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生态系统健康研究进展   总被引:23,自引:4,他引:19  
刘焱序  彭建  汪安  谢盼  韩忆楠 《生态学报》2015,35(18):5920-5930
健康的生态系统一般被视为环境管理的终极目标,进行生态系统健康研究对探索区域与生态系统可持续发展具有重要意义。随着国际生态与健康学会(International Association for Ecology and Health)的解体,生态系统健康研究视角出现转型。系统梳理了近年来国际上有关生态系统健康概念及其评估方法、指标的新进展,通过文献统计和重要文献引用揭示了国际生态系统健康研究的发展历程,提出了从生态系统健康到生态健康再到生态文化健康的三大核心框架发展阶段,生态系统健康的研究对象和范围正在不断扩充。资源环境研究领域是国内研究者应用生态系统健康概念与方法的优势领域,在区域尺度上评价生态系统的健康更贴近资源环境和社会文化交互作用的复合表征理念。因此,我国生态系统健康研究的趋向不仅应包括在生态系统尺度上研究的继续深化,也应包含对生态文化健康概念的完善与应用,并发挥地理-生态视角的区域集成研究优势,从而有效指导区域生态与环境政策制定与实施。  相似文献   

There is an urgent need to develop the underlying theory and principles of “sustainability science,” based on an understanding of the fundamental interactions between nature and humans. This requires a new research and education paradigm that embraces biocomplexity, integrates the physical, biological, and social sciences, and uses a coupled, human–natural systems approach. An initiative aligned with this paradigm and approach, and centered on the Hawaiian Island’s unique mountain-to-sea ecosystems, is developing at the University of Hawai‘i. These ecosystems, extending from upland tropical forests to the fringing coral reefs, correspond to the roughly wedge-shaped catchments, traditionally called ahupua‘a in the Hawaiian language. Despite the collapse of the ahupua‘a system and, tragically, the Native Hawaiian population, its legacy of ecological and cultural stewardship remains. This legacy, and the potential of these ecosystems as microcosms for addressing the core questions of sustainability science, has provided the impetus for a growing number of projects employing a social–ecological systems perspective. An overview of three projects that employ a “learning community” approach and cultural stewardship perspective inspired by the ahupua‘a system is provided. These include the Ecosystems Thrust Area of Hawai‘i EPSCoR, a U.S. National Science Foundation research infrastructure program, focused on ecosystem research and monitoring activities; a sustainability curriculum program, Mālama I Ka ‘Āina, of the College of Education; and a project that builds on programs of the Division of Ecology and Health and its affiliated Asia-Pacific Center for Infectious Disease Ecology, linking ecosystem resilience and infectious diseases.  相似文献   

生态系统健康与生物多样性*   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
许凯扬  叶万辉 《生态科学》2002,21(3):279-283
生态系统健康学是一门研究人类活动、社会组织、自然系统及人类健康的整合性学科,主要探讨资源环境管理对策,以及生态系统健康与人类健康的关系。生态系统健康是人类健康的基础,是人类可持续发展的重要前提,维护生态系统健康,保护生物多样性,也就是维护人类生存的机会。人类健康依附于健康的生态系统功能和服务日益为人们所认识,关注和理解生物多样性、生态系统健康、人类健康之间的相互联系已成为全球可持续发展的必要条件。本文着重综述了生态系统健康的研究内容及全球环境变化背景下生物多样性的变化对生态系统健康的影响效应。  相似文献   

Restoration of mangroves is often considered a way to minimize losses incurred from their decline and to provide additional services to coastal communities. However, the success of restoration programs is often focused on biological or ecological criteria. The situation is no exception in Bangladesh, which houses the world’s largest mangrove plantations. This study has been undertaken in a south-central estuarine island (Nijhum Dwip) of the Bangladesh coast and aims to understand societal perception on the achievements of a plantation program. Through 110 household interviews and seven group discussions, an assessment was conducted of peoples’ perception about major flora and fauna of the mangrove ecosystem, benefits derived from the forest, present condition of the forest, causes of degradation, and ways to improve the situation. Around one-fourth of the respondents mentioned that they were highly dependent on the ecosystem. The most important perceived benefits were: provision of raw materials, prevention against natural disasters, climate regulation and soil retention. However, the majority (>80%) of the respondents perceived the ecosystem to be degrading. Encroachment and illicit felling were identified as the main causes of such degradation. In order to arrest the continued degradation allowed by conventional forest management flaws, adaptive co-management has been recommended to conserve this ecosystem in a more equitable way.  相似文献   

生态技术评价方法及全球生态治理技术研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
全球范围内生态退化形势严峻,生态技术在遏制生态退化进程中发挥着重要作用。长期以来,对生态技术缺乏系统研究和评价,影响了其在脆弱生态区生态治理中的应用与推广。"生态技术评价方法、指标体系及全球生态治理技术评价"项目(2016YFC0503700)获得国家重点研发计划"典型脆弱生态修复与保护研究"专项支持。该项目旨在厘清全球生态退化状况及其对生态技术的需求,建立生态技术评价指标体系与方法模型,评价国内外不同类型生态技术以及重大生态工程区和不同生态退化区域的生态技术实施效果,筛选和推介满足我国及发展中国家生态治理需求的生态技术,建立生态技术评价平台和集成系统,为推动我国生态文明建设和发展中国家生态治理提供科学支撑。  相似文献   

生态系统健康研究的一些基本问题探讨   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目前有关生态系统健康研究的一些基本问题尚未达成共识。本文分析了健康、系统与生态系统3个与生态系统健康关联的概念,在此基础上,对生态系统健康的概念及其内涵、研究价值、研究的内容框架、研究的合理尺度以及生态系统质量诊断与质量等级评价进行了探讨。指出生态学上的生态系统是系统科学意义上系统的一类,整体性、稳定性和可持续性是生态系统的重要特征,生态系统健康可通过它的充分必要条件给出,即具备良好的整体性,能够维持较高的稳定性,并能实现良好的可持续性。生态系统质量标准分为质量诊断标准和质量等级评价标准,质量诊断是一种是与非的事实判断,而质量等级评价是一种价值判断。生态系统质量等级评价指标可分为限制可比型和非限制可比型两类。生态系统的复杂性决定了生态系统健康研究须借助于系统科学和非线性科学的理论与方法,生态系统病变的滞后性决定了生态系统健康研究必须加强生态系统质量预测与预警,而生态系统健康的跨学科性决定了生态系统健康研究需要生态学、环境学、医学、社会学以及经济学等领域研究人员的广泛合作。  相似文献   

Hatcher  Bruce G.  Hatcher  Gordon H. 《EcoHealth》2004,1(3):229-235
Coral reefs are the worlds most celebrated indicators of ocean health. While the global trajectory of coral reef degradation is now well documented, and the accompanying loss of economic benefits increasingly demonstrated, the consequences in terms of human health have been largely ignored. Reefs provide a wide array of benefits to humans, contributing most directly to the health of subsistence fishing communities located on adjacent coasts and islands. Interactions between human and marine ecosystem health are complex, bidirectional and nonlinear. We draw on a broad range of data and experience to identify key links in the ecological chain from the coral polyp to the human society. Our conclusions are that humans are components of coral reef ecosystems, few studies of reef health incorporate human health, few data are available to quantify the health services reefs provide to people, and human health security is essential to the preservation of coral reef ecosystems.  相似文献   

Numerous global changes—notably anthropogenic extinction—force reconsideration of our management practices and the ways we regulate human influence in today’s world. Here, I define management to maximize biodiversity and illustrate the science that provides information to set goals for such management. Maximizing biodiversity simultaneously achieves sustainability and systemic health by avoiding the abnormal or pathological. The normal or sustainable are determined through the use of empirical integrative patterns to objectively account for the complexity of systems within which we find ourselves as a species. The science that reveals these integrative patterns provides measures of problems that can be solved by maximizing biodiversity—problems heretofore recognized only qualitatively. I use the Shannon-Weiner information index to test, and, with no surprise, reject the null hypothesis that there is no direct anthropogenic effect on biodiversity. The results of this science serve as examples of the kind of information most useful for guiding management and illustrate maximized biodiversity as a standard for management. Reference points based on maximized biodiversity are preferable to statistical parameters in meeting the objective of avoiding the abnormal or pathological in our interactions with other species, ecosystems and the biosphere. Management to maximize biodiversity is implemented by modifying human interactions with other biotic systems to achieve consistency in such interactions by mimicking natural role models of sustainability. Human influence is a significant factor in today’s world and the magnitude of such influence is illustrated by comparing humans with other species.  相似文献   

基于能值分析的我国小水电生态影响研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
庞明月  张力小  王长波 《生态学报》2015,35(8):2741-2749
如何系统定量地评价小水电开发过程所引起的景观变化、河流局部断流等生态影响,是平息争议、进行合理规划与开发小水电前提之一。运用能值分析方法,以贵州省赤水市观音岩水电站为例,将小水电建设、运行的资源投入,以及河道中水流的时空改变所导致生态服务功能的损失纳入核算体系,对其生态影响进行综合定量评估。从2010年的实际结果来看,由于河流断流,导致水坝下游生态系统服务功能的能值损失为2.77×1018sej,占到了系统建设运行总投入的44.84%,其中重点保护鱼种在影响河段的生境破坏是最大的能值损失。若不考虑下游生态系统服务功能损失,系统的环境负载率为1.92,可持续性指标为1.22;而考虑下游生态影响之后,系统环境负载率增大至4.26,可持续性指标减小为0.34。研究表明,小水电的开发必须遵循适度开发、规划优先,保障河流最基本的生态需水底线,是协调小水电开发和河流健康矛盾、追求小水电持续发展的刚性要求。  相似文献   

长江中游城市群生态系统健康时空演变特征分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
城市群地区生态系统健康状况关乎城市群的可持续发展,科学测度城市群地区生态系统健康水平对城市群地区生态系统健康宏观调控政策制定具有重要的实践意义,然而当前生态系统健康评价仍存在不足之处。生态系统服务是反映生态系统健康状况的重要组成部分,如何把生态系统服务纳入生态系统健康评估框架中,成为了当前研究讨论的热点话题。拟把基于InVEST模型评估的生态系统服务纳入生态系统健康评估框架中,构建了基于"生态系统活力-生态系统组织力-生态系统弹性-生态系统服务"的评估框架,结合多源数据对1995—2015年长江中游城市群生态系统健康水平时空特征进行测度。结果显示:(1)研究期间长江中游城市群地区生态系统健康状况总体有所恶化,恶化区域主要分布在城市群的核心地区;(2)研究期间长江中游城市群地区生态系统健康存在显著的空间依赖性,生态系统健康高值区主要分布在周边山区以及中部的罗霄山脉,生态系统健康低值区主要分布在平原地区、大城市周边地区以及主要的交通线路沿线地区。本研究结果可以为其他地区生态系统健康评估以及长江中游城市群地区生态系统健康保护政策制定提供科学借鉴。  相似文献   


Riparian zones are among the most valuable ecosystems on the earth. They act as the ecological engineers that improve river health through delivering a range of ecosystem functions. Stream bank stabilization, pollutant and sediment buffering, temperature regulation, provision of energy to river food webs and communities, groundwater recharge and provision of ecological corridors and habitat for wildlife, are among major ecosystem functions of riparian zones that play a great role in river health. Besides these ecosystem functions, riparian zones also provide various ecosystem goods and services for human well-being. But in the current scenario, riparian zones are under severe threat due to agricultural activities, urbanization, river flow alteration, overexploitation, climate change, pollution, and biological invasion. In the present and probable future scenarios of declining river health and global environmental changes, there is a pressing need of an integrated approach for managing riparian zones. This review article aims to advocate an integrated approach for riparian zone management based on various components such as riparian condition assessment, policy framework, stakeholder’s participation, management practices, legislation, and awareness. Authors also discussed riparian zones in context of their concepts, features, functions, and threats.


Cushion plants are widely representative species in the alpine ecosystem due to their vital roles in influencing abiotic and biotic environments, ecological succession processes, and ecosystem engineering. Importantly, cushion plants, such as Androsace L. and Arenaria L., are considered to be critical pioneers of ecosystem health, restoration, and sustainability across the Tibetan Plateau. This is because cushion plants (a) show tenacious vitality and can modify regional climates, substrates, and soil nutrients in extreme environments; (b) facilitate relationships with the surroundings and maintain the diversity of aboveground and belowground communities; and (c) are highly sensitive to environmental changes and thus can indicate grassland ecosystem health and resilience in the context of global change.  相似文献   

Industrial ecology rests historically—even in a short lifetime of 15 years or so—on the metaphorical power of natural ecosystems. Its evolution parallels the rise of concerns over unsustainability, that is, the threats to our world's ability to support human life the emergence of sustainability as a normative goal on a global scale. This article examines the relationships between industrial ecology and sustainability and argues that, in its historical relationship to classical ecology models, the field lacks power to address the full range of goals of sustainability, however defined. The classical ecosystem analogy omits aspects of human social and cultural life central to sustainability. But by moving beyond this model to more recent ecosystem models based on complexity theory, the field can expand its purview to address sustainability more broadly and powerfully. Complexity models of living systems can also ground alternative normative models for sustainability as an emergent property rather than the output of a mechanistic economic model for society's workings.  相似文献   

This cultural case study investigates one U.S. psychosocial rehabilitation organization’s (Horizons) attempt to implement the recovery philosophy of the U.S. Recovery Movement and offers lessons from this local attempt that may inform global mental health care reform. Horizons’ “recovery-oriented” initiatives unwittingly mobilized stressful North American discourses of valued citizenship. At times, efforts to “empower” people diagnosed with schizophrenia to become esteemed self-made citizens generated more stressful sociocultural conditions for people whose daily lives were typically remarkably stressful. A recovery-oriented mental health system must account for people diagnosed with schizophrenia’s sensitivity to stress and offer consumers contextually relevant coping mechanisms. Any attempt to export U.S. mental health care practices to the rest of the world must acknowledge that (1) sociocultural conditions affect schizophrenia outcomes; (2) schizophrenia outcomes are already better in the developing world than in the United States; and (3) much of what leads to “better” outcomes in the developing world may rely on the availability of locally relevant techniques to address stress.  相似文献   

我国区域尺度生态系统管理中的几个重要生态学命题   总被引:30,自引:5,他引:25  
生态系统管理学是研究生态系统管理的理论与实践技术,相关政策和管理策略的综合性应用生态学。当前,综合研究全球或区域尺度生态系统管理模式及其相关的重大科学问题不公是人类社会可持续发展的迫切需要,也是生态系统管理学的重要发展方向和科学任务,为此,本文系统地论述了生态服务功能、可持续性、复杂性和不确定性的综合评价与生态学机制,自然资源保护、生态系统健康以及退化生态系统恢复的生态学基础,生态系统管理的基础生态学过程,生态系统适应性管理的理论与实践,生态系统网络研究,监测和成果集成,区域尺度生态系统管理的综合性专题研究等一系列重要生态学命题,讨论了这些生态学命题的国内外研究进展及其发展方向。  相似文献   

区域生态系统健康评价——研究方法与进展   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
彭建  王仰麟  吴健生  张玉清 《生态学报》2007,27(11):4877-4885
生态系统健康评价是当前宏观生态学与生态系统管理研究的热点问题之一,区域尺度的生态系统健康评价则是生态系统健康评价研究的一个重要发展方向。在探讨生态系统健康时空尺度特征的基础上,明确界定了区域生态系统健康及其评价等相关概念,结合目前区域尺度生态系统健康评价的相关研究进展,从评价的区域类型、目标单元、模型方法、指标选取及其阈值、权重设定等方面探讨了区域生态系统健康评价的基本原理与方法,并展望了进一步研究的重点方向,即评价结果的多尺度综合与尺度转换、景观生态学理论与方法的应用、3S技术的综合应用等理论与技术问题。  相似文献   

牧民对草地可持续利用认知水平很大程度上影响了当地土地的利用状况,进而影响牧民保护草地行为的产生。基于黄河源区(玛多、玛沁、班玛、达日、甘德)的入户调查数据,在分析牧民生计方式和草地退化认知特征的基础上,运用Tobit模型探究影响牧民对草地退化生态认知的主要因素。研究结果表明:(1)黄河源区88%的牧民认为近5年草地出现了不同程度的退化,与学术界普遍认同的观点相一致;(2)联户放牧、子女受教育程度、新技术培训、牲畜养殖规模等对牧民关于草地退化的认知有正向引导作用;(3)户年均收入、国家草原奖补对牧民关于草地退化的认知有负向作用。为有效解决黄河源区牧民对草地的严重依赖性和源区内产业结构单一的问题,应(1)加强牧民专业技能培训、提升草原牧民整体文化水平;(2)鼓励中小牧民参与联户经营;(3)优化牧户生计方式,改善生计策略,减小牧民对草地的依赖程度,实现社会-生态系统的可持续发展。  相似文献   

Peng J  Wang Y L  Wu J S  Zhang Y Q 《农业工程》2007,27(11):4877-4885
The evaluation for ecosystem health is one of the hotspots in the fields of macro-ecology and ecosystem management. Conducting analysis at the regional scale is an important direction for evaluating ecosystem health. Changing the spatial scale from the local to the regional level leads to great differences in targets and methodologies for ecosystem health evaluation and creates a new direction for regional ecosystem health research. Compared with the ecosystem health at the local scale, which refers to a single ecosystem type, the regional ecosystem health focuses on the health conditions and spatial patterns of different ecosystem types. However, there has been little attention paid to this very research up to now. Based on the progress on ecosystem health studies at the regional scale, the study reported in this article aims to discuss the implications of the conception of regional ecosystem health and to put forward a methodology for evaluating the regional ecosystem health. The main results include: (1) there is a significant scaling effect on the ecosystem health analysis, and the regional level is the key scale used to focus on the correlation between spatially neighboring ecosystems in terms of ecosystem health; (2) regional ecosystem health can be defined through 4 aspects, i.e., vigor, organization, resilience, and ecosystem service functions; (3) the basic evaluation objects of the regional ecosystem health is spatial entity, which is the matrix of different ecosystem types; (4) indicator system method is the only approach to evaluate regional ecosystem health; (5) the absolute thresholds of the evaluation indicators for the regional ecosystem health do not exist; the aim of the evaluation is to discuss the temporal dynamic changes and spatial differences of health conditions rather than to ascertain whether a region is healthy or not in view of ecological sustainability; and (6) the integration of evaluation results at multispatial scales, the application of this methodology in the landscape ecology, and the utilization of geographic information systems (GIS), remote sensing (RS), and Global Positioning Systems (GPS) technologies are the main directions for further research.  相似文献   

The Global Mercury Project (GMP) is an initiative of the United Nations in collaboration with numerous government and nongovernment organizations to promote knowledge and capacity building on the links between small-scale gold mining practices and health, ecosystem, and social factors, and to implement interventions that reduce mercury pollution and exposure caused by mining activities in developing countries. Knowledge regarding the use of mercury and the dynamics of complex environmental, health, socioeconomic, and cultural conditions in and surrounding small-scale mining sites is particularly needed for the purpose of developing appropriate community-based measures to reduce mercury-related problems. GMP strategies aim to build upon local knowledge and practices to train miners on the use of cleaner and affordable technologies of mining and mineral processing in order to minimize negative impacts. The initiative is especially proactive in facilitating transdisciplinary and participatory models of community interaction, involving local, regional, and international stakeholders in each of the strategy design, community assessment, and community intervention phases. The six participating countries are Brazil, Indonesia, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Sudan, Tanzania, and Zimbabwe. This article outlines GMP’s objectives and scope of activities and also highlights achievements, challenges, and opportunities for future development.  相似文献   

人口和社会经济的高速发展导致土地利用格局的变化和生态系统服务的退化。构建生态安全格局是保障区域生态安全的重要途经。识别和保护关键生态区域对维持生态系统的稳定性和可持续性具有重要意义。本文以辽宁省辽河流域为例,基于生态系统服务重要性评价,根据区域自然特征和生态环境状况选取并定量评估固碳释氧、土壤保持、粮食供给和产水4项关键生态系统服务,以生态系统服务的高价值区为生态源地,综合各项生态系统服务功能构建阻力面,运用电路理论的方法识别生态廊道和关键节点,从而构建辽河流域生态安全格局。研究结果表明:辽河流域内共有129个生态源斑块,243条生态廊道和38个“夹点”。其中,生态源斑块主要分布在研究区东部,主要由林地组成,斑块连续、跨度范围较大;生态廊道总长度为1606.07 km,呈梭形沿着平原与山区交错带延伸;“夹点”沿着河流分布在研究区的中部,主要由林地、耕地组成。本文通过构建辽宁省辽河流域生态安全格局,为缓解日益尖锐的辽河流域经济发展与生态保护之间的矛盾提出了新的思路。  相似文献   

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