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对隶属于3亚目、5次目、20科、23属共25个种类的唇口目(裸唇纲)苔藓虫18S rRNA基因部分序列进行了序列测定.结合从GenBank中获得的该类群其它7个种类的18S rRNA基因同源序列,以序列分析软件对其序列组成和变异进行了比较分析;同时,以羽苔虫(被唇纲)和管孔苔虫(窄唇纲)为外类群,以邻接法和最大简约法重建了它们的系统发生树,分析了该目主要类群系统发生关系.序列分析结果显示:经比对后序列长度为884 bp,其中保守位点241个,可变位点643个,简约信息位点357个;A,T,C和G 4碱基平均含量分别为23.8%、22.8%、24.4%和28.9%.分子系统树表明:本研究所有有囊类构成1个单系群,其中檐胞次目的几种苔虫位于皮壳次目内部;无囊类形成1个多系群,其中的亚目级(新唇口亚目)和次目级分类阶元(枝室次目、假软壁次目和隐壁次目)也都为多系发生,这些结果与前人的分子系统学研究结果大体一致,而与传统的形态分类体系间存在明显的冲突.  相似文献   

海洋局二所宁修仁同志于1982年去南极考察生物资源,采得外肛动物(苔藓动物Bryozoa)一号标本,经我们研究确认为一新种,定名为南极拟小孔苔虫Microporella antarctica,隶属于外肛动物门(Ectoprocta)唇口目(Cheilostomata)有囊亚目(Ascophora)拟小孔科(Microporellidae)。模式标本保存在国家海洋局第二海洋研究所。现描述如下。  相似文献   

王复振 《四川动物》1991,10(3):25-26
国家自然科学研究基金项目中,在进行浙江舟山群岛嵊泗列岛污损生物时注意三角藤壶、海葵等外,以苔藓虫类很显著,属外肛动物门(Ectoprocta)裸唇纲(Gymnolaemata),有40种,其中4种是中国新纪录,今将4种的形态特征、采集地及地理分布并附图记述之。1角形单节苔虫Crisidia cornuta geniculata Milne-Edwards(图,1)1.1形态特征群体树枝状,长在岩石等上,每一节间部只一个虫。个虫细管形,长0.27—0.36毫米,宽0.03毫米。初长一个虫,继生左右二个虫,再同式繁生。室口圆形,与个虫同宽。个虫表面散布细孔。该种属于节苔虫科(Crisiidae)。1.2采集地浙…  相似文献   

本文记述中国苔藓动物一新亚种:强似膜孔苔虫舟山亚种;三新纪录:平壁托孔苔虫、楯扇孔苔虫、扇形管孔苔虫的形态特征,采集地及分布。新亚种并与近似种作了比较。  相似文献   

苔藓动物是一类多为海生、滤食性的群体生物。奥陶纪是苔藓动物发生、演化辐射和灭绝的重要时期,也是苔虫礁形成的最早时期。已知最老的化石苔藓动物发现于中国特马豆克晚期。构成苔藓动物基本分类框架的狭唇纲(包括变口目、隐口目、泡孔目和管孔目)和宽唇纲(包括窗孔目和栉口目)也都是在奥陶纪时期逐步形成的,其中,变口目出现于特马豆克期Tr2时间段,在弗洛期和大坪期,多样性较低,但从达瑞威尔期开始,经桑比期至凯迪期,多样性不断增高,并出现辐射。隐口目(特别是"双叶类隐口目苔虫")也经历了与变口目相类似的发展过程,但它首次出现的时间要相对略迟于变口目。这两个目在整个奥陶纪苔藓动物群中一直占据主导地位。泡孔目、管孔目和窗孔目,先后首次出现在弗洛期Fl2时间段、大坪期Dp1和Dp2时间段,但它们在整个奥陶纪期间一直处于低多样性态势。至于栉口目,它首次出现的时间可能更迟,在凯迪期Ka4时间段,犹如昙花一现。苔藓动物的演化在接近奥陶纪末时呈两幕式灭绝,一次发生在凯迪期Ka2时间段(可能相当于塔凯和安斯蒂的"拉夫塞伊灭绝"),另一次发生在赫南特期Hi2时间段(可能相当于塔凯和安斯蒂的"赫南特灭绝")。分子生物学和形态学证据表明,苔藓动物属原口动物,而不是以前长期认为的后口动物,或介于原口动物和后口动物之间的过渡类型;而且,苔藓动物与腕足动物、帚形动物之间没有直接的亲缘关系。苔藓动物可能起源于一种叫原内肛动物的生物,它们的目一级分类单元之间的系统发育关系目前尚未形成共识,本文绘制的谱系图还有待于化石记录的不断补充和分子生物学研究的逐步介入以使其日趋完善。  相似文献   

藏北中侏罗世窗孔类的发现和唇口类的起源   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文建立了新科Fenestraporidae及其一个新属Auiculofenestella和它的两个新种A.triapertalis,A.que-napertalis被建立和描述了,它们发现于藏北羌塘盆地中侏罗世巴柔期的地层内,新属和限于北美和中亚高加索地区早泥盆世晚期和中泥盆世的已知的窗孔苔虫(Fenestrapora)。都显示了似鸟头体的构造,然而,新属中所有的这种似鸟头体构造,只分布于横枝上,本文也讨论了窗孔苔藓动物和其它各类苔藓动物之间可能的亲缘关系,作者推测,窗孔苔藓动物是由隐口苔藓动物的叶孔苔虫(Parachasmatopora)经中奥陶世的原始的窗孔苔藓动物Moore-phylloporina发展来的,新属的发现更进一步提供了支持这样一种假设,即:“唇口苔藓动物是由窗孔苔虫经新属乌头窗格苔虫(Auiculofenestella)发展来的”假设的重要证据 。  相似文献   

藻苔虫科(Flustridae Smitt,1867)隶于外肛动物门、唇口目、无囊亚目、软壁超科(Malacostegoidea Levinsen,1909)。主要特征是:群体为多列个虫构成的直立可挠的叶状体;个虫膜孔型,钙化弱;口盖未分化;前膜简单,占或几占整个前区;体壁薄,侧壁孔板单孔型或多孔型;鸟头体(如有)为代位鸟头体(vicarious avicularia);卵胞属内陷型(endozo-oecial type)。  相似文献   

苔藓动物俗称苔藓虫、海席子、苔虫。在分类上因其肛门在触手冠之外,属于外肛动物门,是真体腔动物。出现于早奥陶世,经过了漫长的演化过程后,现存三类:环口类、栉口类和唇口类。其中以唇口类最多。全世界共有化石种10000种,现生的有5000种左右,绝大部分为海产。我国约有700种,多在沿海,潮间带也有不少,6000米的深海底也产,是海洋底栖生物的重要组成之一。它们是鱼类(特别是底栖鱼  相似文献   

国家海洋局第二海洋研究所1981年开始派员去南极参加生物资源考察,采得不少苔藓动物,其中有七种采自南极达恩利角海区水深414米和726米处,是南极的新纪录,属于外肛动物门(Ectoprocta)裸唇纲(Gymnolaeinata),兹简述如下。1.斑枝胞苔虫Cellaria punctata(Busk,1852)(图1)形态特征群体白色,高20毫米左右,常左右二分支,形如木贼草,分支常在节间,并有几丁质丝状体,黏住二分支,系保护作用。个虫六角形,长0.36—0.4毫米,宽0.25—0.27毫米,相互密接,周围较隆起,分界线明显,中央较低洼。口半圆形,宽0.1毫米左右,口盖同形,由几丁质而成,左右两下缘略…  相似文献   

寒武纪没有化石苔藓动物的任何记录.最老的、毫无疑问的、真正的苔藓动物,发现于我国峡东地区的下奥陶统特马豆克阶地层中.这类苔藓动物以丰富但多样性低的变口目和少量的隐口目为代表.弗洛期的一些苔藓动物,在北美,英国和波罗的海地区(俄罗斯西北部)已相继发现,这时以Ceramopora?unapensis为代表的泡孔目苔藓动物开始出现,有一定的多样性.中奥陶世初期,苔藓动物迅速崛起,古生代狭唇纲的四个目--变口目、隐口目、泡孔目和管孔目(=环口目)苔藓动物都已经有了代表.由于奥陶纪是苔藓动物发生、演化发展和辐射的重要时期,因此,奥陶纪,特别是早奥陶世苔藓动物的任何新的发现,都有重要的意义.本文描述和解释的一个新的苔藓动物群,发现于安徽滁州琅琊山弗洛阶的红花园组上部.这个苔藓动物群由变口目爱沙尼亚苔虫亚目的两个种:Dianulites hexaporites(Pander),Orbiramus grandis sp.nov.和隐口目翼网苔虫亚目的一个种:Prophyllodi-ctya putilovensis Lavrentjeva组成.尽管这个苔藓动物群在局部地区可能还是低多样性的,但就整个世界范围而言,有一定的多样性,类似于同样以变口目苔藓动物占优势的比林根苔藓动物群,后一苔藓动物群产于波罗的海以东地区(俄罗斯西北部)同时代的地层中.  相似文献   

Molecular techniques are currently the leading tools for reconstructing phylogenetic relationships, but our understanding of ancestral, plesiomorphic and apomorphic characters requires the study of the morphology of extant forms for testing these phylogenies and for reconstructing character evolution. This review highlights the potential of soft body morphology for inferring the evolution and phylogeny of the lophotrochozoan phylum Bryozoa. This colonial taxon comprises aquatic coelomate filter‐feeders that dominate many benthic communities, both marine and freshwater. Despite having a similar bauplan, bryozoans are morphologically highly diverse and are represented by three major taxa: Phylactolaemata, Stenolaemata and Gymnolaemata. Recent molecular studies resulted in a comprehensive phylogenetic tree with the Phylactolaemata sister to the remaining two taxa, and Stenolaemata (Cyclostomata) sister to Gymnolaemata. We plotted data of soft tissue morphology onto this phylogeny in order to gain further insights into the origin of morphological novelties and character evolution in the phylum. All three larger clades have morphological apomorphies assignable to the latest molecular phylogeny. Stenolaemata (Cyclostomata) and Gymnolaemata were united as monophyletic Myolaemata because of the apomorphic myoepithelial and triradiate pharynx. One of the main evolutionary changes in bryozoans is a change from a body wall with two well‐developed muscular layers and numerous retractor muscles in Phylactolaemata to a body wall with few specialized muscles and few retractors in the remaining bryozoans. Such a shift probably pre‐dated a body wall calcification that evolved independently at least twice in Bryozoa and resulted in the evolution of various hydrostatic mechanisms for polypide protrusion. In Cyclostomata, body wall calcification was accompanied by a unique detachment of the peritoneum from the epidermis to form the hydrostatic membraneous sac. The digestive tract of the Myolaemata differs from the phylactolaemate condition by a distinct ciliated pylorus not present in phylactolaemates. All bryozoans have a mesodermal funiculus, which is duplicated in Gymnolaemata. A colonial system of integration (CSI) of additional, sometimes branching, funicular cords connecting neighbouring zooids via pores with pore‐cell complexes evolved at least twice in Gymnolaemata. The nervous system in all bryozoans is subepithelial and concentrated at the lophophoral base and the tentacles. Tentacular nerves emerge intertentacularly in Phylactolaemata whereas they partially emanate directly from the cerebral ganglion or the circum‐oral nerve ring in myolaemates. Overall, morphological evidence shows that ancestral forms were small, colonial coelomates with a muscular body wall and a U‐shaped gut with ciliary tentacle crown, and were capable of asexual budding. Coloniality resulted in many novelties including the origin of zooidal polymorphism, an apomorphic landmark trait of the Myolaemata.  相似文献   

衣藻属的系统发育分析——基于形态形状和nrDNA ITS序列   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过实验分析莱茵衣藻 ( Chlamydomonas reinhardtii) 1个种和互连网获得衣藻属 1 5个种及丝藻属 1个种 ( Ulothrix zonata) ,共 1 7个种的 nr DNA ITS序列 ,并以 U.zonata为外类群 ,采用计算机分析软件包对其进行分析及构建分子系统发育树图。同时以 1 2个传统分类性状 ,对此 1 6种衣藻构建数据矩阵 ;以 U.zonata动孢子的相应性状为外类群原始性状 ,用Wagner法在计算机上对其进行分枝分析 ;然后比较并分析分子系统树和表征性状分支分析树的异同。初步尝试以 ITS分子序列系统发育分析作为传统性状分析的补充来研究衣藻种间的亲缘关系。  相似文献   

Bryozoans are aquatic invertebrates that inhabit all types of aquatic ecosystems. They are small animals that form large colonies by asexual budding. Colonies can reach the size of several tens of centimeters, while individual units within a colony are the size of a few millimeters. Each individual within a colony works as a separate zooid and is genetically identical to each other individual within the same colony. Most freshwater species of bryozoans belong to the Phylactolaemata class, while several species that tolerate brackish water belong to the Gymnolaemata class. Tissue samples for this study were collected in the rivers of Adriatic and Danube basin and in the wetland areas in the continental part of Croatia (Europe). Freshwater and brackish taxons of bryozoans were genetically analyzed for the purpose of creating phylogenetic relationships between freshwater and brackish taxons of the Phylactolaemata and Gymnolaemata classes and determining the role of brackish species in colonizing freshwater and marine ecosystems. Phylogenetic relationships inferred on the genes for 18S rRNA, 28S rRNA, COI, and ITS2 region confirmed Phylactolaemata bryozoans as radix bryozoan group. Phylogenetic analysis proved Phylactolaemata bryozoan's close relations with taxons from Phoronida phylum as well as the separation of the Lophopodidae family from other families within the Plumatellida genus. Comparative analysis of existing knowledge about the phylogeny of bryozoans and the expansion of known evolutionary hypotheses is proposed with the model of settlement of marine and freshwater ecosystems by the bryozoans group during their evolutionary past. In this case study, brackish bryozoan taxons represent a link for this ecological phylogenetic hypothesis. Comparison of brackish bryozoan species Lophopus crystallinus and Conopeum seurati confirmed a dual colonization of freshwater ecosystems throughout evolution of this group of animals.  相似文献   

The relationships among ant subfamilies were studied by phylogenetic analysis of rDNA sequences of 15 species from seven subfamilies. PCR primers were designed on the basis of the rDNA sequence of the Australian bulldog ant, Myrmecia croslandi, previously determined. Phylogenetic trees were constructed using sequences of a fragment of 18S rDNA (1.8 kb), a fragment of 28S rDNA (0.7 kb excluding variable regions) and a combination of the 18S and 28S rDNAs, by neighbor-joining (NJ), maximum parsimony (MP) and maximum likelihood (ML). rDNA sequences corresponding to the same fragments from three non-ant hymenopteran species (a sawfly, a bee and a wasp) were employed as outgroups. These trees indicated that the ant subfamilies were clustered singly, and, among the seven subfamilies examined, Ponerinae and six other subfamilies are in a sister-groups relationship. The relationship among the six subfamilies, however, was not clarified. The phylogenetic trees constructed in the present study are not in contradiction to the tree from cladistic analysis of morphological data by Baroni Urbani et al. (1992) and the tree from morphological and molecular data (Ward and Brady, 2003), but are inconsistent with the traditional phylogeny. The present results thus raise a question as to the status of some traditionally employed "key" morphological characters. The present results also call for a reexamination of Amblyopone traditionally treated as a member of Ponerinae as belonging to a new subfamily.  相似文献   

比较分析了15种大叶藻的matK基因和ITS片段的核苷酸序列, 结果发现胞嘧啶(C)在两个目的片段上含量均较低。ITS基因片段检测到228处核苷酸替换, 表现出丰富的遗传多态性; matK基因片段上有249处核苷酸替换, 且大部分替换来自于第三密码子的同义替换, 种间在氨基酸水平上产生了一定的分化。基于matK基因和ITS片段, 利用邻接法、最大简约法、最大似然法和贝叶斯法构建的系统发育树结果基本一致, 明显分为4大支, 大叶藻亚属、异叶藻属、拟大叶藻亚属和虾形藻属分别构成一支。大叶藻亚属和拟大叶藻亚属的核苷酸差异值在29.09%-35.51%, 超过了屈良鹄等提出的大部分被子植物ITS属间核苷酸差异值(9.60%-28.80%), 在分子数据上两亚属都达到了属的水平。研究结果支持Tomlinson和Posluszny对大叶藻科的划分结果, 建议将大叶藻科分为4个属。    相似文献   

凤蝶亚科(凤蝶科,鳞翅目)16S rRNA基因的分子系统发生分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对15种凤蝶亚科蝶类线粒体16S rRNA基因部分序列进行了测定,并结合GenBank中其它相关类群的序列,采用邻接法(NJ)、最大简约法(MP)、最大似然法(ML)和贝叶斯法构建凤蝶亚科的分子系统树,探讨该亚科各类群间的系统发生关系.结果表明,燕凤蝶族构成凤蝶亚科蝶类系统树基部的一个独立分支;燕凤蝶族和裳凤蝶族为单系发生,且裳凤蝶族聚在凤蝶族内部;喙凤蝶族的单系性尚不能确定.综合分子系统学、形态学及寄主植物等相关证据,推测斑凤蝶类为凤蝶族中早期分化的一支;较之裳凤蝶类,斑凤蝶类可能更早从二者最近的共同祖先中分化出来.  相似文献   

Comparisons of life-cycles of entoprocts, ectoprocts and phoronidsindicate that the ectoprocts probably have evolved from entoproct-likeancestors, whereas the phoronids are of a quite different type.A review of our knowledge of structure and development of thethree groups lends support to this idea. The Entoprocta andEctoprocta should accordingly be united into the phylum Bryozoa,which is related to the Annelida and Mollusca. The Phoronidaare probably more related to the deuterostomes.  相似文献   

串珠藻目植物的系统发育-基于rbcL序列的证据   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
世界范围内报道的全部串珠藻目种类均生活于淡水中,而在淡水红藻中,70%约有130种属于串珠藻目。研究以目前获取的来自世界各大洲串珠藻目植物43种的rbcL基因序列,结合其形态和生物地理特征,构建了该目的系统发育关系,以期探讨整个串珠藻目植物的系统发育关系及发生途径,进而为研究该目以至淡水红藻的起源提供基本资料。运用PAUP*4.0b10和MrBayes 3.0b4等软件对43种串珠藻目植物的叶绿体DNA rbcL基因序列进行系统发育分析,探讨了其主要分类群的系统演化关系。用最大简约法、邻接法和贝叶斯分析方法构建的系统树基本一致,结果显示:(1)基于分子数据分析结果显示,红索藻目植物均独立于串珠藻目植物,构成一个单独的分支,支持红索藻目的建立。(2)鱼子菜科属于串珠藻目植物中较为进化的类群。(3)串珠藻属扭曲组与杂生组的差异度较小,结合其形态特点,倾向于将杂生组并入扭曲组。(4)串珠藻科属于串珠藻目中最大的科,包括较多的种类,其系统关系也较为复杂。因此,串珠藻科系统发育关系的明确有待于进一步结合更多的分子数据和形态学特征加以分析研究。    相似文献   

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