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李鹄鸣  李文健等 《动物学研究》1993,14(1):96-96,72,9
我们在棘腹蛙能流模型及人工繁殖技术研究中,对其营养成份及含肉率进行了初步研究。 材料 棘腹蛙幼娃和成蛙,均来自湘西的溪流中。 方法 1.将12只活蛙擦干称重后处死,除去皮肤与内脏,然后分成头、躯干、前肢和后肢等部分,并除去非肌肉质后称重,得各部分的肌肉含量。2.用索氏提取法测定脂肪含量,用微量凯氏定氮法测定蛋白质含量。3.用日立835—50型氨基酸分析仪测定肌肉蛋白质的各种氨基酸含量。4.用GR3500-B1微电脑热量计测定肌肉的能量含量。  相似文献   

采用垂直聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳技术,对六盘水境内的双团棘胸蛙Paa yunnanensis与棘腹蛙P.boulengeri的肝、肠、胃、肺等4种组织中的酯酶(EST)同工酶进行了研究.结果 显示:两种蛙酯酶同工酶共有10条带,其中双团棘胸蛙EST同工酶有9条带,棘腹蛙EST同工酶有7条带,两种蛙EST同工酶存在较大的种间差异,同种蛙不同组织的酯酶(EST)同工酶迁移率、表达强度也不同.双团棘胸蛙酯酶同工酶酶谱较棘腹蛙的复杂.  相似文献   

不同开口饵料对棘腹蛙幼蛙生长和存活的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用摇蚊Chironomidae midges幼虫、水蚯蚓Limnodrilus hoffmeisteri、蝇蛆Musca demestica、人工饵料作为棘腹蛙幼蛙的开口饵料饲养棘腹蛙幼蛙28 d,观察这些饵料对棘腹蛙幼蛙生长、存活情况的影响.结果表明,人工饵料组幼蛙生长速度最慢,存活率也最低(61.88%);摇蚊幼虫组的存活率最高(79.38%),生长最快,是棘腹蛙幼蛙适宜的开口饵料.  相似文献   

棘腹蛙(Quasipaaboulengeri)是无尾目(Anura)叉舌蛙科(Dicroglossidae)棘胸蛙属的两栖动物。因其以农业和森林害虫为食且对生存环境要求高的特点,故有保护和监测环境的生态功能。但由于生态环境恶化和过度捕捉等原因,造成野生棘腹蛙数量急剧下降,被《中国脊椎动物红色名录》列为易危种。本文从棘腹蛙的习性、生存环境特征、系统进化、人工养殖和资源保护等方面进行了综述,为进一步研究棘腹蛙提供基础资料和理论依据。  相似文献   

珍稀两栖动物——棘腹蛙及其保护   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
棘腹蛙是我国大型经济蛙类,近年,由于该蛙栖息地遭到严重破坏,及人类的大肆捕杀等因素,造成棘腹蛙种群数量严重下降,已被IUCN列为易危种.  相似文献   

棘腹蛙(Rana boulengeri Günther)早期胚胎发育与分期的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文研究了湘西地区棘腹蛙(R.boulengeriG.)的早期胚胎发育与分期.用人工诱导排卵、人工授精的方法获得受精卵,在控制水温为(23±0.5)℃下发育,棘腹蛙的胚胎发育从人工授精开始到蝌蚪的鳃盖完全闭合需要261h;以胚胎形态变化和主要生理特征的出现为基础,该蛙早期胚胎发育可分为25个时期.棘腹蛙发育过程中的形态特征和其它无尾两栖类相似,但在某些方面也呈现出与适应山地溪流环境有关的一些特点.  相似文献   

鄂西棘腹蛙的生活习性及其食性的初步研究   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
棘腹蛙为山区流溪型种类,广食性,成蛙以捕食昆虫等动物性食物为主,蝌蚪主要摄食藻类等植物食物。棘腹蛙有显著消灭为害森林的动物(昆虫),其有益系数为68.31%。  相似文献   

中国几种棘蛙的核型C—带和Ag—NORs研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
本文对4种棘蛙的核型、C-带和Ag-NORs作了观察分析,结果表明无声囊棘蛙2n=64T,Ag-NORs在20q^inter,全部着丝点区域C-带正染。云南的棘腹蛙、察隅棘蛙和河南太行山隆肛蛙3者,其2n=26,5+8模式,但相互间SM的对数和顺序有所不同;前二者的Ag-NORs均在6p^per,但C-带有很大的不同:察隅棘蛙的着丝点C-带浅染,但有较多的端部和居间型C-带。隆肛蛙的Ag-NORs  相似文献   

从12S rRNA基因序列研究中国蛙科24种的进化关系   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
测定了中国蛙科动物24种和蟾蜍科的中华大蟾蜍线粒体12S rRNA基因长约400bp片段的序列。采用邻接法,对其数据的系统发生分析表明24种可分成3个支系:第一个支系包括棘腹蛙、合江棘蛙、棘胸蛙、大头蛙、虎纹蛙、倭蛙、泽陆蛙共7种,其中3种棘蛙组成一个单系;第二个支系由3种湍蛙,即戴云湍蛙、华南湍蛙和武夷湍蛙组成,应属于湍蛙亚科;第三支系包含余下的14种蛙,其中5种林蛙和4种臭蛙分别组成一个单系;2种侧褶蛙先聚合后,再与弹琴水蛙聚合,2种粗上先聚合在一起,再与由林蛙组成的单系群聚合。第三支系首先与第二支系相聚,然后它们与第一支系形成姐妹群,即由蛙亚科的7个物种组成的第一支系,不与蛙亚科另14个物种组成的第三支系直接聚合,表明第一支系的物种可能不属于蛙亚科。此外,分子证据提示把陆蛙属、大头蛙属、虎纹蛙属、棘棘属、臭蛙属、粗皮蛙属和侧褶蛙属从原来的蛙属分出有其合理性。、  相似文献   

闽西北棘胸蛙生态调查及人工试养观察   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
棘胸蛙(Rana spinosa)在贵州、湖北、江苏、浙江、安徽、湖南、福建、广东、广西、江西等省均有分布,数量也多。棘胸蛙体大肉鲜,有较高的食用和药用价值。布尔恩格尔(Boulenger)曾于1892年、1899年先后曾记载在湖北、浙江、福建发现有棘腹蛙,1920年他又改定为棘胸蛙。丁汉波(1944—1956)在研究福建的两栖动物时曾对棘胸蛙有过报道,但目前国内对棘胸蛙系统的生态等方面的研究尚未很好地开展。刘承钊等(1961)曾建议设法在池塘中试养,而国内至今未见人工养殖棘胸蛙的报道。  相似文献   

棘腹蛙血液内利川锥虫生活史的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
利川锥虫(TrypanosomalichuanensisLi)寄生在棘腹蛙血液内。虫体波动膜明显。鞭毛较粗,一般不伸出体外形成游离的鞭毛。感染试验表明其中间宿主是绿蛙蛭(BatracobdellapaludosaCarena)。虫体在绿蛙蛭嗉囊的上皮细胞内进行裂配生殖或假包囊,产生许多无鞭体、前鞭体和锥虫体等不同发育时期。前鞭体的超微结构特点是:虫体表膜较厚,表膜下微管管壁较厚,线粒体较多,卵圆或长椭圆形,隆嵴不明显。未见高尔基体,内质网很少,不易观察到。胞质中有3—5颗或更多、多角形至圆形,较大的色素体。  相似文献   

In the shallow waters of Lake Tanganyika, a benthic cichlid Xenotilapia boulengeri rests in a cluster around the nesting sites of substrate-brooding cichlids Lepidiolamprologus attenuatus and L. elongatus . Experimental removal of parent Lepidiolamprologus guarding free-swimming young drastically reduced the number of X. boulengeri around these nesting sites within a few days, suggesting that their presence has a positive effect on attracting X. boulengeri . Xenotilapia boulengeri were less frequently disturbed by the scale-eating cichlids Perissodus microlepis and Plecodus straeleni when they remained near nesting sites of these species than when stayed away. This was attributed to the territorial behaviour of guarding parents who drove away scale-eaters at greater distances, while allowing X. boulengeri , harmless to their young, to approach the nesting site. It is concluded that a clumped distribution of X. boulengeri results from differential tolerance of breeding parents toward intruders that produces a safety zone from scale-eaters.  相似文献   

We studied morphological and allozymic variation in populations of Japanese salamanders, Hynobius boulengeri and H. stejnegeri. Adult H. boulengeri showed sexual dimorphism, and juveniles differed greatly from adults in many morphological characters. From the results of multivariate analyses of morphological characters, the populations were divided into four groups: (I) H. boulengeri from Honshu, (II) H. boulengeri from Shikoku, (III) H. boulengeri from the Sobo-Katamuki Mountains of Kyushu and H. stejnegeri, and (IV) H. boulengeri from the Amakusa Islands and the Osumi Peninsula. Phenotypic relationships among the four groups were identical to relationships clarified by allozymic analyses, except for group IV, which was included in group III in the allozyme tree. Some morphometric characters were significantly correlated with environmental variables. We consider H. stejnegeri to be a valid species based on its unique color pattern, morphometric characters, and allelic composition, even though it was nested within group III of H. boulengeri by both morphological and allozymic analyses. We propose that group I from Honshu and group II from Shikoku should be treated as H. boulengeri sensu stricto and H. hirosei, respectively. Resolving the taxonomic status of the remaining populations of groups III and IV from Kyushu requires further study.  相似文献   

R. Li  W. Chen  L. Tu  & J. Fu 《Journal of Zoology》2009,277(4):309-316
At high altitude, rivers may function as barriers for amphibians. We examined 21 populations of Scutiger boulengeri from the Hengduan Mountains with 1038 base pairs of mitochondrial cytochrome b gene sequences. The haplotypes of S. boulengeri formed three clades on the gene tree, and each clade was restricted to one mountain ridge separated by two major river systems, the Yalong River and the Dadu River. The vicariant pattern of the gene tree suggests that these rivers functioned as effective barriers during population differentiation. On the other hand, mountain ridges may have facilitated amphibian movement. Populations within the uninterrupted mountain ranges of clades II and III, revealed little genetic structure. The northern clade I, harboured a substantial amount of genetic variation, which might be the consequence of the rugged terrain and heterogeneous habitat of this area. Furthermore, one outgroup species, Scutiger glandulatus , formed the fourth clade and nested within S. boulengeri , suggesting that S. boulengeri is likely a paraphyletic species or a species complex.  相似文献   

西藏齿突蟾蝌蚪的发育和群体年龄结构研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
宋志明  黄大明 《动物学报》1990,36(2):187-193
西藏齿突蟾是一种冷域性两栖动物,其蝌蚪和幼蟾大多群集在海拔2100—2400米的山区溪流或草丛中。6—7月初孵出蝌蚪,冰下越冬,经五年发育成幼蟾。由5月份所得蝌蚪的群体年龄结构统计,一和二龄蝌蚪占79%,三年以上个体明显减少,五龄变态幼蟾仅占2%。四龄个体的死率最高,仅有32%的四龄蝌蚪变成五龄幼蟾。  相似文献   

Diets of the syntopic caecilian amphibians Boulengerula boulengeri and Scolecomorphus vittatus were studied from gut content analyses of 108 specimens collected from Nilo Forest Reserve, East Usambara Mountains, Tanzania. Head length and width relative to body length is greater in male B. boulengeri than in females, but no such dimorphism is apparent in S. vittatus . No differences, other than females consuming disproportionately more ants and invertebrate eggs and fewer termites than males, occur in the diets of B. boulengeri . The gut contents of S. vittatus are dominated by large, surface-active earthworms, in contrast to those of B. boulengeri which contained smaller, endogeic earthworms and a much greater number and diversity of soil arthropods (particularly termites, ants and Diptera larvae). These dietary characteristics underline differences in microhabitat use between these caecilian species and thus corroborate a previously proposed hypothesis of niche separation. The ecological impact of caecilians and other limbless endogeic vertebrates is little studied and poorly known. Approximations based on current knowledge are not clear, but are interpreted as indicating that predation by caecilians is unlikely to be among the most important factors influencing population densities of soil-dwelling termites and perhaps also ants: two groups recognized as soil ecosystem engineers.  相似文献   

HSP90 AA1 is part of the heat shock protein 90 gene family and has important functions against heat stress. We report a case of molecular level parallel evolution of the HSP90 AA1 gene in high elevation amphibians. HSP90 AA1 gene sequences of four high-elevation anurans, Bufo gargarizans, Nanorana parkeri, Rana kukunoris, and Scutiger boulengeri, were compared along with five of their low-elevation relatives. A total of 16 amino-acid sites were identified as parallel evolution between N. parkeri and R. kukunoris. We generated both model based(Zhang and Kumar's test) and empirical data based(parallel/divergence plotting) null distributions for non-parallel evolution, and both methods clearly determined that the observed number of parallel substitutions were significantly more than the null expectation. Furthermore, on the HSP90 AA1 gene tree, N. parkeri and R. kukunoris formed a strongly supported clade that was away from their respective relatives. This study provides a clear case of molecular parallel evolution, which may have significant implications in understanding the genetic mechanisms of high-elevation adaptation.  相似文献   

大别山地区两栖爬行动物区系调查   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
为掌握大别山地区两栖爬行动物资源现状,于2006年9月起至2013年6月通过53条样线对大别山地区进行实地考察。调查结果显示,在大别山地区共发现两栖爬行动物56种,隶属4目16科。其中两栖动物2目8科21种,爬行动物2目8科35种。大别山地区两栖、爬行动物的分布型主要为南中国型,动物区系类型则主要为华中型和华南型。黄喉拟水龟(Mauremys mutica)、黄脊游蛇(Coluber spinalis)、平鳞钝头蛇(Pareas boulengeri)、棕黑腹链蛇(Amphiesma sauteri)和福建颈斑蛇(Plagiopholis styani)为该地区的新纪录,大别山原矛头蝮(Protobothrops dabieshanensis)为近期在大别山地区发现的蛇类新种。东方蝾螈(Cynops orientalis)、中华大蟾蜍(Bufo gararizans)、泽陆蛙(Fejervarya multistriata)、黑斑侧褶蛙(Pelophylax nigromaculatus)、中国林蛙(Rana chensinensis)为两栖类的优势种,中国石龙子(Eumeces chinensis)、蝘蜓(Sphenomorphus indicus)、北草蜥(Takydromus septentrionalis)、赤链蛇(Dinodon rufozonatum)、王锦蛇(Elaphe carinata)、虎斑颈槽蛇(Rhabdophis tigrinus)和乌梢蛇(Zaocys dhumnades)为爬行类的优势种。鉴于大别山两栖爬行动物多样性的丰富度和动物区系的代表性,应加强对该地区两栖爬行动物的保护工作。  相似文献   

为掌握野生动物资源现状,促进自然保护区的有效管理,2008~2011年,作者每年在湖南莽山国家级自然保护区(以下简称莽山自然保护区)对10条调查样带(长3~6 km,单侧宽5 m)内的两栖动物资源进行实地调查,同时将该保护区海拔400~1 800 m的区域按200 m均匀地分为7个海拔小带,对两栖动物垂直分布特点进行研究。结果显示,莽山自然保护区现已记录两栖类36种,隶属2目7科。其中以蛙科17种和角蟾科6种为多;其动物区系组成以34种东洋界种类占明显优势,并以17种华中区与华南区共有种为主;有国家Ⅱ级重点保护野生动物1种,中国特有种12种。寒露林蛙(Rana hanluica)、棘腹蛙(Paa boulengeri)和中国雨蛙(Hyla chinensis)为莽山自然保护区两栖动物新纪录。莽山自然保护区两栖动物垂直分布现象较明显,大致以海拔1 400 m为分界点,两栖动物物种组成有较大变化;海拔600~800 m小带的物种数最多。最后基于历史资料,分析了两栖动物多样性的历史变迁。  相似文献   

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