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报道了虎耳草科新记录2种3变种:长白茶藨子(Ribes komarovii)、疏花山梅花(Philadelphus laxiflorus)、米柴山梅花(Philadelphus incanus var.mitsai)、无柄溲疏(Deutzia glabrata var.sessilifolia)和绣毛绣球(Hydrangea longipes var.fulvescens),并对<河南植物志>虎耳草科17个类群进行了订正.  相似文献   

在广东大亚湾海岛植物调查中,发现广东省被子植物新记录2个物种——芸香科(Rutaceae)光叶山小橘[Glycosmis craibii var. glabra (Craib) Tanaka]和山茶科(Theaceae)保亭杨桐(Adinandra howii Merrill & Chun)。凭证标本存放于厦门大学生命科学学院植物标本室(AU)。新记录既丰富了广东省植物多样性,也为海岛植物研究提供了基础资料。  相似文献   

本文报道了湖南双子叶植物1个新记录属、2个新记录种以及1个新记录变种,即中华青牛胆 [Tinospora sinensis (Loureiro) Merrill]、柳叶润楠(Machilus salicina Hance)、广西白背叶(Mallotus apelta var. kwangsiensis F. P. Metcalf)、赛葵 [Malvastrum coromandelianum (Linnaeus) Garcke],赛葵对应的赛葵属(Malvastrum A. Gray)为湖南植物新记录属。入侵植物赛葵可能会对当地的农业生产和生态造成破坏。  相似文献   

广东楝科植物分类的初步研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文是对广东楝科植物种类的初步整理、研究,记载了16属33种7交种,包括本省产的13属27种7变种和外来引种的3属6种。其中有1个新变种(封开地黄连Munronia hainanensis How et T. Chen var. microphyllina X. M. Chen),3个新组合(曾椤Amoora tsangii (Merr.) X. M. Chen, 雷楝Reinwardtiodendron dubium (Merr.) X. M. Chen, 毛香椿Toona sinensis (A. Juss.) M. J. Roem. var. schensiana (C. DC.) X. M. Chen), 3个分布新记录[雷楝属Reinwardtiodendron (我国新记录),鹧鸪花Trichilia connaroides (W. et A.) Bentv. var. connaroides(广东新记录),海南(木坚)木Dysoxylvm hainanense Merr. var. hainanense(广东大陆新记录)].  相似文献   

报道假糙苏属(Paraphlomis)植物在中国广西2个新分类群和2个新记录种.2个新分类群是翅柄假糙苏(P.javanica(Blume)Prain var.pteropoda D.Fang & K. J.Yan)和白脉狭叶假糙苏(P.javanica(Blume)Prain var.angustifolia (C.Y. Wu)C.Y.Wu&H. W.Li f.albinervia D.Fang & K J.Yan).2个新记录种是刚毛假糙苏(P.hispida C.Y.Wu)和近革叶假糙苏(P.subcoriacea C.Y Wu ex H. W.Li).  相似文献   

井冈山绣线梅 新种 照片1 Neillia jinggangshanensis Z. X. Yu, sp. nov. Species N. sinensis Oliv. & N. Tibesioidi Rehd. affinis, sedramulis et rachidibus conspicue angularibus; foliis utrinquepraeter secus nervos fere glabris; calycibus extus fulvo-pubes-centibus, calycis lobis margine ciliatis; staminibus 15-203 ova-riis et stylis infra medium fulvo-pubescentibus valde differt.  相似文献   

报道了海南8种植物新记录种,隶属于8科8属,其中3属为海南新记录属。新记录属分别为金线草属Antenoron Rafin.、变豆菜属Sanicula Linn.、龙珠属Tubocapsicum (Wettst.) Makino;新记录种包括龙眼润楠Machilus oculodracontis、金线草Antenoron filiforme、大叶拿身草Desmodium laxiflorum、钦州柯Lithocarpus qinzhouicus、多序楼梯草Elatostema macintyrei、膜叶变豆菜Sanicula lamelligera、小叶乌饭树Vaccinium bracteatum var. chinense、龙珠Tubocapsicum anomalum。凭证标本存放在中国科学院华南植物园标本馆(IBSC)、香港嘉道理农场暨植物园植物标本室(KFBG)及香港政府标本室(HK)。  相似文献   

湖南的新记录植物(四)   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
报道了湖南植物分布新记录 ,其中新记录科 1个 ,即无叶莲科Petrosaviaceae;新记录属 2个 ,即无叶莲属PetrosaviaBecc .和鸢尾兰属OberoniaLindl.;新记录种 1 1个 ,即小药八旦子Corydaliscaudata (Lam .)Pers、韫珍金腰ChrysospleniumwuwencheniiJien、桂林乌桕SapiumchihsinianumS .K .Lee、蛛毛苣苔Paraboeasinensis (Oliv .)Burtt、扁穗牛鞭草Hemarthriacompressa (Linn .f.)R .Br.、曲轴黑三棱SparganiumfallaxGraebn、无叶莲Pet rosaviasakuraii (Makino)J.J .SmithexSteenis、北重楼ParisverticillataM .-Bieb .、大叶仙茅Curculigocapitulata (Lour.)O .Kuntze、狭叶鸢尾兰OberoniacaulescensLindl.、无距虾脊兰CalanthetsoongianaT .TangetF .T .Wang ;新记录变种 1个 ,即峨嵋金腰ChrysospleniumhydrocotylifoliumL啨vl.etVant.var.emeienseJ .T .Pan。  相似文献   

报道了陕西省种子植物分布的1新记录属、7新记录种.新记录属为亚麻荠属(十字花科),7个新记录种分别为梵净山菝葜(百合科)、鄂西小檗(小檗科)、堇叶碎米荠、亚麻荠(十字花科)、矮生栒子(蔷薇科)、长梗玄参(玄参科)及云雾忍冬(忍冬科).  相似文献   

报道了湖南省被子植物新记录种7个,即红枝崖爬藤(Tetrastigma erubescens)、云南黑鳗藤(Jasminanthes saxatilis)、常绿悬钩子(Rubus jianensis)、线叶马兜铃(Aristolochia neolongifolia)、大别山马兜铃(Aristolochia dabieshanensis)、山牵牛(Thunbergia grandiflora)和指叶山猪菜(Merremia quinata),其中山牵牛属(Thunbergia)为湖南省新记录属。同时,给出了各新记录种的地理分布、生境及主要识别特征。这些植物的发现不仅丰富了湖南的植物多样性,也对研究湖南与周边区域植物区系之间的关系具有一定意义。  相似文献   

报道贵州分布新记录植物25种4变种,即七裂槭 (Acer heptalobum Diels.)、长柄槭(A. longipes Franch ex Rehd.)、富源杜鹃(Rhododendron fuyuanense Z. H. Yang.)、毛柱马缨花(R. delavayi Franch. var. pilostylum K. M. Feng.)、西藏白珠树(Gaultheria wardii Marq. &; Airy Shaw.)、滇豹子花(Nomocharis forrestii Balf.)、黄精(Polygonatum sibircum Delar.ex Redouté.)、 轮叶黄精[P. verticillatum (Linn.) All.]、细根黄精(P. gracile P. Y. Li.)、 距花万寿竹(Disporum calcaratum D. Don.)、 黄花油点草(Tricyrtis latifolia Maxin.)、铺散毛茛(Ranuculus diffuses DC.)、棱喙毛茛(R. trigonus Hand.—Mazz.)、昆明毛茛(R. kunmingensis W.T.Wang.)、展毛昆明毛茛(R. kunningensis W. T. Wang var. hispidus W. T. Wang.)、桔红悬钩子(Rubus aurantiacus Focke.)、西畴悬钩子(R. xichouensis Yü &; Lu.)、黑腺美饰悬钩子(R. subornatus Fooke var. melanadenus Focke.)、多脉悬钩子(R. phoenicolasius Maxim.)、掌叶悬钩子(R. pentagonus Wall. ex Focke.)、 裂叶西康绣线梅[Neillia thibetica Bur. &; Franch. var. lobata (Rehd.) Yü.]、 川康绣线梅(N. affinis Hemsl.)、毛山楂(Crataegus maximowiczii Schneid.)、维西小檗(Berberis weixiensis C. Y. Wu ex S. Y. Bao.)、 南川小檗(B. fallaciosa Schneid.)、万源小檗(B. metopolyantha Ahrendt.)、尼泊尔十大功劳(Mahonia napaulensis DC.)、 长苞十大功劳(M. longibracteata Takeda.)、丁座草[Boschniakia himalaica (Hook. f. &; Thoms.) G. Beck.]。  相似文献   

A retrospective study of 20 patients with cryptococcal meningitis and their isolated strains was performed. Cryptococcus neoformans var. neoformans was recovered from 14 (70%) cases, and var. gattii was recovered from six (30%) patients. Twelve patients had AIDS (all carrying var. neoformans), two had other diseases (one with var. neoformans and one var. gattii) and there was no identifiable underlying disease in six (one var. neoformans and five var. gattii). Fourteen patients (11 var. neoformans and three var. gattii) resided in the Mexico City area, where a temperate climate is prevalent, and there were six cases (three var. neoformans and three var. gattii) from states with a tropical/subtropical climate. Although there was no significant statistical difference between the two varieties, the fatal outcome was higher in patients with var. neoformans. The disease caused by var. gattii strains was characterized by a higher opening pressure, more inflamatory changes of CSF and a longer clinical course (delayed clinical and mycological cure). Cryptococcus neoformans var. gattii is a significant cause of cryptococcal meningitis in patients without underlying diseases in Mexico.  相似文献   

Many desmid taxa were found in collections from Asia (Japan, Cambodia, Malaysia and Thailand). The following 21 new taxa and two new combinations belonging to five genera (Closterium, Euastrum, Cosmarium, Xanthidium and Staurastrum) and a rare species of Xanthidium, are reported. These include Closterium nasutum Nordstedt var. kazukoae Kanetsuna var. nov., Closterium nematodes Joshua var. nematodes f. kriegeri Kanetsuna f. nov., Euastrum binale (Turpin) Ehrenberg ex Ralfs var. protuberans Kanetsuna var. nov., Euastrum borgeanum Scott et Prescott var. cambodiense Kanetsuna var. nov., Euastrum dubium Nägeli var. protuberans Kanetsuna var. nov., Euastrum fissum W. et G. S. West var. yasukoae Kanetsuna var. nov., Euastrum gemmatum Brébisson var. tenuius Krieger f. porosum (Förster) Kanetsuna comb. nov., Euastrum pseudojenneri Scott et Prescott var. glabrum Kanetsuna var. nov., Cosmarium denticulatum Borge var. multispinum (Hirano) Kanetsuna comb. nov., Cosmarium furcatospermum W. et G. S. West var. fallax Kanetsuna var. nov., Cosmarium pileatum Borge var. cambodiense Kanetsuna var. nov., Cosmarium retusiforme (Wille) Gutwinski var. incrassatum Gutwinski f. retusum Kanetsuna f. nov., Cosmarium trapezoideum Kanetsuna sp. nov., Cosmarium zonatum Lundell var. zonatum f. majus Kanetsuna f. nov., Xanthidium cristatum Brébisson var. delpontei Roy et Bisset f. mizoroensis Kanetsuna f. nov., Xanthidium fasciculatum Ehrenberg ex Ralfs var. siamense Kanetsuna var. nov., Xanthidium pseudofreemanii Kanetsuna sp. nov., Xanthidium subtrilobum W. et G. S. West var. inornatum Skuja f. depressum Kanetsuna f. nov., Xanthidium subtrilobum W. et G. S. West var. inornatum Skuja f. singulare Kanetsuna f. nov., Staurastrum boergesenii Raciborski var. verrucosum Kanetsuna var. nov., Staurastrum dickiei Ralfs var. polypyrenoideum Kanetsuna var. nov., Staurastrum neglectum G. S. West var. fuseense Kanetsuna var. nov., Staurastrum trissacanthum Scott et Prescott var. dissacanthum Scott et Prescott f. longispinum Kanetsuna f. nov., and a rare interesting form, Xanthidium superbum Elfving var. centricornis Prowse.  相似文献   

Based on examination of a clay sample comprising part of the type material of diatoms described by Skvortzow in 1936 from Lake Biwa, lectotypes of the following 14 pennate diatom taxa were designated: Caloneis nipponica Skvortzow; Cocconeis disculus var. nipponica Skvortzow; Cymbella nipponica Skvortzow; Cymbella turgidula var. nipponica Skvortzow; Gomphonema lingulatum var. elongatum Skvortzow; Navicula costu‐lata var. tenuirostris Skvortzow; Navicula gastrum fo. nipponica Skvortzow; Navicula hasta var. gracilis Skvortzow; Navicula lambda var. nipponica Skvortzow; Navicula lanceolata var. nipponica Skvortzow; Navicula radiosa fo. nipponica Skvortzow; Navicula rostellata var. biwaensis Skvortzow; Navicula similis var. nipponica Skvortzow; and Navicula undulata Skvortzow. Navicula lanceolata var. nipponica, N. costulata var. tenuirostris, N. undulata, G. lingulatum var. elongatum and N. lambda var. nipponica are probably later synonyms of other taxa. Navicula lambda var. nipponica and N. similis var. nipponica are given the new combinations Sellaphora lambda var. nipponica (Skvortzow) Ohtsuka and Placoneis clementis var. nipponica (Skvortzow) Ohtsuka, respectively. Cymbella turgidula var. nipponica, N. hasta var. gracilis, and N. rostellata var. biwaensis are each elevated to the independent species under the names Cymbella rhe‐ophila Ohtsuka, Navicula subhasta Ohtsuka and Navicula biwaensis (Skvortzow) Ohtsuka, respectively.  相似文献   

The morphology and taxonomy of nine desmid taxa belonging to the three genera Closterium, Euastrum and Cosmarium are studied based on freshwater algal collections from Brazil and Argentina. They represent five new varieties (Closterium cynthia De Notaris var. minutum Kanetsuna var. nov., Euastrum attenuatum Wolle var. saitoi Kanetsuna var. nov., Cosmarium laticollum Delponte var. minutum Kanetsuna var. nov., Cosmarium pseudovariolatum Grönblad var. major Kanetsuna var. nov. and Cosmarium taxichondrum Lundell var. yamagishii Kanetsuna var. nov.), two new forms (Euastrum hypochondrum Nordstedt var. hypochondrum f. divergens Kanetsuna f. nov. and Euastrum insulare (Wittrock) Roy var. silesiacum (Gronblad) Krieger f. brasiliense Kanetsuna f. nov.) and one new status (Cosmarium pseudovariolatum Gronblad var. incrassatum (Scott et Gronblad) Kanetsuna f. elonga‐tum (Scott et Gronblad) Kanetsuna stat. nov.). In addition, a new combination (Cosmarium pseudovariolatum Gronblad var. incrassatum (Scott et Gronblad) Kanetsuna comb, nov.) is proposed.  相似文献   

Floral traits such as color and size are highly diversified in lilies, but their adaptive significance remains uncertain. In the present study, we compared pollination processes between Lilium japonicum var. abeanum and var. japonicum to clarify how the two varieties are adapted to different pollinators. Lilium japonicum var. japonicum is known to be pollinated by moths, and we hypothesized from its flower traits that var. abeanum is pollinated by diurnal insects. Using waterproof digital cameras set to a recording interval of 10–30 s, we recorded flower visitors for 7–9 flowers of var. japonicum and 4–6 flowers of var. abeanum over 24‐h periods. We also recorded the number of versatile (T‐shaped) and rigid (I‐shaped) anthers per flower. For var. abeanum, we observed flowers at 05.00 and 17.00 hours to determine flower opening time and measured the intensity of floral scent using a metal‐oxide semi‐conductor odor sensor. Both diurnal and nocturnal insects visited flowers of the two varieties, but visitation of diurnal insects was more frequent in var. abeanum. Anthers of var. abeanum are usually rigid, as in many bee‐pollinated flowers, whereas those of var. japonicum are mostly versatile. Although flowers of var. japonicum are known to open in the evening, 32% of the flowers of var. abeanum started to flower during the day. Lilium japonicum var. abeanum emitted scent at night, with a maximum intensity at 20.00 hours, just as in var. japonicum. These findings suggest that the floral traits of the two varieties are adapted to the different relative availabilities of nocturnal versus diurnal pollinators. The flower of var. abeanum is more adapted to diurnal pollinators, but retains adaptations to nocturnal pollinators, particularly with regard to its scent.  相似文献   

西畴重楼(Paris cronquistii var.xichouensis)为云南省特有物种,野外调查发现了广西(田林、那坡)的省级新分布,针对该新分布居群,观测并描述西畴重楼植物形态学特征,记录物候学特征,野外观测其地理分布特征,综上对其生物学特性进行补述,并结合前人基于细胞核ITS、叶绿体psbA-trnH和trnL-trnF等序列的分子系统学研究结果探讨其系统关系。结果表明:西畴重楼叶背面无紫色斑块,花瓣较宽而显著区别于凌云重楼(P.cromquistii var.cromquistii),但西畴重楼部分植株沿叶脉有紫色斑纹,表明与凌云重楼存在形态过渡,二者雄蕊数量均以3轮为主,而且变化范围一致;西畴重楼的物候期与同域分布的凌云重楼相近,同南重楼(P.vietnamensis)差异显著;西畴重楼多条序列的分子系统学研究显示西畴重楼和凌云重楼始终聚为一支,证实二者高度的亲缘关系。该研究结果完善了西畴重楼的生物学特性描述,首次报道了西畴重楼与凌云重楼形态特征存在过渡类型,物候学特征较一致,地理分布中心重叠,分子系统学位置相邻,仍支持李恒系统将西畴重楼作为凌云重楼的一变种。  相似文献   

The Chinese Bai-Ling-Gu is a mushroom named Pleurotus eryngii var. tuoliensis C.J. Mou. This species has been identified as P. nebrodensis or P. eryngii var. nebrodensis. We examined its taxonomic position by analysis of mating, cultivation, and rDNA sequences, and concluded as follows. (1) Bai-Ling-Gu mated with P. eryngii var. eryngii, and the F1 and F2 formed fruit bodies. (2) Bai-Ling-Gu mated with P. eryngii var. ferulae, and the F1 formed fruit bodies. (3) In the di-mon mating test, P. eryngii var. nebrodensis from Sicily mated with monokaryons of P. eryngii var. eryngii but mated hardly at all with those of Bai-Ling-Gu and P. eryngii var. ferulae. The di-mon mating pattern of Bai-Ling-Gu resembled those of P. eryngii var. ferulae. (4) The partial sequences of rDNA ITS1 and IGS1 from the epitype of P. nebrodensis were identical with those from P. eryngii var. nebrodensis from Sicily but differed from those from Bai-Ling-Gu. (5) The strains of P. eryngii var. eryngii and P. eryngii var. ferulae were in a group, the strains of P. eryngii var. nebrodensis from Sicily were in another group, and the strains of Bai-Ling-Gu were in the other group in both the phylogenetic trees based on the ITS1 and the IGS1 sequences. These results led to the conclusion that Bai-Ling-Gu is a variety of P. eryngii and evolved independently in China. It is satisfactory to identify Bai-Ling-Gu with P. eryngii var. tuoliensis C.J. Mou.  相似文献   

U. D. Bongale 《Hydrobiologia》1989,171(2):103-106
Six new taxa including two new species (Cosmarium bourrellyi Bongale sp. nov. andC. desikacharyi Bongale sp. nov.) and four new varieties (C. auriculatum var.protrusum Bongale var. nov.,C. pachydermum var.inflatum Bongale var. nov.,C. pseudoconnatum var.tuberculans Bongale var. nov. andC. quadrum var.rotundatum Bongale var. nov.) are reported. Algae were collected from a paddy field at Belgaum.  相似文献   

Based on a combined dataset of plastid DNA sequences (atpB‐rbcL, trnG, trnL‐trnL‐trnF, trnK 5' intron and matK) from 60 individuals, we conducted parsimony and likelihood analyses to clarify the phylogenetic relationships among the six species and three varieties that are commonly recognised in Heloniopsis, in addition to the related genera Ypsilandra and Helonias, using Chamaelirium and Chionographis as an outgroup. According to the single most parsimonious tree, which was identical to the maximum‐likelihood tree in topology, Helonias, Ypsilandra and Heloniopsis are all monophyletic with 100% bootstrap support (BS). In Heloniopsis, there are two highly supported clades (BS 94–97%): a clade of Korean species and a clade of Japanese and Taiwanese species. The latter clade comprised the following four subclades (BS 99–100%): 1) H. orientalis var. orientalis, 2) H. orientalis var. breviscapa and var. flavida, 3) H. kawanoi and 4) H. leucantha and H. umbellata. Because subclades 1 and 2 did not form a monophyletic group, and do show clear morphological differences – including nectary position, nectary‐sac structure and leaf margin undulation – they should be distinguished at the species level: H. orientalis for subclade 1 and H. breviscapa for subclade 2. In subclade 2, neither var. breviscapa nor var. flavida was monophyletic; instead, var. breviscapa plus var. flavida (thick‐leaved entity) was monophyletic (BS 62–63%) and var. flavida (thin‐leaved entity) was monophyletic (BS 86–87%). As var. breviscapa and var. flavida (thick‐leaved entity) share basally ± pinkish wide tepals and dark‐coloured thick leaves, in contrast to var. flavida (thin‐leaved entity), which has completely white narrow tepals and light‐coloured thin leaves, the two varieties should may be kept distinct after the merge of var. flavida (thick‐leaved entity) with var. breviscapa.  相似文献   

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