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测量和比较了采自甘肃省康县的康县隆肛蛙Feirana kangxianensis标本共计90只(雌性48只,雄性42只)。结果表明,康县隆肛蛙成体的头体长、头长、头宽、吻长、鼻间距、眼间距、眼径、鼓膜长、前臂及手长、后肢全长、手长、足长的形态特征在两性间的差异有统计学意义。以头体长为协变量的协方差分析显示,康县隆肛蛙两性的差异均有统计学意义,异形指数达到0.08,雌性与雄性的平均头体长比值为1.091。对所有测量的形态特征与头体长进行一元线性回归分析表明,雌性康县隆肛蛙局部形态特征的生长速度明显大于雄性,其中,吻长、眼间距、眼径、鼓膜长、前臂及手长、手长的两性差异最明显。生育力选择假设能解释康县隆肛蛙的两性异形现象。  相似文献   

红瘰疣螈皮肤的显微结构观察   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
对我国Ⅱ级重点保护野生动物红瘰疣螈(Tylototriton shanjing)成体的皮肤结构进行了显微观察。观察结果表明,其皮肤厚薄、微血管、色素分布,以及腺体的分布和大小等方面在身体的不同部位存在差异:头和背部的皮肤厚于腹部;黑色素细胞多分布于真皮浅层,以腹部及背侧无瘰粒处多见;真皮层富含黏液腺和颗粒腺,但分布不均匀;头嵴棱部及背部瘰粒下方颗粒腺的数量多、体积大,并充满分泌物;表皮下腺体外突,其表皮细胞层数减少,形成分泌物有效通道。同时,将红瘰疣螈皮肤与其他两栖类相比可知,其以上皮肤结构特征均体现了红瘰疣螈对山区阴湿环境中陆栖生活的重要适应。  相似文献   

林蛙属3物种皮肤的组织结构比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用石蜡切片和H.E染色技术,对蛙科(Ranidae)林蛙属(Rana)高原林蛙(R.kukunoris)、昭觉林蛙(R.chaochiaoensis)和峨眉林蛙(R.omeimontis)的皮肤组织结构进行了观察。应用SPSS 13.0统计软件,对皮肤的厚度、皮肤腺的相对数量和面积作了比较分析。3物种皮肤的基本结构相似,都由表皮和真皮组成。表皮是角质化的复层扁平上皮,由角质层、颗粒层、棘细胞层和生发层构成。真皮又分为疏松层和致密层,疏松层内分布有黏液腺、颗粒腺和脂腺3种类型的皮肤腺,黏液腺在体背和体腹皮肤内基本均匀分布,而颗粒腺主要以团块聚集形式散布在体背皮肤中。在高原林蛙皮肤中还发现了1种与以往描述不同的特殊嗜酸性腺体。皮肤厚度存在种间差异和部位差异。高原林蛙的表皮里有少量毛细血管和发达的色素细胞分布,真皮疏松层里有发达的腺体,这些可能是其对高海拔、低氧、低温和强紫外线辐射生活环境的适应策略。在峨眉林蛙和昭觉林蛙皮肤真皮的疏松层和致密层相邻处,发现有呈波浪条带状的、H.E染色呈蓝色的钙化层结构,体背部的钙化层比体腹部的发达。钙化层的功能可能包括防止体内水分散失、贮存钙离子、构成与体外环境进行物质交换的屏障等方面。  相似文献   

隆肛蛙属种群形态量度分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对隆肛蛙属Feirana中隆肛蛙F.quadrana和太行隆肛蛙F.taihangnicus的15个种群565只标本的28项形态性状进行了测量,并运用典型判别分析法对其进行分析,分析结果表明:1)太行隆肛蛙和隆肛蛙的形态差异明显,形态度量信息支持太行隆肛蛙与隆肛蛙是不同的物种;2)原隆肛蛙河南伏牛山种群和山西中条山种群均为太行隆肛蛙的地理种群;3)隆肛蛙的种群间形态差异明显,其中四川安县种群、陕西周至种群和湖北利川种群与模式产地重庆巫山种群的差异可能达到了亚种或亚种以上分化水平.  相似文献   

采用光镜和扫描电镜,对我国特有的珍稀濒危两栖动物版纳鱼螈Ichthyophis bannanicus幼体和成体的皮肤进行形态学和组织学观察.版纳鱼螈幼体和成体的皮肤均可分为表皮、真皮疏松层和真皮致密层;皮肤中含有粘液腺和颗粒腺;在不同发育阶段或同一个体的不同部位,其皮肤的各种组成成分在结构和厚度上存在着差异:成体和幼体都是头部的表皮最厚,尾部的最薄;幼体表皮各层细胞分化不明显,几无角化现象,成体表皮的各层细胞分化明显,表层细胞明显角化;成体躯干部皮肤最厚,头部最薄,幼体则是头部皮肤最厚,尾部最薄;幼体和成体的头部皮肤都分布有大量的粘液腺,颗粒腺分布较少;幼体的躯干部皮肤则主要分布着大量颗粒腺,尾部只有颗粒腺,未见粘液腺;成体躯干部和尾部皮肤均分布有大量的颗粒腺和粘液腺.  相似文献   

叶氏隆肛蛙(无尾目,蛙科)的补充描述   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
对采自河南省商城县隆肛蛙标本进行了形态学研究,发现该标本在形态上与巫山隆肛蛙及太行隆肛蛙Paa(Feirana)taihangnicus存在明显差异,定为1新种,即叶氏隆肛蛙Paa(Feirana)yei.文中对该种作了详细记述.  相似文献   

大凉疣螈皮肤的组织学观察   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对大凉疣螈Tylototriton taliangensis的皮肤进行了显微观察,结果表明,其体表不同部位皮肤的厚度存在一定差异,但基本结构相同.皮肤表面粗糙,表皮角质化程度较高.表皮与真皮相接处毛细血管丰富,毛细血管常向表皮突起,突起处表皮细胞层数减少,背部毛细血管密度大于腹部.皮肤中含有丰富的色素细胞,主要分布在真皮疏松层浅表.真皮中有丰富的皮肤腺:粘液腺体积较小,分布遍及全身,腹侧密度较大;颗粒腺体积较粘液腺大,主要分布在耳区、体背两侧及尾背侧,形成耳后腺、背嵴、尾部颗粒腺区等特殊结构.  相似文献   

扬子鳄皮肤腺结构与发育的初步观察   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
扬子鳄有三种皮肤腺:背腺、泄殖腔麝腺和下颌腺。背腺位于背中线左右两侧第二行鳞片下方,其确切位置个体间差异很大,如表1。幼鳄背腺形态多种多样,但显示出是一种退化器官,未观察到腺开口,也未观察到半成鳄和成鳄的背腺,因此扬子鳄背腺可能不具功能。泄殖腔麝腺位于泄殖腔腹唇内,梨形,腺管开口于泄殖腔腹壁,成体腺腔很大,腺的底部壁较厚,腺细胞明显地分成若干小叶,其它部位壁较薄,小叶不明显,属全泌腺,分泌油脂物,繁殖期特别发达,但性未成熟个体亦具功能,是一种信息素下颌腺位于下颌后方两侧皮肤内,圆柱状,脉管开口于下颌腹侧皮肤表面,成体腺腔不规则,腺壁厚,从包囊到腺腔,腺细胞可明显地分成三个区,属全泌腺,分泌油脂物,在繁殖期特别发达,此腺到性成熟才具功能。  相似文献   

太行隆肛蛙补充描述(无尾目,蛙科)   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
对采自我国河南济源市邵原镇太行山的隆肛蛙标本进行了形态学观察分析,发现该地标本在形态上与模式产地巫山隆肛蛙标本及其它种群存在明显差异,这表明太行山的隆肛蛙应是一独立种,即太行隆肛蛙Paa(Feirana)taihangnicus.本文对该种进行了详细的记述,并依据遗传学资料做了相应的分类讨论.  相似文献   

秦岭山区隆肛蛙胚后发育的初步观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
初步观察记录了秦岭山区隆肛蛙Feirana quadrana胚后发育过程.隆肛蛙蝌蚪的头长、体长、尾长和后肢长度随发育时间的增加而显著增长.将隆肛蛙的胚后发育过程划分为20期.其蝌蚪在发育中体色、荚膜(皮肤褶)、侧线以及唇齿式等结构都发生了相应的变化.唇齿式由以II∶ 5-5/II∶ 1-1型为主演变为以II∶ 6-6/II∶ 1-1、I∶ 6-6/II∶ 1-1和II∶ 5-5/II∶ 1-1型为主.  相似文献   

The epidermis of the mudskipper Periophthalmus magnuspinnatus consisted of three layers: the outermost layer, middle layer and stratum germinativum. Extensive vascular capillary networks were present near the superficial layer of epidermis and outermost layer. The diffusion distance between the vascular capillaries and the surface of epidermis was c . 1.5 ± 0.9μm. The middle layer consisted of small or voluminous cells swollen by epidermal cells. Due to the swollen cells, the thickness of the epidermis increased and the epidermis appeared web-like. The swollen cells contained tonofilaments, lucent contents and desmosomes. Fine blood capillaries were also discernible in this layer. Well-developed lymphatic spaces containing lymphocytes existed in the stratum germinativum. Numerous blood capillaries were present under the basement membrane. The dermis consisted of a stratum laxum and stratum compactum, and there was a definite area with acid mucopolysaccharides and a small scale in the stratum laxum. The skin had an epidermal pigment cell, dendritic melanophores (-cytes) containing melanin granules within their cytoplasm, and two kinds of dermal pigment cells, melanophores and colourless pigments containing reflecting platelets.  相似文献   

New World species of the Hystricognathi comprise a group of rodents that exhibit poorly understood social behaviour. One such species, the echimyid Thrichomys apereoides, has a behavioural and social repertoire which suggests the use of its eversible anal gland in communication between individuals; however, no information on the morphology of this gland is available. In this study, the anal gland of nineteen adult individuals (11 males and 8 females) was analysed through histological and histochemical techniques. The gland was located in the submucosal of the anal region, cranial to the anus, and had an opening located dorsally in the rectum mucosa at approximately 1 mm from the anus. The gland was characterized as seromucous, secreting neutral glycoprotein. Not all individuals studied presented secretion in the glandular ducts, indicating a possible functional variation in the gland. This was the first record of an anal gland of the seromucous type in rodents.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to identify the normal morphologic, immunohistochemical and ultrastructural features of skin of the turbot (Psetta maxima L.). In the turbot skin, three morphologically distinct layers were identified: epidermis, dermis and hypodermis. The epidermis was non-keratinizing, stratified squamous epithelium that varies in thickness from 5 to 14 cells and 60 to 100 μm in size. Goblet cells were seen randomly distributed between malpighian cells in the epidermal layer. These mucous cells were mainly located in the upper third of the epidermis and displayed a spherical to elongated morphology. Dermis was divided in two well-differentiated layers, the superficial stratum laxum and the deeper stratum compactum. Hypodermis was a loose layer mainly composed by adipocytes but we could observe variable amounts of fibroblast, collagen and blood vessels. In turbot two pigmentary layers could be identified: the pigmentary layer of dermis was located between basement membrane and dermis and the pigmentary layer of hypodermis immediately above the muscular layer. Three different types of chromatophores were present: melanophores, iridophores and xanthophores. The main differences observed between groups of fish with different colouration were in the amount of melanophores and xanthophores. The purpose of this article is to provide an overview of normal cutaneous biology prior to consideration of specific cutaneous alterations and diseases in turbot.  相似文献   

Harold  Fox 《Journal of Zoology》1985,205(2):223-234
The skin of the paired tentacles of Ichthyophis consists of a cornified epidermis of 5–7 layers of epidermal cells, and a glandular dermis of ducted mucous glands, in association with collagen, blood vessels, fibroblasts, granulocytes, sparse melanophores and characteristic laminophores of unknown function. The epidermis is highly innervated at all levels below the stratum corneum by naked neurites, which originate as branches from large unmyelinated nerve bundles (and associated Schwann cells), located sub-epidermally, and which are part of the trigeminal cranial nerve. Myelinated nerves are also present below the epidermis, spatially associated with capillaries and glands. The study of the ultrastructure of the tentacle supports a concept of a sensory function, possibly tactile, though until further information from experimentation is available, any ideas on the specific nature of these sensory activities must remain speculative.  相似文献   

In the adult male Saguinus fuscicollis , the scrotal skin and the area above the root of the penis are raised in a sharply defined cushion, which extends cranially into a rectangular suprapubic pad. The circumgenital area of the adult female resembles that of the male, except that the suprapubic pad is relatively and absolutely larger. A complex glandular organ, composed of holocrine and apocrine glands, is located beneath the epidermis of the circumgenital skin. In males, specialized holocrine glands associated with hair follicles predominate. They form a layer, 2-3 mm deep beneath the epidermis. These holocrine glands have a complex alveolar structure and possess numerously branched excretory ducts. Each group of glands empties into a common duct which enters the hair follicle. In males, the apocrine glands are located predominantly at the periphery of the glandular pad and between the scrotal and perineal areas. The excretory ducts of most apocrine glands empty on to the skin surface in close spatial association with hair follicles. However, independent openings were also observed. In females, the specialized holocrine glands resemble those of males but are more frequently interspersed with apocrine glands. The apocrine glands are larger and much more numerous than in males, especially in the region of the labia majora. Gonadectomy of an adult male and female resulted in a reduction in the size of the holocrine glands but had much less effect on the apocrine glands of the scent organ. In addition, the sexual dimorphism in gland histology was retained years after castration.  相似文献   

The pelvic, pectoral, anal and dorsal fins of mature male, female and immature male Lipophrys pholis (L.) were examined by light microscopy for the presence of club glands. All fins except the dorsal showed a highly stratified epidermis and a thick cuticle. Club glands were present on the dorsal fin of mature male fisH but only during the breeding season. The development and decline of the club glands corresponds to the period of gonadal build-up and spawnout. Each club gland comprises several thousand bundles ofcolumnar cells. The columnar cells surround acentral pore which opens to the outside through a layer of Malpighian cells. The substance produced by the gland includes mucopolysacchdride. The function of the secretion is unknown and is discussed in relation to studies on similar glands in several Mediterranean blenniids.  相似文献   

为研究花背蟾蜍(Bufo raddei)蝌蚪在变态发育期皮肤的显微结构特点,选取G19、G22、G26、G36、G41、G43和G46共7个发育期蝌蚪的连续石蜡切片及成体的背部皮肤切片,采用H.E和AB-PAS染色方法,观察了皮肤各层结构的发育时序并进行了相应的测量.结果表明,在G19、G22和G26蝌蚪表皮均为1层细胞;G36蝌蚪皮肤细胞形态和层数在背腹部出现了显著的区别;在G41基本完成了表皮2层细胞的构建;G43期完成完整的真皮构建,其中分布有毛细血管和2种皮肤腺.G46皮肤在厚度、腺体和毛细血管分布等方面表现出了明显的区域性差异,并与成体皮肤结构有明显的差别,显示出蝌蚪在发育过程中皮肤结构的变化与其生存环境之间紧密的关联性.  相似文献   

The fine structure of the tail skin oflarval Neoceratodusforsteri , between stages 40 and 50 (Kemp, 1982), is described and where applicable specific cellular components are compared and contrasted with comparable ones in the skin of adult dipnoans, teleosts and larval and adult amphibians.
The epidermis of the early developing tail, within the range studied, differentiates a variety of different cell types. Surface epithelial lucent and vacuolated lucent cells and basal cells are distinguished, and goblet (mucous) cells, Merkel cells and macrophages appear in the epidermis towards the end of the series.
Below a poorly developed collagenous basement lamella, immature melanophores with premelanosomes are present, and likewise there are non–myelinated nerves, some striated muscle fibres, capillaries and mesenchymal fibroblasts.
The tail epidermis is innervated by naked neurites from the beginning of the series, and the earliest recognizable Merkel cell is in synaptic association with neurites.  相似文献   

M. Whitear    G. Zaccone    M. B. Ricca  P. Lo  Cascio 《Journal of Zoology》1991,224(3):479-489
The venom glands of Heteropneustes lie deep in the epidermis at the sides of the pectoral fin spines, and consist of large cells that react positively to histochemical tests for proteins, histidine and tyrosine, negatively to periodic acid-Schiff and for serotonin and bombesin. The venom cells are of two types, appearing to have dense or lucent cytoplasm when seen by electron microscopy. The dense type has the better developed Golgi systems, the lucent type has more ribosomes. Both appear to differentiate from the basal layer of the epidermis. The epidermis over the glands has a zone with relatively few desmosomes and enlarged intercellular spaces. Both staining reactions and fine structure differentiate the venom gland cells from the club cells of the epidermis, to such an extent that they must be considered distinct secretory elements.  相似文献   

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