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报道了在广西柳州市市区附近一岩溶洞穴发现的苦苣苔科唇柱苣苔属一新种,并命名为李氏唇柱苣苔。本种与寿城唇柱苣苔及百寿唇柱苣苔相近,与寿城唇柱苣苔的主要区别在于植株体形、叶和花较大,叶为长卵状椭圆形或椭圆形,叶缘具锯齿,每花序1-3花,退化雄蕊3而与之不同;与百寿唇柱苣苔的区别主要在于叶缘具锯齿,每花序仅1-3花,花药背部密生紫色髯毛,退化雄蕊3而不同。  相似文献   

王文采 《植物研究》1989,9(4):21-28
本文发表于湖南的唇柱苣苔属三新种:宽脉唇柱苣苔Chirita latinervis W.T.Wang、新宁唇柱苣苔C.xinningensis W.T.Wang和粗筒唇柱苣苔C.crassitubaW.T.Wang。  相似文献   

描述了中国广西石灰岩地区苦苣苔科(Gesneriaceae)1新种--鹿寨唇柱苣苔(Chirita luzhaiensis Yah Lin,Y.S.Huang & W.B.Xu).该种与桂林唇柱苣苔(Chirita gueilinensis W.T.Wang)相似,但叶面被长柔毛和短柔毛,花药无毛,花丝近基部膝状弯曲,退化雄蕊3枚,无毛,花期12月至次年1月可与后者区别.目前,鹿寨唇柱苣苔仅见于广西鹿寨县中渡镇的两个石灰岩山洞中.  相似文献   

中国广西唇柱苣苔属(苦苣苔科)一新种——黄花牛耳朵   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
报道了在广西发现的苦苣苔科唇柱苣苔属Chirita一新种,即黄花牛耳朵C.lutea Yan Liu & Y.G.Wei.黄花牛耳朵的体态和叶形与牛耳朵(C.eburnea)相似,但前者聚伞花序俯垂,花冠黄色,花药与退化雄蕊先端密被白色绵毛.  相似文献   

原唇柱苣苔属(Chirita Buch.-Ham. ex D. Don)为一个人为界定的属, 2011年在分子系统学研究的基础上对该属及其近缘属开展了系统发育重建工作,其中绝大部分的原唇柱苣苔属唇柱苣苔组(Sect. Gibbosaccus C. B. Clark)的物种被并入了广义报春苣苔属(Primulina Hance)。然而,由于历史原因和早期经典分类学在研究方法上的局限性以及对现报春苣苔属部分物种的营养器官与生殖器官的认知不够,该属下一些物种的分类仍存在一些问题,亟待深入研究。比如,在对中国和越南分布的苦苣苔科植物开展研究的过程中,作者发现两个报春苣苔属的物种——广布于中国西南和华南直至中南半岛中部的钟冠报春苣苔[Primulina swinglei(Merr.)Mich. Möller & A. Weber]命名人和原被认为是中国与广西特有种的疏花报春苣苔[P. laxiflora(W. T. Wang)Yin. Z. Wang]之间的鉴定存在分类学问题,需要进一步厘清两者之间的关系。该文对这两个物种进行了形态比较,同时通过对这两种植物的原始描述对比、植物标本检查、栽培观察以及野外实地观察,确定疏花报春苣苔是钟冠报春苣苔的异名。此外,还明确了钟冠报春苣苔的后选指定模式标本。  相似文献   

对桂林唇柱苣苔的两个居群(YZ居群和DB居群)和百寿唇柱苣苔的开花动态、花粉活力和柱头可授性进行了比较研究。结果表明,桂林唇柱苣苔的两个居群花期、单花持续期存在明显差异,DB居群的花期较YZ居群晚,但花期长于后者。YZ居群的花期、单花持续期与百寿唇柱苣苔的花期、单花持续期相近。三者开花过程相似。花粉活性和柱头可授性达最大的时间、持续时间在桂林唇柱苣苔的两个居群以及百寿唇柱苣苔之间具有明显差异。  相似文献   

广西唇柱苣苔属(苦苣苔科)一新变种——光华唇柱苣苔   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
记载了广西苦苣苔科Gesneriaceae一新变种——光华唇柱苣苔Chirita tribracteata、W.T.Wang var.zhuana Z.Y.Li,Q.Xing&Y.B.Li。该变种与原变种不同在于叶大而厚,边缘具圆齿或牙齿,叶柄具宽翅,苞片宽倒卵形或倒披针形,有锯齿,花冠淡紫色,喉部具黄色纵纹。  相似文献   

记载了广西苦苣苔科Gesneriaceae一新变种--光华唇柱苣苔Chirita tribracteata W. T. Wang var. zhuana Z. Y. Li, Q. Xing &; Y. B. Li。该变种与原变种不同在于叶大而厚, 边缘具圆齿或牙齿, 叶柄具宽翅, 苞片宽倒卵形或倒披针形, 有锯齿, 花冠淡紫色, 喉部具黄色纵纹。  相似文献   

广西苦苣苔科新植物(续三)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1 变色唇柱苣苔 新种 图1:1~2ChiritavaricolorD.FangetD.H.Qin,sp.nov.(sect.GibbosaccusClarke).Fig.1:1~2AC.fordii(Hemsl.)D.Woodlaminisfoliorumutrinque?..  相似文献   

黄翠莹  孟开开  郭剑强  陈昉  廖文波  凡强 《广西植物》2020,40(10):1429-1437
该文报道了在广东丹霞山发现的报春苣苔属一新种——黄进报春苣苔(Primulina huangjiniana),并对其进行了描述。该新种与同属物种短序报春苣苔(P. depressa)最为相似,但两者在形态特征上能够很好地区别:黄进报春苣苔具有更短的、长2.5~6 mm的苞片(vs. 短序报春苣苔具有长15~30 mm的苞片,顺序下同); 花萼裂片等长(vs. 不等长),花丝基部附近膝状突起,中部以上具腺毛(vs. 于中部膝状突起且无毛); 柱头倒三角形,深2裂成2线形裂片(vs. 片状,稍2浅裂,裂片为三角形),侧膜胎座(vs. 中轴胎座)。加上该新种在内,丹霞山目前共记录有6种报春苣苔属植物,其中丹霞小花苣苔(P. danxiaensis)和该新种均为丹霞地貌特有植物。黄进报春苣苔目前在丹霞山的两个地方有发现,成年植株不超过200株,根据IUCN红色名录标准,属于极危种。  相似文献   

靖西细筒苣苔—中国广西苦苣苔科一新种   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
描述了广西苦苣苔科细筒苣苔属Lagarosolen W.T.Wang-新种-靖西细筒苣苔L.jingxiensis Yan Lin,H S.Gao & W.B xu.该种与细筒苣苔L.hispidus W.T.Wang相近,但叶片边缘具圆齿,苞片线形或狭披针形,长4~8 mm,宽0.5~1 mm,花丝较长,约6~7 mm,花冠裂片卵形,内面具2条淡黄色条纹可与后者区别.靖西细筒苣苔的分布范围较狭窄,目前仅见于广西靖西县地州乡和龙邦镇的几个岩溶洞穴的洞口带.  相似文献   

描述了产自贵州的竹亚科一新种:黎平玉山竹(Yushania lipingensis Z. X. Zhang, Y. H. TongZ. Yang)。本种形态上与显耳玉山竹(Y. auctiaurita T. P. Yi)接近,但区别在于该种箨鞘背面密被向上的黄褐色或紫色疣基刺毛,箨耳及叶耳明显弯曲呈镰刀形,鞘口繸毛发达,通常呈放射状,箨舌先端截平,不圆拱,边缘密生短纤毛,箨片腹面被微柔毛,叶片次脉通常5~6对。  相似文献   

Petrocodon retroflexus Q. Zhang & J. Guo, a new species of Gesneriaceae from Guizhou, China, is described and illustrated. The new species is morphologically similar to Petrocodon viridescens W. H. Chen, Mich. Möller & Y. M. Shui, but differs by its leaf blade being ovate, broadly ovate to elliptic, 8–20 × 5–15 cm and densely pilose on both surfaces, narrowly triangular, 9 mm long, densely pilose bracts, white corolla that is decurved near the middle, with adaxial lip shallowly 4‐partitioned and retroflexed, and pistil ca 1.3 cm long and densely pilose and glandular‐pilose.  相似文献   

A new species Trachycarpus ravenii discovered in Kasi district, Vientiane province of central Laos is described and illustrated. Morphologically, it is closest to T. oreophilus and T. princeps, but differs by having a shorter stem of mature plants; glabrous, dull green petiole; almost circular leaf blade, waxy bluish–white abaxially; narrow leaf segments with narrow free lobes densely adpressed to each other, as well as in oblique‐round apices of median leaf segments.  相似文献   

报道了广西苦苣苔科细筒苣苔属Lagarosolen W.T.Wang一新种——陆氏细筒苣苔L.lui Yan Liu&W.B.Xu。该种与靖西细筒苣苔L.jingxiensis Yan Liu,H.S.Gao&W.B.Xu在叶型上较相近,但不同在于叶片上面光滑无毛或疏被微柔毛,下面被微柔毛,聚伞花序1~2回分支,花序梗长4~8cm,花冠裂片长圆形、倒卵形至近圆形,顶端圆钝,花丝长2.5~3.5mm,花期1~3月。  相似文献   

中国杏属一新种   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
描述了中国杏属一新种,华仁杏(Armeniaca cathayanaD.L.Fu,B.R.Li et J.H.Li,sp.nov.)。该新种与杏(Armeniaca vulgarisLam.)和山杏(A.sibirica(L.)Lam.)相似,但又有其独特特征,主要区别如下:叶两面疏被短柔毛,边缘具单锯齿和重锯齿,基部全缘;叶柄无腺体;单花或2~3朵花簇生;子房密被白色长柔毛;果核三角状卵球形,腹缝线具5~7条锐纵棱,背缝线具1条浅纵沟;种子大,两侧压扁,种仁质脆,无苦味。该新种由傅大立于2008年7月11日在河北省涿鹿县发现并采集,模式标本存于中国林业科学研究院(CAF),标本号:No.2008071101。  相似文献   

Aspidistra punctatoides Yan Liu & C. R. Lin (Ruscaceae) is described and illustrated as a new species from limestone areas in southwestern Guangxi, China, near the border with northern Vietnam. It resembles A. punctata Lindl. in leaf size, a campanulate perianth densely covered with purple spots, lobes adaxially with two fleshy keels, and the peltate stigma, but differs by the stigma being adaxially truncate and densely papillate, and by the margin being 3‐ or 4‐lobed with lobes emarginate at apex.  相似文献   

Saussurea haizishanensis B. Q. Xiu, G. Hao & N. H. Xia sp. nov., a new species from Sichuan, China, belonging to Saussurea subg. Eriocoryne (DC.) Hook. f. sect. Cincta Lipsch., is described and illustrated. It is similar to S. delavayi, but differs in its narrowly elliptic, lanceolate or broadly lanceolate leaves, outer phyllaries that are broadly triangular with irregularly dentate margin, and densely yellowish stipitate glandular stem, leaf blades, and adaxial phyllaries. It is also similar to S. schlagintweitii, but differs in possessing numerous capitula and having adaxially glabrous petiole bases. Color plates, line drawings, a distribution map of S. haizishanensis, photographs of phyllaries and leaf blades, and SEM microphotographs of the adaxial surface of style arms, the leaf blades, the abaxial surface of phyllaries of S. haizishanensis and S. delavayi are provided.  相似文献   

Draba longiciliata Al‐Shehbaz & Sklená?, a new species from the Ecuadorian páramo, is described and illustrated. It is readily distinguished from the remaining South American species by a combination of linear leaves, glabrous on both surfaces and long‐ciliate along the entire margin and apex, and by the slender, many‐branched, slightly woody lower stems, densely covered with persistent leaf bases.  相似文献   

Here we describe a new species ofCorydalis sectCorydalis (Fumariaceae), namely C.hirtipes B.U. Oh et J.G. Kim. This species, from the central part of Korea, is clearly distinguished from other species of sectCorydalis by its simple, unicellular hairs that are densely distributed on the stems, peduncles, and petioles. It is also distinctive from its close relative C.albipetala in having ternate leaves, lobate or parted leaflets, dentate or cleft bracts, and broad, fusiform fruits.  相似文献   

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