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为阐明大绒鼠幼仔的生长发育和代谢产热特征,本实验测定了1-49 日龄大绒鼠幼仔的体重、体温、静止代谢率(RMR)和非颤抖性产热(NST)。依据逻辑斯蒂曲线的拐点(24 d),大绒鼠的体重生长可划分为加速生长相和减速生长相,幼仔的体温在19 日龄前逐渐升高,22 日龄时接近成体水平;RMR 和NST分别在28日龄、19日龄前随日龄逐渐增加,RMR 在28日龄时接近成体水平,BAT 产热活性在7 日龄内被激活。结果表明,大绒鼠胎后发育及产热能力符合晚成性动物的一般特征,即具有短的妊娠期,较少的胎仔数,较长的哺乳期,这些特征对适应横断山特殊多变的环境条件具有重要意义。  相似文献   

高山姬鼠幼仔的生长发育和产热特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据高山姬鼠幼仔56 d 的生长资料初步分析了其生长发育规律;用电子天平测量了体重的增长过程; 用开放式呼吸仪测定了静止代谢率(Resting metabolic rate,RMR)、非颤抖性产热(Nonshivering thermogenesis, NST)以及肺皮蒸发失水(Evaporative water loss,EWL)。依据逻辑斯蒂曲线的拐点,高山姬鼠的体重生长可划分为加速生长相和减速生长相。幼仔的体温在17 日龄前逐渐升高,35 日龄时接近成体水平;静止代谢率和非颤抖性产热在17 日龄前随日龄逐渐增大,17 日龄后与体重成异速增长关系,RMR 在49 日龄时接近成体水平,NST 在6 日龄内即被激活;蒸发失水在断乳前较断乳后为高。高山姬鼠为典型的晚成性发育动物。高山姬鼠较短的妊娠期、较大的胎仔数、较长的哺乳期与其食物资源较丰富有关。  相似文献   

凡是具有峰形曲线增长的生物种群,大体上可归纳为前峰形、中峰形和后峰形,完全像逻辑斯蒂曲线增长的不多。因而,采用逻辑斯蒂曲线拟合的方法拟合峰形曲线就有些不太理想。本文介绍两种拟合峰形曲线较理想的方法,一种是累加生成拟合,另一种是灰色逻辑斯蒂曲线拟合。第一种方法是通过一次累加生成弱化原始数据中的随机性和波动性,以适应于逻辑曲线的拟合。第二种是采用灰色系统理论的方法,采用  相似文献   

2014年和2015年监测朱鹮保护区野生朱鹮(Nipponia nippon)15只雏鸟的生长发育,拟合其生长发育数据的生长曲线和相对生长公式,与1989年研究结果进行对比。结果显示,野生朱鹮雏鸟的生长发育不受孵化顺序的影响,雄性体长的生长速度快于雌性。目前朱鹮雏鸟体重、体长、翅长、嘴峰长、跗跖长和中趾长的生长均符合逻辑斯谛生长曲线,雏鸟体重生长率在13日龄左右达到最大。与1989年的研究结果比较发现,目前野生朱鹮幼鸟总体生长发育有所放缓。这可能与近年野生朱鹮种群的增长和扩散导致的环境压力加大以及繁殖期食物资源不足有关。  相似文献   

为了掌握三角帆蚌幼蚌贝壳形态及体重的生长规律,采用模型拟合的方法研究了三角帆蚌(Hyriopsis cumingii)幼蚌一个生长周期内4个贝壳性状形态及体重性状的生长规律。结果显示,三角帆蚌幼蚌的贝壳形态与体重的增长过程均遵循Logistic生长模型。运用Levenberg-Marquardt迭代法估计出生长模型中的3个生长参数,得到在观测周期内各性状的生长极限值分别为,壳长9.216 cm、壳高4.985 cm、壳宽2.212 cm、全高8.262 cm、体重75.240 g;各性状的快速生长区间分别为壳长2.211 ~ 5.181月龄、壳高2.107 ~ 5.363月龄、壳宽2.712 ~ 5.470月龄、全高2.294 ~ 5.026月龄、体重4.247 ~ 8.065月龄,可见体重具有明显的生长延缓现象。各性状的瞬时增长率曲线均呈钟型,先增大到达生长拐点后又逐渐减小;瞬时增长加速度曲线为倒S型曲线,有最高和最低点;相对增长率在养殖初期最大,然后随着生长逐渐下降。上述结果可为三角帆蚌的养殖生态及选择育种提供参考。  相似文献   

本文研究了黑水虻Hermetia illucens幼虫取食花生麸的发育速率及其食物转化率。仔细考察了黑水虻卵孵化后,其幼虫平均体重的增长情况,结果显示,黑水虻在实验条件下(T=30℃,RH=60%),幼虫发育的参考周期为20 d,其中最初5 d体重增长9433倍,从第6 d至第10 d体重增长7倍,最后10 d体重增长095倍,从初孵幼虫到老熟幼虫体重增长148667倍,发育期内的体重增长趋势类似于逻辑斯谛曲线,而第5 天(W=143 g/百头虫)与第10 天(W=1145g/百头虫)则为逻辑斯谛曲线的两个拐点。食物转化率测定结果表明,黑水虻幼虫取食花生麸的转化率为2888%。  相似文献   

长江中游湖泊放流河蟹的生长动态   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
在保安湖的两个湖区(扁担塘和龙王头)和牛山湖的一个围拦湖汊中对放流河蟹的生长指标逐月采样研究,结果表明,三个水体虽同属长江中下游典型草型湖泊,但河蟹在生长末期规格(壳宽、体重)上表现出一定差异。扁担塘(瓯江种)、龙王头(瓯江种+长江种)成蟹规格较一致,群体壳宽分别为6.70±0.59、6.73±0.56cm,体重分别为155.1±36.0g、158.0±36.1g。而牛山湖湖议成蟹壳宽为5.63±0.43cm,体重为103.2±26.3g,与前两者相比,差异显著。原因可能主要是后者放养时间太晚(1997年4月26日)。从瞬时生长率来看,牛山湖湖(天津种)为0.02687g·day-1,大于扁担塘(0.00977g·day-1)和龙王头(0.00997g·day-1)。作者给出了上述三个水体2龄河蟹体重生长的逻辑斯蒂曲线方程。  相似文献   

目的采用对SPF级KM小鼠进行剖宫产术,用无菌奶妈代乳方法,培育出GF级(即无菌级)KM小鼠,了解GF级KM小鼠的生长发育并绘制出生长曲线;测定其不同生长阶段的主要脏器重量及血液生理生化值并进行比较分析。方法①分别称取60只(雌雄各半)0~112日龄GF级KM小鼠体重,绘制其生长曲线;②随机抽取28、56、112日龄的KM小鼠60只(雌雄各半),活体称重,依次剖取心、肝等主要脏器称重;③小鼠眼眶采血,测定其血常规和生化值。结果 GF级KM小鼠的体重随着日龄的增长而逐渐增加,断奶后1~2周内增重最为迅速,4周后的雄鼠体重明显高于雌鼠;主要脏器(心、肝、脾、肺、脑等)重量随年龄增大均逐渐增加,盲肠体积增大尤其明显,而胸腺随着日龄的增加而逐渐萎缩,其重量迅速减轻;同一日龄GF级KM小鼠的雌雄间血常规和生化值指标均存在差异,但随着年龄的增加差异的项目逐渐增多。结论 GF级KM小鼠生长发育和血液生理生化的研究结果可为KM小鼠的标准化及最终成为国际标准品系提供基础数据。  相似文献   

李仲来 《兽类学报》1998,18(3):196-201
介绍了高原鼠兔室外体重生长的分段Logistic-指数饱和模型W(t)=K/{1 {[K—W(t0)]/W(t0)exp{-[r1(t-t0)]}t≤tc;W(t)=W.-exp{-r2(t-tc)}[Wa-W(tc)]t≥tc,其中W(t)是在时刻t鼠兔的体重,K是体重饱和量,r1和r2是体重的瞬时增长率,tc是转变点,W(t)在t=tc连续。利用非线性模型的正割法(DUD,Doesn'tusederivatives),可同时确定模型的所有参数(包括转变点tc在内)。并分别得到描述高原鼠兔室外体重生长动态的模型为高原鼠兔(室内)体重生长的分段直线-直线-对数-指数饱和模型为  相似文献   

高原鼠兔和根田鼠的最大代谢率   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
采用He-O2混合诱导方法测定了高原鼠兔(Ochotona curzoniae)和根田鼠(Microtus oeconomus)的最大代谢率(MMR)。高原鼠兔的最大代谢率在夏季和冬季分别为5.93(体重为118g)和6.33(体重为115.8g)mlO2/g.h,而根田鼠在夏季和冬季分别为12.70(体重为27.8g)和18.29(体重为17.5g)mlO2/g.h,并且根田鼠的最大代谢率的变化幅度大于高原鼠兔,存在种间差异。MMR季节变化的不显著性来源于动物环境温度在夏季较低,而在冬季为越冬亦采用行为调节等其它机制。栖于青藏高原的高原鼠兔和根田鼠同时受到低温和低氧的腔迫,而两者对最大代谢率作用相反,导致两种动物的最大代谢率与各自期望值相比差异不大。  相似文献   

A Hiyaoka  T Yoshida  F Cho  N Goto 《Jikken dobutsu》1989,38(3):239-244
Nonlinear growth models having three or four parameter family were applied to individual weight data of female African green monkeys for estimating their growth pattern. The body weight was measured continuously from birth to six years of age with five female laboratory-bred monkeys. A total of 95 weight data were collected from each monkey. The average body weight was 330 g with the standard deviation of +/- 15 g at birth, and 2.71 +/- 0.33 kg at four years of age. The body weight of female African green monkeys was judged to reach a plateau after about four years of age. Five growth models (Gompertz, Logistic, Richards, Bertalanffy, Brody) were applied to these weight to age data. The most suitable coefficient of determination between growth data and growth model was obtained by the application of Gompertz equation. Three parameters of Gompertz equation, mature size (A), rate of maturing (K) and inflexion point (e-1 A) were analyzed in relation to age of menarche. Strong correlations between age of menarche and maturing rate, as well as between age of menarche and inflexion point were observed.  相似文献   

A Hiyaoka  T Yoshida  F Cho  N Goto 《Jikken dobutsu》1990,39(3):345-352
Nonlinear growth models having a three- or four-parameter family were applied to individual body weight data of 5 male African green monkeys for estimating their growth patterns. Body weight was measured from birth to six years of age and 58 to 114 data items per monkey were collected. The average body weight at birth was 360g with the standard deviation of +/- 25g, 4.54 +/- 0.29 kg at five years of age, and 4.50 +/- 0.12 kg at six years of age at which point body weight was judged to have reached a plateau. Five growth models (Gompertz, Logistic, Richards, Bertalanffy and Brody) were applied to the growth data in this study. As a result, two (Gompertz and Logistic) of the five models were found applicable to all data from the five monkeys. However, the coefficient of determination (R2) obtained by application of the two models were not so large (0.919 +/- 0.05 in Gompertz, 0.889 +/- 0.01 in Logistic). Therefore the data were divided into two groups according to monkey age: the first group being from monkeys between birth and 2 years 10 months of age and the second group was from monkeys older than 2 years 10 months of age. The Gompertz model fitted best the data of the first group in four of the five animals (R2 = 0.982 +/- 0.011). The age at the inflexion point in the Gompertz model nearly corresponded to the age of weaning. The Logistic model was most suitable for the date of the second group in all five animals (R2 = 0.955 +/- 0.038).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

We biometrically analyzed the body weight growth data of new-born squirrel monkeys, obtained during the nursing period from 0 to 12 weeks of age. Body weight (y in grams) could be expressed as a function of birth weight (a in grams) and age (x in weeks) by the following equation: y = a + b x, where b indicates growth rate. This equation corresponded significantly with actual growth curves (R2 = 0.96). The frequency distribution of b values was demonstrated to be abnormal distribution. This value was used to judge whether the body weight growth of each monkey was normal or abnormal. The lower control limit (LCL) was calculated by using a linear equation with the b value of 9.07 (M-1.25 x S.D.) and each birth weight. For the monkeys whose body weight was above the LCL during the first three weeks after birth, it was determined whether the frequency of weighings could be reduced from 13 to 7. Using the same animals, no significant difference was detected between the b value estimated from 13 measurements and that estimated from 7 measurements. Thus, from the standpoint of management's policy to save labor, the frequency of weighings could be reduced. A new daily routine has been established in our primate center to save labor by reducing the number of body weighings of the many infant monkeys. In the new program, newborn monkeys whose body weight is above the LCL are weighed only 7 times during the nursing period of 12 weeks, while those whose weight is below the LCL are weighed 8 to 13 times.  相似文献   

光倒刺鲃的年龄与生长的初步研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究了光倒刺鲃(Spinibarbus hollandi)的年龄与生长规律,结果表明:光倒刺鲃鳞片年轮特征主要为疏密切割型。体长与鳞长呈直线相关L=44.44R-11.69,体重与体长呈指数函数相关W=0.0258L2.9125,4龄以前生长较快,生长指标高,体长指标高,体长和体重的相对增长率大,其生长规律可用Von Bertalanffy方程表达:Lt=67.3[1-e-0.2018(t-0.1338)],Wt=5441.44[1-e-0.2018(t-0.1338)]3。体重生长曲线的拐点位于t=5.678,拐点体长Lr=45.313cm,拐点体重Wr=1660.885g。光倒刺鲃雌性一般在3~4龄性成熟,雄鱼3龄时性成熟。  相似文献   

The growth of males sampled from two mouse lines long-term selected for over 86 generations on body weight (DU6) or on protein amount (DU6P) was analysed from birth till 120 days of age and compared to the growth of an unselected control line (DUKs). Animals from the selected lines are already approximately 40 to 50% heavier at birth than the controls. This divergence increases to about 210 to 240% at the 120 day of age. With birth weights of 2.2 and 2.4 g and weights of 78 and 89 g at the 120 day these selection lines are the heaviest known mouse lines.

The fit of three modified non-linear growth functions (Gompertz function, Logistic function, Richards function) was compared and the effect of three different data inputs elucidated. The modification was undertaken to use parameters having a direct biological meaning, for example: A: theoretical final body weight, B: maximum weight gain, C: age at maximum weight gain, D (only Richards function): determines the position of the inflection point in relation to the final weight. All three models fit the observed data very well (r2 = 0.949–0.998), with a slight advantage for the Richards function. There were no substantial effects of the data input (averages, single values, fitting a curve for every animal with subsequent averaging the parameters).

The high growth of the selected mice is connected with very substantial changes in the final weight and in the maximum weight gain, whereas the changes of the age at the point of inflection were, although partially significant, relatively small and dependent on the model used.  相似文献   

生长模型的误差函数及其数学特征   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
生长曲线是估计动物年龄的重要方法之一,在野生动物生态学中,动物的体重往往被用作估计动物年龄的主要指标。然而,在动物体重测定过程中经常会出现一些偏差。例如,动物的日常活动( 进食、饮水、排泄等)通常会引起动物体重的变化,这样在不同时间测定动物的体重就会产生偏差;此外,在测定动物体重的过程中,我们往往称量到一定的精确度。这些偏差将直接导致对动物年龄的估计误差。本文分析了4种常见生长模型(Logistic、Gompertz、Bertalanffy、Richards)的误差函数的数学特征。结果表明,由动物日常活动导致的年龄估计误差在动物的幼龄阶段为量小,而由称量精确度导致的年龄估算误差在生长曲线的拐点处为最小。  相似文献   

为阐明稻田养殖模式下铜锈环棱螺的繁殖特点及仔螺的生长规律, 于2019年5—11月对稻田养殖的铜锈环棱螺进行逐月采样分析。研究结果表明, 稻田养殖铜锈环棱螺的产仔高峰期为6月, 仔螺的产出规律为2个月1个周期。最小繁殖体重为0.9 g, 最小繁殖月龄为2月龄。不同体重规格的性成熟雌螺, 其怀胚量与体重呈显著正相关, 随体重增加, 怀胚量呈显著增加的趋势。不同体重组间, 体重为1.00—3.99 g的铜锈环棱螺间的怀胚量没有显著差异, 而其他各体重组间均存在显著差异。仔螺生长特性, 6月和7月为铜锈环棱螺仔螺的快速生长期, 壳高相对增长率分别为47.95%和36.99%, 体重相对增长率分别为180.60%和128.43%。铜锈环棱螺仔螺壳宽、壳口宽与壳高呈正相关的线性关系, 壳高和体重呈正相关的幂函数关系, 壳高-体重拟合方程为W=0.0005H2.785, 壳高生长方程为Ht=19.368/(1+3.608e–1.056t), 拐点壳高为9.684 mm, 拐点月龄为1.215月, 最大月增高5.113 mm。体重生长方程为Wt =2.012e–5.051exp(–0.753t), 拐点体重为0.740 g, 拐点月龄为2.151月, 最大月增重0.557 g。综上, 稻田养殖铜锈环棱螺的产仔高峰期为6月, 2月龄达到性成熟, 6月和7月是仔螺的快速生长期。  相似文献   

&#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &# 《水生生物学报》2015,39(4):695-704
拟尖头鲌(Culter oxycephaloides)属鲤形目(Cypriniformes), 鲤科(Cyprinidae), 鲌亚科(Cultrinae), 鲌属(Culter), 为中国特有鱼类, 分布于长江流域的四川、湖北、湖南等省的江河湖泊中。2013年47月以及1012月在三峡库区支流小江江段收集拟尖头鲌样本1741尾, 对其年龄、生长、繁殖及其资源开发状况进行了研究。结果表明: 所采集的拟尖头鲌包括5个年龄组, 其中23龄年龄组为优势年龄组, 占78.59% (N=425尾); 体长与体重呈幂函数关系, 表达式为W = 0.000007L3.10(R2=0.99, N=789尾), 其生长属于匀速生长类型; 采用von Bertalanffy生长方程分别拟合体长、体重与年龄的关系, 其表达式分别为: Lt=519.631-e-0.22(t+0.12), Wt=1806.081-e-0.22(t+0.12)3.10; 生长拐点年龄t=5.02龄, 此时对应的体长348 mm, 体重558.8 g; 绝对繁殖力变动范围为2038288430粒/尾, 相对繁殖力变动范围为54161粒/g, 体重与绝对繁殖力的关系以二次方程曲线拟合度最优, 其表达式为Fabs=33462.08+0.11W-44.01W2(R2=0.49, sig.=0.020.05, N=31); Ⅳ卵巢卵径变动范围为0.06750.1325 cm, 平均值为0.1060 cm; 拟尖头鲌产卵类型为分批产卵类型; 小江拟尖头鲌的现有开发率为E=0.51/年; Beverton-Holt动态综合模型显示, 目前小江拟尖头鲌的Emax为0.40/年, E10为0.32/年, E50为0.25/年。根据研究, 目前小江拟尖头鲌的种群处于过度开发状况, 应采取措施, 加强其资源保护。    相似文献   

2015年9月至2016年8月在湖北长湖采集达氏鲌(Culter dabryi)样本592尾,对其年龄、生长及资源状况进行了研究。结果表明,长湖达氏鲌种群的年龄组成为1~7龄,其中以1~4龄鱼为主,占样本总量的91.38%;达氏鲌属匀速生长类型,其体重(W)和体长(L)的关系式为W=0.008L3.148(n=592,R~2=0.995,P0.01),且无明显性别差异;采用von Bertalanffy生长方程分别拟合体长、体重与年龄的关系,其表达式分别为,体长Lt=49.103[1﹣e-0.194(t+0.268)],体重Wt=1668.330[1﹣e-0.194(t+0.268)]3.148,生长拐点年龄t=5.64龄,对应体长33.4 cm,体重502.4 g;目前长湖达氏鲌总死亡系数Z=0.80,自然死亡系数M=0.42,捕捞死亡系数F=0.38,资源开发率E=0.48/年,根据体长股分析法估算出长湖达氏鲌2015~2016年资源量为1 809 710尾(15.18 t)。为保持长湖达氏鲌资源稳定,建议捕捞体长33.4 cm以上个体。  相似文献   

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