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Evidence from morphology and anatomy (including embryology), as well as from palynology, chemistry and cytology, indicates thatHydrastis is quite divergent from Ranunculaceae (in which the genus has been most often included) as well as from both Glaucidiaceae and Berberidaceae. Distinctive features ofHydrastis, which demarcate it from Ranunculaceae but which are sometimes shared by Berberidaceae, are: the unique mode of origin of the vascular supply to stamens and carpels; the micropyle being formed by both integuments; the xylem not V-shaped in cross section; scalariform vessel perforations present; haploid chromosome number 13; pollen tectum consisting of a compound layer of striae; leaf mesophyll not differentiated; the unique course of stem medullary bundles; D-galactose present. Its distinctive higher haploid chromosome number, as well as its many less-specialized character states (in floral structure, leaf anatomy, and xylem and vessel morphology), suggest thatHydrastis is a relictual primitive group which diverged early from a common ancestral stock of Ranunculaceae, Berberidaceae and probably of Circaeasteraceae; at least some of the features shared byHydrastis and one or another of the families concerned seem to be a heritage from their common ancestor. We propose a reestablishment of a monotypic family, Hydrastidaceae.  相似文献   
Observations on native populations of JapaneseEpimedium have revealed that two types of effective pollinators can be recognized. One of the two types, which consists of small bees (mainlyAndrena spp. andLasioglossum spp.), is characterized by nondiscriminating behavior for collecting pollen and is commonly found inEpimedium. The other type, which comprises medium sizedTetralonia nipponensis and largerBombus diversus queens as main components, showed flower-dependent foraging fidelity associated with nectar-sucking behavior.T. nipponensis with a shorter proboscis pollinated flowers with a shorter spur ofE. trifoliatobinatum and of a part ofE. s sempervirens, while the queen ofB. diversus with a longer proboscis pollinated longer spurred flowers ofE. grandiflorum andE. sempervirens. In the populations of putative hybrid-derivatives which show gradational variations of spur length, bees of the pollencollecting type pollinated any flower non-discriminately while bees of the nectar-foraging type tended to visit the flowers with spur lengths corresponding to their proboscis length. These observations suggest that the pollen-collecting bees play an important role for gene flow among theEpimedium species, and the nectar-foraging bees reinforce the isolation between the species by their selective pollination. Reproductive isolation between species ofEpimedium is discussed in relation with some practical behavior, such as flying power, of the pollinators.  相似文献   
Though Berberis (Berberidaceae) is widely distributed across the Eurasian landmass it is most diverse in the Himalaya–Hengduan Mountain (HHM) region. There are more than 200 species in China where it is one of the most common mountain shrubs. The study on the taxonomy and evolution of Berberis in this region can thus provide an important insight into the origin and diversification of its flora. A prerequisite to this is mapping and describing the various species of Berberis in the region – a task that despite recent progress is by no means complete. It is clear that in China there may be a significant number of species still to be described and that even with published species much about their distribution remains to be discovered. As a contribution to the first of these tasks seven new species from the northern Hengduan Mountain of N. Sichuan and S. Qinghai: Berberis chinduensis, Berberis degexianensis, Berberis jiajinshanensis, Berberis jinwu, Berberis litangensis, Berberis longquensis and Berberis riparia, are described here. Differences in overall morphology and especially in floral structures with each other and with similar species of Berberis in the same region are presented. The report is the result of phylogenetic analyses based on plastome and partial nrDNA sequences of both the seven proposed new species and a significant number of similar species already published. Provisional conclusions as to the insights provides on the history of the genetic divergence are discussed.  相似文献   
小檗科的花粉演化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以APG III定义的基部真双子叶分支(Basal Eudicots)中毛茛目(Ranunculales)小檗科(Berberidaceae)为研究对象,选取4个DNA片段(rbcL、matK、trnLF和26S rDNA),利用最大似然法构建分子系统树,结合已报道的花粉形态数据,分析了该科16个属的花粉形态。选择花粉分散单位、极性、形状、大小、萌发孔数目、萌发孔位置、外萌发孔形状、覆盖层上元素、覆盖层纹饰和外壁厚度共10个关键性状,采用简约法推断了该科花粉的祖征、共衍征和演化式样。研究表明:单粒、等极、近球形、中等大小是小檗科花粉的祖征。无极、多萌发孔和周面孔是小檗亚科(Berberidoideae)的共衍征,支持其为一个单系。三萌发孔分别为鬼臼亚科(Podophylloideae)、南天竹亚科(Nandinoideae)各自的共衍征;覆盖层上元素不存在是小檗亚科和南天竹亚科的共衍征,将它们与鬼臼亚科区分开来,同时也支持了小檗亚科和南天竹亚科之间的姐妹关系。此外,对一些属花粉形态的演化意义进行了讨论,提出一些特殊的花粉性状可以用来定义某些属,如Bongardia和兰山草属(Ranzania)。  相似文献   
在野外考察和查阅模式标本的基础上,将紫云小檗Berberis ziyunensis P. K. Hsiao & Z. Y. Li与单花小檗B. uniflora F. N. Wei & Y. G. Wei归并。  相似文献   
 AFLP markers were used to analyse the intra- and interspecific relationships among 22 natural populations of 13 Patagonian species of Berberis and the relationships among the taxa belonging to homoploid and polyploid complexes. Seven primer combinations gave rise to 231 AFLP bands, of which 199 were polymorphic. Correspondence between AFLP data, morphological traits and seed protein bands was also assessed. The dendrogram inferred from AFLP fingerprints showed that, in general, populations of the same species formed closely related groups with high coefficients of similarity. Principal co-ordinates analysis showed two separate subgroups: (i) B. bidentata and their putative ancestors –B. darwinii and B. linearifolia– which form a homogamic group, and (ii) B. buxifolia, B. heterophylla and B. parodii– which could form a polyploid hybrid complex. Received March 21, 2001 Accepted September 11, 2001  相似文献   
基于形态性状的淫羊藿属(小檗科)的分支分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
小檗科(Berberidaceae)淫羊藿属(Epimedium Linn.)植物全世界约有55种,中国分布有44种,其余种类则分布于东亚、克什米尔、北非和高加索等地。该属植物具有复杂的形态学变异(例如:单叶、一回三出复叶、二回三出复叶,花茎具两叶、三叶或一叶,花瓣无距、有距、距多样式等),导致仅依靠直观判断不能对该属系统进行划分。李超等[1]采用数量分类法对该属55种植物的分类结果多数与Stearn[2]25-26和王悦云等[3]的研究结果一致,但部分种类的分类仍存异议,例如:Sect.  相似文献   
桃儿七属(Sinopodophyllum)是中国-喜马拉雅地区特有的单型属,仅桃儿七(Shexandrum)一种。桃儿七的根茎和果实均具有较高的药用价值,人类的过度采挖和种群恢复较慢使其种群数量急剧下降,现已被列入《中国物种红色名录》。在近年来的一些研究论文中,学名Shexandrum和Semodi常被混用,这使得有必要考证桃儿七学名的命名学历史,确认正确的学名使用。查阅原始文献发现,Shexandrum的基名Podophyllum hexandrum Royle发表于1834年,而Semodi的基名Podophyllum emodi Wall. ex Honigberger到1852年才合格发表(大多数学者认为是Hooker和Thomson在1855年合格发表),因此,名称Shexandrum比名称Semodi具有优先权。名称的混乱起于1979年应俊生建立桃儿七属时,他提出组合“Semodi (Wall.) Ying”作为桃儿七的学名。另外,由于他未引证Honigberger或Hooker和Thomson的文献信息,所以组合“Semodi”没有被合格发表(规则415)。随后,1985年出版的《西藏植物志》桃儿七属中,应俊生发现之前的错误并采用名称“Shexandrum”取代了“Semodi”。遗憾的是他虽然意识到该名称是新组合,但未引证基名Phexandrum合格发表的文献信息,使得组合“Shexandrum (Rolye) Ying”没有被合格发表。近年来出版的《云南植物志》、《青海植物志》、《中国植物》和《Flora of China》均未发现该错误,一直认为“Shexandrum (Rolye) Ying”合格发表时间是1985。实际上,在1993年由于编写格式要求,应俊生在王文采和武素功主编的《横断山区维管束植物》中引证了基名合格发表的文献信息。因此,该名称的合格发表时间是1993年,而不是常认为的1985年。  相似文献   
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