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We determined the effect of environmental stressors on the physiological condition of Brachionus rotundiformis. For two morphologically distinct B. rotundiformis strains: Hawaii (average lorica length = 222 m) and Langkawi strains (average lorica length 180 m), neonates hatched from resting eggs were exposed to different levels of unionized ammonia (0.7–9.8 mg l–1), viscosity (relative viscosity against natural seawater = 1–1.17) and Euplotes sp. (protozoan) contamination (1–40 cells ml–1). Increasing stress decreased fecundity and lifespan of both rotifer strains. Glucosidase and phospholipase activities were correlated with reproductive responses of both the strains exposed to unionized ammonia. When culture water viscosity was changed, the activity of esterase and phospholipase was correlated with reproductive responses of the Hawaiian strain, and glucosidase activity was correlated with those of Langkawi strain.With the protozoan contamination, esterase and glucosidase activities were correlated only with reproductive responses of the Hawaiian strain, while activity of all three enzymes was correlated to those of the Langkawi strain. Glucosidase activity proved to be a reliable indicator of stress for cultured B. rotundiformis.  相似文献   

We studied the effect of different concentrations (0, 3, 6, 9 and 12 g l–1) of sodium chloride at one food level of Chlorella (1×106 cells ml–1) on competition between the rotifers B. rotundiformis and H. jenkinae, both of which were isolated from a saline lake. The population growth experiments were conducted for 3 weeks. Both the rotifer species did not survive beyond one week at a salinity of 0 g l–1. Regardless of salt concentration and the presence of a competitor, H. jenkinae reached higher densities than B. rotundiformis. When grown alone, both B. rotundiformis and H. jenkinae showed optimal peak population densities at the salinity of 6 and 9 g l–1. Since biomass wise, B. rotundiformis was larger than H. jenkinae, it showed a lower numerical abundance. Thus, the maximum peak population densities of B. rotundiformis and H. jenkinae recorded in this study were 107±3 and 203±28 ind. ml–1. The maximal rates of population increase for B. rotundiformis and H, jenkinae when grown alone were 0.264±0.003 and 0.274±0.004, respectively. Our results also indicated that B. rotundiformis and H. jenkinae coexisted better at a salinity of 6 and 9 g l–1 of sodium chloride while a salinity of 3 g l–1 favoured Hexarthra over B. rotundiformis. At 12 g l–1, both the rotifer species grown alone or together showed lower growth rates compared to those at lower salinity levels. Except 0 g l–1, in all other salinity treatments, H. jenkinae was a superior competitor to B. rotundiformis.  相似文献   

Jung  Min-Min  Hagiwara  Atsushi 《Hydrobiologia》2001,(1):123-127
Inconsistent results have been obtained on the population growth of Brachionus rotundiformis and Tigriopus japonicus, when results from single-species and two-species mixed cultures are compared. Bacteria growth was not regulated in these experiments, which could be the cause for this. In order to test this possibility, we conducted similar experiments under axenic and synxenic (with presence of one species of bacteria) conditions. The population growth of B. rotundiformis was suppressed by the presence of T. japonicus in axenic cultures. T. japonicus could not persist in axenic cultures, but its population increased when grown in synxenic cultures. T. japonicus used RT bacteria strain as a food source, while these bacteria were toxic to B. rotundiformis. These results suggest that bacteria can modify the interspecific relationship between B. rotundiformis and T. japonicus.  相似文献   

The nitrogen budget in the rotifer Brachionus rotundiformis wasmeasured by the stable-isotope technique. The budget was estimatedusing the difference in the turnover time between egestion andexcretion. The rotifer was fed on the algae Nannochloropsiswhich was labeled with 15N as a tracer. The turnover time ofegestion and excretion were 20 min and 2.5 hours, respectively. Where77% of the ingested nitrogen was egested, and of the assimilated23%, 18% were devoted to growth and 5% to excretion.As for the unassimilated nitrogen egested as faeces, it recycled tothe rotifer through bacteriovory. When the algae provided as foodwere almost fully consumed, bacteriovory became dominant. Thethreshold occurred when the concentration of algae in the culture wasbetween 1.5 and 0.5 million cells of Nannochloropsis per ml. Ina chemostat operated with un-limited food condition, bacterialnitrogen corresponding to 20% of algal feeding, was consumed by therotifer.In a semi-continuous mass culture where food condition was limited,bacteriovory was more effective in supporting the rotiferreproduction. It contributed to the extremely high nitrogen recoveryfrom the provided foods (algae and oil-yeast) to the harvestedrotifers. The rapid and large nitrogen outflow from rotifersaccelerated the propagation of edible bacteria and can explain thestrange paradox observed in the culture; daily supply of foods didnot cover the sum of growth and excretion.It is not too exaggerated to state that the rotifer mass culture issupported by bacteria. The future strategy for maintenance of masscultures should consider this aspect.  相似文献   

This study examines the swimming speed in amictic females of Brachionus plicatilis in laboratory cultures. Five different stages were examined: recently hatched females, juveniles, adult non-ovigerous females, ovigerous females with 1 attached egg and ovigerous females with 2 attached eggs. We tested the speed at two temperatures, 15 °C and 25 °C, and two feeding conditions, presence and absence of microalgal cells. An automated motion analysis system was used to measure speed which was then video recorded. Swimming speed (μm s−1) increased with increasing body size. There was a slight decrease in the speed of adult females as the number of attached eggs increased. Swimming activity was higher at 25 °C than at 15 °C and in the absence of food than if microalgae were present. Average values under the different experimental conditions ranged between 500 μm s−1 for the recently hatched and fed females and 1500 μm s−1 for the adult non-ovigerous females in the absence of microalgae. Mass-specific swimming speed decreased with body mass increase.  相似文献   

Michel Comps  Bruno Menu 《Hydrobiologia》1997,358(1-3):179-183
During recent years, investigations on decrease ofrotifer density in culture tanks from severalhatcheries have shown that infectious diseases mightbe associated with abnormal mortality. The firstreported infection was caused by an unusual birnavirusreferred as rotifer birnavirus (RBV). Viral lesionsappeared in cells of gastric glands and spread toother epithelia. Virus particles were also foundwithin ovarian cells. Highly infected rotifersexhibited abnormal behavior and died. The secondimportant pathogen found in Brachionusplicatilis has been provisionally related to theLagenidiaceae. The fungus developed in up to 85% ofrotifers and caused sudden, precipitous decrease inanimal density. The occurrence of these diseases showsthat in the future infectious agents will have to beconsidered as important factors capable of reducingthe productivity of rotifer mass cultures.  相似文献   

M. Yúfera 《Hydrobiologia》1987,147(1):319-322
The embryonic development times of two strains of Brachionus plicatilis (Bs and S-1) cultured on three different algal diets (Nannochloris oculata, N. maculata and Nannochloropsis gaditana), have been determined at 20°C, 25°C and 30°C. As expected, the embryonic development times decreased with increasing temperature in all cases. However, embryos from adults fed on N. gaditana tended to develop more slowly than those of individuals fed on the other algal species. Mean egg volume was also affected by diet, larger eggs being produced by females fed on N. gaditana. No obvious relationship between egg size and temperature was detected.Two principal factors seemed to affect the embryonic development time. The first was temperature which acts through its well known effect on metabolic rates. The second was maternal diet which probably affects development time through its effect on yolk content, as reflected in the size of the egg.  相似文献   

The effect of sublethal levels of methylparathion (0, 1, 3, 5, 7 mg l–1) on the freshwater rotifer, Brachionus calyciflorus, during their entire life cycle was studied. Rotifers were fed on two species of unicellular algae: Nannochloris oculata and Chlorella pyrenoidosa; both algal concentrations were 5 × 105 cell ml–1.The parameters used to determine the toxicity of this compound were survival, fecundity, net reproductive rate (R)o, generation time (T), intrinsic rate of natural increase (r), reproductive value (V x/Vo) and life expectancy at hatching (eo). All the demographic parameters studied were affected by methyl-parathion exposure on rotifers fed on both species of algae, but the toxic effect was larger when animals were fed on Chlorella pyrenoidosa; in this case, animals showed a decreased in fertility and also a delayed first reproduction. Sublethal methylparathion levels produced a reduction in most of the parameters selected, especially after exposure to 7 mg l–1, where the animals died before reproducing.  相似文献   

Pozuelo  M.  Lubián  L.M. 《Hydrobiologia》1993,255(1):139-143
Two strains of the rotifer Brachionus plicatilis (L-type) differing in the levels of mictic female and male production, were grown in batch cultures with the alga Nannochloropsis gaditana as food, at two low (2.5 and 10), and two high (40 and 50) salinities. While both the low (strain S-1) and the high (strain S-3) sexual reproducing strains developed similar growth cycles at 2.5 and 10, the population growth response at 40 and 50 showed that; 1) in strain S-1, mixis can be suppressed in conditions that still allow asexual reproduction, and 2) in strain S-3 mictic female and male production are possible at nearly zero asexual population growth rates. In strain S-3, a double log linear relationship between the densities of males and females was found. These results show that mixis can occur over a wide ranges of female population density, and support the hypothesis that sexual reproduction is a strain dependent component of the general reproductive response.  相似文献   

The effect of different cell densities of marine Chlorella sp. on the growth rate, doubling time and production of the rotifer Brachionus plicatilis was investigated. A significant increase in rotifer production was achieved at a density of 50 × 106 Chlorella cells ml–1. The nutritional quality of rotifers grown at different concentrations of Chlorella is discussed.  相似文献   

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