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黑石顶自然保护区常绿阔叶林优势植物地上部分的热值   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对黑石顶自然保护区南亚热带低山常绿阔叶林地上部分各层次一些优势种和常见种的干重热值和去灰分热值的测定表明:植物的干重热值受灰分含量影响较大,植物去灰分热值随种类、器官而异,乔木层8种植物地上部分各器官平均去灰分热值在19.261-20.672kJg-1之间,各植物种的平均去灰分热值变化顺序如下:光叶红豆>显脉新木姜>福建青冈>短花序楠>生虫树>小叶胭脂>硬叶稠>粘木。乔木层各器官的平均去灰分热值是:叶21.417kJg-1,幼枝19.929kJg-1,干树皮19.961kJg-1,干材18.664kJg-1。地上部分各层次相同器官平均去灰分热值有下列变化趋势:乔木层>灌木层>草本层,这一关系在植物叶的去灰分热值中表现尤为明显.  相似文献   

武汉和天津园林植物叶片热值比较研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
对天津和武汉两地一些园林植物叶片的春季干重热值、灰分含量和去灰分热值进行了比较 ,结果发现 ,无论在武汉还是天津 ,所测园林植物的干重热值均表现为乔木 >灌木 >草本的递减趋势 ,灰分含量则呈现相反的趋势即草本 >灌木 >乔木 ,去灰分热值在武汉与干重热值的趋势一致 ,但在天津却是乔木 >草本 >灌木。同一类型的植物干重热值都是低纬度的武汉高于高纬度的天津 ,灰分含量相反 :天津高于武汉 ;乔木和灌木的去灰分热值也是武汉高于天津 ,草本植物例外。两地共有的 7种植物平均值相比 ,干重热值和去灰分热值都是武汉 >天津 ,同一植物种相比 ,7种植物中 ,有 5种植物的干重热值和去灰分热值的地区差异与平均值一致 ,即武汉 >天津 ,只有刺槐和白三叶例外。  相似文献   

不同年龄阶段杉木人工林植物热值分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
何介南  康文星  王东 《生态学报》2015,35(2):449-459
应用会同国家野外科学观测研究站的连续定位测定资料,研究了杉木林不同林龄阶段乔木、灌木、草本和枯死物热值动态变化。结果表明:同一林龄阶段,杉木叶的热值皮枝干根,杉木各器官热值随林龄增加而增大;相同林龄的灌木叶热值枝根,草本地上部分热值根,灌木和草本的热值随林龄增大而减少;同一林龄的凋落叶的热值凋落枝碎屑死根,枯死物热值随林龄增加而增大;整个杉木林系统,乔木层热值灌木草本枯死物;灰分含量与会同杉木器官热值的大小与变化关联性不密切,与灌木、草本呈显著负相关(P0.05);会同杉木热值随林龄变化与器官随林龄增大木质化程度提高,以及不同年份的降水量、太阳辐射、温度有关;林分不同层次植物热值的变化与某个层次的植物接受的光能资源量关系密切。  相似文献   

浙江北山七子花群落主要植物叶热值   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
郝朝运  刘鹏 《生态学报》2006,26(6):1709-1717
对不同季节浙江北山七子花群落18种优势植物叶的热值和灰分含量进行了研究,探讨了生境片断化所造成的影响。结果表明:(1)不同种类植物叶的灰分含量有较大差异,与植物自身的遗传特性有关(主要是叶的元素含量),其中仅乔木层算盘子(Glochidion puberum)和灌木层华箬竹(Sasamorpha sinica)的灰分含量高于10%,其他植物灰分含量较低;不同季节植物的灰分含量不同,且具有不同的季节变化趋势;从群落林冠到地被层,各层植物叶的平均灰分含量由高到低依次为乔木层(7.49%±2.59%)、灌木层(7.20%±3.22%)、草本层(6.68%±1.02%)和间层(6.28%±1.31%),但层次间差异不显著(p>0.05)。(2)不同种类植物叶的去灰分热值变化范围较大,有6种植物的去灰分热值高于20.00 kJ/g,4种植物低于18.00 kJ/g,同一层次内常绿植物叶的去灰分热值一般比落叶植物高;从林冠到地被层,各层植物叶的去灰分热值由高到低依次为灌木层((20.33±2.29)kJ/g)、乔木层((19.92±1.05)kJ/g)、间层((19.71±3.26)kJ/g)和草本层((18.14±0.74)kJ/g),仅乔木层和草本层之间的差异达到显著水平(p<0.05);不同季节植物叶的去灰分热值变化较为复杂,其中多数植物在春秋季热值含量较高,夏季热值含量较低。(3)对不同生境条件下3种乔木植物叶的热值和灰分含量的比较研究显示,由于受到片断化后光照增强等因素的影响,与林内相比林外生境植株叶的干重热值和去灰分热值均明显升高(p<0.05),而灰分含量变化规律不明显。分析认为,生长速率慢和某些高热值成分的积累是造成片断化条件下植物叶热值升高的主要原因。  相似文献   

夏蜡梅及其主要伴生种叶的灰分含量和热值   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
金则新  李钧敏  马金娥 《生态学报》2011,31(18):5246-5254
分别于2006年7月、10月和2007年4月,对全光照、林缘和林下3种光环境下夏蜡梅及群落中35种主要植物叶的灰分含量和去灰分热值进行测定,分析它们在光合作用中对太阳能的固定和积累能力。不同光环境下夏蜡梅叶灰分含量的大小顺序都是全光照>林缘>林下,10月3种光环境下夏蜡梅叶灰分含量均高于4月和7月,均差异显著。4月、7月和10月,林下和全光照环境下的叶去灰分热值呈先下降后上升的趋势,而林缘中叶去灰分热值却逐渐下降。群落各层植物的灰分含量大小顺序为草本层>灌木层>间层>乔木层,夏蜡梅灰分含量略低于灌木层灰分含量的平均值;各层次植物平均去灰分热值大小顺序为乔木层>灌木层>草本层>间层,夏蜡梅平均去灰分热值低于间层。多数植物不同季节叶的灰分含量、去灰分热值均以10月最高。  相似文献   

亚热带常绿阔叶林和暖温带落叶阔叶林叶片热值比较研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
田苗  宋广艳  赵宁  何念鹏  侯继华 《生态学报》2015,35(23):7709-7717
植物干重热值(GCV)是衡量植物生命活动及组成成分的重要指标之一,反映了植物光合作用中固定太阳辐射的能力。利用氧弹量热仪测定了亚热带和暖温带两个典型森林生态系统常见的276种常见植物叶片的干重热值,探讨了亚热带和暖温带植物热值分布特征,以及不同生活型、乔木类型间植物热值的变化规律。实验结果发现:亚热带常绿阔叶林和暖温带落叶阔叶林叶片热值的平均值分别为17.83 k J/g(n=191)和17.21k J/g(n=85),整体表现为亚热带植物暖温带植物。不同地带性植被的植物叶片热值在不同生活型间表现出相似的规律,其中亚热带常绿阔叶林表现为:乔木(19.09 k J/g)灌木(17.87 k J/g)草本(16.65 k J/g);暖温带落叶阔叶林表现为:乔木(18.41 k J/g)灌木(17.94 k J/g)草本(16.53 k J/g);不同乔木类型间均呈现常绿乔木落叶乔木、针叶乔木阔叶乔木的趋势。落叶阔叶乔木表现为亚热带暖温带,而常绿针叶乔木则呈现亚热带暖温带的趋势。此外,我们对于两个分布区域内的4种针叶树种叶片热值进行了比较,发现华北落叶松(19.32 k J/g,暖温带)杉木(19.40 k J/g,亚热带)马尾松(19.82 k J/g,亚热带)油松(20.95 k J/g,暖温带)。亚热带常绿阔叶林和暖温带落叶阔叶林植物热值的特征及其变化规律,为森林生态系统的能量流动提供了理论基础。  相似文献   

福建华安竹园一些竹类植物叶的热值研究   总被引:33,自引:0,他引:33  
在冬季对福建省华安县竹园14属46种(含变种和栽培型)竹类植物叶的热值和灰分含量进行了研究。结果表明:竹类植物叶的灰分含量在8.05%-28.14%之间,平均为15.18%;干重热值在14957.3-19111.4J/g之间,平均为17672.1J/g;去灰分热值在19473.1-24646.2J/g之间,平均为20845.6J/g;竹类植物叶干重热值和灰分含量有显著的线性关系,相关方程为Y=-169.21X 20241(r=0.7370,df=44),高灰分含量是竹叶干重热值相对较低的重要原因之一。  相似文献   

在冬季对福建省华安县竹园14属46种(含变种和栽培型)竹类植物叶的热值和灰分含量进行了研究。结果表明:竹类植物叶的灰分含量在8.05%~28.14%之间,平均为15.18%;干重热值在14957.3 ~19111.4 J/g之间,平均为17672.1 J/g;去灰分热值在19473.1~24646.2 J/g之间,平均为20845.6 J/g;竹类植物叶干重热值和灰分含量有显著的线性关系,相关方程为Y=-169.21X+20241(r=0.7370**,df=44),高灰分含量是竹叶干重热值相对较低的重要原因之一。  相似文献   

广东鹤山人工林群落主要优势植物的热值和灰分含量   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
从广东鹤山南亚热带丘陵5种人工林群落中采集20种主要植物器官及3种群落凋落叶样品,利用PARR-1281氧弹热量计和马福炉分别测定样品的干质量热值和灰分含量,再计算去灰分热值;按器官、个体和生长型等比较分析植物的热值和灰分特征.结果表明:植物各器官的干质量热值、去灰分热值分别在10.7~22.17和13.89~23.04 kJ·g-1之间,叶片的干质量热值和去灰分热值明显高于其他器官(P<0.05).个体加权平均干质量热值和去灰分热值分别在14.24~19.43和16.63~20.99 kJ·g-1群落各层次植物去灰分热值平均值的高低依次为:乔木(19.55 kJ·g-1)>灌木(19.46 kJ·g-1)>草本(18.77 kJ·g-1),其中,乔木层树木的去灰分热值平均值大小为:本地针叶树(19.86 kJ·g-1)>本地阔叶树(19.55 kJ·g-1)>外来桉树(19.18 kJ·g-1),灰分含量的排序则相反.马占相思林、针叶林和木荷林群落的凋落叶热值均高于所在林分各层次的热值(P<0.01),马占相思林和针叶林的凋落叶热值大于所在乔木层叶片的热值,而木荷林凋落叶热值小于乔木层叶片的热值.  相似文献   

 根据广西英罗港红树植物群落的演替过程, 研究了5个主要演替阶段红树植物群落优势种地上部分的7种元素 (N、P、K、Ca、Mg、Na、Cl)含量、群落元素积累量及其与土壤肥力的关系。结果表明:1)红树植物不同器官元素含量大小为:N、P、K均为花果>叶>枝>皮>干,Ca为皮>枝、叶>花果>干,Mg为花果>叶>皮>枝>干, Na、Cl为叶、花果>皮>枝>干;2)同一器官中各元素含量均以Cl、Na最多, 其次是N、Ca、K, 然后是Mg, 最少是P;3)随着进展演替, 红树植物群落优势种的N、P、K含量呈明显减少  相似文献   

 对细叶小羽藓(Haplocladium microphyllum)新老组织及其根际土壤的碳氮含量和同位素组成进行了分析,探讨了苔藓衰老过程控制元素和同位 素变化的机制以及苔藓对土壤的贡献。同种组织碳氮含量之间的相关性反映了苔藓固碳能力和氮需求的相互联系。新生组织碳氮含量明显高于 衰老组织且存在相关性,反映了苔藓衰老过程体内碳氮物质向新生组织迁移的生理特征。两种组织之间同位素组成(δ13C和δ15N)没有明显差 异,说明组织间的物质迁移没有产生明显的同位素分馏,其原因可能在于细叶小羽藓形态结构简单,体内物质迁移对碳氮同位素组成的影响较 小。相反,苔藓组织与根际土壤之间的有机碳/ 氮信息没有相关性,这可能与苔藓植物长期滞留营养物质、缓慢的分解和成土速度有关,反映了 该研究区苔藓层对土壤碳氮累积的贡献较小。  相似文献   

In order to illustrate the physiological variation of different generations and different thallus parts of Saccharina japonica, physiological parameters such as maximum and effective PSII photochemical efficiency, nutrient uptake, and elemental composition were determined in the laboratory. Photosynthetic analysis in different generations indicated that, although gametophytes had higher pigment contents than the sporophyte, they had lower values of F v/F m and ΔF/Fm. The highest Chl a/Chl c ratio was found in sporophyte generation (3.98?±?0.01) and in the basal part of fresh thallus (2.66?±?0.02). The sporophyte had significantly higher values of nitrate uptake but lower values of phosphorus uptake than the gametophytes. The contents of nitrogen and carbon as well as C/N in gametophytes were significantly higher than those in sporophytes. In addition, the basal part of the S. japonica thallus had the highest C content (22.31?±?1.50 %) but the lowest N content (2.02?±?0.16 %), as well as the highest value of C/N (11.02?±?0.34).  相似文献   

海洋渔业资源是自然资源的重要组成部分,海洋经济物种体内重金属含量直接影响到人们身体健康。利用2018年春季惠州市海洋渔业资源调查样品,分析了贝类、甲壳类、鱼类等3类27种海洋经济物种体内重金属Cu、Pb、Cd的含量特征,利用单因子污染指数(SFI)、金属污染指数(MPI)和目标危险系数(THQ)分别进行了重金属污染水平评价和健康风险评估,并探讨了海洋经济物种体内重金属的来源及影响因素。结果显示,(1)2018年春季,惠州海域3类海洋经济物种体内重金属元素含量由大到小皆为Cu>Pb>Cd。不同类海洋经济物种对同种重金属的富集能力有明显差异,方差分析显示,贝类体内Cu含量显著高于鱼类,Cd含量显著高于甲壳类和鱼类。(2)惠州海洋经济物种体内3种重金属元素含量的Pearson相关分析结果显示,Cu与Pb、Cd显著正相关,反映其具有同源性和类似生物地球化学行为,受到人为活动的影响。(3)SFI值反映,3类海洋经济物种体内Cu含量为正常背景值水平,Pb含量为轻度污染;贝类、鱼类体内Cd含量分别为轻度污染和中度污染,值得引起重视。MPI值由大到小为贝类>甲壳类>鱼类。整体说明,不同海洋经济物种体内重金属含量特征对生存环境质量有明显响应。(4)根据《无公害食品水产品中有毒有害物质限量》(NY 5073-2006),从1996年到2018年春季,惠州海域海洋经济物种体内Cu含量稳定,无超标样品;甲壳类、鱼类体内Pb、Cd含量超标需引起关注。(5)3类海洋经济物种的THQ值皆<1,由大到小顺序为贝类>甲壳类>鱼类,对人身健康无影响。  相似文献   

Diabetes mellitus is characterized by hyperglycemia and is closely related to trace elements. Quite a few pregnant women suffer from impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) or gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM). Investigation of the changes of elemental contents in serum of the pregnant women with IGT and GDM is significant in the etiological research and cure of the diseases. In the present work, the elements Cu, Zn, Ca, Sr, Mg, P, Fe, and Al in the serum of pregnant women were determined. The elemental contents in different experimental groups were compared. Also, the correlation between elemental contents and gestational period was observed. The results showed that compared with normal pregnant women, the Cu contents in serum of pregnant women with GDM increased, but Zn contents had a decreasing trend. In addition, for all pregnant women, the Ca contents in serum had an obvious inverse correlation with gestational period.  相似文献   

The elemental and fatty acid composition of seston was studied for 3 years, from May to October, in a small Reservoir. Under comparatively low C:P ratio, multivariate canonical analysis revealed no straightforward simple correlations between phosphorus and single ω3 PUFA species, but complex significant interaction between elemental composition (stoichiometry) of seston and total sestonic ω3 PUFA as a whole. Since sestonic C, P and N were found to originate mostly from phytoplankton, the contents of particulate elements and PUFA were attributed to single species in periods of their pronounced dominance. Phytoplankton species of genera of Stephanodiscus, Peridinium, Gomphosphaeria, Planktothrix and Anabaena in periods of their pronounced dominance had relatively constant species-specific elemental and PUFA composition. Phytoplankton species significantly differed in their elemental and PUFA composition, as well as in ratios of C:N, N:P, PUFA:P and partly C:P that indicate food quality for zooplankton. Hence, there were no phytoplankton species of clearly high or low nutritional value. All of phytoplankters, or at least detritus, that originated from them, may meet specific elemental and biochemical requirements of specific groups of zooplankton. Dividing phytoplankton on basis of their elemental and biochemical composition, i.e., nutrition quality, into large taxa (cyanobacteria, diatoms, etc.) appeared to be too coarse for assessing nutritional value for zooplankton.  相似文献   

Lanthanides (rare-earth elements) were quantitatively determined by atomic emission spectrometry/inductively coupled plasma (AES/ICP) in various plants (Picea abies, Vaccinium vitis-idaea, Vaccinium myrtillus, Polytrichum commune, Sphagnum spec., and Hypogymna physodes) collected in the Forest Biosphere Reserve 350 km northwest of Moscow (USSR). Compared with previously established background values for lanthanide elements in central Europe, the rare elements determined in the USSR samples appear in lower concentrations. The lichen Hypogymna physodes can be characterized as an extreme accumulator of lanthanide elements up to a factor of ten compared to the other plant species collected in the Forest Biosphere Reserve. With regard to the lanthanide contents in plants collected in a German reference forest ecosystem, it can be seen, that the German samples represent without exception higher lanthanide values. Leaves of Vaccinium vitis-idaea display contents 3–4 times higher, leaves of Vaccinium myrtillus show concentrations higher by a factor of about 0.3, approximately twice the contents were determined in the German samples of Polytrichum formosum and P. commune, and the values in the German samples of the Sphagnum species are about 3 times that of the Soviet samples. As pointed out for pollution by heavy metals in part I of this series, the Forest Biosphere Reserve is generally characterized by lower contents of lanthanides in the vegetation cover than a comparable forest ecosystem (Grasmoor near Osnabrück, F.R.G.) in central Europe.  相似文献   

Total polyphenols, tannins, β-sitosterol, and bitterness values were determined in native and cultivated populations of Teucrium L. species from Croatia (T. arduini L., T. botrys L., T. chamaedrys L., T. flavum L., T. montanum L., T. polium L., and T. scordium L. subsp. scordioides Schreb.). Teucrium species have long been present in folk medicine for diverse medicinal uses, but little is known about polyphenols, phytosterols, and bitter principles. Spectrophotometrically determined contents of total polyphenols (TP) and tannins (T) significantly varied among investigated Teucrium species and were somewhat higher in native populations. The highest TP and T contents were measured in native specimens of T. montanum (TP: 13.68%; T: 3.48%). Scanning densitometry was used for measurements of β-sitosterol levels in plant samples ranged from 0.056% (T. montanum) to 0.129% (T. botrys), and it was not significantly different between native and cultivated specimens of the same plant species. Bitterness values were similar for native and cultivated samples of the same plant species; the highest was measured for T. montanum (15659). The present study suggests that Teucrium species growing in Croatia have potential for cultivation and might be a valuable source of natural bioactive compounds.  相似文献   

We tested various fixation and analysis methods to demonstrate by electron microscopy elemental imaging in tissues and cells, i.e., soluble substances such as many kinds of ionic elements, water soluble low molecular peptides, and even organic solvent soluble substances such as lipids. For the ionic elements, we tested frozen dried or freeze-substituted methods and organic or inorganic special chemical precipitation methods combined with microwaved fixation methods. The data were analyzed with electron beam X-ray microanalysis, electron energy filtered imaging analysis, and electron microscope autoradiography. The data were demonstrated as elemental distribution images and were calculated quantitatively. For the soluble low molecular peptides, we developed a tannic acid and aldehyde method combined with microwaved fixation. We discuss the theoretical background of the tannic acid fixation and microwaved fixation methods. For the organic solvent soluble substances, i.e., lipids including steroids, we successfully tested the use of a mixed fixative of aldehyde and osmium, digitonization, and osmification with the use of p-phenylendiamine or imidazole. We also proposed some new ideal biotracers for electron beam X-ray microanalysis and electron energy filtered imaging analysis.  相似文献   

Summary The relationship between granule density, protein content, and Ca and S contents were studied in two secretory granule fractions, from parotid glands of the rat, previously shown to constitute different stages in granule maturation. The density of the lighter fraction was between 1.133 and 1.142 g/ml, while that of the heavier fraction was greater than 1.142 g/ml. The mean protein content of the denser granules was 12% greater than that of the lighter granules (P<0.03), while the dry-mass elemental concentrations in the two granule fractions were unchanged. These results indicate that protein is added to granules during the maturation process (presumably by vesicular traffic), and that the resulting increase in granule density is not driven simply by decrease in water content and/or increased concentrations of inorganic Ca or S in the granules. The elemental concentration values also indicate that the diffusible elements permeate the granule membrane during the fractionation procedures.  相似文献   

通过对贵州木油厂汞矿区4种藓类植物(真藓、卵蒴真藓、羽枝青藓和圆枝粗枝藓)及其生长基质中的Cu、Zn、Ca、Mg、Cd、Pb、Hg、As 8种元素进行测定分析,以揭示藓类植物与生长基质中重金属元素及其污染程度的关系.结果表明:(1)贵州木油厂汞矿区藓类植物生长基质中Cu、Hg和As元素的平均含量分别是相应国标值的1.29倍、300倍和1.69倍,说明该矿区已受到Cu、Hg和As的污染,且Hg污染特别严重.(2)羽枝青藓的As、Zn、Cd和Pb含量均最高,圆枝粗枝藓的Cu、Ca、Mg和Hg含量均最高,对重金属具有较强的耐受性.(3)羽枝青藓和圆枝粗枝藓对Zn均强烈富集,其富集系数分别为6.14和3.364;羽枝青藓、卵蒴真藓和真藓对Pb均强烈富集,其富集系数分别为13.769、9.547和3.004;表明羽枝青藓对Zn和Pb的富集能力最强,可用于土壤Zn和Pb的污染治理.(4)4种藓类植物对Cu 的富集系数为0.915~1.184,卵蒴真藓和圆枝粗枝藓对Hg的富集系数分别为0.542和0.682,圆枝粗枝藓对As的富集系数为0.74,均为同一水平,表明4种藓类植物可指示其生长基质中Cu、Hg和As的含量.(5)元素间的相关分析显示,木油厂汞矿的Cd和As之间呈显著负相关(P<0.05),表明两元素间有拮抗作用.  相似文献   

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