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<正>黄山有脊椎动物417种,其中鱼类38种,两栖动物28种,爬行类52种,鸟类224种,哺乳类75种;无脊椎动物蝶类175种,蜘蛛目138种。列入世界自然保护联盟(IUCN)濒危物种红色名录的有18种,列入濒危动植物种国际贸易公约(CITES)的58种,列入中国物种红色名录的47种(其中兽类16种,鸟类9种,爬行类17种,两栖类4种,鱼类1种)。属于国家一级重点保护野生动物8种(其中鸟类4种,兽类4种);属于国家二级重点保护野生动物51种(其中鸟类34种,兽类10种)。  相似文献   

由国家环保局发起和资助,中华人民共和国濒危物种科学委员会主持,汪松教授主编的<中国濒危动物红皮书>,经过数十位专家十余年的共同努力,其鱼类(乐佩琦、陈宜瑜主编)、两栖类和爬行类(赵尔宓主编)、鸟类(郑光美、王歧山主编)及兽类(汪松主编)四个分卷已于1998年由科学出版社正式出版,其定价别为58元、69元、69元和79元,需要者请与出版者联系.全书共收录中国濒危鱼类92种、两栖类29种、爬行类96种、鸟类183种及兽类133种,总计533种,即表明我国现有533种脊椎动物已被正式确认为濒危物种,约占我国全部已知脊椎动物种类6347种的8%.收录范围覆盖了所有已公布的国家重点保护野生脊椎动物和CITES附录收录的在中国分布的脊椎动物.对各个种提供的信息包括:分类地位和名称,本书评定的濒危等级及相关的国家重点保护野生动物保护级别、IUCN濒危等级(IUCN,1994,1996)和CITES附录等级(CITES,1995),识别特征、分布及中国分布图、栖息地及习性、估计数量、致危因素、驯养繁殖、保护措施及保护措施建议,以及参考文献和部分种类的彩图.文字为中英文对照.  相似文献   

吉林省陆栖脊椎动物的生态地理分布   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究动物生态地理分布,对一个地区全面规划合理利用野生动物资源,防治与杀灭有害动物和了解环境的背景,均有重要参考价值。 一、种类组成特点及其在动物区划中的地位 吉林省陆栖脊椎动物种类,目前我们记载390种。其中哺乳类72种、鸟类289种、爬行类16种、两栖类13种。  相似文献   

红火蚁对我国一些生物潜在影响的初步分析   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
通过分析国际上对红火蚁影响生境中其他生物的研究成果,认为红火蚁主要通过以下3种方式危害其他生物:(1)攻击、捕食刚孵化的地栖性卵生动物个体,或者以群体力量捕食昆虫幼虫、成虫等;(2)竞争有限的食物资源,导致其他物种因为缺乏足够食物供给而种群数量减少甚至灭绝;(3)通过叮咬而使得某些动物存活率降低,改变生境,甚至弃巢外逃,或者因为受攻击活动量加大而增加被捕食的几率。同时初步分析在《国家重点保护野生动物名录》中列举的379种野生动物名录中,有22种鸟类(占9.6%)、1种两栖类(占14%)、所有的18种爬行类(占100%)可能因为红火蚁的入侵导致种群数量下降甚至灭绝。  相似文献   

江苏省盐城滩涂野生动物资源调查研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
盐城滩涂野生动物资源丰富.据调查和现有资料统计,共有脊椎动物743 种,其中兽类31种,鸟类394 种,爬行类26 种,两栖类8 种,鱼类284 种,区系成分以古北界种占明显优势.有国家Ⅰ级重点保护野生动物17 种,国家Ⅱ级重点保护野生动物79 种,而且是保护丹顶鹤Grus japonensis、麋鹿Elaphurus davidianus等珍稀物种的关键地区.对盐城滩涂野生动物资源的特点进行了分析.  相似文献   

北京松山国家级自然保护区脊椎动物区系初报   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
崔海鸥  单宏臣 《四川动物》2006,25(4):776-778
北京松山自然保护区野生脊椎动物相当丰富,初步调查有脊椎动物53科183种及亚种,其中兽类15科29种,鸟类26科119种及6亚种,爬行类5科15种,两栖类2科2种,鱼类2科12种。有国家一级重点保护动物3种,国家二级重点保护动物8种,北京市重点保护动物14种,市级一般保护野生动物50种。保护区内动物区系的复杂性与松山自然保护区地貌和小气候多样性有关。  相似文献   

环长白山旅游公路对野生动物的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着中国公路建设大规模向生态敏感区延伸,野生动物保护问题凸显.但目前国内公路对野生动物影响的系统研究较少.2008年11月-2012年2月,采用样线法、红外相机监测法等对毗邻长白山国家级自然保护区的环长白山旅游公路进行了动物致死、公路对动物的影响域、动物穿越公路、动物通道利用率等研究.结果表明:路域500 m范围内哺乳类、鸟类、爬行类和两栖类种类占到长白山自然保护区的42.86%、24.78%、66.67%和66.67%,国家级保护物种达11种(Ⅰ级2种,Ⅱ级9种);一共有59种3475个动物被致死,平均达到61.6个·100 km-1,两栖类最多,达到2996个;环长白山旅游公路对鸟类和哺乳类物种丰富度无影响,但鸟兽活动痕迹有向路域200 m范围集中趋势;10次冬季调查发现,13种动物穿越公路共502次,穿越次数最多的是黄鼬,达到169次,动物偏好于自然保护区段穿越公路(原始红松阔叶林段落);有6种中大型动物利用桥涵穿越公路,桥梁和涵洞利用率分别达到88%和44.2%,植被类型、人为干扰、通道尺寸都对通道利用率有影响.提出了具体的保护对策.  相似文献   

为了及时掌握脊椎动物在中国的新增情况, 本文汇总了2021年发表的脊椎动物新物种及新记录种的基本信息。结果表明, 2021年中国新增脊椎动物95种, 包括新种80种, 新记录15种。其中鱼类新种15种、两栖类新种28种、爬行类新种31种和新记录10种、鸟类新种1种和新记录3种、哺乳类新种5种和新记录2种。在新增物种中, 冷血脊椎动物占绝大多数(占总数的88%), 提示这些类群可能仍是以后探索的重点; 两栖类新增物种集中于无尾目、爬行类集中于有鳞目, 分别为27种和40种, 各占其新增物种总数的96%和98%; 新增哺乳类动物全部为小型兽类。本次新增物种的分布涉及30个省区, 其中云南33种、四川11种、广西10种、西藏和广东均为7种、台湾6种, 累计约占新增物种总数的70.5%; 其余省区新增物种在5种或以下。有84个物种(占总数的88%)发表时应用了分子系统学研究, 提示这一技术手段是分类工作的重要支撑。在新发现的95个物种中, 绝大部分物种为中国学者发表; 除3种鸟类新记录种外, 其余的新种和新记录均正式发表于英文期刊, 其中在中国出版的3种期刊发表了21个新种和2个新记录种。本文工作可为中国脊椎动物的分类和保护等相关工作提供基础信息。  相似文献   

通过整理分类学文献资料,在1990年出版的《浙江动物志:两栖类爬行类》的基础上,校订更新了浙江省现生爬行动物多样性名录,进而进行了区系特征分析。截至2019年,浙江省共记录现生爬行动物3目18科54属89种及1亚种。其中,有鳞目12科43属77种及1亚种,龟鳖目5科10属11种,鳄形目1科1属1种。中国特有爬行动物20种。国家Ⅰ级和Ⅱ级重点保护野生动物分别为2种和5种,省级重点保护野生动物16种。《濒危野生动植物种国际贸易公约》(CITES)附录Ⅰ收录7种、附录Ⅱ收录6种、附录Ⅲ收录2种。《世界自然保护联盟濒危物种红色名录》(IUCN-RL)极危物种(CR)2种、濒危物种(EN)6种,《中国脊椎动物红色名录》(RLCV)极危物种(CR)10种、濒危物种(EN)11种。浙江省爬行动物区系组成以东洋种为主(69种),广布种18种,古北种2种。生态类型以陆栖型为主(61种)。本研究可为爬行动物的系统分类、系统地理和生态学等研究提供基础资料,期望对于浙江省爬行动物的保护和管理有重要意义。  相似文献   

Creating experiences for visitors that increase their biological knowledge and inspire conservation mindedness is a critical task for zoos and aquariums. A growing body of literature suggests that emotional stimulation is affected by characteristics of both the visitor and the visitor's experiences and is important for learning and inspiring pro-environmental sentiment. In this study we explored relationships between emotional experience, the factors that influence it, visitors' predispositions toward nature, and their reports of conservation mindedness after viewing three carnivore exhibits at the Bronx Zoo, USA. We surveyed visitors after they viewed tigers, African wild dogs, and spotted hyenas during baseline conditions or when the animals were given environmental enrichment to stimulate natural behavior and activity. We asked visitors to report their predispositions toward nature, the extent of positive emotional experiences they had while viewing the animals, and how the experience affected their conservation mindedness. Environmental enrichment significantly increased animal behavioral diversity, particularly for African wild dogs, and contributed to visitors reporting having had an up-close encounter with the animals, both of which affected the strength of positive emotional experiences at the exhibits. The extent of eye contact with the animal and the animal species also significantly affected emotional responses. Women reported stronger emotional experiences than men, however younger adults did not experience stronger positive emotional responses than older participants. Visitors' predispositions toward nature and emotional responses were significantly correlated. Strong predispositions toward nature and emotional experiences produced significantly stronger reports of conservation mindedness in visitors as a result of their experience at the exhibit. These findings have implications for animal husbandry, exhibit design, education, and outreach efforts for zoos.  相似文献   

Conservation education programs are listed as priority actions for almost every threatened species on the International Union for Conservation of Nature Red List. Zoos play an important role in delivering such programs, yet evidence of zoo education in many non-western countries is limited. Here, we evaluate animal identification signage prevalence and quality at zoo exhibits and investigate whether animal welfare, zoo type (accredited, government, and private), admission fee, zoo size, and proximity to urban centers are influencing factors. We used hornbills (Bucerotidae) as a model taxon, surveyed hornbill signage, and conducted welfare assessments of hornbill exhibits. We developed scoring frameworks and applied content analysis to analyze signage quality. Our results show that out of 18 zoos that displayed hornbills, 15 had hornbill signage. However, of the 106 hornbill exhibits in these zoos, 33% had no signage. We also found that signage presence or absence at individual zoos and signage quality is strongly correlated with animal welfare quality. Zoo type is a key factor in predicting signage and welfare quality, with accredited zoos scoring highest for both signage and welfare, followed by government and private zoos. Private zoos charged higher admission than other zoo types, and zoo size and proximity to urban centers did not influence signage or welfare scores. Overall, we conclude that in our study, signage usage and quality are inadequate, highlighting the importance of compliance with robust zoo standards to improve education and welfare within zoos to support global conservation goals.  相似文献   

In order to formulate animal feeding programs, zoos traditionally borrow knowledge and techniques, developed for domesticated animals, from livestock industry. Although livestock industry provides some of the basic components of feeding it is aimed at economic gain from animals, and the number of species it covers is extremely small. Moreover, wild animals are forced to make considerable adjustments to captivity in all aspects of life, and limitations of domesticated animal models should be recognized and examined. There exists a dire need to increase utilization of knowledge on food habits of wild animals acquired by field biologists, in our effort to improve zoo animal husbandry. Natural history attracts limited interest by zoos. However, it offers a wealth of information which needs to be explored to benefit zoo animal feeding practices.  相似文献   

In order to formulate animal feeding programs, zoos traditionally borrow knowledge and techniques, developed for domesticated animals, from livestock industry. Although livestock industry provides some of the basic components of feeding it is aimed at economic gain from animals, and the number of species it covers is extremely small. Moreover, wild animals are forced to make considerable adjustments to captivity in all aspects of life, and limitations of domesticated animal models should be recognized and examined. There exists a dire need to increase utilization of knowledge on food habits of wild animals acquired by field biologists, in our effort to improve zoo animal husbandry. Natural history attracts limited interest by zoos. However, it offers a wealth of information which needs to be explored to benefit zoo animal feeding practices.  相似文献   


To some, zoos are prisons exploiting animals. In reality zoos range from bad to better. I make this distinction: A bad zoo makes animals work for it; a good zoo works for animals. Good zoos do effective conservation work and continually strive to improve exhibits, relevance to conservation, and inspiring public engagement for wildlife. Many zoos have improved enormously; the better ones being crucial in saving species that would have otherwise gone extinct. Nonetheless, for some people the mere word “zoo” carries impressions of old zoos, bad zoos, circuses, and theme-park shows that many find distasteful. Good zoos know they must innovate forward. As society grows increasingly estranged from nature and continues driving broad declines of wildlife, wild lands, and natural systems, the goal of zoos and every organization concerned with animal welfare should not be to separate humans from other animals, but to entangle all humans in nonhuman lives. Zoos of the next decades must become the first stage in bringing young people into life-long, engaged caring about animals. They could carry on that mission in their communities, in schools, in wild lands, as well as inside their gates. Without a strong public constituency, wild animals will not withstand continued human proliferation. Zoos and aquariums must innovate toward being a crucial force abetting the continued existence of wildness on Earth. Zoos of the future must become uplifting places of respect, rescue, enhancement, conservation, and public engagement.  相似文献   

Using molecular genetic information to guide population management can improve the sustainability of species in captivity. However, empirical population genetics has not been commonly applied to species management programs in zoos. One limitation may be the availability of genetic resources (e.g., markers, primers, etc.) for species held in zoos. To assess the extent to which species held in zoos have been studied using population genetics in the wild, we conducted a systematic literature review of close to 8,000 papers. We synthesized information on the availability and scale of population genetics studies across amphibian, bird, mammal, and reptile species held in zoos, and discussed their potential for informing ex situ management. We found that more than half of the species in zoos (52%) already have some genetic markers described in the literature specific for them, or a congeneric species, that could be further developed to aid the management of zoo populations, and the accumulation of these resources has been steady over the past decades. Furthermore, the proportion of species with genetic resources is even higher (62%) for species that are being managed through a formal breeding program in zoos. Our study provides encouraging results for captive program managers interested in integrating population genetics into ex situ management strategies.  相似文献   

In this study, we dealt with 11 species of nonhuman primates across 10 zoos in India. We recorded behavior as instantaneous scans between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. In the study, we segregated behaviors for analyses into abnormal, undesirable, active, and resting. The 4 types of abnormal behavior exhibited included floating limb, self-biting, self-clasping, and stereotypic pacing. In the study, we recorded 2 types of undesirable behavior: autoerotic stimulation and begging. Langurs and group-housed macaques did not exhibit undesirable behaviors. A male lion-tailed macaque and a male gibbon exhibited begging behavior. autoerotic stimulation and self-biting occurred rarely. Males exhibited higher levels of undesirable behavior than did females. Animals confiscated from touring zoos, circuses, and animal traders exhibited higher levels of abnormal behaviors than did animals reared in larger, recognized zoos. The stump-tailed macaque was the only species to exhibit floating limb, autoerotic stimulation, self-biting, and self-clasping. Our results show that rearing experience and group composition influence the proportions of abnormal behavior exhibited by nonhuman primates in captivity. The history of early social and environmental deprivation in these species of captive nonhuman primates probably is critical in the development of behavioral pathologies. Establishing this will require further research.  相似文献   

Wild animal trade, including capture and transport of animals from faraway lands to European and American markets for public exhibition, became a well-established business by the nineteenth century. Journey by animals to the destination in rudimentary conditions caused high mortality. This is an area in history that receives scant attention today. Also, husbandry technology in zoos was in dire need of improvement in earlier years. It is easy for us to condemn the work of yesteryear by using today's prism, an act called “Presentism”. Instead, we should review the deed of our predecessors in historical perspective; judging them by today's moral standard will not get us anywhere. In early day America, traveling menageries first introduced the public to captive wild animals before zoos developed as civic institutions in increasingly urban societies. During the era, the division of circuses, menageries and zoos often blurred. This essay attempts to present a holistic review of wild animal exhibition operations including traveling menageries, circuses and zoos, focusing on selected topics from the eighteenth century through the middle of the last century. Today, even with tremendous contributions having been made, zoos still face considerable challenges in terms of wildlife conservation.  相似文献   

四川九寨沟自然保护区的鸟类资源及区系   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
2002年4月-2003年6月对四川九寨沟自然保护区的鸟类进行调查,并结合历史文献,确认保护区有鸟类222种,以留鸟和夏候鸟为主,占保护区鸟类总数的86.48%。对保护区繁殖鸟类的区系分析表明:古北界种类占繁殖鸟总数的33.85%,东洋界种类占55.21%,广布种占10.94%,可见东洋界种类占优势。保护区内有国家Ⅰ、Ⅱ级保护动物27种,我国特有种17种,占我国特有种的24.6%。列入CITES名录的有20种。对保护区鸟类的垂直区系分析发现,随海拔高度的增加,东洋界成分所占比例增加,主要是喜马拉雅-横断山区型的比例增加,在海拔3000m以上,喜马拉雅.横断山区型占绝对优势,所占比例超过50%;其它东洋界成分,随海拔高度的增加所占比例减少。  相似文献   

This paper reviews a way of investigating health and welfare problems in captive wild animals (e.g., those in zoos, aviaries, aquaria, or aquaculture systems) that has great potential, but to date has been little used: systematically comparing species with few or no health and welfare issues to those more prone to problems. Doing so empirically pinpoints species‐typical welfare risk and protective factors (such as aspects of their natural behavioral biology): information which can then be used to help prevent or remedy problems by suggesting new ways to improve housing and husbandry, and by identifying species intrinsically best suited to captivity. We provide a detailed, step‐by‐step “how to” guide for researchers interested in using these techniques, including guidance on how to statistically control for the inherent similarities shared by related species: an important concern because simple, cross‐species comparisons that do not do this may well fail to meet statistical assumptions of non‐independence. The few relevant studies that have investigated captive wild animals’ welfare problems using this method are described. Overall, such approaches reap value from the great number and diversity of species held in captivity (e.g., the many thousands of species held in zoos); can yield new insights from existing data and published results; render previously intractable welfare questions (such as “do birds need to fly?” or “do Carnivora need to hunt?”) amenable to study; and generate evidence‐based principles for integrating animal welfare into collection planning.  相似文献   

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