. A canonical correspondence analysis and variation partitioning procedure were used to reveal relationships among previous land use, environmental factors and species composition. Results: Organic C, total N and C:N ratio were significantly influenced by previous land use, while available phosphorus and soil pH were not. Previous land use explained a significant part of the variation in species composition and its effects only partly overlapped with the effects of soil chemistry and terrain attributes. However, the species composition of post-agricultural forests was mostly determined by environmental factors not modified by previous land use. Conclusions: Forest communities that originate on abandoned agricultural land are primarily determined by natural environmental conditions. Nevertheless, the type of previous land use also modifies the species assemblages of these forests and needs to be considered as an important determinant of their composition.  相似文献   
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