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生物质炭生物与非生物氧化特性研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
伍孟雄  杨敏  孙雪  吴伟祥 《生态学报》2015,35(9):2810-2818
生物质炭是由植物生物质热解炭化产生的一类高度芳香化难熔性固态物质。生物质热解炭化还田能否成为人类应对全球气候变化的重要途径直接取决于其在土壤生态系统中的稳定性。生物质炭稳定性的研究对科学计算和评估土壤生态系统生物质炭输入的碳固持与减排作用具有重要现实意义。重点概述了土壤生态系统生物质炭生物与非生物氧化特性、影响因素及其机理研究进展,并对生物质炭在土壤环境中的稳定性预测模型研究进行了分析。在此基础上,今后需针对不同类型旱地土壤生态系统和不同类型稻田土壤生态系统生物质炭稳定性及其机理开展研究,并进一步开展土壤生态系统生物质炭稳定性预测模型研究。  相似文献   

生物质炭对土壤氮素循环的影响及其机理研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
潘逸凡  杨敏  董达  吴伟祥 《生态学杂志》2013,24(9):2666-2673
生物质炭因其特殊的理化性质,具有改良土壤、持留养分、提高肥力及增加土壤碳库贮量的作用,成为土壤生态系统生物地球化学循环和农业固碳减排领域的研究热点.作为一种人为输入的新材料,生物质炭将直接或间接地参与土壤氮素物质的周转,进而对土壤生态系统功能产生深远的影响.本文综述了生物质炭输入对土壤生态系统氮素循环的影响研究,重点概述了生物质炭对土壤氮素物质吸附作用以及硝化作用、反硝化作用和固氮作用等生物化学过程的影响,并对其潜在的机理进行了分析.在此基础上,对今后生物质炭与土壤氮素循环的相互作用进行了展望.  相似文献   

生物质炭是指生物质如作物残体、畜禽粪便以及其他任何形式的有机物质,在高温缺氧下裂解形成的物质。生物质炭有很多环境效应,最主要的是将碳长期固存在土壤中,缓温室效应,遏制全球气候变暖。生物质炭施入土壤后,能有效改善土壤结构,促进植物对土壤养分的吸收,提高作物产量,可以有效降低温室气体的排放。但大规模的生物质炭施用还存在很多的不确定性,包括工业生产的成本核算、原料的有效性以及生物质炭施用的长期效应的不确定等。本文综述了不同条件下制得的生物质炭的性质差异,生物质炭施入后对土壤物理、化学、微生物性质以及对地-气主要温室气体通量的影响,对水稻产量及稻田温室气体排放的影响,森林火灾发生后产生木炭的一些环境效应。  相似文献   

生物质炭对土壤养分淋溶的影响及潜在机理研究进展   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
农田生态系统中土壤养分淋溶控制一直是农业环境领域的研究热点.生物质炭因其特殊的理化性质,具有增加土壤碳库储量、改善土壤质量和提高作物产量等作用.作为一种外源输入的新型功能材料,生物质炭将直接或间接参与农田生态系统土壤养分循环,并对土壤养分淋溶产生重要影响.本文重点针对生物质炭影响土壤养分淋溶的内在因素(如:生物质炭的物理和化学性质及其与土壤生物的相互作用等)进行分析,并结合生物质炭添加量、土壤类型、土层深度、施肥情况、时间动态变化等外在因素,对生物质炭影响土壤氮磷等养分淋溶情况进行了综述.在此基础上,阐明了生物质炭对土壤养分淋溶的4种潜在影响机制:即通过微孔结构或表面电荷直接吸附养分、通过影响土壤持水能力影响养分淋溶、通过与土壤微生物的相互作用影响养分循环、被吸附的养分优先通过细微生物质炭颗粒发生迁移.最后对生物质炭与土壤养分流失控制领域的研究方向进行了展望.  相似文献   

生物炭对农田土壤微生物生态的影响研究进展   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
丁艳丽  刘杰  王莹莹 《生态学杂志》2013,24(11):3311-3317
生物炭作为新型土壤改良剂在国内外环境科学等领域受到广泛的关注.关于生物炭对土壤理化性质的改良研究较早,目前虽然已深入到土壤微生物生态的领域,但是大多数将土壤理化性质与土壤微生物生态分开考虑,缺乏对二者相互作用的系统评述.本文总结了施用生物炭后土壤理化性质的改变与土壤微生物群落变化之间的相互关系:生物炭不仅能够提高土壤pH值、增强土壤的持水能力、增加土壤有机质等,而且会影响土壤微生物的群落结构、改变细菌和真菌的丰度;施用生物炭后,土壤环境和土壤微生物之间互相影响互相制约,共同促进了土壤微生物生态系统的改良.本文旨在为生物炭改良农田土壤微生态的深入研究提供新的思路,从生态系统的角度促进生物炭环境效应影响的研究,使生物炭的应用更具有科学性和有效性,并对生物炭在相关领域的应用进行了展望.  相似文献   

生物炭对污染物的土壤环境行为影响研究进展   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
近年来,生物炭已成为农业、生态修复和环境保护领域的研究热点。一般认为,生物炭具有改善土壤质量、增加土壤碳汇、减少大气CO2浓度以及修复污染环境等功能。大量的生物炭施用到土壤后会改变土壤性质,影响重金属和有机污染物在土壤中的环境行为以及它们在环境中的归趋。本文就生物炭对土壤中重金属的吸附-解吸、在土壤中的形态转化、在土壤-植物系统中迁移行为、对有机污染物的吸附挥发及生物有效性进行了概述;在此基础上,扼要分析了当前生物炭应用存在的环境风险等问题,并从生物炭在土壤中的迁移转化及其归趋、生物炭的长期环境效应以及生物炭应用方向等方面进行了展望。  相似文献   

中国森林土壤碳储量与土壤碳过程研究进展   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
刘世荣  王晖  栾军伟 《生态学报》2011,31(19):5437-5448
森林是陆地生态系统的主体,是陆地上最大的碳储库和碳吸收汇。国内外研究表明,土壤亚系统在调节森林生态系统碳循环和减缓全球气候变化中起着重要作用。但是,由于森林类型的多样性、结构的复杂性以及森林对干扰和变化环境响应的时空动态变化,至今对森林土壤碳储量和变率的科学估算,以及土壤关键碳过程及其稳定性维持机制的认识还十分有限。综述了近十几年来我国森林土壤碳储量和土壤碳过程的研究工作,主要包括不同森林类型土壤碳储量、土壤碳化学稳定性、土壤呼吸及其组分、土壤呼吸影响机制、气候变化与土地利用对土壤碳过程的影响等;评述了土壤碳过程相关科学问题的研究进展,讨论了尚未解决的主要问题,并分析了未来土壤碳研究的发展趋势,以期为促进我国森林土壤碳循环研究,科学评价森林土壤碳固持潜力及其稳定性维持机制和有效实施森林生态系统管理提供科学参考。  相似文献   

高寒生态系统微生物群落研究进展   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
高寒生态系统分布在高纬度或高海拔、气候寒冷的地区,包括北极苔原、高山苔原、青藏高原等.高寒生态系统对气候变化非常敏感,其土壤中储存大量的有机碳,对全球的碳平衡起关键作用.微生物是生物地球化学循环的主要驱动者,微生物群落对气候变化的响应和反馈影响生态系统的功能与稳定性.本文回顾了高寒生态系统微生物群落组成、多样性与空间分布,以及微生物群落对气候变化(增温、氮沉降、火干扰)的响应,为拓展我国高寒生态系统微生物研究提供基础.  相似文献   

海草生态系统的固碳机理及贡献   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由海草、红树林、盐沼草等植被组成的滨海和海洋生态系统是地球中高效的碳汇热点,它们所固定的碳被称为"蓝碳".作为全球生态服务功能价值最高的生态系统之一,海草生态系统所固定的碳是蓝碳里的重要组成部分.高生产力、高效过滤及高稳定性造就了海草生态系统巨大的固碳能力,进而对全球碳循环具有深刻影响.然而,人为影响以及全球气候变化使全球海草床加速衰退,成为地球生物圈中退化速度最快的生态系统之一.当前,国内外对海草床等滨海生态系统固碳能力的关注、研究深度与广度仍远远不足,对全球海草固碳的评估仍存在诸多不确定性.为了能更准确地评估全球海草床的碳埋存,一些基础性的科学问题应优先考虑:1)全国和全球海草的准确分布面积;2)不同海草优势种类或不同地域的海草床碳汇能力的差异;3)人为干扰和全球气候变化对海草生态系统碳捕获和碳埋存的影响.  相似文献   

气候变化对森林土壤有机碳贮藏影响的研究进展   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:10  
Zhou XY  Zhang CY  Guo GF 《应用生态学报》2010,21(7):1867-1874
森林土壤有机碳库是全球碳循环的重要组成部分,其积累和分解的变化直接影响陆地生态系统的碳贮藏与全球的碳平衡.气候变化将影响植物光合作用及土壤有机碳的分解和转化过程,进而影响森林土壤有机碳贮量及土壤碳动态.温度、降水、大气CO2浓度等气候因子对森林土壤碳贮藏均具有重要影响.了解气候变化对森林土壤有机碳贮藏的影响有助于人们科学管理森林碳库以及进一步寻找缓解气候变化的可行途径.为此,本文综述了森林土壤有机碳贮量的分布以及升温、降水变化和大气CO2浓度升高对森林土壤有机碳贮藏影响的国内外研究进展,并提出了有关的研究展望.  相似文献   

Experiments suggest that biomass-derived black carbon (biochar) affects microbial populations and soil biogeochemistry. Both biochar and mycorrhizal associations, ubiquitous symbioses in terrestrial ecosystems, are potentially important in various ecosystem services provided by soils, contributing to sustainable plant production, ecosystem restoration, and soil carbon sequestration and hence mitigation of global climate change. As both biochar and mycorrhizal associations are subject to management, understanding and exploiting interactions between them could be advantageous. Here we focus on biochar effects on mycorrhizal associations. After reviewing the experimental evidence for such effects, we critically examine hypotheses pertaining to four mechanisms by which biochar could influence mycorrhizal abundance and/or functioning. These mechanisms are (in decreasing order of currently available evidence supporting them): (a) alteration of soil physico-chemical properties; (b) indirect effects on mycorrhizae through effects on other soil microbes; (c) plant–fungus signaling interference and detoxification of allelochemicals on biochar; and (d) provision of refugia from fungal grazers. We provide a roadmap for research aimed at testing these mechanistic hypotheses.  相似文献   

Precipitation is a key environmental factor in determining ecosystem structure and function. Knowledge of how soil and ecosystem respiration responds to climate change (e.g., precipitation) and human activities (e.g., grazing or clipping) is crucial for assessing the impacts of climate change on terrestrial ecosystems and for improving model simulations and predictions of future global carbon (C) cycling in response to human activities. In this study, we examined the spatial patterns of soil and ecosystem respiration along a precipitation gradient from 167.7 to 398.1 mm in a semi-arid grassland. Our results showed that soil and ecosystem respiration increased linearly with increasing mean annual precipitation. The trends were similar to those of shoot biomass, litter and soil total C content along the precipitation gradient. Our results indicated that precipitation was the primary controlling factor in determining the spatial pattern of soil and ecosystem respiration in semi-arid grasslands in China. The linear/nonlinear relationships in this study describing the variations of the ecosystem carbon process with precipitation can be useful for model development, parameterization and validation at the regional scale to improve predictions of how carbon processes in grasslands respond to climate change, land use and grassland management.  相似文献   

全球气候变暖对凋落物分解的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
宋飘  张乃莉  马克平  郭继勋 《生态学报》2014,34(6):1327-1339
凋落物分解作为生态系统核心过程,参与生态系统碳的周转与循环,影响生态系统碳的收支平衡,调控生态系统对全球气候变暖的反馈结果。全球气候变暖通过环境因素、凋落物数量和质量以及分解者3个方面,直接或间接地作用于凋落物分解过程,并进一步影响土壤养分周转和碳库动态。气候变暖可通过升高温度和改变实际蒸散量等环境因素直接作用于凋落物分解。气候变暖可引起植物物种短期内碳、氮和木质素等化学性质的改变以及群落中物种组成的长期变化从而改变凋落物质量。在凋落物分解过程中,土壤分解者亚系统作为主要生命组分(土壤动物和微生物)彼此相互作用、相互协调共同参与调节凋落物的分解过程。凋落物分解可以通过改变土壤微生物量、微生物活动和群落结构来加快微生物养分的固定或矿化,以形成新的养分利用模式来改变土壤有机质从而对气候变化做出响应。未来凋落物分解的研究方向应基于大尺度跨区域分解实验和长期实验,关注多个因子交互影响下,分解过程中碳、氮养分释放、地上/地下凋落物分解生物学过程与联系、分解者亚系统营养级联效应等方面。  相似文献   

土壤呼吸对温度升高的适应   总被引:36,自引:5,他引:31  
土壤呼吸是陆地生态系统碳循环的重要环节之一 ,其对温度升高的敏感程度在相当大的程度上决定着全球气候变化与碳循环之间的反馈关系。土壤呼吸对温度升高的适应是个比较普遍的现象 ,其表现形式主要为随着温度的持续升高和升温时间的延长 ,土壤呼吸对温度升高反应的敏感程度下降。产生这一现象的机制包括影响因子主导地位的转移和温度以外其他因子的协同变化。土壤呼吸对温度升高的适应可以视为碳循环对全球变暖的负反馈效应 ,它可能会在一定程度上缓和陆地生态系统对全球气候系统之间的耦合作用 ,并且导致土壤呼吸对全球温度升高响应的时空差异。由于目前生态系统模型多数没有考虑土壤呼吸的对温度升高的适应性 ,而采用统一的 Q1 0 值 ,其对未来土壤呼吸和未来气候变化幅度的预测可能存在偏差  相似文献   

Ecologic vulnerable areas (EVAs) are the regions where ecosystems are fragile and vulnerable to suffer from degradation with external disturbances, e.g. environmental changes and human activities (Feng et al. 2022; Wang et al. 2019). EVAs in China are widely distributed and account for more than 55% China’s land area (Ministry of Ecology and Environment of the People’s Republic of China 2008). The ecosystem in EVAs, chartered with low stability, weak resistance and high vulnerability, has been experiencing significant degradation owing to the impacts of global climate change and human activities (Bai et al. 2018; Chen et al. 2021; Yu et al. 2022). The EVAs in China are not only the most serious areas of environmental degradation, but also the most poverty-stricken regions (Wang et al. 2019). Harsh environmental condition (drought, low temperature and strong radiation) and limited resource supply (water, soil nutrients, etc.) constrain the vegetation productivity and ecosystem services of EVAs (Li et al. 2021). Climate change adds new challenges with warmer temperatures, changing rainfall regime and increasing frequency of extreme events (drought, heat wave, storms, etc.), which make it is more difficult to predict the changes of ecosystem processes and functions in future scenarios (Piao et al. 2020; Reid et al. 2014). Carbon and water fluxes are the core ecosystem processes, which is linked to diverse ecosystem services (Lian et al. 2021). Therefore, clarifying the variations and controls of ecosystem carbon and water fluxes is an effective approach to clarifying how ecosystem respond to global change in EVAs (Baldocchi 2020). As the only technique can directly measure the carbon, water and energy fluxes between vegetation and atmosphere, eddy covariance technique has been considered as a standard method for flux observations (Chen et al. 2020). By integrating long-term, eddy covariance measurements over time and space, researches are able to assess ecosystem metabolism at different time scales (hours to decades) (Forzieri et al. 2020; Han et al. 2020; Jung et al. 2017). Eddy covariance measurements also produce information on how ecosystem respond to the changes in climate, which is useful for assessing ecosystem carbon sequestration (Hu et al. 2018), water and energy balance (Forzieri et al. 2020), resource use efficiency (Liu et al. 2019) and ecosystem feedback to climate change (Huang et al. 2019; Piao et al. 2020; Yue et al. 2020). Long-term flux measurements are also vital for detecting the responses of ecosystem functions to extreme events, optimizing and validating models on regional and global scales (Baldocchi 2020). Combining with remote sensing and ecosystem modeling techniques, scientists can upscale and evaluate the functional relations between carbon and water fluxes with environmental variables at high resolution and across diverse spatial/temporal scales (Niu et al. 2017; Xia et al. 2020).  相似文献   

Improved soil management is increasingly pursued to ensure food security for the world's rising global population, with the ancillary benefit of storing carbon in soils to lower the threat of climate change. While all increments to soil organic matter are laudable, we suggest caution in ascribing large, potential climate change mitigation to enhanced soil management. We find that the most promising techniques, including applications of biochar and enhanced silicate weathering, collectively are not likely to balance more than 5% of annual emissions of CO2 from fossil fuel combustion.  相似文献   

全球变化对人类环境的影响是近几十年世界广泛关注的热点之一。内蒙古草原不仅是我国重要的牲畜和饲料生产基地, 而且有着不可替代的生态系统功能。土壤微生物是地球上多样性最高的生物类群, 在驱动碳氮循环等多种生态系统过程中发挥着至关重要的作用。由于研究技术的限制和群落结构复杂等原因, 土壤微生物生态学研究还处于描述性阶段, 理论研究还很缺乏。鉴于此, 利用分子生物学技术尤其是新一代测序技术, 从理论层面上系统地研究全球变化背景下我国北方草地微生物多样性的维持机制具有重要意义。本文在比较各种环境变化对土壤微生物群落的相对影响的基础上, 分析全球变化对微生物多样性影响的物理化学和生态学机制, 并对未来内蒙古草原微生物多样性的重点研究领域进行了展望, 包括: (1)加强全球变化多因素综合研究; (2)加强微生物多样性维持的生态学机制的研究; (3)加强地上与地下多样性关联机制的研究; (4)加强全球大尺度多生态系统的整合研究。  相似文献   

Climate‐smart agriculture (CSA) management practices (e.g., conservation tillage, cover crops, and biochar applications) have been widely adopted to enhance soil organic carbon (SOC) sequestration and to reduce greenhouse gas emissions while ensuring crop productivity. However, current measurements regarding the influences of CSA management practices on SOC sequestration diverge widely, making it difficult to derive conclusions about individual and combined CSA management effects and bringing large uncertainties in quantifying the potential of the agricultural sector to mitigate climate change. We conducted a meta‐analysis of 3,049 paired measurements from 417 peer‐reviewed articles to examine the effects of three common CSA management practices on SOC sequestration as well as the environmental controlling factors. We found that, on average, biochar applications represented the most effective approach for increasing SOC content (39%), followed by cover crops (6%) and conservation tillage (5%). Further analysis suggested that the effects of CSA management practices were more pronounced in areas with relatively warmer climates or lower nitrogen fertilizer inputs. Our meta‐analysis demonstrated that, through adopting CSA practices, cropland could be an improved carbon sink. We also highlight the importance of considering local environmental factors (e.g., climate and soil conditions and their combination with other management practices) in identifying appropriate CSA practices for mitigating greenhouse gas emissions while ensuring crop productivity.  相似文献   

Since the decomposition rate of soil organic carbon (SOC) varies as a function of environmental conditions, global climate change is expected to alter SOC decomposition dynamics, and the resulting changes in the amount of CO2 emitted from soils will feedback onto the rate at which climate change occurs. While this soil feedback is expected to be significant because the amount of SOC is substantially more than the amount of carbon in the atmosphere, the environmental dependencies of decomposition at global scales that determine the magnitude of the soil feedback have remained poorly characterized. In this study, we address this issue by fitting a mechanistic decomposition model to a global dataset of SOC, optimizing the model’s temperature and moisture dependencies to best match the observed global distribution of SOC. The results of the analysis indicate that the temperature sensitivity of decomposition at global scales (Q 10=1.37) is significantly less than is assumed by many terrestrial ecosystem models that directly apply temperature sensitivity from small-scale studies, and that the maximal rate of decomposition occurs at higher moisture values than is assumed by many models. These findings imply that the magnitude of the soil decomposition feedback onto rate of global climate change will be less sensitive to increases in temperature, and modeling of temperature and moisture dependencies of SOC decomposition in global-scale models should consider effects of scale.  相似文献   

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