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本文介绍一种简便制作小型鱼类形态标本的方法.包括以下步骤:1.制作前准备;2.剥离皮肤;3.支撑架制作与放置;4.缝合;5.配制填充材料;6.填充;7.装义眼与整理姿态;8.干燥,上色,生境制作与固定.与其他制作小型鱼类形态标本的方法相比,新方法中先缝合再填充的步骤,难度小,容易控制填充物的量,做出的标本形态更逼真.  相似文献   

旨在探寻保存方式及制作干标本前回软温度对蜜蜂不同部位DNA的影响。采用酚-氯仿法对不同方式保存的蜜蜂以及不同温度回软后的蜜蜂干标本的总DNA进行提取,通过琼脂糖凝胶电泳和PCR扩增对DNA的提取结果进行鉴定。电泳结果显示,从新鲜标本、无水乙醇泡制或自然干燥保存半年的标本中均可提取到较高质量的总DNA,尤以头部与足部提取效果最佳。经不同水浴温度回软后保存半年的蜜蜂干标本总DNA提取结果显示,回软温度为65℃时对蜜蜂DNA的破坏性最小,DNA提取的最佳部位为蜜蜂足部。正交试验结果显示,55℃回软后的足部为蜜蜂干标本DNA提取的最优组合。PCR扩增结果显示,本实验提取的总DNA能成功地应用于蜜蜂线粒体基因16S rRNA和COI的扩增。从保存方式、提取部位和回软操作3个因素对蜜蜂标本DNA的提取进行了研究,提供了较好的选择方案。  相似文献   

旨在探寻保存方式及制作干标本前回软温度对蜜蜂不同部位DNA的影响。采用酚-氯仿法对不同方式保存的蜜蜂以及不同温度回软后的蜜蜂干标本的总DNA进行提取,通过琼脂糖凝胶电泳和PCR扩增对DNA的提取结果进行鉴定。电泳结果显示,从新鲜标本、无水乙醇泡制或自然干燥保存半年的标本中均可提取到较高质量的总DNA,尤以头部与足部提取效果最佳。经不同水浴温度回软后保存半年的蜜蜂干标本总DNA提取结果显示,回软温度为65℃时对蜜蜂DNA的破坏性最小,DNA提取的最佳部位为蜜蜂足部。正交试验结果显示,55℃回软后的足部为蜜蜂干标本DNA提取的最优组合。PCR扩增结果显示,本实验提取的总DNA能成功地应用于蜜蜂线粒体基因16S rRNA和COI的扩增。从保存方式、提取部位和回软操作3个因素对蜜蜂标本DNA的提取进行了研究,提供了较好的选择方案。  相似文献   

<正> 象虫的某些近缘种有时需要取其外生殖器,特别是雄性外生殖器,才能进行鉴别。其干制标本外生殖器的制作,按一般鞘翅目昆虫传统的方法有一定缺点:①时间较长,回软往往需要数天;②容易损坏标本,因为回软后,整个标本各部分连接松散,常一触即散,加热时需不断照看。为克服上述缺点,现将制作象虫外生殖器的一种简便方法介绍如下:首先用吸管或玻棒将醋酸乙酯洗液蘸于标本腹面,特别是在后足基节和腹板第一节连接处,最好过二、三分钟再  相似文献   

大型鸟类生态标本制作技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过吸收和应用国际先进技术,结合作者多年的摸索,对大型鸟类标本制作的各个环节进行了总结和改革。特别是在皮张处理、假体填充方面进行了技术改造。在皮张处理时,改变传统使用生皮制作标本和涂抹砒霜防腐的方法,通过打磨、盐腌、脱脂、鞣制等技术,使皮张弹性、防腐性提高;在假体制作中引入模型技术,选用不同材料制作假体的不同部分,然后将各部分假体进行组装,使标本更加丰满、逼真。希望这些技术能为国内同行开展相关工作提供借鉴。  相似文献   

目的:探讨耳后头皮瓣急诊即刻修复耳郭部分缺损的可行性与临床效果。方法:对2013年1-12月来我院急诊的7例外伤后耳郭部分缺损的患者(均为男性,年龄22-50岁;其中右耳4例,左耳3例)采用耳后头皮推进瓣即刻修复,以耳郭缺损耳后皮肤及头皮皮肤做推进瓣,将断离的耳郭去皮保留软骨与耳郭断端软骨缝合形成软骨支架,推进皮瓣部分卷曲缝合形成耳轮结构修复耳郭缺损。结果:7例耳郭部分缺损均在急诊环境下即刻修复,耳郭大小和形态满意,颅耳角略变小,随访3~6月耳郭形态稳定。结论:耳后头皮推进瓣卷曲缝合可在急诊条件下即刻修复耳郭部分缺损,具有治疗周期短,一次达到较满意外形的优点,对于无条件行二期手术的患者具有较大意义,其远期效果尚有待进一步随访。  相似文献   

把生物界的标本保存在固定的状态,具有科学和教育的重大意义,并广泛应用於博物馆、展览会和学校的工作中。一般的植物固定法具有很大的缺点。保存在封闭的液体里需要笨重的、专门的和贵重的瓶子,而且标本常常要改变颜色,所以在液体中要看清楚是不方便的。由于固定液逐渐失去透明性而必须经常更换。在繁重的沙子中乾燥亦只能给以大概地保存植物的形状,和颜色的可能性。现在所提出的方法有可能丝毫不差地保存标本的形态和它的颜色。固定了的乾制标本具有活生生的真象,(附图1.2.)并能无限长期地保持不变,这是与过  相似文献   

小动物剥制标本的制作过程与大型动物剥制标本制作过程中的区别主要在于小动物体形小,皮张的剥离和防腐需要特别注意,本文从实际操作经验出发,浅谈小动物标本制作过程中的各个环节经验。  相似文献   

在日常病理技术工作中,有时由于脱水机出现故障或组织邮寄会诊等原因使组织标本变为干枯,致使切片无法进行,给病理诊断及回顾性研究造成很大影响。为了挽救干枯组织,我们经反复实验,采用碳酸钠软化法,对干枯组织进行软化,使其恢复到原来的形态,收到了较好的效果。现将此法介绍如下:1.软化剂的配方5%碳酸钠3份,冰醋酸2份,甘油1份,10%福尔马林4份,混匀,即可使用。2.组织标本软化方法①将干枯组织浸入软化剂内24小时,即能回软;②将其移入10%中性缓冲福尔马林液内固定2小时;③按常规组织处理、切片及HE染…  相似文献   

在约25℃温度下孵化并选用第30~44期的美西螈(Ambystoma mexicanum)胚胎标本,用4%多聚甲醛溶液固定,进行整体标本免疫染色,体视显微镜观察.结果显示,胚胎30期,可观察到鳃神经节短小的鳃神经本干;胚胎35期,已能观察到较明显的部分分支和交通支;胚胎37期,形成上颌神经及下颌神经;胚胎38期,可观察到舌咽神经的背支、咽头支;胚胎40期,可观察到舌咽神经的鳃裂前支.因而,美西螈鳃神经在胚胎早期遵循祖先型排列的特点,之后随胚胎的发育,出现随鳃器官演化而重新分布的趋势;其舌咽神经基本保持了鳃神经的原始形态特点.  相似文献   

一种从鸟类剥制标本提取DNA的改进方法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
应用非损伤性取样的方法,收集鸟类剥制标本的皮肤组织和羽毛,用无水乙醇、浸泡液预处理的方法抽提DNA,结果两者都可提取DNA供PCR扩增。将PCR产物经序列测定和比对分析,证明提取的DNA为目的DNA,表明本试验方法可行。鸟类剥制标本的皮肤组织和羽毛可以作为研究种群遗传学的资源。  相似文献   

动物标本资源越来越珍贵,其修复技术需要不断更新。本文针对动物剥制标本出现的干裂破损、脱毛、褪色、霉烂、虫蛀现象,针对不同类群的动物标本修复作了技术探索,包括使用新型修补材料、新的补色方法,以及新的防霉、除虫技术等。与以前的修复技术相比,新技术充分利用了新材料和新方法,操作简单易行。通过介绍几个修复案例,展示新的修复技术能使损坏的动物剥制标本恢复如初。  相似文献   

Bone defects create stress concentrations which can cause fracture under impact or cyclic loading. Defects are often repaired by filling them with a bone graft material; this will reduce the stress concentration, but not completely, because these materials have lower stiffness than bone. The fracture risk decreases over time as the graft material is replaced by living bone. Many new bone graft materials are being developed, using tissue engineering and other techniques, but currently there is no rational way to compare these materials and predict their effectiveness in repairing a given defect. This paper describes, for the first time, a theoretical model which can be used to predict failure by brittle fracture or fatigue, initiating at the defect. Preliminary results are presented, concentrating on the prediction of stress fracture during the crucial post-operative period. It is shown that the likelihood of fracture is strongly influenced by the shape of the defect as well as its size, and also by the level of post-operative exercise. The most important finding is that bone graft materials can be successful in preventing fracture even when their mechanical properties are greatly inferior to those of bone. Future uses of this technique include pre-clinical assessment of bone replacement materials and pre-operative planning in orthopaedic surgery.  相似文献   

Yersinia pseudotuberculosis was isolated from three specimens of two species of birds, the black-faced bunting (Emberiza spodocephala) and pied wagtail (Motacilla alba), of 528 specimens of birds examined from coastal regions in Japan. The two isolated strains of Y. pseudotuberculosis were identified as serovar 4b and serovar 3. This is the first isolation of Y. pseudotuberculosis from birds in Japan. Yersinia enterocolitica was isolated from three specimens of the pied wagtail, one specimen of the reed bunting (Emberiza schoeniclus) and one specimen of the rustic bunting (Emberiza rustica). Yersinia frederiksenii was isolated from two specimens of the gray-rumped sandpiper (Heteroscelus brevipes). Yersinia intermedia was isolated from one specimen of the pied wagtail.  相似文献   

Bone defects create stress concentrations which can cause fracture under impact or cyclic loading. Defects are often repaired by filling them with a bone graft material; this will reduce the stress concentration, but not completely, because these materials have lower stiffness than bone. The fracture risk decreases over time as the graft material is replaced by living bone. Many new bone graft materials are being developed, using tissue engineering and other techniques, but currently there is no rational way to compare these materials and predict their effectiveness in repairing a given defect. This paper describes, for the first time, a theoretical model which can be used to predict failure by brittle fracture or fatigue, initiating at the defect. Preliminary results are presented, concentrating on the prediction of stress fracture during the crucial post-operative period. It is shown that the likelihood of fracture is strongly influenced by the shape of the defect as well as its size, and also by the level of post-operative exercise. The most important finding is that bone graft materials can be successful in preventing fracture even when their mechanical properties are greatly inferior to those of bone. Future uses of this technique include pre-clinical assessment of bone replacement materials and pre-operative planning in orthopaedic surgery.  相似文献   

利用面包虫制作小兽头骨标本方法的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张成菊  吴毅 《四川动物》2005,24(4):586-588
我们利用面包虫虫蚀制作小型兽类头骨标本,取得了较好的效果.采用分组对照的方法,依据蝙蝠头骨大小、标本浸制液种类、标本浸制时间、是否剔除舌、下颌软组织和颅骨两侧大片肌肉和标本清水浸泡处理时间等5个影响因素,设计蝙蝠头骨标本制作的实验(共27只蝙蝠头骨,分7个组).结果表明,利用面包虫虫蚀制作的头骨标本完整、干净,头骨较小的标本虫蚀时间较短,酒精或甲醛浸制一定时间的标本比新鲜标本更适合用虫蚀方法制作头骨,剔除肌肉等组织以及清水浸泡处理和适当提高实验温度均可以提高标本的制作速度,温湿度对标本制作过程有较大影响.  相似文献   

The development of automated systems for data acquisition in cryo electron microscopy has enabled the possibility of acquiring very large number of images from a single specimen grid. We have demonstrated that over images of 250,000 single particles can be acquired in a 24 h period. This has raised questions as to whether contamination buildup on the specimen limits the quality of the data that can be acquired during these long duration experiments and also whether the data acquisition session could be extended to allow acquisition of more than 1,000,000 particles. We report here a systematic characterization of contamination of specimens maintained for long periods of time at liquid nitrogen temperatures using standard side entry cryo stages. As part of this characterization we developed a more reliable method for accurately estimating specimen ice thickness. Using the method, we were able to calibrate image contrast against ice thickness under a variety of magnifications, objective aperture positions, and defoci, and demonstrated the strong dependence of the calibration curve on these parameters. The results show the anti-contamination aperture is, as expected, critical to the prevention of contamination and that loading film into the microscope dramatically increases the contamination rate, particularly in the first 3 h after the insertion of the film box. In the absence of film, we were able to reproducibly demonstrate that the contamination rate can be limited to a rate of approximately 1 angstrom/h providing reassurance that contamination will not be a major limiting factor for long term cryoEM experiments if a CCD camera is used for the imaging.  相似文献   

Some birds intentionally ingest stones to facilitate digestion of hard foodstuffs, a behaviour inherited from non-avian dinosaurs and present in some of the earliest birds, as evidenced by clusters of gastroliths preserved within the abdominal cavity of a wide range of dinosaurs and Cretaceous birds. For the first time, high-resolution computed laminographic and computed tomographic scans were used to reconstruct the gastral mass in two species of non-neornithine ornithuromorph birds from the Lower Cretaceous Jehol Group. Four specimens of each taxon were analysed. Preservation of the gastral mass in most of these specimens is in situ and regarded as complete or nearly so. The number of gastroliths, their total volume, and their total mass relative to the estimated body mass were calculated for each specimen. The resultant gastral mass to body mass ratios fall within the range observed in extant birds, supporting previous inferences that the digestive system in non-neornithine ornithuromorphs was comparable to that of extant taxa. Compared to available data for non-volant non-avian theropods, the gastral mass is proportionately smaller in birds suggesting that the evolution of flight constrained gastral mass size in the theropod lineage. Currently available data on gastral mass characteristics suggests that Iteravis ate larger food particles compared to Archaeorhynchus but cannot be used to determine diet more precisely. Better understanding of the relationship between gastral mass characteristics and food items across a broader range of extant taxa may provide an indirect but important method through which to infer diet and digestive function in archosaurs.  相似文献   

Bird plumage and skin colour can be assessed from museum specimens. To determine whether these accurately represent the colours of live birds when viewed by birds themselves, we analysed the spectral reflectances of live and up to 100‐year‐old museum specimens of five seabird species (White‐faced Petrel Pelagodroma marina, Common Diving Petrel Pelecanoides urinatrix, Grey‐faced Petrel Pterodroma gouldi, Little Shearwater Puffinus assimilis and Fluttering Shearwater Puffinus gavia). Live birds had brighter colours than museum specimens, but there were no significant differences in the wavelengths reflected. Modelling indicated that seabirds would be able to detect colour changes in the skin, but not the feathers, of museum specimens, but only for species with blue or pink feet (Pelecanoides urinatrix and Puffinus assimilis). For seabirds, museum specimens are adequate proxies for feather colour but not for skin colour.  相似文献   

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