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记述了采自中国四川鳞姚属(弹尾纲,鳞姚科)1新种,模式标本保存在西南科技大学生命科学与工程学院昆虫标本室.九寨鳞姚,新种omocerus jiuzhaiensis sp.nov.(图1~11)该种与f zayuensis Huang and Yin,1981和f ocreatus Dems,1948相似,主要区别是齿节刺结构、胫跗节刺状钝毛数、小爪内齿的有无、握弹器体上刚毛数等.新种主要鉴别特征:齿节刺简单,胫跗节刺状钝毛数为6、6、6,小爪有1内齿、握弹器体上刚毛数为17支,弹器端节间齿数为3~4.词源:新种种名源自模式标本采集地地名.  相似文献   

新疆等节跳科七新种记述(弹尾目:节腹亚目)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文这新疆乌鲁木齐及其附近地区弹尾目节腹亚目等节跳科的7新种,7新种是昌吉缺弹跳,乌鲁木齐裔符跳,北疆隐跳,新疆原等跳,尹氏德跳,天山德跳,尹氏德跳,天山德跳和丘陵德跳。  相似文献   

郭英兰 《菌物学报》2018,37(2):151-156
报道生在中国梧桐科Sterculiaceae上的5种尾孢类丝孢菌(cercosporoid hyphomycetes),其中在梧桐 Firmiana simplex 上新发现的2个新种,梧桐假尾孢 Pseudocercospora firmianae,梧桐生假尾孢 P. firmianicola和一个中国新记录种,野路葵假尾孢 P. corchorifoliae。提供了拉丁文特征简介、形态描述、绘图及讨论。研究的标本保存在中国科学院菌物标本馆(HMAS)。  相似文献   

长角圆属Temeritas属弹尾目圆科 ,其触角特别长,第四节分很多亚节,无胫跗感毛。分布于中美、南美、南非、马达加斯加、印度、越南、澳大利亚及新西兰。中国原无记载。作者1982年访问西北农学院,承周尧教授给予研究的机会。中华长角圆(虫姚)Temeritas sinensis新种 体长1.5—1.9毫米。其与同属科类的区别为触角较短(图1);第三节近端部有2小感觉杆,生在2凹陷内;第四节分26亚节,各亚节有1圈长毛。背毛为长刺状,混有一些小毛(图2)。后足转节外侧有5长毛,内侧1长毛(图9)。握弹器有3端毛(图13)。弹尾长(图12):弹器基有7—7毛;齿节约有40毛;端节内、外缘齿状,内缘有15小齿,有1端节毛。生殖节毛列如图13,雌一尖而弯曲的尾器。  相似文献   

本文记述了云南省弹尾目昆虫2新种,重新描述了1已知种:萧氏球角YaoHypogastrura xiaoi sp.nov.、张氏球角YaoH.zhangi sp.nov.和简近缺YaoParanurophorus simplex Denis,1928。简近缺Yao是中国自1928年以来的第2次记录。  相似文献   

林善祥  夏风 《昆虫学报》1983,(4):426-427
1981—82年,我们在广东从化、新丰、中山、顺德、梅县、丰顺、五华等县对食用真菌的跳虫作了调查,发现跳虫对蘑菇为害,经鉴定,属弹尾目(Collembola)球角跳虫科(Hypo-gastridae),泡角跳虫属(Ceratophysella)的一个新种,模式标本保存在广东省昆虫研究所。  相似文献   

王琪  刘祖晨  贺伟  张英 《菌物学报》2019,38(2):159-170
卫矛科Celastraceae植物上已报道尾孢类真菌10种,其中包括假尾孢属Pseudocercospora真菌7种。在对中国尾孢类真菌的调查研究中,采集到寄生在冬青卫矛Euonymus japonicus上的3种假尾孢菌,其中2个为新种,即冬青卫矛假尾孢Pseudocercospora euonymi-japonici和北京假尾孢P. beijingensis。本文对这2个新种和Pseudocercospora cf. destructiva提供了形态描述、图及与近似种区别的讨论。采用ITS、tef1-αactrpb2 4个片段的序列构建了系统发育树。  相似文献   

本文描述了采自南极的三种弹尾目 ,其中详细描述了新种南极隐跳Cryptopygusnanjiensis头、胸、腹部诸如 :触角、角后器、足、弹器、腹管以及毛序等鉴别特征 ,并将两种已知种Tullbergiamediantarcti ca和Frieseawoyciechowskii与模式种进行了比较。新种及观察的已知种标本存放在中科院上海昆虫研究所的标本馆中  相似文献   

范宇光  图力古尔 《菌物学报》2020,39(9):1694-1705
依据形态学和分子系统学研究结果,描述了产自中国甘肃省的狭义丝盖伞属2个新种,即拟黄囊丝盖伞Inocybe muricellatoides和甘肃丝盖伞I. gansuensis。对新种的ITS、LSU和rpb2片段进行了测序和分析,并提供了详细描述、线条图、生态照片及与相似种的区别。拟黄囊丝盖伞以菌盖翘起的鳞片、菌柄纤维状、孢子光滑和厚壁的侧生囊状体为主要识别特征。甘肃丝盖伞具有粗壮的子实体、较大的孢子和厚壁侧生囊状体。基于LSU和rpb2联合数据的分子系统发育分析显示这两个新种隶属于狭义丝盖伞属且分别占据独特的分支。  相似文献   

中国边大叶蝉属的分类研究 (同翅目:大叶蝉科   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨茂发  李子忠 《昆虫学报》2000,43(4):403-412
研究了中国大叶蝉科边大叶蝉属Kolla Distant,描述了3新种:五斑边大叶蝉K.pentistigma新种、黑条边大叶蝉K.nigrifascia新种、棒突边大叶蝉K.rhabdoma新种,编制出种检索表。模式标本保存在贵州大学昆虫研究所。  相似文献   

对采集于湖南桑植县天平山的角蟾标本(CIB200078)与同域分布的相近种尾突角蟾(Megophrys caudoprocta Shen,1994)标本及其他相近种标本比较后发现,该角蟾标本在形态上明显不同于其他物种。其形态特征与尾突角蟾相比:体形小,体长54.7mm;上眼脸外缘三角形突起小;体腹面后部有斑点;犁骨棱弱,末端不膨大,也无犁骨齿;雄性第一、二指背面黑婚刺相对较大,有声囊。与棘指角蟾相比:肛孔上方有一个向后突出的尾突,腹面观可见;雄性第一、二指背面黑婚刺相对较小而密。故将其订为新种:桑植角蟾Megophrys sangzhiensis sp.nov.。  相似文献   

1. This study presents a qualitative and quantitative survey of epibionts infesting two populations of the freshwater isopod Asellus aquaticus (L.). Using scanning electron microscopy, the prevalence, mean intensity, abundance, spatial preferences and distribution of organisms on various external surfaces were ascertained.
2. A diverse community, consisting primarily of protozoa and rotifers, utilised A. aquaticus as a substrate organism. Every individual A. aquaticus supported some form of epizoic life. Peritrich species comprised 89.2% of all epibionts. Carchesium polypinum, Pseudocarchesium aselli, Pseudocarchesium asellicola, Pseudocarchesium simulans and Opercularia hebes dominated the epifauna.
3. Highest epibiont burdens occurred on the mouthparts, the first few ventral segments and the gills and largely comprised the above peritrich species. Most epibionts exhibited some degree of site preference on the host. A distinct gill epifauna existed. Apart from Acineta tuberosa and Vorticella rotunda , which had equal prevalences on dorsal and ventral surfaces in one culture, most species largely avoided the dorsal surface.
4. Epibionts exhibited varying degrees of adaptation to life on a living substrate. They ranged from facultative species such as A. tuberosa , which are capable of colonising abiotic substrata, to Gymnodinoides aselli whose life cycle relies on interaction with A. aquaticus . Highly specialised species tended to exhibit the most pronounced and consistent site restriction.
5. Asellus aquaticus offers a highly tractable system for further study of substrate species–epibiont relationships.  相似文献   

Abstract. Methods are described for making chromosome preparations from developing embryos of Helophorus , for producing C- and G-banding, and for staining the nucleolus organizer with silver. These methods are used to compare the karyotypes of two species currently included in H.aquaticus (L.). It is shown that these species differ because of reciprocal translocations between some chromosomes, and that they would therefore be unable to produce fertile hybrids. Morphological differences in the male and female genitalia are described, and the range of aedeagal variation shown by each species is established by reference to chromosome preparations from testis. Reference to the relevant type specimens shows that the two species are H.aequalis Thomson and H.aquaticus (L.). The latter is not a British species. Differences in the egg cocoons and third instar larvae are described. The present distributions and Pleistocene histories of the two species are described.  相似文献   

沼野蝇属Goniophyto Townsend, 1927已记载有6种,其中2种分布于中国。本文描述了在上海蝇类调查中发现的该属1新种G. shanghaiensis的两性特征,并附该属的种检索表及属征的修订。模式标本存于上海出入境检验检疫局媒介生物实验室。上海沼野蝇 Goniophyto shanghaiensis,新种(图 1~6) 本种♂额角几为直角与九州沼野蝇G. horri Kurahashi et Suenaga, 1994近缘;但胫节棕色而非黑色,侧尾叶后缘端半呈直角形明显内凹而非稍微内凹,阳茎腹方有一对宽的近端侧突而非仅呈细长管状。正模:♂,上海南汇区,2005-Ⅺ-25,邓耀华、陈之梓采;副模:5♂♂10♀♀,上海崇明岛,2005-Ⅵ-26,邓耀华、陈之梓采。  相似文献   

何维俊 《昆虫学报》2014,57(2):244-247
本文对中国副厚樇属Parapachymorpha Brunner von Wattenwyl, 1893进行了分类研究,其中包括2新种--道英副厚樇Parapachymorpha daoyingi sp. nov.和西双版纳副厚樇Parapachymorpha xishuangbannaensis sp. nov.,以及1中国新记录种--刺副厚樇Parapachymorpha spinosa Brunner von Wattenwyl, 1893。 新种模式标本保存于上海昆虫博物馆。  相似文献   

中国卷蛾寄蝇族一新种及二新纪录种(双翅目,寄蝇科)   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
长腹寄蝇属是双翅目寄蝇科卷蛾寄蝇族中的1个小属,已知2种:Dolichocoxys femoralis Townsend分布于缅甸、印度尼西亚,D.rossica Mesnil分布俄罗斯远东地区。王氏长腹寄蝇Dolichocoxys wangiZhang et Liu,sp.nov.(图1 ~7)主要特征体长12.0 ~13.0mm;触角芒具绒毛; 2后背中鬃较宽分离,小盾端鬃毛状,前胸侧板具鬃;足黑且长;雄性腹部长筒形,第5背板端部延长成细长尾。正模♂,西藏墨脱阿尼桥, 1 300m, 2003-08-10 ,王明福采;副模1 ♂,同正模; 1 ♂,西藏亚东, 1977-06-13 ,吴健毅采, 2 ♂♂,云南德钦虎跳峡, 2 800 ~2 900m, 1996年8月24 ~26日。新种近似于D.femoralis,但体型较大,足基节和腿节黑色,与后者区别明显;又与D.rossica近似,但体型较大,触角、下颚须和足均黑色,区别于后者。新种模式标本分别保存在沈阳师范大学昆虫标本馆和中科院上海昆虫博物馆。此外,报道卷蛾寄蝇族2中国新纪录种:等鬃毛颜寄蝇Admontia podomyia Brauer et Bergenstamm,1889 (四川、青海) ;黄奥斯渥寄蝇Oswaldia gilva Shi ma,1991 (辽宁)。  相似文献   

冯炎 《动物分类学报》2011,36(4):976-980
记述中国四川省蝇科Muscidae秽蝇亚科Coenosiinae池蝇族Limnophorini池蝇属Limnophora Robineau-Desvoidy,1830的研究概况。迄今全世界已知该属有298个种的学名,中国已知62种,占20.81%;四川已知14种,占我国已知种的22.58%,其中分布于东洋区和古北区的有5种,东洋区的2种,四川特有种7种,分别占四川已知种的35.71%、14.29%和50%;在四川已知的14种中,近年鉴定命名的新种(含本文记述的1新种)有7种,占50%。编制了四川已知种检索表和名录,并对新种白头池蝇Limnophora leucocephala sp.nov.做了详细记述。新种模式标本存于中国科学院上海植物生理生态研究所昆虫博物馆。  相似文献   

Freshwater Malacostraca distribution data acquired through the routine biological work of a river authority is of general scientific interest. The distribution of Asellus aquaticus and Gammarus pulex is related to pollution and natural factors. Although widespread in the area, both species are absent from an extensive part of the major river system. A. meridianus appears to be less successful in competition with A. aquaticus and is comparatively scarce, being mostly limited to isolated pools. The distribution of Crangonyx pseudogracilis in canals and static waters is also related to pollution and natural factors. Orchestia cavimana, a semi-terrestrial amphipod, is shown to be an overlooked species which is common in canals.  相似文献   

记述了育自上海桃树上1种盾蚧中的斑翅跳小蜂属1新种:上海斑翅跳小蜂Epitetracnemus shanghaiensis sp.nov..文中给出了新种的形态特征图和该属分种检索表.研究标本保存于中国科学院上海生命科学研究院植物生理生态研究所.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Das Transportepithel am Ventraltubus verschiedener Collembolen-Arten —Podura aquatica, Lepidocyrtus ruber, Sminthurides aquaticus undTomocerus vulgaris — wurde auf salinitÄtsabhÄngige VerÄnderungen der Feinstruktur hin untersucht. Als Beispiel langfristiger Adaptation wurdePodura aquatica aus zwei Populationen von Salzlaken des Neusiedlersee-Gebietes mitLepidocyrtus ruber aus dem Supralitoral der Mittelmeerküste der Insel Elba/Italien verglichen. Die Tiere von stark salzhaltigem Substrat zeigten eine Rückbildung der für Transportepithelien typischen Strukturen, in erster Linie eine Reduzierung des apikalen Faltensaumes und der Mitochondriendichte. Auf einer Salzlake geringerer SalinitÄt ergab sich fürPodura aquatica eine Feinstruktur, die der unter Normalbedingungen nahekommt. Für die Beispiele kurzfristiger Adaptation —Sminthurides aquaticus, Tomocerus vulgaris — erwies sich von der Feinstruktur her der apikale Faltensaum als der Ort grö\ter SensibilitÄt gegenüber stÄrkeren SalinitÄtsschwankungen. Bei 100 mOsm Meersalz-, bzw. 250, 500 und 1000 mOsm NaCl-Lösung verkürzte sich der Faltensaum, die Faltendichte wurde geringer und unregelmÄ–Biger, teilweise kam es zu völligem Schwund. Anstelle des Faltensaumes traten auch verstÄrkt Invaginationen der apikalen Zellmembran auf, vielfach stapelartig geschichtet oder parallel zur Cuticula. Dies wird im Sinne eines Isolationsmechanismus gedeutet. Keine me\baren VerÄnderungen ergaben sich für die Mitochondriendichte und die Ausdehnung des basalen Labyrinths. Der Vergleich mit den Chloridzellen bzw. Chloridepithelien aquatischer Insekten legt nahe, da\ die Ionenaufnahme durch Variation der resorptiven OberflÄche gesteuert wird.
The effect of salinity adaptation on the ultrastructure of the transporting epithelium in the ventral tube of some species of collembola
Summary The transporting epithelium in the ventral tube of some Collembola-Species —Podura aquatica, Lepidocyrtus ruber, Sminthurides aquaticus andTomocerus vulgaris — was examined about any finestructural changes caused by different salinities.Podura aquatica was compared by two populations from periodic salt lakes in the Neusiedler-lake-region withLepidocyrtus ruber from the supralitoral of the middle-sea coast on the isle of Elba/Italy, as an example for longtime adaptation. In the animals from a highly saline substrate the typical structures of transporting epithelia were reduced: most of all the apical folded border and the number of mitochondria. Living on a periodic salt lake of lower salinityPodura aquatica showed a fine structure similar to that discovered under normal conditions. InSminthurides aquaticus andTomocerus vulgaris, as examples of short time adaptation, the apical folded border of the transporting epithelium revealed as the most sensible structure against stronger changes of salinity. At 100 mOsm sea salt-, respectively 250, 500 and 1000 mOsm NaCl-solution the folded border was shortened, the fold number was diminuated and more irregular and partly the folded border had completely disappeared. More invaginations of the apical cell membrane were found instead. Often they were seen lying parallel to the cuticle. Thus they are interpreted to function as an isolatory mechanism. As for the abundance of mitochondria and the expansion of the basal labyrinth no regular measurable changes could be found. A comparison with the chloride cells respectively chloride epithelia of aquatic insects points out that the uptake of ions is probably regulated by variation of the resorptive surface beneath the cuticle.

Mit Unterstützung durch die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft  相似文献   

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