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羚牛生态生物学研究现状   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
羚牛是介于羊和牛之间分类地位特殊的偶蹄目牛科动物, 共有4 个亚种。中国是羚牛的主要分布区, 拥有世界上绝大多数的羚牛种群。有关羚牛的研究主要由中国的科研人员在中国境内完成。羚牛的生态生物学研究主要涉及到地理分布、种群数量、栖息地、季节性迁移活动、集群行为、家域、日活动规律、采食习性、繁殖和防御行为。对羚牛研究现状的综述性介绍即从这10 个方面进行。  相似文献   

中华白海豚(Sousachinensis)是国家一级重点保护水生野生动物,处于食物链的顶端,是近岸海洋生态系统健康状况的指示物种和海洋生物多样性保护的旗舰物种,具有重要的生态、科学和文化价值。自20世纪90年代开始,中华白海豚的研究逐渐兴起;近年来,随着3S技术、生态模型及分子生物学等技术方法的发展应用,在中华白海豚种群生态学、行为生态学、分子生态学等领域的研究取得了长足发展。国内外学者利用截线抽样法和标志重捕法,调查研究了全球范围内已知的中华白海豚种群的分布、数量等生态信息;在物种保护的背景下,开展了对中华白海豚栖息地的选择偏好、栖息地质量评价及潜在栖息地的预测研究;探究了中华白海豚的觅食行为和繁殖行为的规律和其他行为的生态意义;分子生物技术的应用,初步揭示了中华白海豚的遗传分化规律,以及该物种对气候变化表现出的脆弱性;涉海工程、水下噪声、水体污染、渔业活动等人类活动仍是目前中华白海豚面临的主要威胁。本文在总结已有研究的基础上,对未来该物种的生态学研究与保护提出了以下展望:(1)建立国家层面的动态基线数据库,以更好地追踪中华白海豚的种群动态及栖息地环境变化;(2)构建栖息地识别及保护...  相似文献   

中国虎纹捕鸟蛛的生态学   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
文中首次报道了虎纹捕鸟蛛种群生态分布特点、洞穴结构、活动规律、捕食、繁殖、防御和进攻行为,并初步分析了其种群分布与栖息地结构之间的关系。  相似文献   

黄腹角雉的繁殖生态研究   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
报道了黄腹角雉(Tragopan caboti)的典型栖地、种群密度、配偶、求偶炫耀、巢与卵的特征、觅食区及雌鸟孵卵行为。为在原产地对野生种群繁殖习性的首次系统记述。  相似文献   

非人灵长类觅食行为生态学研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
觅食行为生态学是动物生态学研究的主要内容之一.从食物选择研究方法、食物选择策略机制、觅食行为的影响因素等方面综述非人灵长类动物觅食行为生态学研究进展.食物选择策略和活动时间分配是觅食行为生态学研究的主要内容.非人灵长类动物觅食行为生态学的研究对动物保护、人工驯养和繁殖具有重要意义.  相似文献   

高原鼠兔(Ochotona curzoniae)是青藏高原生态系统特有的小型优势哺乳动物,具有维持草原生态系统多样性、改善土壤等重要的生态学意义。目前,高原鼠兔的生态学研究已有大量报道,本文从高原鼠兔栖息地、种群生态、繁殖生态、行为生态、高原适应性以及与草原生态系统的关系等方面,综述了国内外的研究现状,并分析了未来有待深入研究的问题,高原鼠兔的高原适应性及其生态意义值得进一步研究。  相似文献   

白颈长尾雉(Syrmaticus ellioti)是地栖生活的大型森林鸟类, 为我国特有珍稀鸟类。由于白颈长尾雉栖息地片段化与丧失, 导致该物种种群数量减少及局部地区种群灭绝, 为有效保护该物种。国内外学者针对白颈长尾雉生态学和生物学开展了大量研究。文章从种群生态、栖息地、迁移及活动区、食性及觅食、繁殖生态、遗传及生理、濒危原因与保护对策等方面对白颈长尾雉的研究成果进行了综述。同时, 对白颈长尾雉下一步的研究工作提出了建议。  相似文献   

动物生理生态学主要研究野生动物对自然环境的适应,阐述或回答动物与生存和繁殖相关的生态学问题.长爪沙鼠(Meriones unguiculatus)栖息地环境从西向东横跨荒漠草原和典型草原,而且具有明显的季节性,其生理生态学研究对于了解物种分布范围的决定因素、对季节性环境的适应策略以及种群动态等生态学和进化生物学问题具有重要意义.对本研究组关于长爪沙鼠的生活史特征、能量代谢特征、社群行为和贮食行为、生态免疫以及种群动态等方面的研究进展进行了综述,并对未来可能的发展方向进行展望.  相似文献   

大熊猫觅食行为的栖息地管理策略   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
野生大熊猫觅食行为的季节性垂直迁移习性和"撵笋"现象有其自身的繁殖生理机制,并与主食竹营养含量的季节变化、竹笋特有的生物化学特性以及地理分布的异质性格局密切相关.本文从大熊猫的觅食行为特性入手,综述和分析了觅食行为的繁殖生理机制、觅食行为与主食竹的分布规律和生长发育特征的关系,从而提出了大熊猫栖息地保护管理的整体性、保护与科研相结合和遵循物种生态生物学特性的基本原则,以及区域森林生态系统的垂直布局管理、主食竹竹笋的封禁保护和圈养大熊猫食物的基地建设等管理措施.  相似文献   

三宝鸟繁殖期领域性的初步研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
江望高  诸葛阳 《生态学报》1983,3(2):173-184
鸟类领域性是鸟类生态学研究中一个引人入胜而又争议颇多的课题(Nice,1941;Hinde,1956)由于对鸟类的领域性与生态因素、种群密度之间关系的深入讨论(Davies,1978;Brown,1969;Wesolowski,1981),使得这一课题已成为鸟类种群生态学研究的重要内容之一。了解各种鸟类的领域性表现和特点,无论在理论上和实践上都是有一定的意义的。 我国鸟类生态学研究工作主要集中在鸟类繁殖习性和区系分布等方面,个体行为生态学  相似文献   

Effective nature conservation requires coherent actions based on the best available evidence concerning protected species. Recent studies have suggested that European nightjars Caprimulgus europaeus forage outside their recognized breeding habitats, yet, for Flanders (northern Belgium) information on nightjar foraging behaviour and key foraging habitats is lacking. To assess whether the foraging ecology of nightjars in Flanders is similar to that observed in other parts of Europe, we studied the crepuscular behaviour of this species in Bosland (northeastern Flanders) during a five‐year radio telemetry study. Tracking of 48 individuals within a coniferous forest was standardized and home ranges were calculated using a kernel density estimator (fixed kernel). Habitat use was investigated by comparing kernel placement to available habitat. Average maximal foraging distance was 2603 ± 1094 m and home ranges extended up to 691 ha. We identified the key foraging habitats to be extensively‐cultivated grasslands and recreational areas, areas that were previously assumed unsuitable for Belgian nightjars. Our results indicate the importance of foraging sites outside the breeding territory, confirming the findings of previous studies performed elsewhere in Europe. Incorporating our findings into future conservation plans could, therefore, lead to improved efficiency of EU conservation measures, designed for the protection of this bird species in Flanders.  相似文献   

Studying a species under a range of conditions is essential for fully understanding its ecology and for predicting its response to human impacts on the environment. We investigated the spatial behaviour and the habitat characteristics of foraging areas of Eurasian Stone‐curlews breeding in an important but poorly investigated habitat, gravel riverbed, throughout the full 24‐h cycle. The data collected for 17 radiotagged birds nesting in the Taro River Regional Park (Parma, Italy) showed a clear split between diurnal and nocturnal spatial behaviour. Almost all diurnal fixes and about two‐thirds of nocturnal ones were located in the gravel riverbed, which not only provided suitable breeding territories but probably part of the food resources needed for reproduction. Nocturnal excursions from breeding sites to feeding areas (mostly farmland), sometimes of a few kilometres, indicated that these resources do not cover all of the birds’ needs. Night spotlight counts of foraging birds in the agricultural area indicated that Stone‐curlews preferred recently harvested crops (mainly forage and wheat) and piles of farmyard manure. These habitat preferences are closely linked to the predominant agricultural activity of the study area, which is characterized by a high density of dairy farms for the production of Parmigiano Reggiano cheese. It seems likely that the proximity of gravel riverbed and farmland habitats is one of the main causes of the high breeding density recorded in the study area. We propose that the conservation of Stone‐curlews at this site could potentially be achieved only by a synergistic management of both natural and agricultural habitats.  相似文献   

大雾岭保护区穿山甲冬季生境选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1999年12月至2001年2月,对大雾岭自然保护区穿山甲冬季栖息地的选择进行了研究,结果表明对林型选择的先后次序为针阔混交林、灌木丛、常绿阔叶林、针叶林;最偏爱针阔混交林,最不喜爱针叶林.多选择陡坡(30~ 60°);干扰源距离较远(>1 000 m),干扰程度小;林下草灌层盖度高(81% ~ 100%),隐蔽程度好; 阳坡或半阴半阳坡;中低海拔(760 ~ 1 500 m);中下坡位;水源距离较近(<500 m);乔木郁闭度适中(31% ~ 70%)的生境.较少选择上坡位,林下草灌层中低(0 ~ 50%),乔木郁闭度偏高(71%~ 100%)或偏低(0~ 30%),阴坡的生境.对洞口设置的要求是多朝南,而且要求隐蔽条件好,多数为全隐蔽或半隐蔽;最不喜爱将洞口设置在裸露、隐蔽程度差的生境,强力避免洞口向北.坡度、干扰源距离和林下草灌层盖度是影响穿山甲冬季栖息地选择的关键环境因子.  相似文献   

中华穿山甲(Manis pentadactyla)是国家I级重点保护野生动物, 被IUCN红色名录列为极危(CR)物种, 也被列入CITES附录I。分布现状信息的匮乏是制约该物种保护规划制定与保护行动开展的关键因素。本文利用红外相机陷阱法和样线调查法, 于2020年8月至2021年11月在海南尖峰岭林区进行中华穿山甲海南亚种(M. p. pusilla)的监测调查, 分析评估了其分布与保护现状。调查发现: (1)尖峰岭林区7个公里网格内的8台红外相机拍摄到10次中华穿山甲出没的影像, 且在11个网格内见到35个觅食洞穴, 其中在红外相机损失率较低的南中区域记录到的中华穿山甲实体数量和洞穴数最多; (2)中华穿山甲主要分布于尖峰岭林区400-1,000 m海拔区域, 林区的国家公园一般控制区内仍然有3台红外相机拍摄到中华穿山甲及调查记录到18个觅食洞穴。结果表明: 海南尖峰岭林区仍然存在中华穿山甲种群, 目前可能被海拔等因素隔离为3个小种群; 人为干扰是影响该物种种群恢复的重要因素之一。因此, 本文提出如下建议: (1)管理部门要落实各项管护制度并加强巡护管理力度以把人为干扰程度降到最低; (2)管理部门在今后国家公园总体规划调整时可将有中华穿山甲等极危物种分布的一般控制区调整为核心保护区, 而在未调整规划前则要重点加强该区域的管理, 对建设项目布局等要尽量避开该区域; (3)尽快开展尖峰岭林区中华穿山甲的生境适宜性分析及廊道研究, 以使该物种得到更有效的保护和管理; (4)今后要定期开展其监测与保护研究, 明确尖峰岭林区中华穿山甲种群数量的动态变化; (5)在海南岛范围内开展中华穿山甲资源调查, 明确该物种在海南的种群数量及分布等情况。  相似文献   

Despite its relevance for the persistence of populations, the ecological mechanisms underlying habitat use decisions of juvenile birds are poorly understood. We examined postfledging habitat selection of radio-tracked juvenile middle spotted woodpeckers Dendrocopos medius at multiple hierarchically-nested spatial scales in NW Spain. At the landscape and home range scales, old oak forest was the most used and selected habitat, young oak forests and pine plantations were avoided, and riverside forests were used as available. At a lower scale, birds selected larger diameter trees for foraging. Home ranges had higher densities of large deciduous trees (mainly oaks Quercus spp., but also poplars Populus spp. and willows Salix spp. >22  cm and >33  cm DBH) selected for foraging by juveniles than non-used areas. These results suggest that foraging conditions may drive, at least partly, habitat use decisions by juvenile birds. We also discuss the potential influence of intraspecific competition, the search for a future breeding territory in the early postfledging period and predation avoidance on habitat use decisions by juvenile birds. Contrary to previous studies on migrant forest birds, postfledging juvenile woodpeckers selected the same habitat as for the breeding adults (i.e. old oak forest), indicating that migrant and resident specialist avian species may require different conservation actions. Conservation strategies of woodpecker populations should consider the protection of old oak forests with high densities of large trees to provide suitable habitat to breeding adults and postfledging juveniles. The habitat improvement for this indicator and umbrella species would also favour other organisms that depend on characteristics of old-growth oak forests.  相似文献   

Although the affinity to the matrix habitat (matrix affinity) determines the fate of species in dynamic landscapes where habitat replacement occurs, only a few studies have examined which ecological traits are associated with matrix affinity. Here, we examined the associations of five ecological traits (i.e., fertility, body weight, migratory behavior, foraging height, and nesting height) with affinity for forest birds to a novel larch plantation matrix habitat. We surveyed the occurrence of birds in larch plantations (matrix habitat) and original deciduous forests (original habitat) in the winter and the breeding season, in a montane region of Nagano prefecture, central Japan. We treated occurrences in the matrix habitat relative to the original habitat as the matrix affinity of each species and examined the associations of ecological traits with matrix affinity, controlling for the relatedness of species. Fertile, resident, and low-nesting species showed high matrix affinity, while an association with body weight was not supported. The associations of foraging groups with matrix affinity were complex. While early successional species showed high matrix affinity, flycatchers had low matrix affinity. The matrix affinity of some foraging groups was greater in the winter than in the breeding season. Based on the results, we predicted that low fertility and migratory, high-nesting species would be sensitive to habitat replacement due to matrix hostility. These predictions may be applicable to other matrix type, region, and taxa.  相似文献   

Identifying the priority habitats of endangered species is crucial to implementing effective conservation actions. We characterize the key habitats used by Bonelli's Eagle Aquila fasciata, an umbrella and flagship species that is endangered in Mediterranean countries. We radiotracked 17 breeding individuals (10 males and seven females) in Catalonia (NE Iberian Peninsula) and used compositional analysis to determine the key habitats in home‐ranges of both sexes. The main habitats identified within the home‐range area were scrubland, coniferous forests, cropland, sclerophyllous forests, rock outcrops and urban areas, with little difference in habitat use between the sexes. Bonelli's Eagles preferred rocky habitats as breeding areas and scrubland as foraging areas, as these hold the highest abundance of their main prey, Rabbits Oryctolagus cuniculus and Red‐legged Partridges Alectoris rufa. Habitat selection varied seasonally in foraging areas: scrubland was the most preferred habitat type during the breeding season, whereas rocky areas were preferred during the non‐breeding season (although scrubland was also highly selected). Urban areas were avoided both as breeding and as foraging areas. Home‐range size was inversely correlated with the proportion of scrubland, suggesting that this is a key habitat for Bonelli's Eagle. To conserve this species effectively, policies that ensure the preservation of the cliffs used as breeding sites, as well as suitable management of the scrubland used for foraging, should be implemented in the areas inhabited by this species. The promotion of traditional land uses and management techniques that will enhance open areas in Mediterranean landscapes should in the future play an essential role in the conservation of Bonelli's Eagle in Mediterranean habitats.  相似文献   

This study investigated the utilization of mist‐belt grassland habitat by the threatened blue swallow and was conducted over three successive breeding seasons in the Blue Swallow Natural Heritage Site at Kaapsehoop, Mpumalanga, South Africa. Blue swallows significantly preferred wetlands over grasslands for foraging. Sufficient foraging habitat must be within a 1.5 km radius from an active nest site. The minimum size of a pair of blue swallows home range should be 333 ha, consisting at a minimum of grasslands (243 ha or 73%) and wetlands (90 ha or 27%). In order to conserve this threatened species, habitat transformation should not take place within a minimum radius of 1.5 km of any blue swallow nest. Due to the critical dependence of the blue swallow on wetland habitat for foraging, any development outside the 1.5 km radius that would affect hydrology and water quality within this range would need to be considered, and any adverse effect mitigated. Rehabilitation of areas to a grassland/wetland mosaic would rather quickly support foraging, and eventually breeding. Although a better understanding of the dynamics between wetlands and adjacent grasslands regarding blue swallow habitat requirements is needed, action can already be taken, based on our results.  相似文献   

Studying the home range of an organism is important in understanding its ecology. Due to being cryptic, few studies have been conducted on the home range studies of small, nocturnal geckos. We conducted radio-tracking surveys for 23 individuals to estimate the home range size and home range overlap of the Schlegel's Japanese gecko(Gekko japonicus) previously introduced into a suburban city park. Individuals were commonly found in artificial structures(buildings and accessory structures) and on nearby natural trees. Daily moved distance was positively correlated with home range size. Minimum convex polygon(MCP) home range was 97.8 m~2 for females and 99.5 m~2 for males, on average. Gekko japonicus moved farther daily distances and used wider MCP and Kernel 95 home ranges in breeding season compared to non-breeding season, while the size of Kernel 50 home range did not differ between seasons. Both daily moved distance and home range size were not significantly different between sexes. In the breeding season, MCP and Kernel 50 home ranges of each gecko overlapped with 32.4% and 13.8% of remaining geckos, respectively. Our results not only show that 1) G. japonicus uses both artificial structures and adjacent natural trees as microhabitat, but also suggest that 2) G. japonicus is non-territorial, but has a core habitat that is shared with few other individuals, and 3) the reproductive system of G. japonicus is polygamous.  相似文献   

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