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健康儿童与发育不佳儿童肠道菌群结构的比较研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的对健康儿童与发育不佳(FTT)儿童肠道中微生物区系的ERIC-PCR指纹图谱异同进行研究。方法根据美国疾病预防控制中心(CDC)对儿童生长发育的评价指标对某幼儿园200例4~6岁儿童进行评价,筛选出16例健康儿童和13例FTT儿童,每周1次连续3周跟踪取样,提取粪便样品中细菌总DNA,获得其ERIC-PCR指纹图谱,再将其中一个样品的ERIC-PCR产物作为混合探针通过杂交对指纹图谱上DNA条带序列的异同进一步比较。结果同一个体的肠道菌群结构在取样期间稳定性较好;虽然健康儿童间的肠道菌群结构也有一定差异,但它们却有着共同的结构特征;而健康儿童与FTT儿童的肠道菌群结构差异较大。结论儿童发育状况与肠道菌群结构有一定的关系。  相似文献   

目的 应用PCR-DGGE指纹图谱技术对人体口腔微生物菌群结构进行系统性研究.方法 对1例健康人唾液周期性采集的样品和8例健康人个体的唾液与牙菌斑采集的样品,进行微生物群落总DNA的抽提.以此为模板扩增16S rRNA V3可变区,产物经DGGE指纹图谱分析其组成结构,并运用UVIBAND/MAP等软件比较所得群落指纹图谱的相似性指数.结果 同一健康人个体不同采样时间的唾液菌群结构相似性系数>74%,通过对不同健康个体口腔样本的研究,发现同一个体的唾液与牙菌斑菌群结构存在差异(84%~95%).结论 同一健康个体其唾液微生物菌群在一定时间内基本稳定,仅有微小的变化;唾液与同个体牙菌斑的微生物组成虽然存在差异,但这种差异要明显小于个体间的差异.  相似文献   

腹泻儿童肠道菌群结构特征的ERIC-PCR指纹图分析   总被引:18,自引:5,他引:13  
目的 :了解以粪检有无白细胞区分的两类腹泻儿童肠道菌群结构的特征及其与健康儿童的差别。方法 :提取健康儿童 (H)、临床门诊粪检无白细胞的腹泻儿童 (L )和粪检有白细胞的腹泻儿童 (L +)(各 11例 )粪便总DNA作模板 ,获得反映肠道菌群组成特征的ERIC PCR指纹图谱。结果 :以H、L 和L +为序 ,每类样品以独特的ERIC条带为代表的操作分类单元 (OTU)的总数分别为 5 4∶4 7∶2 6 ;每类样品ER IC图谱多样性指数范围分别为 :2 4 5± 0 14 ,2 11± 0 18和 1 76± 0 19。组内成对相似性系数累积曲线分析 :小于 0 6的CS 值在L 组占到总Cs值个数的 70 % ,在H组占 5 0 % ,而在L +组只占 30 %。结论 :腹泻儿童肠道的菌群结构多样性降低 ,粪检有白细胞腹泻个体较之粪检无白细胞腹泻个体肠道菌群结构偏离健康个体更远。  相似文献   

应用PCR与温度梯度凝胶电泳分析龈上菌斑微生物群落   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的应用PCR与温度梯度凝胶电泳(PCR—TGGE)分子技术对成年健康口腔的龈上菌斑中微生物群落组成进行分析。方法8例成年个体包括4男4女,年龄19~29岁,分别采取每例个体上下颌牙周龈上菌斑样品,共18份(个体Subl间隔10天采集2次样品)。提取菌斑DNA,PCR扩增16SrDNAV3可变区,产物经TGGE后进行相似系数分析。结果同一个体的上下颌微生物群落组成相似性系数为81%~95%,而不同个体的龈上菌斑微生物群落组成相似性系数,均在60%以下。结论不同个体具有其独特的牙周微生物群落,而且在一定时期内组成稳定。  相似文献   

目的了解酪蛋白糖巨肽(CGMP)对小鼠肠道中微生物群落结构及其动态变化的影响。方法采用ER IC-PCR技术分析鉴定在灌胃小鼠CGMP期间其肠道菌群结构的变化情况。在实验的第0、3、5、7、10、15和21天(灌胃停止后1周)分别提取对照组和CGMP组小鼠粪便总DNA,以此为模板进行PCR反应,获得肠道微生物群落的ER IC-PCR指纹图谱。结果小鼠个体在一段时间内微生物群落演替不明显,群落相似性较高。对照组小鼠肠道菌群多样性指数范围为1.75±0.06,CGMP组多样性指数范围为1.89±0.04,二者之间差异有统计学意义。结论小鼠肠道内的微生物群落非常丰富,普遍存在共有的优势菌群,且优势菌群的群落结构较为稳定;CGMP能够显著增加小鼠肠道菌群的多样性;聚类分析结果显示:对照组小鼠个体在不同时间的肠道菌群结构相似性较高,且ER IC-PCR指纹图谱没有明显的规律;CGMP组小鼠个体的ER IC-PCR指纹图谱被明显地分成2个亚族,说明小鼠灌胃CGMP 3~5 d后,其肠道菌群的群落结构开始发生明显变化。  相似文献   

健康儿童与轮状病毒感染儿童肠道菌群结构的比较研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的比较分析轮状病毒感染个体与健康个体肠道菌群结构的差异。方法采集11例轮状病毒感染个体及6例健康个体的粪便样品,提取粪便样品中细菌的混合DNA,先通过ERIC-PCR结合分子杂交的技术分析两组个体之间肠道微生物组成的相似性;再扩增粪便样品中菌群的16SrRNA基因,利用PCR—TGGE技术分析肠道菌群的组成情况。结果轮状病毒感染个体与健康个体相比,肠道菌群中GC含量较低的菌明显减少,同时肠道菌群有宿主专一性。结论轮状病毒感染会导致儿童肠道内菌群结构失调。  相似文献   

用ERICPCR (Enterobacterial Repetitive Intergenic ConsensusPCR)、苯酚羟化酶大亚基基因(LmPHs)扩增和群落结构探针分子杂交检测技术对LB、dCGY、MP和FWM 4种培养基从焦化废水处理厂2个曝气池活性污泥中分离优势功能菌群的能力进行了比较研究。LmPHs扩增显示7种回收菌群中均有以多亚基苯酚羟化酶为代谢途径的苯酚降解菌存在。用代表苯酚降解高峰期活性污泥优势菌组成的总DNA的ERICPCR产物经地高辛标记作为群落结构的混合探针M1和M8,对8种回收菌群的ERICPCR指纹图谱进行杂交检测,不同培养基回收优势菌的能力不同,以废水为基础的FWM培养基从活性污泥中回收到的优势菌种群最多(30.8%~42.9%)。本文建立了用微生物群落结构探针杂交技术对不同培养基回收分离优势菌能力进行评价的方法。  相似文献   

建立一种不依赖纯培养 ,可以在废水处理工业现场使用的监测微生物群落结构变化的分子技术。以处理焦化工业废水(A2 /O生物膜工艺 )不同构筑物中的悬浮污泥的微生物群落为研究对象 ,每周采样 1次 ,连续 4周。获得悬浮污泥总 DNA的ERIC- PCR指纹图谱 ,结合分子杂交进一步区分相同条带间的不同序列信息。结果表明 ,在缺氧池 (A2池 )和好氧池 (O池 )之间 ,各个采样点的 ERIC- PCR图谱差异不大 ,悬浮污泥在各构筑物之间交流充分 ;同一采样点的图谱在不同采样时期具有明显差异 ,显示了在此期间微生物群落的连续动态变化过程。通过对生物膜系统中悬浮污泥的微生物群落结构的指纹图谱分析 ,可开发出对该系统微生物群落结构动态变化进行检测的技术  相似文献   

采用单一碳源回收菌群的方法与ERIC PCR方法相结合 ,检测水稻 (Oryzasativa L )根际施用转基因微生物E4(EnterobacteriacloacaeE4)后 ,其根际微生物的群落结构和多样性的变化 ,进而推测转基因微生物E4在田间施用的安全性。结果表明 :转基因微生物E4施用到水稻根际后 ,水稻根际的代谢指纹图谱和DNA指纹图谱都发生了改变 ,采用southernblot ting检测显示 :E4成为根际的优势菌 ,这对植物生长有利 ,应该不会造成不利的影响  相似文献   

DNA指纹图技术分析微生物肥料菌种组成稳定性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 分析2种市售微生物肥料在不同生产批次中微生物菌种组成的稳定性。方法 利用ERIC-PCR基因组DNA指纹图技术和16S rDNA V3扩增一温度梯度凝胶电泳(PCR-TGGE)指纹图技术。结果 这2种微生物肥料在同一个生产批次不同包装之间的2种DNA指纹图谱相似性较高,分别在78%~95%和96%~100%,表明同一个批次内的菌种组成比较一致,但其在不同的生产批次之间菌种组成差异存在显著性,反映在2种DNA指纹图谱上,不同生产批次样品间ERIC-PCR指纹图相似性最低只有10%,PCR-TGGE指纹图相似性最低为46%。结论 通过ERIC-PCR和PCR-TGGE DNA指纹图技术可以对微生物肥料中菌种组成的稳定性进行快速、准确的分析,如何保持菌种组成在批次之间的稳定一致,是复合菌种微生物肥料质量控制中面临的难题。  相似文献   

目的比较2种粪便保存方法(室温法和Invitek公司的粪便稳定剂保存法)对菌群结构研究的影响。方法应用PCR-变性梯度凝胶电泳技术(PCR-DGGE)方法,对用2种方法保存的3位志愿者粪便样品进行菌群结构的分析。结果室温法保存粪便样品24h后,S1个体菌群结构与原始样品的菌群结构相似度为83%,S2和S3的菌群结构与其原始样品的相似度仅为77%。而使用粪便稳定剂保存1d,期间各时间点样品菌群结构与原始样品相比变化较小,相似度在80%-90%。结论粪便稳定剂具有一定的稳定样品菌群结构的作用,在新鲜粪佰样品不能寺刻讲行深冻的情况下,使用粪便稳定剂是一种较好的样品保存方法。  相似文献   

Human microbiota associated rats are frequently used as a model to study host microbe interactions. This study investigated the long-term stability of the bacterial community in such rats. Following the association of two strains of germ-free rats (12 male animals each) with fecal bacteria from a human donor the development of the microbiota was monitored for 12 months by PCR-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis. During this time the Dice similarity coefficient (Cs) for the fecal microbial community of the rats associated with a human microbiota in comparison to the donor sample ranged between 73% +/- 8 and 74% +/- 3 for the Wistar and the Fischer 344 rats, respectively. After 12 months the similarity coefficients were 78% +/- 9 and 76% +/- 7, respectively, while the similarity coefficients for rat sample replicates ranged from 77% +/- 7 to 88% +/- 5; the similarity coefficient of the donor sample replicates was 78% +/- 9. DNA sequences of bands observed in the different denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis profiles exhibited the highest degree of identity to uncultured bacteria previously found in samples of human, mouse or pig intestinal origin. The results of this study suggest that the dominant human fecal microbiota can be maintained in the human microbiota associated rat model for at least one year.  相似文献   

肠杆菌基因间重复共有序列(Enterobacterial repetitive intergenic consensus,ERIC)是主要存在于肠道细菌中的一类基因间重复序列,长度为127 bp,该序列在肠道细菌染色体上的分布和拷贝数有种间的特异性。根据ERIC序列建立的ERIC-PCR实际上是一种半随机性质的PCR,广泛应用于细菌分型、流行病学调查和分子微生态学研究。本文简介了ERIC-PCR反应的特点及其应用的原理,详细阐述目前广泛应用的ERIC-PCR琼脂糖凝胶电泳(PCR-PCR-AGE)技术的不足,指出该方法所获电泳图谱中相同位置的DNA条带可能包括不同的DNA序列,指纹图谱分析时可能夸大模板DNA的相似性。强调ERIC-PCR变性梯度凝胶电泳(PCR-PCR-DGGE)技术是其应用的一个新方向,所得的指纹图谱能够更加敏感、准确、有效地展示底物序列的差异,其中的DNA条带不需测序就可直接用于科研和生产实践中。  相似文献   

Bacterial populations common to healthy human guts may play important roles in human health. A new strategy for discovering genomic sequences as markers for these bacteria was developed using Enterobacterial Repetitive Intergenic Consensus (ERIC)-PCR fingerprinting. Structural features within microbial communities are compared with ERIC-PCR followed by DNA hybridization to identify genomic fragments shared by samples from healthy human individuals. ERIC-PCR profiles of fecal samples from 12 diseased or healthy human and piglet subjects demonstrated stable, unique banding patterns for each individual tested. Sequence homology of DNA fragments in bands of identical size was examined between samples by hybridization under high stringency conditions with DIG-labeled ERIC-PCR products derived from the fecal sample of one healthy child. Comparative analysis of the hybridization profiles with the original agarose fingerprints identified three predominant bands as signatures for populations associated with healthy human guts with sizes of 500, 800 and 1000 bp. Clone library profiling of the three bands produced 17 genome fragments, three of which showed high similarity only with regions of the Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron genome, while the remainder were orphan sequences. Association of these sequences with healthy guts was validated by sequence-selective PCR experiments, which showed that a single fragment was present in all 32 healthy humans and 13 healthy piglets tested. Two fragments were present in the healthy human group and in 18 children with non-infectious diarrhea but not in eight children with infectious diarrhea. Genome fragments identified with this novel strategy may be used as genome-specific markers for dynamic monitoring and sequence-guided isolation of functionally important bacterial populations in complex communities such as human gut microflora.  相似文献   

目的:应用分子生物学方法,以处理焦化工业废水(A2/O生物膜工艺)中的悬浮污泥和生物膜的微生物群落作为研究对象,分析不同环境微生物群落的组成差异.方法:首先提取群落的总DNA,获得ERIC-PCR和LP-RAPD指纹图谱并进行对比分析,然后结合群落探针杂交的技术,检查同样迁移率的条带的序列同源性,运用UVIBAND/MAP软件比较所得群落指纹图谱的相似性指数,从而可以得到群落差异的量化结果.结果:焦化废水接触氧化池中,悬浮污泥和生物膜的微生物群落组成存在相当大的差异.结论:通过这种差异的比较分析,有可能让我们更准确地了解氧化池中微生物的群落组成情况,有利于分析其与系统功能的关系.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to compare the metabolic diversity of the whole microbial community in an oligotrophic saltern (Eilat, Israel) and in a saltern with a more enriched source water (Newark, California). Between 1993 and 1998 water samples were taken from selected locations within the solar salterns of the Cargill Solar Salt Plant, Newark, California, and the Israel Salt Co. in Eilat, Israel. To examine the whole community metabolic diversity, we used the 96-well BIOLOG GN{ TM} plates which contain 95 different carbon sources and a control well. Plates from samples containing greater than 15% salt were excluded from the final analyses because of a lack of reproducibility when multiple plates were inoculated with the same sample. The data were analyzed by simple matching coefficient and principal component analysis. Both methods gave similar results. Two major clusters were formed. These could be subdivided into 10 sub-clusters with only three samples from the Newark saltern in December 1997 joining at the 95% similarity level. Most of the inlet and lower salinity samples from the Cargill samples comprised one large subcluster. Several carbon sources were used by 85% of the microbial community from the California samples, while 85% of the Eilat samples had no commonly used carbon sources. These results suggest that ponds in different geographic locations may have communities with different microbial populations despite the similarities in salt content and processing for salt production.  相似文献   

The rep-PCR fingerprinting method, with the support of ERIC and REP primers, was used to analyse the genomic diversity of 93 E. coli strains isolated from lake water samples drawn at two different depths. The applied UPGMA for DNA analysis did not reveale any genomic similarities between the 48 E. coli strains derived from the subsurface-zone water and the 43 of the bottom-zone water. The considerable genomic diversity of the E. coli of the surface zone was expressed as a dendrogram in the form of 8 similarity groups comprising strains isolated from samples drawn over one month. The bottom-zone strains, which display a lesser degree of genomic diversity (5 similarity groups), showed distinct common features in their DNA fingerprints. In the similarity dendrogram for the bottom-zone, strains derived in different months of sampling were segregated into the same similarity groups. Applying REP primers in rep-PCR generates more complex fingerprints increasing the discriminatory power of the analysis, whereas the ERIC primer generates less complex fingerprint patterns, and is thus clearer to interpret.  相似文献   

Alterations in the intestinal microbiota have been suggested as an etiological factor in the pathogenesis of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). This study used a molecular fingerprinting technique to compare the composition and biodiversity of the microbiota within fecal and mucosal niches between patients with diarrhea-predominant IBS (D-IBS) and healthy controls. Terminal-restriction fragment (T-RF) length polymorphism (T-RFLP) fingerprinting of the bacterial 16S rRNA gene was used to perform microbial community composition analyses on fecal and mucosal samples from patients with D-IBS (n = 16) and healthy controls (n = 21). Molecular fingerprinting of the microbiota from fecal and colonic mucosal samples revealed differences in the contribution of T-RFs to the microbiota between D-IBS patients and healthy controls. Further analysis revealed a significantly lower (1.2-fold) biodiversity of microbes within fecal samples from D-IBS patients than healthy controls (P = 0.008). No difference in biodiversity in mucosal samples was detected between D-IBS patients and healthy controls. Multivariate analysis of T-RFLP profiles demonstrated distinct microbial communities between luminal and mucosal niches in all samples. Our findings of compositional differences in the luminal- and mucosal-associated microbiota between D-IBS patients and healthy controls and diminished microbial biodiversity in D-IBS fecal samples further support the hypothesis that alterations in the intestinal microbiota may have an etiological role in the pathogenesis of D-IBS and suggest that luminal and mucosal niches need to be investigated.  相似文献   

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