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近五年,缅甸北部白垩纪中期克钦琥珀中相继发现了数百枚蜻蜓目化石,包含现生蜻蜓目三个亚目类群,目前已发表16科29属35种,在所有已知琥珀记录中数量和多样性最高。克钦琥珀中的蜻蜓目以均翅亚目(豆娘)为主,以Burmahemiphlebia zhangi最为常见,不少现生豆娘的化石记录也首次在克钦琥珀中发现,包括Perilestidae,Platycnemididae和Platystictidae等。此外,克钦琥珀中发现了一些中生代沉积岩中常见的蜻蜓目类群,如Araripegomphidae, Gomphaeschnidae和Stenophlebiidae等,指示克钦琥珀的时代可能为早白垩世晚期。这些发现为探讨蜻蜓目部分类群的起源、演化和揭示生物古地理提供了有力证据。  相似文献   

陈献勇 《生命世界》2013,(11):34-36
夏日里,善飞的蜻蜓使用它们那急停急起、垂直升降、悬停等飞行特技,让众多的昆虫爱好者痴迷!复眼、薄如轻纱的翅膀、线条纹理、斑纹、点缀色等外貌特征,让昆虫爱好者不由惊呼大自然的神奇!这么多的蜻蜓从何而来?冬日里怎么不见它们的身影?它们又居住在何处?好奇心驱使我一探蜻蜓水虿的究竟。  相似文献   

本刊1979年第2期刊登的《古今蜻蜓趣谈》一文中,有这样一段文字:“昆虫类一般都是以幼虫变为蛹,再由蛹羽化成虫,蜻蜓也不例外。水虿先爬到水草上变为蛹,在羽化成虫时,蜻蜓便从蛹中破开外皮爬到枝头上,……。”  相似文献   

对马来西亚的豆娘IndocnemisorangF rster的生活周期进行了初步研究 ,其发育包括 6个龄期至少经历 6 9天。虽然该豆娘在其发育过程中对水质的变化有一定的耐受 ,但由于其对生境条件的敏感 ,可以认定为窄幅种。文章认为该豆娘可以作为对栖息地评估和生物监测的指示物种并对此进行了讨论。  相似文献   

蜻蜓属昆虫纲(Insecta)、蜻蜓目(Odonata)。夏秋之际常见于各种水区附近。分布于世界各大区,温暖地带种类较多。全世界现已知有5000多种,我国现已知有400余种。蜻蜓目分三亚目,其中束翅亚目(Zygoptera)和差翅亚目(Anisoptera)均为常见,间翅亚目(Anisozygoptera)仅在印度及日本有分布。束翅亚目称为(虫怱)类,差翅亚目称为蜻蜓。(虫怱)类包括丝(虫怱)、扇(虫怱)(豆娘)与色(虫怱)(艳娘)等常见种;蜻蜓包括蜻:蜓和箭蜓等。  相似文献   

北京地区的蜻蜓   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘阳  高新宇  郭冬生 《生物学通报》2004,39(1):18-19,F003
蜻蜓是昆虫纲中比较原始的有翅种类,自上个世纪20年代就有关于北京蜻蜓的文献记载.北京地区已知的蜻蜓目昆虫隶属于两个亚目9科50余种。这些种类在北京地区的山地溪流、平原水域栖息。蜻蜓目昆虫在生活史中跨水陆两栖,它们的分布和数量与水质有密切关系.可以为本地区的水质监测提供资料。  相似文献   

2009—2010年对宁波四明山地区的蜻蜓资源进行了野外调查,共采集蜻蜓标本460只,隶属9科32属43种。蜻科Libellulidele为优势科(17种,占总数的39.5%),灰蜻属Orthetrum为优势属(5种,占属总数的15.6%)。单种单属有25个,占总属数的78.1%,说明四明山区蜻蜓区系在起源和构成上比较复杂。四明山区蜻蜓区系以东洋区和跨古北区-东洋区种类占优势。调查发现水体污染、湿地过度开发利用已经成为该地区蜻蜓目昆虫及其它水生生物面临的主要威胁。  相似文献   

<正> 1990年7月19日傍晚,笔者在连云港市云台区云台乡妇联河边草丛中调查蜻蜓种类时捕获一头雄性畸形豆娘,经初步鉴定为黄纹(虫匆心)Coenagrion hieroglyphicum Brauer.,其腹部仅有6节,腹长为16cm。正常的该种豆娘腹部为10节,腹长为24cm,第10腹节背面具黑色背中条纹,并在端部向后缘两侧分叉,肛附器表面具细毛。而少节的豆娘却无上述特征,  相似文献   

蜻蜓是一类营养丰富且具有药用保健价值的可食用昆虫。目前蜻蜓在国内被食用的种类见诸报道的有红蜻(Crocothemis servilia)、角突箭蜓(Gomphus cuneatus)、舟尾丝蟌(Lestes praemorsa)、闪蓝丽大蜻(Epophthalmia elegans)、碧伟蜓(Anax parthenope julius)、小团扇春蜓(Ictinogomphus rapax)、大团扇春蜓(Sinictinogomphus clavatus)、黄蜻(Pantala flavescens)、赤褐灰蜻(Orthetrum pruinosum)、白尾灰蜻(Orthetrum albistylum)、异色灰蜻(Orthetrum triangulare melania)、大黄赤蜻(Sympetrum uniforme)共12种。笔者在来自云南红河州元阳县大坪乡的待食用蜻蜓稚虫中发现一种体型较小的蜻蜓种类,从形态上初步判断不属于以上12种,通过DNA条形码分子鉴定法对这种蜻蜓进行了种类鉴定,结果该种蜻蜓为黄基赤蜻(Sympetrum speciosum),由此食用蜻蜓报道的种类又增加了一种。  相似文献   

王大锐 《化石》2010,(2):61-66
蜻蜓是人们再也熟悉不过的昆虫了,几乎每个人的童年都曾羡慕过它们在空中自由自在的飞行,并以捕捉它们为乐……蜻蜓一般在池塘或河边飞行,幼虫(稚虫)在水中发育,蜻蜓生着巨大的复眼,捕食时视野极为开阔,因此获得了“捕蚊雄鹰”的称号。  相似文献   

Like most insect orders, the Odonata (dragonflies and damselflies) remain poorly studied from the perspective of genome size. They exhibit several characteristics that make them desirable targets for analysis in this area, for example a large range in body size, differences in developmental rate, and distinct modes of flight – all of which are related to genome size in at least some animal taxa. The present study provides new genome size estimates and morphometric data for 100 species of odonates, covering about 1/5 of described North American diversity. Significant relationships are reported between genome size and body size (positive in dragonflies, negative in damselflies), and there is also indication that developmental rate and flight are related to genome size in these insects. Genome size is also positively correlated with chromosome number across the order. These findings contribute to an improved understanding of genome size evolution in insects, and raise several interesting questions for future research.  相似文献   

Since the beginning of this century there have been substantial declines in the distribution and abundance of native Megalagrion damselflies on the Hawaiian Island of Oahu. Native damselflies have also vanished from most low elevation areas on other Hawaiian Islands, although historically, lotic and wetland dwelling damselfly species were once common throughout the archipelago. It is hypothesized that poeciliid fish introduced for biological control have caused the decline of four stream-breeding damselfly species on Oahu, and the extinction or near-extinction of two other species in Hawaii. This study documents the presence of remnant Megalagrion populations in Oahu streams, wetlands and estuaries, and records the elevational distributions of introduced fish in each waterbody surveyed. The distributions of introduced Odonata are also recorded, because the seven species of damselflies and dragonflies introduced to Oahu since 1936 present another potential threat to native Hawaiian damselflies. Native damselfly and introduced poeciliid fish distributions were mutually exclusive on Oahu, and it is concluded that this is probably due to predation by the introduced fish. By contrast, even the rarest native Megalagrion damselflies were found in areas containing introduced damselflies and dragonflies.  相似文献   

Odonata (dragonflies and damselflies) exhibit a range of sexual size dimorphism (SSD) that includes species with male-biased (males > females) or female-biased SSD (males < females) and species exhibiting nonterritorial or territorial mating strategies. Here, we use phylogenetic comparative analyses to investigate the influence of sexual selection on SSD in both suborders: dragonflies (Anisoptera) and damselflies (Zygoptera). First, we show that damselflies have male-biased SSD, and exhibit an allometric relationship between body size and SSD, that is consistent with Rensch's rule. Second, SSD of dragonflies is not different from unit, and this suborder does not exhibit Rensch's rule. Third, we test the influence of sexual selection on SSD using proxy variables of territorial mating strategy and male agility. Using generalized least squares to account for phylogenetic relationships between species, we show that male-biased SSD increases with territoriality in damselflies, but not in dragonflies. Finally, we show that nonagile territorial odonates exhibit male-biased SSD, whereas male agility is not related to SSD in nonterritorial odonates. These results suggest that sexual selection acting on male sizes influences SSD in Odonata. Taken together, our results, along with avian studies (bustards and shorebirds), suggest that male agility influences SSD, although this influence is modulated by territorial mating strategy and thus the likely advantage of being large. Other evolutionary processes, such as fecundity selection and viability selection, however, need further investigation.  相似文献   

With the aim of protecting Mexican diversity, one current governmental task is to complete national biological inventories. In the case of odonate insects, several researchers have hypothesized that species richness is complete (205 dragonflies and 151 damselflies), but there has not been any formal exercise to test this. Thus, we have investigated whether odonate species richness (for Mexican endemics, dragonflies (suborder Anisoptera), damselflies (suborder Zygoptera) and total species) is complete using sample-based and coverage-based rarefaction curves. Along with this, we also showed how good distribution data are in the country. The rarefaction curves have indicated 100% completeness for all groups suggesting that the inventory is complete. However, species' distribution data is highly patchy regarding areas either well (e.g. central Mexico) or badly (e.g. coast of Guerrero and Oaxaca) collected. We encourage researchers to continue odonate sampling in order to support at least three conservation actions: (i) conservation assessment of endangered species; (ii) knowledge of range shifts given rising global temperatures; and (iii) increase public interest and awareness in protected, touristic areas.  相似文献   

Generally, dragonflies and damselflies (odonates) are considered aquatic invertebrates. However, the ecological requirements of their adults are not different from those of fully, terrestrial insects. Surprisingly, there is a very little information on whether the management and structure of surrounding habitats has any influence on the diversity and seasonal dynamics of odonates. This is important to know because recently, a large proportion of freshwater habitats in Central Europe have becomes surrounded by intensively managed habitats. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of different types of terrestrial habitats on their long-term utilization by dragonflies and damselflies. I assumed that this pattern varied over time; therefore, I used generalized additive mixed models to analyze the effects of management on seasonal changes in the abundance of individuals in terrestrial environments. From my results, it was evident that the management practices of surrounding terrestrial habitats had a significant impact on the population dynamics of dragonflies. The abundance of dragonfly adults in surrounding terrestrial habitats increased toward the end of the season. However, this was only, when the natal aquatic habitat was not affected by fish farming and was able to supply surrounding terrestrial habitats with offspring. This was evidenced by the fact that, compared to areas with extensive water management, in sites with fish farming, seasonal increases in abundance was negligible. There is no doubt that the structure of surrounding terrestrial habitats has a significant influence on the diversity of terrestrial invertebrates. However, we must not forget that terrestrial habitats, regardless of their management, are not able to replace the poor quality of the aquatic (natal) habitat. Interestingly, the abundance of damselflies decreased toward the end of the season, regardless of the management practices of the surrounding areas. This indicates that their dynamics is more controlled by time stress or other similar mechanisms than that of dragonflies.  相似文献   

Previous studies suggest that the evolution of increased caudal lamellae size to increase swimming speed was an adaptation of Enallagma damselflies for coexisting with large, predatory dragonflies in fishless lakes. To test whether dragonfly predation still exerts selection pressures for increased lamellae size, I performed a field experiment in which I manipulated the abilities of dragonfly larvae to inflict mortality on Enallagma boreale larvae and compared differences in lamellae size and shape between treatments. In cages where dragonflies were free to forage on damselflies, surviving E. boreale larvae had lamellae that were larger in lateral surface area, and that were wider relative to their length, as compared with larvae recovered from treatments in which dragonflies were not permitted to forage on damselflies. Selection differentials of about 0.25 phenotypic standard deviation units were measured for both of these characters. These results indicate that dragonfly predation still exerts significant selection pressures on damselfly antipredator adaptations. The results of this study are discussed in the context of studies of adaptation.  相似文献   

Metacercariae survival patterns and their distribution in second intermediate odonate hosts were examined for 4 species of frog lung flukes. Surveys of aquatic larvae and recently emerged teneral dragonflies and damselflies indicated that prevalence and mean abundance of Haematoloechus spp. metacercariae were significantly lower in teneral dragonflies than larval dragonflies, while there was no significant difference in prevalence or mean abundance of Haematoloechus spp. metacercariae among larval and teneral damselflies. Experimental infections of dragonflies indicated that metacercariae of Haematoloechus coloradensis and Haematoloechus complexus were located in the head, thorax, and branchial basket of dragonflies, whereas metacercariae of Haematoloechus longiplexus and Haematoloechus parviplexus were restricted to the branchial basket of these hosts. Metacercariae of H. coloradensis, H. complexus, and H. longiplexus infected the head, thorax, and abdomen of damselflies, but these insects were resistant to infection with H. parviplexus. Subsequent metamorphosis experiments on experimentally infected dragonflies indicated that most metacercariae of H. longiplexus were lost from the branchial basket during metamorphosis, but most metacercariae of H. coloradensis, H. complexus, and H. parviplexus survived dragonfly metamorphosis. These observations suggest that the observed ecological host specificity of H. longiplexus in semiterrestrial leopard frogs may be due to few metacercariae of H. longiplexus reaching these frogs in a terrestrial environment. Because of the uncertain validity of Haematoloechus varioplexus as a distinct species from its synonym H. parviplexus, their morphological characters were reevaluated. The morphological data on H. varioplexus and H. parviplexus indicate that they differ in their acetabulum length and width, ovary shape, testes length, and egg length and width. Experimental infections of plains leopard frogs, northern leopard frogs, and bullfrogs with worms from bullfrogs indicate that the synonymy of H. parviplexus with H. varioplexus is not warranted, and that these flukes are distinct species, i.e., H. parviplexus in bullfrogs and H. varioplexus in plains leopard frogs and northern leopard frogs.  相似文献   

Journal of Ethology - Adult dragonflies (Anisoptera) and damselflies (Zygoptera) are amongst the most accomplished flying insects on the planet. The main functions of spatial displacement by flight...  相似文献   

Due to their unique flight mechanism including a direct flight musculature, Odonata show impressive flight skills. Several publications addressed the details of this flight apparatus like: sclerites, wings, musculature, and flight aerodynamics. However, 3D-analysis of the thorax musculature of adult dragonflies was not studied before and this paper allows for a detailed insight. We, therefore, focused on the thorax musculature of adult Anisoptera using micro-computed tomography. Herewith, we present a comparative morphological approach to identify differences within Anisoptera: Aeshnidae, Corduliidae, Gomphidae, and Libellulidae. In total, 54 muscles were identified: 16 prothoracic, 19 mesothoracic, and 19 metathoracic. Recorded differences were for example, the reduction of muscle Idlm4 and an additional muscle IIIdlm1 in Aeshna cyanea, previously described as rudimentary or missing. Muscle Iscm1, which was previously reported missing in all Odonata, was found in all investigated species. The attachment of muscle IIpcm2 in Pantala flavescens is interpreted as a probable adaption to its long-distance migration behaviour. Furthermore, we present a review of functions of the odonatan flight muscles, considering previous publications. The data herein set a basis for functional and biomechanical studies of the flight apparatus and will therefore lay the foundation for a better understanding of the odonatan flight.  相似文献   

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