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使用农药是为了去除植物的病虫害或杂草,但同时也杀死了一些非目标生物,其中包括微生物,因而影响了土壤生态平衡,不经研究是不易被人们发现的。如使用杀真菌剂,目的是为了消除植物的真菌病害,但经常也危害到有益真菌泡囊丛枝  相似文献   

根腐病是一类危害严重的土传病害,常常导致作物产量和品质降低。丛枝菌根(AM)真菌是一类重要的土壤微生物,通过与植物根系建立共生体而发挥重要的生理生态功能。研究表明,AM真菌通过调节宿主植物一系列生理生化响应,诱导植物增强根腐病抗性。当前,利用AM真菌开展根腐病等土传病害的生物防治是植物与微生物互作领域的研究热点。本文全面梳理了AM真菌对宿主植物根腐病病原物的抑制效应,系统总结了AM真菌改变宿主植物根系形态结构、改善植物营养水平、与病原物竞争生态位点、激活植物防御体系、调节根系分泌物等方面的研究结果,分析了AM真菌抑制根腐病危害的作用机制,展望了AM真菌抑制根腐病危害的潜在机制和AM真菌高效利用面临的现实问题,旨在为利用AM真菌开展植物根腐病的生物防治提供理论依据。  相似文献   

AM真菌在植物病虫害生物防治中的作用机制   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
罗巧玉  王晓娟  李媛媛  林双双  孙莉  王强  王茜  金樑 《生态学报》2013,33(19):5997-6005
丛枝菌根(Arbuscular Mycorrhizae,AM)真菌是一类广泛分布于土壤生态系统中的有益微生物,能与大约80%的陆生高等植物形成共生体。由土传病原物侵染引起的土传病害被植物病理学界认定为最难防治的病害之一。研究表明,AM真菌能够拮抗由真菌、线虫、细菌等病原体引起的土传性植物病害,诱导宿主植物增强对病虫害的耐/抗病性。当前,利用AM真菌开展病虫害的生物防治已经引起生态学家和植物病理学家的广泛关注。基于此,围绕AM真菌在植物病虫害生物防治中的最新研究进展,从AM真菌改变植物根系形态结构、调节次生代谢产物的合成、改善植物根际微环境、与病原微生物直接竞争入侵位点和营养分配、诱导植株体内抗病防御体系的形成等角度,探究AM真菌在植物病虫害防治中的作用机理,以期为利用AM真菌开展植物病虫害的生物防治提供理论依据,并对本领域未来的发展方向和应用前景进行展望。  相似文献   

<正>内生真菌是一类生长在健康植物组织内、但不引起明显外观病症的微生物,是生物进化过程中形成的生活方式比较特殊的一类群体。关于植物内生真菌的研究已经有一百多年的历史。自上世纪90年代从短叶红豆杉的树皮中分离出能够产紫杉醇的内生真菌后,药用植物内生真菌就引起人们的关注,从中寻找抗肿瘤以及其他生物活性物质逐渐成为国内外的研究热点。药用植物的内生真菌实际上为人们开辟了微生物资  相似文献   

生长素和细胞分裂素调控植物根和微生物互作的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
植物在与其生长环境中的微生物长期共同进化过程中形成了复杂而微妙的共生体系。生长素和细胞分裂素等植物激素不仅调控植物的自身发育,而且在植物-微生物互作中发挥重要的调节作用。综述了生长素和细胞分裂素调控植物根和土壤微生物包括有益菌或病原细菌和真菌间相互作用的最新研究进展,旨在揭示生长素和细胞分裂素调控功能的共性和特异性,为提高农作物的产量和抵抗微生物病害能力提供理论和实践指导。  相似文献   

多种微生物,包括真菌、细菌、支原体、原生动物和病毒,都能诱发植物维管组织病害。容易培养的真菌和细菌的病原作用早已确立,而难养菌在植物病害中所起的作用却不易阐明。多数情况下,尽管没有任何证据说明染病植物体存在病毒体,却常常把这些病害看成是病毒所致。  相似文献   

史春霖   《微生物学通报》1989,16(4):231-234
多种微生物,包括真菌、细菌、支原体、原生动物和病毒,都能诱发植物维管组织病害。容易培养的真菌和细菌的病原作用早已确立,而难养菌在植物病害中所起的作用却不易阐明。多数情况下,尽管没有任何证据说明染病植物体存在病毒体,却常常把这些病害看成是病毒所致。  相似文献   

近年来, 人们越来越重视丛枝菌根(AM)真菌对植物病原物的影响和提高植物抗病性的效应。当前建立在分子生物学、免疫学和组织化学技术上的基础研究, 可以从分子水平上深入了解AM真菌提高植物抗病性的作用机制。本文主要探讨AM真菌拮抗植物土传病原物、提高抗病性的可能机制和研究途径。1 AM真菌对植物土传病原物的拮抗作用自然条件下,绝大多数植物都能形成菌根。菌根围(Mycorrhizosphere)内的主要成员:根系、细菌、真菌、线虫等之间往往通过协同和/或拮抗作用达到动态平衡。其中植物—植物间、植物—微生物间、微生物—微生物间、…  相似文献   

几丁质酶及其在抗植物真菌病害中的作用   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
几丁质酶 (ChitinaseEc .3.2 .1 4 )广泛存在于植物、动物及微生物细胞和组织中 ,参与多种生理过程。几丁质是构成大多数真菌细胞壁的主要成分。研究发现许多微生物都可以产生几丁质酶。几丁质酶的生物活性可显著抵抗植物真菌病害。对几丁质酶的研究历史和现状进行了综合论述 ,并对几丁质酶及其抗病性、几丁质酶在植物病害生物防治和抗病基因工程中的应用前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

在微生物层面研究枯梢病与植物针叶内生微生物的互作关系,分析内生真菌的多样性差异,为松枯梢病的防控提供基础数据。利用高通量测序技术测定赤松(Pinus densiflora)不同染病程度的针叶内生真菌的多样性。结果显示,随着病害的加重,P. densiflora针叶内生真菌丰富度呈现出上升的趋势,多样性指数表现为先下降后上升的趋势。无病斑针叶内生真菌中,子囊菌门(Ascomycota)与担子菌门(Basidiomycota)相对丰度最高,优势属为Lapidomyces和Selenophoma,病害导致优势菌相对丰度的降低。通过对不同染病情况的P. densiflora针叶内生真菌的测定,明确了枯梢病不同发病程度的P. densiflora针叶内生真菌的多样性及群落结构组成。  相似文献   

Integration of foliar bacterial biological control agents and plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) was investigated to determine whether biological control of bacterial speck of tomato, caused by Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato, and bacterial spot of tomato, caused by Xanthomonas campestris pv. vesicatoria and Xanthomonas vesicatoria, could be improved. Three foliar biological control agents and two selected PGPR strains were employed in pairwise combinations. The foliar biological control agents had previously demonstrated moderate control of bacterial speck or bacterial spot when applied as foliar sprays. The PGPR strains were selected in this study based on their capacity to induce resistance against bacterial speck when applied as seed and soil treatments in the greenhouse. Field trials were conducted in Alabama, Florida, and California for evaluation of the efficacy in control of bacterial speck and in Alabama and Florida for control of bacterial spot. The foliar biological control agent P. syringae strain Cit7 was the most effective of the three foliar biological control agents, providing significant suppression of bacterial speck in all field trials and bacterial spot in two out of three field trials. When applied as a seed treatment and soil drench, PGPR strain Pseudomonas fluorescens 89B-61 significantly reduced foliar severity of bacterial speck in the field trial in California and in three of six disease ratings in the field trials in Alabama. PGPR strains 89B-61 and Bacillus pumilus SE34 both provided significant suppression of bacterial spot in the two field trials conducted in Alabama. Combined use of foliar biological control agent Cit7 and PGPR strain 89B-61 provided significant control of bacterial speck and spot of tomato in each trial. In one field trial, control was enhanced significantly with combined biological control agents compared to single agent inoculations. These results suggest that some PGPR strains may induce plant resistance under field conditions, providing effective suppression of bacterial speck and spot of tomato, and that there may be some benefit to the integration of rhizosphere-applied PGPR and foliar-applied biological control agents.  相似文献   

Until recently, the majority of research on the biological control of aerial plant diseases was focused on control of bacterial pathogens. Such research led to the commercialization of the biocontrol agent Pseudomonas fluorescens A506, as BlightBan A506™, for control of fire blight of pear. In contrast, chemical fungicides typically have provided adequate control of most foliar fungal pathogens. However, fungicide resistance problems, concerns regarding pesticide residues and revocation of registration of certain widely used fungicides have led to increased activity in the development of biocontrol agents of foliar fungal pathogens. Much of this activity has centered around the use of Trichoderma spp and Gliocladium spp to control Botrytis cinerea on grape and strawberry. The biocontrol agent Trichoderma harzianum T39 is commercially available in Israel, as Trichodex ™, for control of grey mold in grapes and may soon be registered for use in the US. Also targeted primarily against a foliar disease of grapes, in this case powdery mildew caused by Uncinula necator, is the biocontrol agent Ampelomyces quisqualis AQ10, marketed as AQ10  TM biofungicide. Another promising development in the area of foliar disease control, though one which is not yet commercialized, is the use of rhizobacteria as seed treatments to induce systemic resistance in the host plant, a strategy which can protect the plant against a range of bacterial and fungal pathogens. Received 06 February 1997/ Accepted in revised form 05 June 1997  相似文献   

Habitat manipulation is a branch of conservation biological control in which vegetation complexity and diversity are increased in managed landscapes to provide food and other resources for arthropod natural enemies. This is often achieved by maintaining noncrop plant material such as flowering strips and beetle banks that provide natural enemies with nectar and pollen, alternative prey, shelter from disturbance, and overwintering sites. In most cases, plant material used in habitat manipulation programs is not native to the area in which it is planted. Using native plant species in conservation biological control could serve a dual function of suppressing pest arthropod outbreaks and promoting other valuable ecosystem services associated with native plant communities. We evaluated 10 plant species native to Maryland for their attractiveness to foliar and ground-dwelling natural enemies. Plants that showed particular promise were Monarda punctata, Pycnanthemum tenuifolium, and Eupatorium hyssopifolium, which generally harbored the greatest abundance of foliar predators and parasitoids, although abundance varied over time. Among ground-dwelling natural enemies, total predator and parasitoid abundance differed between plant species, but carabid and spider abundance did not. Matching certain plant species and their allied natural enemies with specific pest complexes may be enhanced by identifying the composition of natural enemy assemblages at different times of year and in both foliar and ground habitat strata.  相似文献   

Bacterial biological control agents (BCAs) are largely used as live products to control plant pathogens. However, due to variable environmental and ecological factors, live BCAs usually fail to produce desirable results against foliar pathogens. In this study, we investigated the potential of cell-free culture filtrates of 12 different bacterial BCAs isolated from flower beds for controlling foliar diseases caused by Alternaria spp. In vitro studies showed that culture filtrates from two isolates belonging to Bacillus subtilis and Bacillus amyloliquefaciens displayed strong efficacy and potencies against Alternaria spp. The antimicrobial activity of the culture filtrate of these two biological control agents was effective over a wider range of pH (3.0 to 9.0) and was not affected by autoclaving or proteolysis. Comparative liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) analyses showed that a complex mixture of cyclic lipopeptides, primarily of the fengycin A and fengycin B families, was significantly higher in these two BCAs than inactive Bacillus spp. Interaction studies with mixtures of culture filtrates of these two species revealed additive activity, suggesting that they produce similar products, which was confirmed by LC-tandem MS analyses. In in planta pre- and postinoculation trials, foliar application of culture filtrates of B. subtilis reduced lesion sizes and lesion frequencies caused by Alternaria alternata by 68 to 81%. Taken together, our studies suggest that instead of live bacteria, culture filtrates of B. subtilis and B. amyloliquefaciens can be applied either individually or in combination for controlling foliar diseases caused by Alternaria species.  相似文献   

Agricultural chemical companies have invested in the discovery and development of biological pesticides to complement synthetic pesticides for the control of insects, diseases, and weeds on agronomic and horticultural crops. For plant disease control, companies envisage biological fungicides entering markets where they have the best chance of performing and which are most receptive to using biological control methods. Fewer regulatory requirements can mean faster registration for a biological than a synthetic pesticide. However, industry’s requirements for competitive performance, effective formulations, and economic production can mean significant investments in time and money for a biological pesticide, although total investment may be less than for a synthetic pesticide. One biocontrol project in which industry has invested is baculoviruses for insect control. Insect baculoviruses, genetically modified to kill insects faster than wild-type viruses, are attractive biocontrol agents because their selectivity to insect pests and safety to beneficial insects and mammals enable them to compete with synthetic insecticides. Industry is looking for similar biocontrol opportunities in disease control. Biocontrol agents for seedling disease, root rot, and postharvest disease control have been registered by the EPA and are trying to compete with synthetic fungicides for market share. To date, effective biocontrol agents have not been identified for the control of serious foliar diseases, such as grape downy mildew, potato late blight, wheat powdery mildew, and apple scab. Farmers must rely on synthetic fungicides and agronomic methods to control these diseases for the foreseeable future. Received 06 February 1997/ Accepted in revised form 01 June 1997  相似文献   

Maize (Zea mays L.), a major crop in Argentina and a staple food around the world, is affected by the emergence and re-emergence of foliar diseases. Agrochemicals are the main control strategy nowadays; however, they can cause resistance in insects and microbial pathogens and have negative effects on the environment and human health. An emerging alternative is the use of living organisms, i.e. microbial biocontrol agents, to suppress plant pathogen populations. This is a risk-free approach when the organisms acting as biocontrol agents come from the same ecosystem as the foliar pathogens they are meant to antagonize. Some epiphytic microorganisms may form biofilm by becoming aggregated and attached to a surface, as is the case of spore-forming bacteria from the genus Bacillus. Their ability to sporulate and their tolerance to long storage periods make them a frequently used biocontrol agent. Moreover, the biofilm that they create protects them against different abiotic and biotic factors and helps them to acquire nutrients, which ensures their survival on the plants they protect. This review analyzes the interactions that the phyllosphere-inhabiting Bacillus genus establishes with its environment through biofilm, and how this lifestyle could serve to design effective biological control strategies.  相似文献   

随着对地衣芽胞杆菌研究的不断深入和其杀虫、抗菌、生物降解等多种生物学活性的发现,地衣芽胞杆菌被认为是芽胞杆菌属中最具有生物防治应用价值的菌种之一。本文论述了地衣芽胞杆菌的生物学特性及其防治植物病害的四种主要作用机制,包括竞争、分泌抗菌物质、诱导植物系统抗性和促进植物生长;介绍了地衣芽胞杆菌在水稻、棉花、番茄、芒果、辣椒等多种大田作物和经济果蔬上的应用现状和生物防治效果;并讨论了其在生防应用过程中存在的主要问题,为今后地衣芽胞杆菌在生物防治方面的研究提供理论依据和应用参考。  相似文献   

随着对地衣芽胞杆菌研究的不断深入和其杀虫、抗菌、生物降解等多种生物学活性的发现,地衣芽胞杆菌被认为是芽胞杆菌属中最具有生物防治应用价值的菌种之一。本文论述了地衣芽胞杆菌的生物学特性及其防治植物病害的四种主要作用机制,包括竞争、分泌抗菌物质、诱导植物系统抗性和促进植物生长;介绍了地衣芽胞杆菌在水稻、棉花、番茄、芒果、辣椒等多种大田作物和经济果蔬上的应用现状和生物防治效果;并讨论了其在生防应用过程中存在的主要问题,为今后地衣芽胞杆菌在生物防治方面的研究提供理论依据和应用参考。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Annual Medicago spp., including M. truncatula, play an important agronomic role in dryland farming regions of the world where they are often an integral component of cropping systems, particularly in regions with a Mediterranean or Mediterranean-type climate where they grow as winter annuals that provide both nitrogen and disease breaks for rotational crops. Necrotrophic foliar and soil-borne pathogens dominate these regions and challenge the productivity of annual Medicago and crop legume species. SCOPE: This review outlines some of the major and/or widespread diseases these necrotrophic pathogens cause on Medicago spp. It then explores the potential for using the spectrum of necrotrophic pathogen-host interactions, with annual Medicago as the host plant, to better understand and model pathosystems within the diseases caused by nectrotrophic pathogens across forage and grain legume crops. CONCLUSIONS: Host resistance clearly offers the best strategy for cost-effective, long-term control of necrotrophic foliar and soil-borne pathogens, particularly as useful resistance to a number of these diseases has been identified. Recently and initially, the annual M. truncatula has emerged as a more appropriate and agronomically relevant substitute to Arabidopsis thaliana as a model plant for legumes, and is proving an excellent model to understand the mechanisms of resistance both to individual pathogens and more generally to most forage and grain legume necrotrophic pathogens.  相似文献   

Foliar application may be used to supply boron (B) to a crop when B demands are higher than can be supplied via the soil. While B foliar sprays have been used to correct B deficiency in sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) in the field, no studies have determined the amount of B taken up by sunflower plant parts via foliar application. A study was conducted in which sunflower plants were grown at constant B concentration in nutrient solution with adequate B (46 micro m) or with limited B supply (0.24, 0.40 and 1.72 micro m) using Amberlite IRA-743 resin to control B supply. At the late vegetative stage of growth (25 and 35 d after transplanting), two foliar sprays were applied of soluble sodium tetraborate (20.8 % B) each at 0, 28, 65, 120 and 1200 mm (each spray equivalent to 0, 0.03, 0.07, 0.13 and 1.3 kg B ha-1 in 100 L water ha-1). The highest rate of B foliar fertilization resulted in leaf burn but had no other evident detrimental effect on plant growth. Under B-deficient conditions, B foliar application increased the vegetative and reproductive dry mass of plants. Foliar application of 28-1200 mm B increased the total dry mass of the most B-deficient plants by more than three-fold and that of plants grown initially with 1.72 micro m B in solution by 37-49 %. In this latter treatment, the dry mass of the capitulum was similar to that achieved under control conditions, but in no instance was total plant dry mass similar to that of the control. All B foliar spray rates increased the B concentration in various parts of the plant tops, including those that developed after the sprays were applied, but the B concentration in the roots was not increased by B foliar application. The B concentration in the capitulum of the plants sprayed at the highest rate was between 37 and 93 % of that in the control plants. This study showed that B foliar application was of benefit to B-deficient sunflower plants, increasing the B status of plant tops, including that of the capitulum which developed after the B sprays were applied.  相似文献   

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