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【目的】采用传统的纯培养技术,分离新疆阿克苏地区典型的盐碱地中的粘细菌,并初步分析盐碱地土壤中可培养粘细菌资源的多样性。【方法】采用传统的水琼脂法、滤纸法和改良的土壤浸出液法分离新疆阿克苏地区25份盐碱地的粘细菌。结合分析土样的酸碱度、含盐量、地理位置及其植被分布情况分析新疆阿克苏地区盐碱地粘细菌资源多样性。【结果】共分离到58株粘细菌,它们被鉴定为:粘球菌属(Myxococcus)33株;珊瑚球菌属(Corallococcus)14株;孢囊杆菌属(Cystobacter)6株;堆囊菌属(Sorangium)2株;侏囊菌属(Nannocystis)2株;多囊菌属(Polyangium)1株。其中粘球菌抗逆性强,分离的菌株数最多,在pH值7.5-8.5范围的盐碱地中普遍存在;其次为珊瑚球菌属;而侏囊菌属、多囊菌属的菌株较少见。【结论】新疆阿克苏地区盐碱地粘细菌多样性不高,可能受分离纯化方法、含盐量以及土壤性质影响较大。  相似文献   

本实验采用纯培养和免培养相结合的方法对来源于可可西里的一份土壤样品中的细菌多样性进行了初步研究。纯培养实验使用了6种分离培养基, 共得到细菌19株, 其中放线菌7株, 非放线菌细菌12株。这些菌株分别属于叶杆菌属(Phyllobacterium)、贪食菌属(Variovorax)、假单胞菌属(Pseudomonas)、链霉菌属(Streptomyces)、小月菌属(Microlunatus)、原小单胞菌属(Promicromonospora)、韩国生工菌属(Kribbella)和芽孢杆菌属(Bacillus) 8个属。免培养分析采用基于通用引物PCR 扩增的细菌16S rRNA 基因文库的方法以及变性梯度凝胶电泳(DGGE)。16S rRNA基因文库分析结果表明, 该土壤样品细菌群落可划分为19个OTUs, 分属于5个不同纲, 优势顺序为β-Proteobacteria (75%), α-Proteobacteria (9%), γ-Proteobacteria (7%), Actinobacteria (7%), Firmicutes (2%)。变性梯度凝胶电泳分析表明, 该样品细菌多样性指数Shannon-wiener index为2.68, 表明其中微生物多样性较低, 这可能和其所处的极端环境有一定关系。比较纯培养和免培养的实验结果发现, 土壤中的一些优势细菌并没有被有效地分离, 需要在针对特定微生物设计特定培养基及培养条件进行选择性分离上做更多的探索研究。  相似文献   

目的:研究塔里木河天然胡杨林部分地区可培养细菌的生态分布。方法:通过塔里木河胡杨林采样,可培养菌分离及16S rDNA序列鉴定。结果:从3种不同样品(水样、土样和胡杨树杆分泌物)中分离筛选了22株细菌,其中17株菌为革兰氏阳性菌,5株为革兰氏阴性菌。根据生理生化特征与16S rDNA序列分析结果表明,其中15株菌属于芽孢杆菌属,4株属于不动杆菌属、假单胞菌属、动性球菌属和Agrococcus属各含有1个分离株。结论:塔里木河胡杨林可培养微生物中芽孢杆菌比较丰富,其中有3个可能的新种。  相似文献   

松嫩平原盐碱地中耐(嗜)盐菌的生物多样性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
【目的】分离纯化松嫩平原盐碱地中可培养的耐盐菌和嗜盐菌,并分析其生物多样性。【方法】采用纯培养法和定向富集法从该地区盐碱土样中分离耐盐菌和嗜盐菌,然后通过16S rRNA基因同源性比对鉴定所分离细菌的系统发育学地位,从而获取松嫩平原盐碱地中耐盐菌和嗜盐菌的多样性信息。【结果】共分离到细菌40株,分属于细菌域中3个门(Actinobacteria,Firmicutes,γ-Proteobacteria)、8个科、16个属、34个种。其中多数菌株属于厚壁菌门(Firmicutes),最优势属为葡球菌属(Staphylococcus)(8株,占总菌株的20%),其次依次为盐单胞菌属(Halomonas)(5株,12.5%)、芽胞杆菌属(Bacillus)(4株,10%)、大洋芽胞杆菌属(Oceanbacillus)(4株,10%)、库克菌属(Kocuria)(4株,10%)和假单胞菌属(Pseudomonas)(3株,7.5%)等。其中9株细菌的16S rRNA基因序列与最近缘种的同源性在97.2%-99.0%之间,可能为新种。菌株耐盐能力主要在5%-10%之间,其中62.5%的菌株为耐盐菌,其余则为中度嗜盐菌。所有菌株的耐碱能力在pH 9-12之间,其中60%的菌株耐碱能力则高达pH 12,除两株为嗜碱菌,其余均为耐碱菌。【结论】研究结果表明,松嫩平原盐碱地中耐盐菌与嗜盐菌种群丰富,主要以葡萄球菌和盐单胞菌为主,菌株不仅耐盐能力高而且耐碱能力也高,并且该地区可能含有丰富的耐盐菌和嗜盐菌的新物种。  相似文献   

大兴安岭地区粘细菌资源的多样性及其生物活性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【背景】粘细菌是一类具有社会性行为的高等原核生物,其代谢产物具有丰富、多样、新颖的生物活性,是筛选天然药物的良好资源,具有很大的研究开发应用价值。【目的】分析大兴安岭地区粘细菌资源的多样性;分离纯化可培养的粘细菌,分析其抗菌活性并从中筛选对马铃薯晚疫病菌具有拮抗作用的菌株。【方法】通过变性梯度凝胶电泳(DGGE)技术对从大兴安岭地区采集的15个土样中粘细菌资源的多样性进行分析,利用兔粪诱导、大肠杆菌划线诱导和滤纸诱导3种方法从土样中分离可培养的粘细菌,结合形态观察、生理生化特征和16S rRNA基因序列分析确定这些菌株的分类地位,通过平板对峙法对其进行抗菌活性分析。【结果】DGGE的分析结果显示,15个土样中共鉴定到13个属的粘细菌,基本覆盖了大部分已知的粘细菌种属以及部分未分类的粘细菌,表现出了丰富的多样性。共分离得到88株菌,从中得到22株纯菌,经鉴定属于2个属(粘球菌属与珊瑚球菌属)8个种(黄色粘球菌、橙色粘球菌、变绿粘球菌、珊瑚粘球菌、具枝粘球菌、大孢珊瑚球菌、弱小珊瑚球菌和珊瑚状珊瑚球菌)。抗菌结果显示:22株纯菌均表现出可以对一种甚至多种指示菌产生抗性,其中19株抑制大肠杆菌的生长,14株抑制马铃薯晚疫病菌的生长,8株抑制金黄色葡萄球菌的生长,13株抑制酿酒酵母菌的生长,7株抑制枯草芽孢杆菌的生长。【结论】内蒙古大兴安岭地区蕴藏着丰富的粘细菌资源,粘球菌属及珊瑚球菌属可能为该地区粘细菌菌群中的优势菌。分离纯化出的粘细菌菌株均表现出抑制一种甚至多种指示菌生长的活性,其中64%的纯菌对马铃薯晚疫病菌产生抗性,具有进一步研究的潜在价值。  相似文献   

【目的】为较系统地了解宜宾浓香型白酒酿造过程中可培养细菌的多样性,得到一些潜在的微生物资源。【方法】采用改良的NA培养基和高氏I号培养基分离、去除冗余,测定所得细菌纯培养物的16S rRNA基因,进行系统发育分析。【结果】分离得到603株细菌,4株菌的序列与GenBank中典型菌株序列相似性低于97%,代表着潜在新类群;599株菌与GenBank中34个属、101个种的典型菌株序列相似性大于97%,其中以Bacillus为绝对优势菌(315株),Streptomyces(121株)、Lysinibacillus(35株)、Staphylococcus(45株)为次优势菌,其余各属菌株均在10株以下。而且有16个属均只检测到1株菌。【结论】宜宾浓香型白酒发酵过程中的细菌呈现出较为丰富的多样性和一定的稳定性。  相似文献   

新疆两盐湖可培养极端嗜盐菌组成及功能多样性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】通过分析不同成盐类型盐湖中的极端嗜盐菌群落组成差异,探究可培养极端嗜盐菌的功能特性。【方法】采集新疆硫酸盐型盐湖七角井和碳酸盐型盐湖南湖的土壤样品,通过平板稀释涂布法分离极端嗜盐菌,经过形态学观察、特征分析获取代表菌株,通过耐盐性测定和16S rRNA基因序列测序等对代表菌株进行鉴定,并对极端嗜盐菌的蛋白酶、淀粉酶、纤维素酶和酯酶活性进行筛选,同时检测苯酚降解能力。【结果】本研究共获得1 679株极端嗜盐菌,代表菌株45株,隶属于5门14个属,古菌数量(70.58%)明显多于细菌,最优盐浓度生长范围为18.4%–20.0%。在属水平上,盐湖中优势类群为古菌的Haloterrigena属(32.94%)和Natrialba属(26.03%),以及细菌的Aquisalimonas属(9.85%)和Aliifodinibius属(8.10%)。两盐湖中,盐度较低的南湖物种丰富度高于七角井盐湖,古菌物种组成相似,均以Haloterrigena属为主;细菌群落组成有差异,南湖以Aquisalimonas属为主,而七角井以Aliifodinibius属为主。功能筛选表明,盐湖中80%的嗜盐...  相似文献   

沈硕 《微生物学报》2017,57(4):490-499
【目的】研究青海察尔汗盐湖地区的可培养中度嗜盐菌的群落结构及多样性。【方法】采用多种选择性培养基进行中度嗜盐菌的分离、培养;通过16S r RNA基因序列扩增、测定,根据序列信息,进行系统进化树构建、群落结构组成分析及多样性指数计算。【结果】从察尔汗盐湖卤水及湖泥中分离到中度嗜盐菌421株,合并重复菌株后共83株中度嗜盐菌。菌株16S rRNA基因序列信息显示,4株中度嗜盐菌为潜在的新分类单元。83株嗜盐细菌分布于3个门的6个科16个属。其中,Bacillus属、Oceanobacillus属和Halomonas属为优势属。多样性结果显示,水样中的菌株多样性高于泥样,而泥样中的菌株优势度高于水样。【结论】察尔汗盐湖中度嗜盐菌具有丰富的遗传多样性,种群种类丰富,优势菌群集中,该盐湖地区存在可分离培养的中度嗜盐菌的疑似新物种。  相似文献   

[目的]纯培养分离大鲵肠道细菌并研究其多样性及产酶活性。[方法]分离大鲵肠道细菌并进行胞外淀粉酶、蛋白酶、纤维素酶和脂肪酶活性研究,并应用16S rRNA系统发育分析对菌落进行分子鉴定。[结果]纯培养分离得到65株细菌,产酶活性结果表明:62株产蛋白酶、46株产淀粉酶、61株产纤维素酶、2株产脂肪酶。将65株细菌16S rRNA序列扩增并进行RFLP分析后选取33株进行测序,可划分为2个门5个属:变形菌门(Proteobacteria)占总数的54.5%,分为普罗维登斯菌属(Providencia)、柠檬酸杆菌属(Citrobacter);厚壁菌门(Firmicutes)占总数的45.5%,分为漫游球菌属(Vagococcus)、芽孢杆菌属(Bacillus)、赖氨酸芽孢杆菌属(Lysinibacillus)。[结论]大鲵肠道细菌产酶活性,分离出的细菌多样性丰富进行测序的肠道细菌可分为2门5属。  相似文献   

刘昂  王爽  杜峰  薛庆节  李秀真 《微生物学报》2019,59(11):2240-2250
海洋细菌在海洋的物质与能量循环中起着非常重要的作用。为了适应复杂多变的海洋环境,海洋细菌在物种和基因方面表现出极高的丰富度。[目的] 对中国黄海日照海域部分可培养细菌进行分离、初步鉴定,同时筛选产琼胶酶菌株。[方法] 对从日照海域河流入海口和潮间带沙样和海水中分离到的73株细菌进行了16S rRNA基因序列测定,并进行序列同源性分析。同时检测了这些菌株对琼脂的降解能力。[结果] 结果显示,分离到的73株细菌属于4个门、13个科、34个属。18株细菌可能是新分类单元,其中16株为潜在新种,2株为可能的新属。73株细菌中,5株菌具有降解琼脂的能力,最高的琼胶酶活可达到2.17±0.04 U/mL,其中4株嗜琼胶属的细菌降解琼脂糖的产物均为新琼四糖。[结论] 本研究丰富了人们对黄海海域可培养细菌多样性的理解,为新物种和新酶的研究提供了基础,并为琼胶酶的提取提供了高产菌株。  相似文献   

盐碱环境放线菌多样性研究   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:5  
放线菌因产生多种多样的生物活性物质而受到重视。但极端环境放线菌的研究甚少。采用DGGE、纯培养法,重点研究了新疆、青海及埃及的重盐碱环境的放线菌分布情况,种类组成,生物学特性。发现了1个新科,8个新属及30多个新种。从嗜(耐)盐碱放线菌筛选到许多带有PKS基因的菌株。认为极端环境放线菌是生物活性物质的重要来源;改进分离程序,分离未知放线菌,是放线菌多样性研究及开发利用的前提之一;并对极端环境放线菌研究作了论述。  相似文献   

Transitions between saline and fresh waters have been shown to be infrequent for microorganisms. Based on host-specific interactions, the presence of specific clades among hosts suggests the existence of freshwater-specific viral clades. Yet, little is known about the composition and diversity of the temperate freshwater viral communities, and even if freshwater lakes and marine waters harbor distinct clades for particular viral sub-families, this distinction remains to be demonstrated on a community scale.To help identify the characteristics and potential specificities of freshwater viral communities, such communities from two lakes differing by their ecological parameters were studied through metagenomics. Both the cluster richness and the species richness of the Lake Bourget virome were significantly higher that those of the Lake Pavin, highlighting a trend similar to the one observed for microorganisms (i.e. the specie richness observed in mesotrophic lakes is greater than the one observed in oligotrophic lakes). Using 29 previously published viromes, the cluster richness was shown to vary between different environment types and appeared significantly higher in marine ecosystems than in other biomes. Furthermore, significant genetic similarity between viral communities of related environments was highlighted as freshwater, marine and hypersaline environments were separated from each other despite the vast geographical distances between sample locations within each of these biomes. An automated phylogeny procedure was then applied to marker genes of the major families of single-stranded (Microviridae, Circoviridae, Nanoviridae) and double-stranded (Caudovirales) DNA viruses. These phylogenetic analyses all spotlighted a very broad diversity and previously unknown clades undetectable by PCR analysis, clades that gathered sequences from the two lakes. Thus, the two freshwater viromes appear closely related, despite the significant ecological differences between the two lakes. Furthermore, freshwater viral communities appear genetically distinct from other aquatic ecosystems, demonstrating the specificity of freshwater viruses at a community scale for the first time.  相似文献   

Restriction endonucleases (RENs) were detected in 650 microbial strains isolated from water columns and bottom sediments of deep rift lakes, Baikal (Russia) and Nyasa (Southeastern Africa). They enzymes included unique (Fan I, Aca I, and Sse 91) and very rare (Bsi I, and Cci N I) species not typical of aquatic ecosystems. Water columns, deep cores, and bottom sediments of pure areas of the lakes contained no microorganisms with new RENs. Thus, inshore areas of Lake Baikal exposed to anthropogenic influence may contain mutant bacterial strains expressing RENs that have not been described previously.  相似文献   

Restriction endonucleases (RENs) were detected in 650 microbial strains isolated from water columns and bottom sediments of deep rift lakes, Baikal (Russia) and Nyasa (Southeastern Africa). They enzymes included unique (Fan I, Aca I, and Sse 91) and very rare (Bsi I, and Cci N I) species not typical of aquatic ecosystems. Water columns, deep cores, and bottom sediments of pure areas of the lakes contained no microorganisms with new RENs. Thus, the inshore areas of Lake Baikal, having been exposed to anthropogenic influences, may contain mutant bacterial strains expressing RENs that have not been described previously.  相似文献   

Data on vascular plants of boreal lakes in Finland were used to compare the efficiency of reserve selection methods in representing four aspects of biodiversity over a 63 year period. These aspects included species richness, phylogenetic diversity, restricted range diversity and threatened species. Our results show that the efficiency of reserve selection methods depends on the selection criteria used and on the aspect of biodiversity under consideration. Heuristic methods and optimizing algorithms were nearly equally efficient in selecting lake networks over a small geographical range. In addition, a scoring procedure was observed to be efficient in maintaining different aspects of biodiversity over time. However, the random selection of lakes seems to be the most inefficient option for a reserve network. In general, reserve selection methods seem to favour lakes that maximize one aspect of diversity at the time of selection, but the network may not be the best option for maintaining the maximum diversity over time. The reserve selection methods do affect the long-term outcome but it is impossible to recommend one method over the others unequivocally.  相似文献   

Use of culture-independent studies have greatly increased our understanding of the microbiology of hypersaline lakes (the Dead Sea, Great Salt Lake) and saltern ponds in recent years. Exciting new information has become available on the microbial processes in Antarctic lakes and in deep-sea brines. These studies led to the recognition of many new lineages of microorganisms not yet available for study in culture, and their cultivation in the laboratory is now a major challenge. Studies of the metabolic potentials of different halophilic microorganisms, Archaea as well as Bacteria, shed light on the possibilities and the limitations of life at high salt concentrations, and also show their potential for applications in bioremediation.  相似文献   


Phototrophic bacterial mats from Kiran soda lake (south-eastern Siberia) were studied using integrated approach including analysis of the ion composition of water, pigments composition, bacterial diversity and the vertical distribution of phototrophic microorganisms in the mats. Bacterial diversity was investigated using microscopic examination, 16S rRNA gene Illumina sequencing and culturing methods. The mats were formed as a result of decomposition of sedimented planktonic microorganisms, among which cyanobacteria of the genus Arthrospira predominated. Cyanobacteria were the largest part of phototrophs in the mats, but anoxygenic phototrophs were significant fraction. The prevailing species of the anoxygenic phototrophic bacteria are typical for soda lakes. The mats harbored aerobic anoxygenic phototrophic bacteria, purple sulfur and non-sulfur bacteria, as well as new filamentous phototrophic Chloroflexi. New strains of Thiocapsa sp. Kir-1, Ectothiorhodospira sp. Kir-2 and Kir-4, Thiorhodospira sp. Kir-3 and novel phototrophic Chloroflexi bacterium Kir15-3F were isolated and identified.


近10年瘤胃微生物分离培养研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
瘤胃微生物的研究一直是反刍动物营养研究的重点领域,自20世纪中期以来,大量参与营养代谢的微生物被从瘤胃中分离和认识.当代,尽管分子生物学方法越来越广泛的应用于瘤胃微生物的研究,但传统的分离纯培养的研究方法,因能够获得新的微生物菌种,便于微生物生理功能与代谢的研究,仍具有不可或缺的作用.本文综述了2001年至2011年间中国知网和PubMed数据库中通过纯培养方法从瘤胃中分离微生物菌株(包括新属、种或首次从瘤胃中分离)的相关文献,并展示了这些微生物的形态和发酵特征,同时总结了瘤胃微生物的全基因组信息,旨在为今后瘤胃微生物的研究提供参考菌种和信息.  相似文献   


A limited amount of research has been carried out on the four coastal lakes in the Richards Bay area. Due to the impending threat of water pollution from industrial, mining and residential areas within the catchments of these lakes there is an urgent need for the collection of baseline data before it is too late.

This paper reports on preliminary observations on Macrocrustacea of the lakes. A total of 27 species were recorded, of which 8 are new distribution records for the species in fresh water and one, an isopod, is a species new to science from a family previously unrecorded on the African continent. Sixteen of the Macrocrustacea recorded were found to be relict estuarine species.

The relationship between the Macrocrustacea are discussed in terms of habitat and dietary associations. The former category was found to be variable in the shallower Richards Bay lakes as opposed to Lake Sibaya whose depth (40 m) plays an important role in species distribution. Information is provided on habitat, substrata preference, associations with plant communities, and known depth distribution. Dietary data on the Macrocrustacea present in the four coastal lakes showed that seven major feeding groups are present: benthic filter feeders, nektonic filter feeders, periphyton grazers, shredders of dead macrophytes, benthic scavengers, partial carnivores and fish ectoparasites.  相似文献   

The area of Mazurian Lakeland is the biggest lake concentration in Middle Europe. Its lakes are subjected to various man-made impacts and disturbances, resulting in many changes in the aquatic environment and the fish stocks. Most frequently these changes are typical of the process of accelerated eutrophication, and are connected with undesirable succession in the fish stocks. Generally, predatory species, which naturally regulate the stock and maintaiil its balance, disappear from the environment, as do other valuable fish species, e.g. coregonids. At the same time food resources (weed fishes, plankton) for those species develop abundantly.
Assessment of the management of lakes by one of the State Lake Fish Farms located in Mazurian Lakeland is presented against a background of various man-made influences on the aquatic ecosystems in this region. The State Fish Farm under study manages 56 lakes of total area over 5800 ha. For each of these lakes detailed records were available of the commercial catches of particular species and their artificial stockings over a period of 31 years. These, their trends and inter-relationships have been analyzed. Artificial stockings represented one of the best methods of counteracting adverse changes taking place in the fish stocks, with a simultaneous utilization of the productive potential of the lakes. Against this background, forecasts are made of the expected changes, and basic approaches to the proper management of the fish stocks are suggested.  相似文献   

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