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Large scale herbivorous insect outbreaks can cause death of regional forests, and the events are expected to be exacerbated with climate change. Mortality of forest and woodland plants would cause a series of serious consequences, such as decrease in vegetation production, shifts in ecosystem structure and function, and transformation of forest function from a net carbon sink into a net carbon source. There is thus a need to better understand the impact of insects on trees. Defoliation by insect pests mainly reduces photosynthesis (source decrease) and increases carbon consumption (sink increase), and hence causes reduction of nonstructural carbohydrate (NSC). When the reduction in NSC reaches to a certain level, trees would die of carbon starvation. External environment and internal compensatory mechanisms can also positively or negatively influence the process of tree death. At present, the research of carbon starvation is a hotspot because the increase of tree mortality globally with climate change, and carbon starvation is considered as one of the dominating physiological mechanisms for explaining tree death. In this study, we reviewed the definition of carbon starvation, and the relationships between the reduction of NSC induced by defoliation and the growth and death of trees, and the relationships among insect outbreaks, leaf loss and climate change. We also presented the potential directions of future studies on insect-caused defoliation and tree mortality.  相似文献   
有不少生物教师提出了有关小麦、玉米等颖果的结构、尤其是果皮、种皮的结构以及胚轴的概念及其与幼苗地下茎形成的相应关系问题。本文就上述问题,谈谈颖果的结构。有关地下茎的发生,本刊已另有撰文(见9期10页)。颖果是具有单个胚珠的子房所发育成的不开裂果实。在果实形成过程中,由于子房壁所发育成的果皮与残留珠被所发育成的种皮相愈合难于分离,故特称其为籽实皮。这是颖果的主要  相似文献   
本文研究甘薯的胚胎发育及果实的形成。授粉后10—30分钟花粉粒在柱头上萌发,2小时花粉管抵达珠孔,5—12小时左右完成双受精。授粉后12小时胚乳核开始第一次有丝分裂;15小时合子开始第一次有丝分裂,18小时形成顶细胞和基细胞;尔后分化成原胚,球形胚,心形胚,鱼雷形胚,成熟胚。在适宜温度下21天左右胚胎发育完成。果为蒴果,其内含有1—4粒种子。授粉后3—4天子房开始膨大形成果实,21—30天蒴果与种子成熟。  相似文献   
 海南岛西南部热带山地雨林采伐迹地上的更新群落大多数是以闽粤栲占优势的森林植被。本文以尖峰岭为例,对热带山地雨林不同采伐方式迹地上更新的群落进行了群落数量特征、种群年龄结构的分析。同时从林业生产的角度,评定了群落的更新质量,并提出了热带山地雨林适宜的采伐方式和群落更新的抚育管理方法。  相似文献   
独叶草形态学的研究III.花、果实和种子的形态和解剖   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文报道独叶草 Kingdoinia uniflora 的花、果实和种子的形态结构规律。 花的各部分 多而无定数,呈螺旋状排列。花被片的脉序呈开放的二叉分枝,可分三类。雄蕊分能育和不 育两类,维管束单一,后者顶端的凹沟内具蜜腺,前者的花粉囊呈侧向-外向着生。心皮分化 为三部分,子房具柄,含1枚横生胚珠。开花时,心皮不完全闭合,属半开放型,近似黄连属(Coptis)植物。聚合瘦果,种子1枚,胚处于原胚期,胚乳丰富。文中还讨论了有关形态演化问题。  相似文献   
二十三种药用种子(或果实)中油的化学组成   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
黄民权  李志佑  张兰英   《广西植物》1986,(3):235-238
本文报道了二十三种药用种子(或果实)的含油率和油的化学组成成分,它们分属于二十个科二十二个属中。本文所发表的大部分资料尚未见国内外文献的报道。  相似文献   
“802”广增素是广西植物研究所研制成功的一种新型植物生长调节剂。 为了进一步证实“802”广增素对柑桔的增产作用,我们于1985年春开始用广西植物研究所与桂林市临桂综合化工厂试产的“802”广增素在早熟温州蜜柑幼龄结果树上进行试验。所用浓度分别为50ppm、100ppm和150ppm,同时设一空白对照,喷以清水;各个处理和对照均重复3次,试验树的条件相对一致;分别在温州蜜柑的谢花期、幼果期、生理落果期和果实膨大期进行全树喷洒。采果时按正规实验方法进行取样、计量、分析和统计。  相似文献   
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