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温敏雄性不育水稻培矮64S花药发育过程中钙的变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用焦锑酸钾沉淀法研究了温敏雄性不育水稻(Oryza sativa L.)培矮64S在高温引起雄性不育与正常可育花药发育过种中Ca2+的分布变化.结果表明,当培矮64S生长在较高温度条件下引起雄性不育,与可育花药相比,不育花粉母细胞中有较多的液泡、较多的Ca2+沉积和较少的线粒体,并且有较多的Ca2+沉积在不育花药的中间层、表皮层和绒毡层中.到四分体与单细胞花粉时期,不育花药的木质部细胞的次生加厚壁上有较多的Ca2+沉淀,连接组织中的Ca2+沉淀也大大增加,所有不育花粉外壁较厚而发育都不正常.在单核细胞早期,不育花粉的四分体细胞中有较明显的大液泡出现.不育花药中的Ca2+在花药发育的各时期均比可育花药要多.这些结果说明在高温生长条件下,花粉母细胞发育的异常、花药中Ca2+沉积的增加、绒毡层与花粉外壁发育的异常可能与培矮64S花粉败育相关.  相似文献   

采用超薄切片技术,在透射电镜下观察麻疯树(Jatropha curcasL.)花药发育过程中Ca2 的分布特征。在孢原细胞时期的花药中几乎看不到Ca2 沉淀,但花药维管束周围的细胞中有较多的Ca2 沉淀;到小孢子母细胞时期,细胞质中Ca2 沉淀依然较少,绒毡层壁上Ca2 沉淀明显增多;四分体形成时,小孢子细胞质和绒毡层细胞质中出现了较多的Ca2 沉淀;在小孢子发育早期,细胞质中Ca2 沉淀增加不明显,花粉壁部位累积有很多的Ca2 沉淀,绒毡层中Ca2 沉淀数量达到最多;到小孢子发育晚期,小孢子大液泡的液泡膜上有大量的Ca2 沉淀,绒毡层中Ca2 沉淀明显减少;随着二胞花粉中的大液泡消失,细胞质中积累淀粉粒以后,花粉中看到的Ca2 沉淀极少,同时,在花药维管束周围的薄壁细胞中,又出现了较多的Ca2 沉淀,表明花粉对Ca2 的需求可能降低。麻疯树花药发育过程中钙的动态分布特征暗示着钙参与了调控花粉发育过程,Ca2 的运输途径是由药隔薄壁组织运输到绒毡层,再进一步转移到小孢子表面和细胞质中,整个花药发育过程中,Ca2 沉淀表现为少—增加—减少的变化趋势。  相似文献   

白菜核雄性不育系可育和不育花药中Ca2+的分布   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了白菜(Brassica campestris L. ssp.chinensis Makino)细胞核雄性不育系花药中Ca2 的分布特征.在可育花药发育过程中,减数分裂后花药壁细胞中钙颗粒明显增加.早期小孢子开始积累钙颗粒并特异性地附在小液泡膜上.小孢子分裂后,大液泡消失过程中又伴随着许多钙颗粒附在小液泡膜上,显示出Ca2 与花粉中液泡的形成和分解有关.在不育花药中,最早出现的钙颗粒异常分布是在小孢子母细胞的胼胝质壁中积累了较多的钙颗粒.然而,在小孢子细胞质中钙颗粒一直很少,也不形成大液泡,最后通过细胞质收缩的方式败育.这是首次发现Ca2 参与调控花药发育过程,其异常分布与花粉败育密切相关.  相似文献   

桃花粉育性与花药颜色的关系及其SSR分子标记   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以李属桃亚属的637份桃品种种质和栽培种瑞光19×Summergrand杂交的138株F1群体为试材,对桃花粉育性与花药颜色的关系及其SSR分子标记进行研究。结果表明:在所有品种中,橘红花药最多,占总份数的91.2%,其中绝大部分花粉可育;橘黄和黄色花药的种质数量次之;白色和浅褐花药的种质最少,且均表现为花粉不稔;整体表现为红色和黄色花药与花粉可育具有较强的正相关性。本试验从122对SSR引物中筛选出2对与花粉育性性状连锁的标记CPDCT013和CP-SCT012,根据这2个标记参考整合参考图谱的位置,将控制花粉育性的基因定位在桃第6条染色体上端。对已经报道的2个桃花粉育性标记CPPCT004和NNJ-I以及第6条连锁群的其他SSR位点在花粉育性不同的24个品种上验证,结果表明只有UDP96-001(125bp)可以用于桃花粉育性的分子标记辅助育种。  相似文献   

目的:钙调蛋白(Ca M)是细胞内的一种多功能蛋白质传感器,它可以调节细胞中各个区域的靶蛋白。研究Ca M结构的动力学行为和运动趋势。方法:利用高斯网络模型(GNM)分析Ca M在开放和闭合2种形式下的功能运动。结果:Ca M的慢运动模式显示其构象变化主要表现为2个结构域的运动;2种形式的Ca M具有共同的铰链区,铰链区位于分子的中央接头,但二者具有不同的运动倾势。交叉相关图结果显示,Ca M结合Ca2+后,结构域内的相互作用会增强。结论:GNM结果可以解释先前报道的实验数据。结果有助于更好地了解Ca M的构象转变规律,以及Ca M底物识别和调节活动的机制。  相似文献   

以培养 8 ~ 10 天的大鼠海马神经元为对象,选择 Calcium Orange AM 和 DAF-FM diacetate 为 Ca2+和一氧化氮 (NO) 的荧光指示剂,建立了基于激光扫描共聚焦显微技术的细胞内 Ca2+和 NO 双标记检测方法 . 此方法对 Ca2+和 NO 进行分步染色,然后应用激光扫描共聚焦显微镜 (LSCM) 的双轨迹 (Two Track) 模式,通过快速切换激光实现对细胞内 Ca2+和 NO 的同时检测 . 实验结果显示,两种染料之间无串扰现象;在 N- 甲基 -D- 天冬氨酸 (NMDA) 刺激下,海马神经元胞内 Ca2+快速升高,随后达到平台期并有波动, NO 则稳定持续升高,这些变化过程与单标记的结果一致;双标记层切序列图像显示细胞内 Ca2+和 NO 都较集中分布于细胞中部,但在细节上两者的分布存在差异 . 此双标记方法能同时检测培养的海马神经元胞内 Ca2+和 NO ,为研究神经元胞内 Ca2+和 NO 的相互调控作用提供了一种新的手段 .  相似文献   

对40个杧果品种(系)的花瓣和花药颜色进行数字化描述,即采用Photoshop CS3软件对试材图像进行处理,分别提取花瓣和花药颜色典型色域的CMYK模式参数,通过C、M、Y、K的百分比值确定其颜色。结果表明,用C、M、Y、K的百分比值能较准确科学地表现杧果花瓣和花药的色彩,可以反映品种(系)间差异。通过UPGMA聚类分析,将花瓣和花药颜色分别分成7个类群和4个类群。本研究为种质色彩描述与新品种选育指标提供新的数字化方法。  相似文献   

目的观察创伤后应激障碍(PTSD)样行为异常大鼠杏仁核细胞内Ca^2+信号及Ca M(钙调蛋白)表达变化,有望揭示PTSD的部分发病机制。方法成年健康雄性Wistar大鼠60只,随机分为连续单一刺激(single prolonged stress,SPS)模型的12h、1d、4d、7d、14d组及正常对照组,采用荧光探针标记法、免疫组化、Western blott等方法,检测PTSD样行为异常大鼠杏仁核神经元游离Ca^2+含量和钙调蛋白(Ca M)的表达变化。结果SPS刺激后大鼠杏仁核神经元游离Ca^2+浓度(nmol/L)于12h内升高,24h增至顶峰,4d开始下降,14d恢复正常。CaM的表达于SPS刺激后4d表达最多,之后渐趋下降。结论杏仁核Ca^2+信号调控与Ca M表达变化,可能与PTSD样大鼠恐惧增强的发病机制相关。  相似文献   

采用GUS标记技术研究钙调素在转基因烟草中的分布   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了监测钙调素 (Ca M)在植物细胞内的分布并探索其生物学功能 ,将水稻 Ca M和 GU S融合基因 (cam.gus)分别置于 35 S启动子和花粉特异启动子 L AT5 2 - 7控制下 ,构建出载体 p MD/ Ca M.GU S和 p BI/ L AT.Ca M.GU S,转化烟草 (N icotiana tobacum cv.SR ) ,GU S染色结果显示 ,Ca M.GU S融合蛋白广泛分布于植物根、茎、叶等组织 ,根尖生长点细胞、根毛细胞、表皮毛细胞、气孔保卫细胞、维管束细胞的细胞质中融合蛋白含量较多。花粉粒中也分布着 Ca M,并在萌发沟处表现出较高的浓度。保卫细胞和表皮毛细胞中 Ca M分布在相邻细胞连接处细胞模内侧 ,呈现出极性分布。研究结果表明 ,细胞内 Ca M的不均匀分布可能与细胞功能相关。  相似文献   

利用EMS诱变筛选手段分离到一株拟南芥类似花药不开裂雄性不育突变体(like-defective in anther de-hiscence,ldad),其果荚干瘪,花药不能开裂且花粉败育。遗传分析表明,突变体的表型受2个隐性基因控制;细胞学观察发现,在花药发育过程中伴随着小孢子的降解;通过图位克隆初步对ldad的2个突变位点分别定位,一个定位在1号染色体上SSLP标记F22L4与端粒之间171 kb的区间,另一个定位在5号染色体上SSLP标记T10O8与端粒间150 kb的区间内;生物信息学分析显示此区间内未见育性相关的已知基因。该研究的结果对进一步克隆LDAD1&2基因及探讨其在花药发育中的功能具有重要意义。  相似文献   

儿童毒蛇咬伤的特点与程序化救治的疗效观察   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
张远新  黄伟青 《蛇志》2006,18(2):121-122
目的通过分析儿童毒蛇咬伤的特点,评价程序化综合救治方法对儿童毒蛇咬伤的疗效。方法通过观察17例毒蛇咬伤儿童的临床特点,尽早进行病情预测,同时根据毒蛇咬伤的临床病情分型予程序化综合救治。监测病情变化、伤口愈合情况及平均住院时间。结果儿童毒蛇咬伤的特点为不明种类毒蛇咬伤多,症状较成人严重,易发生并发症。经过早期程序化综合救治总有效率100%,伤口渗血、肿胀明显缓解,无1例死亡,平均留观时间4.5天。结论根据儿童毒蛇咬伤特点,早期准确预测和尽快应用程序化救治能提高毒蛇咬伤疗效。  相似文献   

Cold acclimation requires adjustment to a combination of light and low temperature, conditions which are potentially photoinhibitory. The photosynthetic response of plants to low temperature is dependent upon time of exposure and the developmental history of the leaves. Exposure of fully expanded leaves of winter cereals to short-term, low temperature shiftsinhibits whereas low temperature growthstimulates electron transport capacity and carbon assimilation. However, the photosynthetic response to low temperature is clearly species and cultivar dependent. Winter annuals and algae which actively grow and develop at low temperature and moderate irradiance acquire a resistance to irradiance 5- to 6-fold higher than their growth irradiance. Resistance to short-term photoinhibition (hours) in winter cereals is a reflection of the increased capacity to keep QA oxidized under high light conditions and low temperature. This is due to an increased capacity for photosynthesis. These characteristics reflect photosynthetic acclimation to low growth temperature and can be used to predict the freezing tolerance of cereals. It is proposed that the enhanced photosynthetic capacity reflects an increased flux of fixed carbon through to sucrose in source tissue as a consequence of the combined effects of increased storage of carbohydrate as fructans in the vacuole of leaf mesophyll cells and an enhanced export to the crown due to its increased sink activity. Long-term exposure (months) of cereals to low temperature photoinhibition indicates that this reduction of photochemical efficiency of PS II represents a stable, long-term down regulation of PS II to match the energy requirements for CO2 fixation. Thus, photoinhibition in vivo should be viewed as the capacity of plants to adjust photosynthetically to the prevailing environmental conditions rather than a process which necessarily results in damage or injury to plants. Not all cold tolerant, herbaceous annuals use the same mechanism to acquire resistance to photoinhibition. In contrast to annuals and algae, overwintering evergreens become dormant during the cold hardening period and generally remain susceptible to photoinhibition. It is concluded that the photosynthetic response to low temperatures and susceptibility to photoinhibition are consequences of the overwintering strategy of the plant species.  相似文献   

动物生物学是揭示动物生命活动规律的科学。作为生命科学专业本科学生最早接触到的主干课程之一,动物生物学的教学对于学生了解生物学的基本概念和基础知识、构建生命科学的知识体系和思维方式、培养和巩固专业兴趣十分重要。系统回顾和总结了动物生物学研究对生命学科发展的贡献,阐明了动物生物学教学对生命科学人才培养与学科建设的作用,引起广大的生物学教学工作者和管理者对动物生物学教学的重视,促进传统重要基础课程的建设与发展。  相似文献   

Summary Pinocytotic activity has been analyzed in Drosophila oocytes following either in vivo or in vitro exposure to horseradish peroxidase. The enzyme tracer gains access to the yolk spheres only when supplied to the oocyte in vivo. In oocytes cultured in vitro, peroxidase remains restricted to the residual coated vesicles and to the tubular profiles formed in excess in the cortical ooplasm.In an attempt to induce peroxidase uptake by oocytes cultured in vitro, various incubations were tested. Among these, hemolymph from both sexes is capable of promoting peroxidase uptake up to a level comparable to that detectable in vivo. On the other hand, fat body extracts fail to promote such cellular activity. Finally, the juvenile hormone analogue ZR-515 is shown to be the only factor required to promote pinocytotic activity under the experimental conditions tested. The observations are interpreted to indicate that vitellogenin has no inductive role on pinocytosis but simply acts by adhering to the forming coated vesicles which in turn are produced by the oolemma in response to the action of juvenile hormone.  相似文献   

Staphylococcal protein A (SPA) is a cell surface protein expressed by Staphylococcus aureus. It consists of five repetitive domains. The five SPA-domains show individual interaction to the Fc-fragment as well as certain Fab-fragments of immunoglobulin G (IgG) from most mammalian species. Due to the high affinity and selectivity of SPA, it has a widespread use as an affinity ligand for capture and purification of antibodies. One of the problems with proteinaceous affinity ligands in large-scale purification is their sensitivity to alkaline conditions. SPA however, is considered relatively stable to alkaline treatment. Nevertheless, it is desirable to further improve the stability in order to enable an SPA-based affinity medium to withstand even longer exposure to the harsh conditions associated with cleaning-in-place (CIP) procedures. For this purpose, a protein engineering strategy, which was used earlier for stabilization and consists of replacing the asparagine residues, is employed. Since Z in its "nonengineered" form already has a significant tolerance to alkaline treatment, small changes in stability due to the mutations are difficult to assess. Hence, in order to enable detection of improvements regarding the alkaline resistance of the Z domain, we chose to use a bypass mutagenesis strategy using a mutated variant Z(F30A) as a surrogate framework. Z(F30A) has earlier been shown to possess an affinity to IgG that is similar to the wild-type but also demonstrates decreased structural stability. Since the contribution of the different asparagine residues to the deactivation rate of a ligand is dependent on the environment and also the structural flexibility of the particular region, it is important to consider all sensitive amino acids one by one. The parental Z-domain contains eight asparagine residues, each with a different impact on the alkaline stability of the domain. By exchanging asparagine 23 for a threonine, we were able to increase the stability of the Z(F30A) domain in alkaline conditions. Also, when grafting the N23T mutation to the Z scaffold, we were able to detect an increased tolerance to alkaline treatment compared to the native Z molecule.  相似文献   

Iltis A 《Bioethics》2006,20(4):180-190
Persons generally must give their informed consent to participate in research. To provide informed consent persons must be given information regarding the study in simple, lay language. Consent must be voluntary, and persons giving consent must be legally competent to consent and possess the capacity to understand and appreciate the information. This paper examines the relationship between the obligation to disclose information regarding risks and the requirement that persons have the capacity to understand and appreciate the information. There has been insufficient attention to the extent to which persons must be able to understand and appreciate study information in order to have their consent deemed valid when the information is provided in simple, lay language. This paper argues that (1) the capacity to understand and appreciate information that should be deemed necessary to give valid consent should be defined by the capacity of the typical, cognitively normal adult and (2) the capacity of the typical, cognitively normal adult to understand and appreciate the concept of risk is limited. Therefore, (3) all things being equal, potential subjects must possess a limited capacity to understand and appreciate risk to be deemed competent to consent to research participation. (4) In some cases investigators ought to require that persons possess a greater than typical capacity to understand and appreciate risk.  相似文献   

ROBERT SPARROW 《Bioethics》2006,20(6):308-318
In this paper I examine what I take to be the best case for reproductive human cloning, as a medical procedure designed to overcome infertility, and argue that it founders on an irresolvable tension in the attitude towards the importance of being ‘genetically related’ to our children implied in the desire to clone. Except in the case where couples are cloning a child they have previously conceived naturally, cloning is unable to establish the right sort of genetic relation to make couples the parents of their cloned child. If anybody is the genetic parent of a cloned child it is the natural parent(s) of the DNA donor. Paradoxically, in order to resist the claims of the parents of the donor to the cloned child, the argument for human reproductive cloning must place more weight on the intention to parent a child, than we do in cases of ordinary reproduction. It must insist that the parental relation is established by the intentions of the couple who bring a clone into the world and not by their genetic relation to the child. The emphasis placed on intention as establishing the parental relationship works to undermine the justification for cloning in the first place. For cloning to play a useful role as a reproductive technology, it must allow couples to become parents who could do so no other way. However, to the extent that intention is sufficient to establish parenthood, adoption or surrogacy, which are existing alternatives to cloning, will serve equally well to allow couples to become parents.  相似文献   

Pollenkitt – its composition, forms and functions   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Ettore Pacini  Michael Hesse   《Flora》2005,200(5):399-415
Two types of sticky pollen coat material exist in angiosperms, both produced by the anther tapetum. Pollenkitt is the most common adhesive material present around pollen grains of almost all angiosperms pollinated by animals, whereas tryphine seems to be restricted only to Brassicaceae. Tapetal cell protoplasts have different patterns of development according to the products formed during their development and degeneration. If tryphine is formed, the tapetal cell protoplasts lose their individuality at the microspore stage. If pollenkitt is formed, their contents degenerate at later stages. Cell content is totally reabsorbed, when ripe pollen is not surrounded by any gluing material. Current knowledge of pollenkitt formation, deposition on pollen grains and chemical composition are reviewed and discussed. Methods for detecting this viscous fluid are also presented. The many functions of pollenkitt, deduced from personal observations and the literature, act in the period between anther opening and pollen hydration on the stigma; they are: (1) to hold pollen in the anther until dispersal; (2) to enable secondary pollen presentation; (3) to facilitate pollen dispersal; (4) to protect pollen from water loss; (5) to protect pollen from ultra-violet radiation; (6) to maintain sporophytic proteins responsible for pollen–stigma recognition inside exine cavities; (7) to protect pollen protoplasts from fungi and bacteria; (8) to keep together pollen grains during transport; (9) to protect pollen from hydrolysis and exocellular enzymes; (10) to render pollen attractive to animals; (11) to render pollen visible to animal eyes; (12) to hide pollen from animal eyes; (13) to avoid predation of pollen through smell; (14) to enable adhesion to insect bodies; (15) to enable pollen packaging by bees and to form corbicules; (16) to provide a digestible reward for pollinators; (17) to enable pollen clumps to reach the stigma; (18) to allow self-pollination; (19) to facilitate adhesion to the stigma; (20) to facilitate pollen rehydration. Depending on the developmental program of the species, these functions may act during pollen presentation, in relation to pollinators, during pollen dispersal and when pollen reaches the stigma.  相似文献   

Abstract: Glial fibrillary acid protein (GFAP)-positive astrocytes isolated from the cerebral cortices of 3–10-day-old rats frequently showed increased intracellular Ca2+ concentration responses to l -glutamate and glutamate analogues. However, few of the acutely isolated cells responded to ATP, and no such cells responded to serotonin [5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT)]. The same cell that failed to respond to ATP or 5-HT often responded to glutamate. Culturing acutely isolated cells in media containing horse serum decreased Ca2+ responses to glutamate but increased the responses to ATP and induced responses to 5-HT. In primary cultures prepared from the cerebral cortices of 1-day-old rats and cultured in horse serum, fewer of the cells responded to glutamate, but almost all cells responded to ATP and 5-HT. The lack of, or limited response to, 5-HT or ATP in the acutely isolated cells seems unlikely to be due to selective damage to the respective receptors because acutely isolated GFAP-negative cells showed responses to ATP, several different proteases and mechanical dissociation yielded cells that also responded to glutamate but not to ATP, and exposure of primary cultures to papain did not abolish Ca2+ responses to several transmitters. The responses of the acutely isolated cells to glutamate but limited or lack of responses to ATP and 5-HT also correspond to what has been seen so far for astrocytes in situ. Thus, the present studies provide direct evidence that some of the receptors seen in primary astrocyte cultures may reflect a response to culture conditions and that, in the context of the relevant information so far available, acutely isolated astrocytes seem to reflect better the in vivo state.  相似文献   

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