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湖北地区蝇科物种多样性及地理分布   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究湖北地区蝇科已知种类及区系组成资料,并与邻近的江西、湖南和河南3地区蝇科区系进行比较,分析湖北地区蝇科物种多样性及地理分布。湖北地区已知蝇科物种150种,其中东洋界为主的种类69种,占46.0%;古北界为主的种类57种,占38.0%;广布两界的种类24种,占16.0%。结论认为,湖北地区蝇科区系应划归东洋界。  相似文献   

用网捕法对四川名山蒙顶山山区有瓣蝇类进行了调查,共采集成蝇标本18873只,隶属7科19亚科62属132种,其中古北区+东洋区种占34.8%,东洋区种占29.5%,特有种占9.8%,跨多区种占25.9%.紫翠蝇Neomyia gavisa,肥躯金蝇Chysomya pinguis及反吐丽蝇Calliphora vomitoria为该山区优势种,其构成比分别为24.4%、19.8%和11.2%;毛胫厕蝇Fannia hirtitibia等13种为当地特产种.紫翠蝇Neomyia gavisa、巨尾阿丽蝇Aldrichina grahami、反吐丽蝇Calliphora vomitoria及紫绿蝇Lucilia porphyrina常年均可见成蝇出没.  相似文献   

青藏高原丽蝇科昆虫物种多样性初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从种数、特有物种和区系构成等角度分析了青藏高原丽蝇科昆虫的物种多样性。青藏高原已知丽蝇5亚科35属120种,占中国已知种数的44.28%,其中特有种55种,占该地区总种数的45.83%;区系构成以特有种、古北界 东洋界共同种及典型的东洋界种和古北界种为主,但澳洲界、新北界、非洲界和新热带界共同种也占一定比例。文中讨论了该地区特有种丰富的原因及地质历史环境对其的影响,分析了区系构成中各种区系成分的比例及形成原因。  相似文献   

从种数、特有物种和区系成分等角度分析了云南省厕蝇科昆虫的物种多样性,经统计云南省已知厕蝇科昆虫3属19种。无论是在属级水平还是在种级水平,该科中厕蝇属均占有较大优势,记录有特有种7种,占云南省厕蝇种数的36.84%;结果表明,云南省厕蝇科昆虫以特有种以徳钦白马雪山为主。  相似文献   

厕蝇属Fannia为Robineau-Desvoidy于1830年以Fannia saltatrix R.-D., 1830=F. scalaris (Fabricius, 1794)为模式种建立的1个属,隶双翅目Diptera环裂亚目Cyclorrhapha有瓣类Calyptratae厕蝇科Fanniidae,是该科4个属中种类最多的一个属.迄今全世界已知厕蝇科有300多种,我国已知有3属94种,其中厕蝇属91种,占我国厕蝇科总数的96.81%,分布于四川的有37种,占我国厕蝇属总数的40.66%;在37种中,近年鉴定命名并正式发表的有19种,占51.35%,25种为四川特有,占67.57%,足见四川厕蝇属种类的多样性,是天赋的极其宝贵的基因库.本文编制了四川厕蝇属已知种检索表,并对其中的1个新种:西部厕蝇Fannia hesperia Feng sp.nov.的鉴别特征进行了详细描述.新种模式标本藏于中国科学院上海植物生理生态研究所昆虫博物馆.  相似文献   

冯炎 《四川动物》2006,25(3):493-498
1980~2000年调查四川二郎山地区有瓣蝇类(Calyptratae)地理垂直分布。共获成蝇7科88属264种,本文优选其中代表性蝇类30种,以分析其地理垂直分布情况。结果发现因各蝇种特有生态习性的不同而各自在不同垂直地带表现不同的虫口数量分布。  相似文献   

青藏高原蝇科昆虫生物地理初探   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对青藏高原蝇科昆虫进行了生物地理学研究.青藏高原已知蝇科9亚科42属574种,以特有类群占优势.其中特有属占11.9%,特有种占66.2%,文中讨论了该地区区系成分的多源性,特有成份的特异性及青藏高原北缘特有属的起源与演化,特有种的狭域分布现象及理论探讨.讨论了该地区与其它地区间隔分布的多样性及高原蝇科昆虫的适应性.分析了青藏高原的隆起与冰期对蝇科昆虫的作用.青藏高原的横空崛起以及第四纪冰期--间冰期的循环往复,导致该地区生境千差万别,使蝇科区系不仅有地域分异,且垂直差异显著.在此期间,北方物种向南入侵,南北成分交互渗透,高山类群适应进化,使许多特有成分在这里被陶冶、孕育,故而造成了该地区蝇科区系的特有性和物种的多样性.  相似文献   

用中国产双翅目有瓣蝇类6科15种和GenBank中登录的5科6种有瓣蝇类昆虫的28SrDNA序列片段组合成7科21种,进行同源性比较。应用Mega3.0软件,探讨了28S rRNA基因在有瓣蝇类的分子进化机制;以黑腹果蝇Drosophilia melanogaster为外群,NJ和MP法构建了上述类群的分子系统树。研究结果表明:在获得的698bp的序列中,有126个变异位点,101个简约信息位点;A T含量平均为68.8%,存在较强的A T含量偏向性。分子系统树中,所有内群聚为一支,支持有瓣蝇类为一单系。内群分别聚为2大支:丽蝇科和麻蝇科关系较近于寄蝇科,组成较进化的狂蝇总科;蝇科与花蝇科聚合的类群为蝇总科,上述结果与现代形态分类系统相同。但粪蝇科和厕蝇科脱离蝇总科,与狂蝇总科聚为一支,与现代形态分类系统不一致。  相似文献   

用网捕法对四川名山蒙顶山山区有瓣蝇类进行了调查,共采集成蝇标本18873只,隶属7科19亚科62属132种,其中古北区+东洋区种占34.8%,东洋区种占29.5%,特有种占9.8%,跨多区种占25.9%。紫翠蝇Neomyia gavisa,肥躯金蝇Chysomya pinguis及反吐丽蝇Calliphora vomitoria为该山区优势种,其构成比分别为24.4%、19.8%和11.2%;毛胫厕蝇Fanma hirtitibia等13种为当地特产种。紫翠蝇Neomyia gavisa、巨尾阿丽Aldrichina grahami、反吐丽蝇Calliphora vomiwria及紫绿蝇htcilia porphyrina常年均可见成蝇出没。  相似文献   

有瓣蝇类分类、系统发育及演化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
闫利平  裴文娅  张东 《昆虫学报》2021,64(6):757-768
有瓣蝇类(Calyptratae)隶属于昆虫纲(Insecta)四大超适应辐射类群之一的双翅目(Diptera),占双翅目已知物种多样性的近20%。有瓣蝇类分布广泛,生物学习性极为多样,在维系生态系统稳定中发挥着重要作用,是媒介、法医、传粉和天敌昆虫学研究领域的热点类群,也是探究双翅目系统演化及其成功适应辐射的关键类群。为了还原有瓣蝇类的演化历史,许多著名昆虫学者先后对该类昆虫开展过不同层面的研究。有瓣蝇类的单系性得到了普遍支持,并被分为3个总科——虱蝇总科(Hippoboscoidea)、蝇总科(Muscoidea)和狂蝇总科(Oestroidea),其中单系的狂蝇总科与多系的蝇总科聚为一支,再与虱蝇总科成为姐妹群。在科级阶元水平,蝠蝇科(Streblidae)(虱蝇总科)、花蝇科(Anthomyiidae)(蝇总科)、丽蝇科(Calliphoridae)(狂蝇总科)、邻寄蝇科(Rhinophoridae)(狂蝇总科)等类群的单系性仍有待验证,且新的科仍在不断被建立[如粉蝇科(Polleniidae)、乌鲁鲁蝇科(Ulurumyiidae)],因此,有瓣蝇类科级系统发育关系仍不十分明晰。已有研究对虱蝇总科虱蝇科(Hippoboscidae)、蝠蝇科、蛛蝇科(Nycteribiidae),蝇总科蝇科(Muscidae)、粪蝇科(Scathophagidae),狂蝇总科麻蝇科(Sarcophagidae)、狂蝇科(Oestridae)胃蝇亚科(Gasterophilinae)的演化历史进行研究,明确了起源与扩散、寄主转移、取食策略等关键生物学习性的演化历史。但由于部分关键类群生活史信息的缺失,以及尚未有效解决的系统发育关系,有瓣蝇类演化历史仍有许多待解之谜。本文综述了有瓣蝇类分类、系统发育及演化研究进展,是在系统学研究进入系统发育基因组学时代后对该类群相关研究进展的首次全面总结。  相似文献   

The order Diptera (true flies) are named for their two wings because their hindwings have evolved into specialized mechanosensory organs called halteres. Flies use halteres to detect body rotations and maintain stability during flight and other behaviours. The most recently diverged dipteran monophyletic subsection, the Calyptratae, is highly successful, accounting for approximately 12% of dipteran diversity, and includes common families like house flies. These flies move their halteres independently from their wings and oscillate their halteres during walking. Here, we demonstrate that this subsection of flies uses their halteres to stabilize their bodies during takeoff, whereas non-Calyptratae flies do not. We find that flies of the Calyptratae are able to take off more rapidly than non-Calyptratae flies without sacrificing stability. Haltere removal decreased both velocity and stability in the takeoffs of Calyptratae, but not other flies. The loss of takeoff velocity following haltere removal in Calyptratae (but not other flies) is a direct result of a decrease in leg extension speed. A closely related non-Calyptratae species (D. melanogaster) also has a rapid takeoff, but takeoff duration and stability are unaffected by haltere removal. Haltere use thus allows for greater speed and stability during fast escapes, but only in the Calyptratae clade.  相似文献   

The dipteran clade Calyptratae is comprised of approximately 18 000 described species (12% of the known dipteran diversity) and includes well‐known taxa such as houseflies, tsetse flies, blowflies and botflies, which have a close association with humans. However, the phylogenetic relationships within this insect radiation are very poorly understood and controversial. Here we propose a higher‐level phylogenetic hypothesis for the Calyptratae based on an extensive DNA sequence dataset for 11 noncalyptrate outgroups and 247 calyptrate species representing all commonly accepted families in the Oestroidea and Hippoboscoidea, as well as those of the muscoid grade. DNA sequences for genes in the mitochondrial (12S, 16S, cytochrome c oxidase subunit I and cytochrome b) and nuclear genome [18S, 28S, the carbamoyl phosphate synthetase region of CAD (rudimentary), Elongation factor one alpha] were used to reconstruct the relationships. We discuss problems relating to the alignment and analysis of large datasets and emphasize the advantages of utilizing a guide tree‐based approach for the alignment of the DNA sequences and using the leaf stability index to identify ‘wildcard’ taxa whose excessive instability obscures the phylogenetic signal. Our analyses support the monophyly of the Calyptratae and demonstrate that the superfamily Oestroidea is nested within the muscoid grade. We confirm that the monotypic family Mystacinobiidae is an oestroid and further revise the composition of the Oestroidea by demonstrating that the previously unplaced and still undescribed ‘McAlpine’s fly’ is nested within this superfamily as a probable sister group to Mystacinobiidae. Within the Oestroidea we confirm with molecular data that the Calliphoridae are a paraphyletic grade of lineages. The families Sarcophagidae and Rhiniidae are monophyletic, but support for the monophyly of Tachinidae and Rhinophoridae depends on analytical technique (e.g. parsimony or maximum likelihood). The superfamilies Hippoboscoidea and Oestroidea are consistently found to be monophyletic, and the paraphyly of the muscoid grade is confirmed. In the overall relationships for the calyptrates, the Hippoboscoidea are sister group to the remaining Calyptratae, and the Fanniidae are sister group to the nonhippoboscoid calyptrates, whose relationships can be summarized as (Muscidae (Oestroidea (Scathophagidae, Anthomyiidae))).  相似文献   

四川省雅安地区有瓣蝇类滋生场所的调查   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
冯炎  刘桂兰 《昆虫学报》1990,33(1):55-63
本文报告对四川西部雅安地区有瓣蝇类滋生场所的调查,发现47型滋生场所中有66种有瓣蝇类滋生,其中25种的滋生场所及3种的雪下存活蛹前期个体为首次报道.文中对如何控制蝇类滋生场所的问题提出了初步建议.  相似文献   

The landing patterns of horse flies on the human body were observed in Croatia. A total of 386 horse flies belonging to 22 species were sampled. The five most commonly collected species were used in the analysis. The stochastic linear connection is tight among the landings of the species Tabanus bromius, Tabanus maculicornis, Tabanus tergestinus, and Philipomyia graeca on the human body regions (matrix R). The preferred feeding area for these four species was the lower leg, whereas for the species Haematopota pluvialis it was the head and neck. Of the total number of horse flies that landed 44.81% were on the lower leg. Only 0.26% landed on the forearm. Chi-square analysis indicated non random landing patterns on human by these horse flies.  相似文献   

Techniques were developed for testing umbelliferous species against naturally-occurring populations of carrot fly in the field. The most efficient technique involved exposure of plants to either first or second generations of the insect in the field, followed by caging of infested plots and trapping of emerged flies in water in yellow water dishes. In a series of field experiments between 1981 and 1989 inclusive, a total of 132 umbelliferous species and sub-species were tested against carrot fly. Seventy-eight of these proved to be new hosts, 27 were confirmed as hosts and 27 failed to support any carrot flies. Six non-umbelliferous plant species failed to be colonised by carrot fly. Sources of variability in investigations of the host range of insects are discussed.  相似文献   

Approximately 5% of the known species-level diversity of Diptera belongs to the Muscoidea with its approximately 7000 described species. Despite including some of the most abundant and well known flies, the phylogenetic relationships within this superfamily are poorly understood. Previous attempts at reconstructing the relationships based on morphology and relatively small molecular data sets were only moderately successful. Here, we use molecular data for 127 exemplar species of the Muscoidea, two species from the Hippoboscoidea, ten species representing the Oestroidea and seven outgroup species from four acalyptrate superfamilies. Four mitochondrial genes 12S, 16S, COI, and Cytb, and four nuclear genes 18S, 28S, Ef1a, and CAD are used to reconstruct the relationships within the Muscoidea. The length-variable genes were aligned using a guide tree that was based on the protein-encoding genes and the indel-free sections of the ribosomal genes. We found that, based on topological considerations, this guide tree was a significant improvement over the default guide trees generated by ClustalX. The data matrix was analyzed using maximum parsimony (MP) and maximum likelihood (ML) and yielded very similar tree topologies. The Calyptratae are monophyletic and the Hippoboscoidea are the sister group to the remaining calyptrates (MP). The Muscoidea are paraphyletic with a monophyletic Oestroidea nested within the Muscoidea as sister group to Anthomyiidae+Scathophagidae. The monophyly of three of the four recognized families in the Muscoidea is confirmed: the Fanniidae, Muscidae, and Scathophagidae. However, the Anthomyiidae are possibly paraphyletic. Within the Oestroidea, the Sarcophagidae and Tachinidae are sister groups and the Calliphoridae are paraphyletic.  相似文献   

House flies and stable flies were collected on a Florida dairy farm using a commercial Alsynite sticky cylinder trap that was either used alone or covered with white, blue, or black outdoor awning fabric. Collections of both species of flies were highest on exposed Alsynite (house flies, 506.2 flies/day; stable flies, 19.1) followed by blue fabric (house flies, 308.1 flies/day; stable flies 12.5). Responses of both species to white and black fabric were 70% lower than to either of the former materials. When blue fabric was used to cover 50% of the surface area of Alsynite cylinders, house fly responses were significantly higher (290.2 flies/day) than to blue fabric alone (165.2); stable fly responses to the bi-colored target were significantly higher (152.6) than to Alsynite alone (93.8). Comparison of fly counts in the blue-covered versus uncovered Alsynite with traps of a single material indicated that house fly attraction to blue fabric was enhanced by the presence of clear Alsynite, whereas stable fly attraction to Alsynite was enhanced by the presence of blue fabric. The presence of blue+Alsynite visual targets increased collections of house flies in pans of dry fly bait but not in baited jug traps. Visual targets treated with 1.2% bifenthrin controlled >50% and 90% of house flies in large cages by days two and four after placement, respectively.  相似文献   

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