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荒漠盐生植物根际土壤盐分和养分特征   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
弋良朋  马健  李彦 《生态学报》2007,27(9):3565-3571
中国西北地区是我国干旱、盐碱化土壤分布面积较广、土壤积盐较重的地区,这里发育着丰富的盐生植物。目前对于干旱荒漠区盐生植物根际特征的研究相对较少,而不同盐生植物的根际特征对于研究盐生植物适应盐渍环境的机制有着重要意义。本研究利采用盆栽根袋法对7种不同类型的荒漠盐生植物的根际盐分和养分特征进行了初步探索。结果表明:盐分在盐生植物根际发生富集,稀盐盐生植物和泌盐盐生植物根际土壤中总盐和8种主要盐分离子的含量都有所增加,而在拒盐盐生植物根际中增加不显著,其中Cl-和Na 的富集程度相对其它6种离子的富集程度要高。稀盐盐生植物和泌盐盐生植物根际土中的SO42-/Cl-比土体有显著的降低,表明在稀盐盐生植物和泌盐盐生植物根际土壤中Cl-的富集程度比SO42-高,拒盐盐生植物根际土盐分SO42-/Cl-比略有提高。7种盐生植物根际土中的Na /K ,Na /Ca2 ,Na /Mg2 比均较土体有显著的增加,芦苇根际土中的增加最小。在所有研究植物中,根际土壤中全N含量比土体的含量高,但全P和全K含量却比土体的含量低;根际土壤中有效态养分的变化则与全态相反,根际土壤中的有效N含量比土体中的都显著降低,除芦苇外,其他六种盐生植物根际土壤中有效P和有效K的含量都高于土体,但有效P的富集不及有效K富集的程度高。在研究的七种植物中,钠猪毛菜根际土壤的有效N亏缺量最高,有效P和速效K富集也最少。7种植物,尤其是稀盐盐生植物和泌盐盐生植物的地上部分的主要盐离子含量比地下部分高,如Cl-、Na 、Ca2 和K ,在根际富集程度最高的Cl-和Na ,在植株的地上部分也增加的最多。  相似文献   

荒漠盐生植物根际系统盐分分布特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
弋良朋  马健  李彦 《生态学杂志》2009,28(5):827-832
利用盐土和棉田土,采用水平根垫法对4种不同类型的荒漠盐生植物进行栽培实验,应用冰冻薄层切片法对距根表不同距离的土壤进行分层取样,并测定不同层次土壤中pH、总盐、Cl-、SO42-、Na+、K+、Ca2+和Mg2+的含量。结果表明: 在盐土中,距根表不同距离的土壤中,pH值呈有规律的梯度分布,即根际微区pH值较土体下降,且距根表越近,pH值越低;而在棉田土中却没有显著变化;总盐在根际出现较大的亏缺区,最大亏缺率位于距根表0~4 mm处;在盐土中,除芦苇外,其余3种盐生植物的根际土中Cl-、SO42-、Na+、K+、和Mg2+的含量在根际有明显的富集;在棉田土中,除K+外,这些离子在根际也有富集,但富集程度比盐土低,K+表现亏缺,而Ca2+却是富集的;4种植物尤其是稀盐盐生植物和泌盐盐生植物,地上部分的主要盐离子(如Cl-、Na+、Ca2+和K+)含量比地下部分高,在根际富集程度最高的Cl-和Na+,在植株的地上部分也增加的最多。  相似文献   

黄河三角洲盐生植被与土壤盐分的相关性研究   总被引:46,自引:2,他引:46       下载免费PDF全文
 本文在主要盐生植被类型研究的基础上,通过植物、土壤、水样品的化学测试,对黄河三角洲盐生植被与土壤盐分的相关性进行了定量的研究。结果表明:盐生植被的类型、空间分布、植株所含的化学成分、生物累积强度和演替等方面与土壤含盐量的关系极为密切。  相似文献   

中国的盐生植物   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文主要讨论了有关中国盐生植物的五个方面的问题:(1)中国盐生植物的种类;(2)中国盐生植物的类型;(3)中国盐生植物的植被类型;(4)世界盐生植物名录中漏录的中国盐生植物;(5)中国盐生植物的经济潜势。最后还讨论了我国今后盐生植物研究方向和重点。  相似文献   

中国的盐生植物   总被引:73,自引:1,他引:73  
本文主要讨论了有关中国盐生植物的五个方面的问题:(1)中国盐生植物的种类;(2)中国盐生植物的类型;(3)中国盐生植物的植被类型;(4)世界盐生植物名录中漏录的中国盐生植物;(5)中国盐生植物的经济潜势。最后还讨论了我国今后盐生植物研究方向和重点。  相似文献   

土壤盐分及水分含量对落羽杉幼苗生长的影响   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
汪贵斌  曹福亮 《应用生态学报》2004,15(12):2396-2400
One year old Taxodium distichum seedlings were grown in pots with varied soil water and salt (NaC1) levels (alone and in combination) under greenhouse conditions to determine their effects on the growth and biomass allocation of the seedlings. The results showed that there were significant effects of soft salt and water contents on the relative height growth, relative stem diameter growth, biaomass increment and allocation, shoot/root ratio, seedling survival, ratio of branch to stem area, ratio of leaf mass to stem area, and ratio of leaf mass to branch area. According to the biomass increment, relative height growth and relative stem diameter growth, 20 treatments were classified into 3 groups by means of systematic cluster analysis. The first one was the treatments waterlogging, flooding, waterlogging 0.15% NaC1, flooding 0.15% NaC1, and waterlogging 0.3% NaC1, which had a high growth, the second one was the treatments flooding 0.45% NaC1, flooding 0.3% NaCl, 75% of field capacity, and 75% of field capacity 0.15% NaCl, which had a medium growth, and the last onewas the treatments 50% of field capacity, 50% of field capacity 0.15% Nat1, waterlogging 0.45% Nat1,25% of field capacity, 25% of field capacity 0.15% NaC1, 75% of field capacity 0.3% NaC1, 75% of field capacity 0.45% NaC1, 25% of field capacity 0.3% NaC1, 50% of field capacity 0.3% NaC1, 50% of field capacity 0.45% NaC1, and 25% of field capacity 0.45% NaC1, which had a poor growth.  相似文献   

采用溶剂萃取法将鸭舌草75%乙醇提取物浸膏分成4个不同组分,并用碘量法测定其抗氧化活性.结果表明,高极性组分正丁醇相具有最强的抗氧化活性,与天然抗氧化剂茶多酚和化学合成抗氧化剂BHT的抗氧化活性相当,显著高于对照.利用柱层析技术对具有高抗氧化活性组分正丁醇相进一步分离纯化,并确定为豆甾醇葡萄糖甙.以BHT为对照对羟自由基进行清除试验,结果表明,与对照抗氧化剂BHT相比,它们对羟自由基具有更高的清除率.  相似文献   

盐生植物及其开发利用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

几种荒漠植物地上生物量估算的初步研究   总被引:19,自引:3,他引:19  
在调查植物样方的基础上,利用植株冠幅特征如冠幅长与宽、株高、基径、新生枝条数、总枝条数等作为变量建立了估算典型荒漠植物地上生物量的模型,利用植株冠幅长与宽所建拟合方程对估算琵琶柴灌丛生物量的精确度较高,经验证,预测值与实测值的相关系数为O.9989,相对误差在4.79%~10.12%之间利用植株株高、基径所建拟合方程对估算梭梭、多枝柽柳生物量计算值与实测值的相关系数在0.9418以上,显著性检验表明相关系数均为极显著经验证,预测值与实测值的相关系数分别为0.9902和0.9875.相对误差分别为6.87%~19.22%和7.49%~18.47%。研究表明,在大面积荒漠植物生物量研究中,利用植株冠幅特征作为变量来估算琵琶柴灌丛地上生物量方法简便可行,用来估算梭梭、多枝柽柳等灌木地上生物量时存在一定误差  相似文献   

土壤盐碱化愈演愈烈,已成为限制我国农业生产和发展的主要原因之一,而盐生植物对于改良重要的后备土地资源——盐碱土地具有重要意义。阐述了盐生植物的种类及其抗盐机理的研究进展,以期为推进盐土农业可持续发展及运用盐生植物改良盐碱土等提供必要的理论依据。  相似文献   

基于沙漠化程度和NDVI指数的奈曼旗生态安全评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从土地利用/覆被角度进行生态安全评价是土地资源可持续利用研究的核心和基础。在强调沙漠化过程影响的条件下,本文以乡镇为评价单元,以土地利用现状和对应的NDVI值为评价依据,将层次分析法(AHP)和综合评价指数法有机结合,对内蒙古奈曼旗地区的生态安全格局进行了综合评价。结果表明:从1985、1995和2005年3个分析年份的现状来看,奈曼旗的生态安全状况经历了极不安全-较安全-较安全、安全的临界状态的变化过程;安全区和较安全区域面积由零逐渐增加,到2005年二者区域面积之和占到了总面积的2/3之多;虽然局部地区如巴嘎波日和苏木出现恶化-好转-恶化的反弹趋势,但区域整体生态安全水平是好转的趋势。  相似文献   

Comparisons were made of niche breadths and niche overlaps of halophytes growing in two emergent saltmarsh communities differing in the number of their constituent species and in diversity. Niche parameters were calculated along the major niche dimension of tidal inundation which was assessed using three related measurements, namely height on the marsh, number of submergences per year, and longest period of continuous exposure. This reduces the danger of measuring niches on one resource dimension along which species exhibit non-linear responses. Results obtained using these three measurements were very similar. Mean niche overlaps were significantly smaller, and most species had lower niche breadths, on the marsh with more diverse vegetation. These results agree with Pianka's (1974) niche overlap hypothesis; they indicate that competitive interactions between species are acting with different intensity on the two marshes, and that such interactions are important in determining the distribution limits of both low-and high-marsh species in the emergent salt-marsh community.Nomenclature follows Clapham, Tutin & Warburg (1962). Acknowledgements. The authors gratefully acknowledge a travel grant from the British Council enabling them to attend the conference. The work was conducted whilst P.J.R. was in receipt of a Natural Environment Research Council studentship.  相似文献   

Ecophysiological strategies of coastal halophytes from foredunes and salt marshes are discussed. A comparison is made of the factors that limit growth in salt marshes and sand dunes. In salt marshes, zonation and succession are primarily governed by variation in soil salinity, which strongly depends on inundation with seawater. Results are described of experiments which aim at separating salinity and inundation effects on growth, osmotic and mineral relations in a comparison of salt-marsh halophytes. The growth response of plants cannot simply be correlated (and causally explained) with the concentration of Na, Cl, and K in the tissues. Also, the compatible osmotic solutes proline and methylated quaternary ammonium compounds may accumulate both in species with a positive response to increased salinity and in species with a growth reduction under seawater inundation. More likely inadequate adaptation of the plants water potential with these components is partly the cause of retarded growth. Disfunctioning of the plant in this respect may be at three levels: (a) total water potential of the plant, (b) (loss) of turgor pressure potential; (c) regulation at the cellular level. The ecological importance of some factors in seawater other than sodium chloride is considered. In coastal sand dunes airborne rather than soil salinity limits plant growth, together with the effects of abrasion, sand accretion, drought and the poor nutrient status of the dune sand. Adaptations of sand-dune species to these factors may consist of: large seeds with storage tissue germinating in the dark and seedling growth enough to emerge through the accreted sand. Aerial parts must be resistant to mechanical damage (high wind speed and abrasion), possibly by a sclerophyllous and tough structure. Efficient nutrient uptake, translocation and retranslocation seem to help survive sand-dune species in a nutrient-poor rooting medium.  相似文献   

The effect of sulphide on the growth of several species of salt-marsh plants was investigated. Relative growth rates were significantly reduced in two upper-marsh species, Festuca rubra and Atriplex patula, and in the lower-marsh species Puccinellia maritima. However the growth of Salicornia europaea, a species frequently associated with sulphide-containing sediments, was unaffected. In a separate experiment the wide ranging halophyte Aster tripolium, also appeared to be tolerant of sulphide at a concentration frequently encountered in salt marshes. Sulphide pretreatment inhibited the activity of two metallo-enzymes, polyphenol oxidase and external phosphatase, in plants from the upper marsh, but had no effect on enzymes from P. maritima or S. europaea. The rate of respiration by root tissue was significantly reduced in all of the species investigated but whereas the uptake of 86rubidium was markedly inhibited in the other three species, uptake by S. europaea showed a significant stimulation. Similarly, whereas sulphide-grown plants of F. rubra, A. patula and P. maritima had a considerably reduced tissue iron content, the total iron concentration in S. europaea tissues was comparable to that of the controls. When the sulphide-tolerant species A. tripolium was grown in sulphide-containing media there was no significant effect on the tissue concentration of any of the elements investigated. These results are discussed in relation to possible mechanisms of sulphide toxicity and resistance.  相似文献   

Summary Salicornia europaea, Puccinellia maritima, Triglochin maritima, Aster tripolium, Plantago maritima, Armeria maritima, Juncus gerardii andFestuca rubra, collected as seed from a salt marsh at Portaferry, County Down, were grown on saline (340 mM NaCl) and non saline nutrient solutions at five concentrations of manganese sulphate (0.025–10.0 mM). After an eight week growing period, shoot and root yields and the concentrations of sodium, potassium, calcium and manganese in the shoots were determined.Except forS. europaea the saline treatments had a strongly limiting effect on plant growth. Each of the species investigated showed a degree of tolerance to high concentrations of manganese which was similar to that of calcifuge species and plants characteristic of waterlogged sand dune slack communities, but which was very much greater than that ofArrhenatherum elatius a species usually excluded from acidic soils. There was little evidence to support the hypothesis that tolerance of high manganese concentrations was correlated with the position of the experimental plants in the salt marsh ecotone or that the manganese nutrition of halophytic and glycophytic marsh species differs. Whilst manganese uptake increased proportionally with solution manganese concentration, there were few other major effects of manganese on the balance of shoot cation concentrations in the plants investigated. Both antagonistic and synergistic effects of sodium on manganese uptake were recorded for different species.  相似文献   

Paul Binet 《Plant Ecology》1985,61(1-3):241-246
It was shown for Cochlearia anglica roots in comparison with Phaseolus vulgaris, roots that: (a) the cell walls of the halophyte are heavy; (b) they have a high Ca2+ content; (c) they may be a convenient means of transfer for Na+.In Aster tripolium as well as in Atriplex littoralis NaCl alters the composition of the various pectic fractions and maintains a low pectinemethylesterase activity and a great cellulase activity. This effect may be responsible for the great plasticity of the cell walls which allows an increased cell growth and leads to the formation of succulent organs, therefore to the dilution of salt within the cells.  相似文献   

二色补血草叶片泌盐结构的扫描电镜观察   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
对二色补血草盐泉结构进行比较研究,发现二色补血草叶下表皮具有花型盐腺,这些盐腺是由基细胞和帽细胞构成,植物体靠盐腺的泌盐孔和基细胞破碎释盐,表明二色补血草具有演化较高级的双重泌盐结构,是二色补血草能在盐碱地生长而不受盐害的主要原因。  相似文献   

 Halophytes from both coastal and inland Central European salt marshes were examined for colonization by arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi. Plants from different families were strongly colonized but the degree of colonization varied with the individual plant and apparently during the vegetation period, too. Members of the typical non-mycorrhizal families like Armeria maritima of the Plumbaginaceae and Salicornia europaea of the Chenopodiaceae were found to be colonized, particularly in the drier salt marshes. High numbers of Glomus spores were found in the saline soils, especially those of the inland locations examined. Approximately 80% of these spores were from Glomus geosporum as shown by a typical restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) pattern of the amplified internal transcribed spacer regions. The present study demonstrates that RFLP analysis is useful when screening habitats for the occurrence of mycorrhizal fungi which can be identified only with difficulty by morphological criteria. Accepted: 25 August 2000  相似文献   

电磁感应电导仪(EM38)测定土壤含盐量的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
利用EM38型电磁感应电导仪(EM38)在野外原位测定土壤电磁感应电导率(EM),是一种快速简便测定土壤含盐量的新方法。将EM38水平放置在地表以上不同高度,仪器EM读数随高度的变化与不同深度土层的盐分含量分布有关。室内用电导法测定不同深度土层土壤水浸液(水:土=5:1)的电导率(EC)。两种电导率(EM和EC)之间的相关分析表明,地面不同高度EM与不同深度土层EC具有显著相关性。根据EM建立了EC的回归方程,代入相应的EM值即可求出不同深度土层的EC和含盐量。  相似文献   

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