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榆树隐毡蚧Cryptococcus ulmi Tang et Hao是近年来在北京和山西中部发现的一种榆树新害虫。本文首次记述和图示了该虫幼期各虫态和雄成虫的形态特征;简要报道了其生物学特性:一年发生1代,以受精雌成虫在树干裂缝内越冬、卵胎生,每雌产仔23 ̄25头,平均值35.2头。  相似文献   

扶桑绵粉蚧生物学特性研究   总被引:17,自引:2,他引:15  
朱艺勇  黄芳  吕要斌 《昆虫学报》2011,54(2):246-252
扶桑绵粉蚧Phenacoccus solenopsis Tinsley是近年在我国新发现的一种重要外来入侵害虫, 特别是对我国棉花生产具有潜在的巨大威胁,本文研究了实验室条件下(27±1℃, RH 70%±5%)该虫在棉花上的发育历期、 繁殖能力及各虫态的形态特征。结果表明:扶桑绵粉蚧雌虫生活史包括卵、1龄若虫、2龄若虫、3龄若虫和雌成虫;雄虫生活史包括卵、1龄若虫、 2龄若虫、预蛹、 蛹和雄成虫。卵期很短,雌虫若虫期15~20 d,总历期约为47~59 d;雄虫若虫和蛹期17~22 d,总历期约为20~26 d;雌虫寿命明显长于雄虫。该蚧虫繁殖能力强,雌成虫产卵量200~862粒/头,平均产卵458粒/头。各虫态主要形态特征为:卵呈长椭圆形,橙黄色, 略微透明; 1龄若虫,淡黄绿色,行动活泼;2龄若虫体缘突起显现, 尾瓣突出,至末期可根据体表黑斑的可见程度区分雌、 雄虫;3龄雌若虫, 体表有薄层蜡粉, 在前、中胸背面亚中区和腹部1~4节背面亚中区可见清晰斑点, 形成纵向黑色条斑, 外表形似雌成虫。雌成虫呈卵圆形,体表蜡粉厚实,胸、腹背面的黑色条斑在蜡粉覆盖下呈成对黑色斑点状,体缘蜡突明显,共18对,其中腹部末端2~3对较长; 雄虫蛹包裹于松软的白色丝茧中;雄成虫,虫体较小,黑褐色;触角细长,具一对发达透明前翅,后翅退化为平衡棒,腹部末端具2对白色长蜡丝。本文通过对扶桑绵粉蚧的基本生物学特性和各个龄期发育的形态特征的研究, 为该虫的进一步研究和科学防控提供了基本资料,具有重要的理论和实践意义。  相似文献   

园林重要害虫沿海榆毡蚧Eriococcus costatus(Danzig)在山西太谷1年发生1代,以2龄若虫及预蛹越冬。雌虫经卵、1龄若虫、2龄若虫、成虫完成生活史。雄虫则经卵、1龄若虫、2龄若虫、预蛹、冬前蛹(无翅型)、无翅雄成虫和部分若虫到冬后化蛹(有翅型)、有翅雄成虫,完成其生活史。影响该虫种群动态的主要生态因子包括温度、湿度、食料、天敌等,其中湿度在初孵若虫期是最主要的影响因子。4月上中旬为该虫的最佳防治时期,杀虫剂宜采用内吸性、触杀型的,且脂溶性效果较好。  相似文献   

紫薇毡蚧种群生物学特性研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
该文报道紫薇毡蚧EriococcusLagerostroemiae Kuwana的种群生物学特性。该虫80年末传入贵州,在贵阳地区每年发生3-4代,世代重叠极重,越冬代是第3、4两代的混合群体,越冬虫态有卵、若虫和蛹。分别估测了卵、雄若虫、蛹、雌若虫和雌成虫的发育起点温度(T0)和有效积温(K)。周年虫口变动有两个高峰:6月中旬至7月上旬和8月上旬至9月上旬。11月至翌年4月,因寄主休眠和低温导致虫口缓慢下降。雌成虫产卵量与寄主生长势好坏有关。控制紫薇毡蚧虫口最有效的天敌是红点唇瓢虫Chilocoruskuwanae Silverstri。药液涂干并辅之具内吸作用的杀虫药液灌根是目前较好的药剂防治方法。  相似文献   

研究棉花粉蚧雄成虫对不同虫态、不同日龄雌虫的性选择以及雌雄成虫日交配节律,为该虫性信息素的研究提供科学依据。采用四臂嗅觉仪测定了雄虫对不同虫态以及不同日龄雌虫(3龄若虫、1日龄至8日龄处女雌成虫、已交配雌成虫)的选择性,观察了雄虫与雌成虫日交配节律。结果表明,雄成虫对4日龄处女雌成虫的选择率显著高于其他虫态和日龄,一天内扶桑绵粉蚧交配高峰期出现在7∶00-9∶00。因此,推测4日龄处女雌成虫和上午7∶00-9∶00可能是释放性外激素的旺盛虫期和时间。  相似文献   

吴世君 《昆虫学报》1983,(4):428-430
在皖南山区调查竹类蚧虫,发现竹链蚧属一新种,现描述如下。模式标本保存于安徽省马鞍山市科委业务科。 竹秆红链蚧Bambusaspia rutilan新种 雌成虫 虫体近卵形,深红或紫红色;长约0.8毫米,宽0.45毫米。缘8字腺一列,后  相似文献   

热带拂粉蚧Ferrisia malvastra(McDaniel),是一种分布广泛的多食性害虫,可取食30科58种植物,分布29个国家和地区.2014年6月于云南省大理市一未知植物上发现该虫,这是该虫在我国的首次报道.本文重新描述了热带拂粉蚧雌成虫形态特征并附特征图,并介绍其寄主植物、地理分布、生物学及经济意义.  相似文献   

热带拂粉蚧Ferrisia malvastra(Mc Daniel),是一种分布广泛的多食性害虫,可取食30科58种植物,分布29个国家和地区。2014年6月于云南省大理市一未知植物上发现该虫,这是该虫在我国的首次报道。本文重新描述了热带拂粉蚧雌成虫形态特征并附特征图,并介绍其寄主植物、地理分布、生物学及经济意义。  相似文献   

菲律宾粉蚧Pseudococcus philippinicus Williams,2004为中国新纪录种。重描了雌成虫的形态特征,首次记述了各龄若虫的形态特征,绘制了各龄的形态特征图,拍摄了各虫龄的外形照片。最后,还编制了粉蚧属中国已知种类检索表。  相似文献   

记述采自我国山西历山蓝萼香茶菜Isodon glaucocalyx 根部的根毡蚧属1新种,香茶菜根毡蚧Rhizococcus isodoni sp.nov..模式标本保存在北京林业大学昆虫标本室.香茶菜根毡蚧,新种Rhizococcus isodoni sp.nov.(图1~3)雌成虫活体黄褐色,体被白色平滑卵囊.玻片上,雌成虫卵圆形,体长1.23~2.98 mm,宽0.70~2.03 mm.触角6或7节.肛环毛10根.尾瓣内缘光滑无齿,每侧背刺3根,外侧1根长58 ~ 78 μm,宽6~8μm;内侧2根,靠基部的长38~45μm,宽4~5μm;靠端部的长53~ 65 μm,宽3~5μm.尾片存在.喙3节,基、中、端节各有2、1、5对刚毛.足发达,胫节短于跗节,后足基节有大量透明孔.盘腺为五格腺或七格腺,主要分布于体腹面的中区、气门附近和腹部各节.十字孔腺分布于头和前中胸腹面的亚中区和亚缘区.腹杯状管有大小2种,其中小杯状只分布在腹部.背杯状管与腹面大杯状管同大,散布于全背,并在胸、腹部呈横带.微管腺散布于全背和腹面体缘及胸部亚缘区.腹刺圆锥状,在体缘成1纵列.背刺圆锥状,按大小分为3种:大刺长65~75 μm,宽10 ~ 15μm;小刺长25 ~48μm,宽5~9 μm;微刺长6 ~9 μm.其中大、小刺只分布在体缘,成1纵列,腹部Ⅰ~Ⅶ节每节每侧大刺2个,小刺0~2个;微刺散布于全背;腹部第Ⅷ节无肛前刺.新种区别于根毡蚧属其它种类的特征为:1)后足基节有大量透明孔;2)肛环毛10根;3)尾瓣外缘背刺细长.正模♀,山西沁水历山富裕河,海拔1 523m,2012-07-26,南楠采于蓝萼香茶菜根部.副模:6♀♀,同正模;5♀♀,山西沁水历山西峡沟,海拔1 548m,2012-07-23,南楠采于蓝萼香茶菜根部.词源:新种种名源自寄主植物Isodon glaucocalyx的属名.  相似文献   

Juvenile hormone (JH)-dependent vitellogenin (Vg) synthesis in the fat body of Locusta migratoria is normally limited to sexually mature adult females. As a step toward examining the basis of this limitation, we have tested female and male locusts in a series of stages after the third larval molt for inducibility of Vg synthesis by the synthetic JH analog, methoprene. We find that in the fourth and fifth larval instars fat body of both sexes can be induced to produce Vg, but in the adult stage females respond strongly while no more than trace amounts can be induced in males. Quantitative assays show relative responsiveness in the order: adult female > fifth instar female > fifth instar male ? adult male. During the fifth instar of both sexes, maximal vitellogenic response was obtained in midinstar. After the larval-adult ecdysis, female fat body was unresponsive during the first 4 days, then responsiveness increased and by Day 8 after ecdysis fat bodies were fully as competent to produce Vg as at Day 14, the usual maximum of the first vitellogenic cycle due to endogenous JH. Larval and adult female fat bodies implanted into male larvae are competent for Vg synthesis after metamorphosis, so that the differences between adult male and female cannot be imposed by the male milieu intérieur during the larval-adult molt. In male and female precocious adults, produced by treatment of fourth instars with precocene, fat body responded to methoprene as in normal adults. We conclude that factors intrinsic to the fat body cells, determined early in development, are responsible for differential gene programing in males and females, which is partially expressed by the fifth instar but fully manifest only after a molt in the absence of JH.  相似文献   

In monogamous species, an abiding relationship between a specific adult male and a specific adult female is a defining feature of the social system. The interactions between these individuals are influenced by many factors, including not only the history of their relationship (for example, development of a mutual bond), but also the immediate effects of the prevailing social context (for example, presence and sex of extra‐pair conspecifics). In this study we examined the effects of an existing bond and of social context on interactions between adult heterosexual pairs of the monogamous titi monkeys (Callicebus moloch). Twelve adult males and 12 adult females were tested with their cagemates and with an unfamiliar partner of the opposite sex in five social contexts: (1) mated male–female pair; (2) unfamiliar pair; (3) single female; (4) single male; and (5) empty stimulus cage. Results show that mated pairs were more affiliative than unfamiliar pairs and differentiated social contexts more sharply. Males were more responsive to context than females. Distance between mates was less and physical contact was more frequent in the presence of male–female pairs or a single male, than in the presence of a single female or an empty cage. These findings suggest that the presence and sex of strangers have a stronger influence on male–female interactions when the pair has an existing relationship.  相似文献   

Adult male and female coordinated singing occur in diverse animal taxa. Adult male–female social bond advertising and strengthening have been proposed as two important functional hypotheses of coordinated singing. Here we studied these two functions in four groups of cao vit gibbon (Nomascus nasutus), a small ape that lives in polygynous family groups and adult members coordinated their sex-specific songs to produce complex duets or trios (three members sing together), using 6-year field behavioral data. In this study, we used the number of successful great call sequences per bout or per minute, and latency period from start of the adult male call to the first successful great call sequence to represent singing intensity. We used the proportion of proximity, behavioral synchronization, and grooming between adult male and female to represent bond strength. We used linear mixed-effects model to investigate the correlation between singing intensity and adult male–female social bond strength. We found a negative correlation between all three bond strength indicators and female latency period (N = 209), and a positive correlation between the number of successful great call sequences per bout (N = 253) and per minute (N = 254) and proximity. We used paired Wilcoxon signed-rank test to investigate if adult gibbons increase bond strength after singing. We found proximity (hourly level: N = 45; daily level: N = 54), behavioral synchronization (hourly level: N = 57; daily level: N = 49), and grooming (daily level: N = 34) in most of the groups did not increase significantly after singing in an hourly or daily level. Together, these results indicate that cao vit gibbon coordinated singing serves primarily in adult male–female social bond advertising and distinct singing intensity indicators advertise different information on adult male–female social bond strength.  相似文献   

在实验室内对橘小实蝇Bactrocera dorsalis(Hendel)的交配行为进行了观察。描述了橘小实蝇交配中雄虫的“求偶场”,雄雄相遇、雌雌相遇、雌雄相遇时的相互反应,雌雄虫的交配行为与交配后行为。  相似文献   

年龄和性别因素对奇台沙蜥食性的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
刘洋  王舒娅  时磊 《动物学杂志》2011,46(6):111-117
采用胃容物分析法研究年龄和性别因素对奇台沙蜥(Phrynocephalus grumgrzimailoi)食性的影响.共解剖220号浸制标本,取出整胃分离胃容物,鉴别胃容物中的食物种类,统计各种食物组分的数量频率、重量比例、出现频率和相对重要性指数(index of relative importance,IRI).结...  相似文献   


Cyllobelus rufopictus? a salticid species from equatorial Africa, has a large and complex repertoire of displays. These spiders live on and near the ground in habitats of short grass, and build opaque silk nests on dead leaves. Each male uses one of three different mating tactics depending on the female’s maturity and location (communicatory versatility). Type 1 courtship, involving special movements and postures of the legs, palps, and body, occurs if the female is an adult away from the nest; apparently this type of courtship is vision-dependent. If the male encounters an adult female inside her nest, he uses Type 2 courtship, which consists of movements by the male that cause the silk to vibrate. If the female is a subadult inside her nest, the male initially uses Type 2 courtship, then builds a second chamber on the female’s nest, and cohabits until she moults and matures. Other displays occur during male-male and female-female interactions. Biting and pinching are distinctive Type 2 courtship displays that have not been described previously for salticids, and juddering is the most distinctive Type 1 display.  相似文献   

The influence of three host plants, namely cucumber, tomato and eggplant, on functional response of male, virgin and mated female predatory bug Nesidiocoris tenuis was investigated on different densities of Trialeurodes vaporariorum nymphs. The 24-h experiment conducted at laboratory conditions revealed that N. tenuis exhibited a type II functional response to T. vaporariorum on host plants. There were no significant differences between attack rates, as well as handling times estimated for each adult stage of the predator between host plants. However, on each host plant, the handling time estimated for the mated female in comparison with two other adult stages had lower values (0.7952, 0.6827 and 0.8884?h?1 on cucumber, tomato and eggplant, respectively). Handling time estimated for the mated female on cucumber was significantly lower than that estimated for the male predator. The highest maximum handling rate (T/Th) was estimated for the mated female followed by the virgin female and male on all host plants. For three adult stages of the predator, the highest value of this parameter was determined on tomato followed by cucumber and eggplant. Unlike virgin and mated females, the host plant significantly affected prey consumption by the male. Prey consumed by mated females was higher than those obtained for two other adult stages of the predator on each host plant. The difference in trichome density between three host plants may be responsible for the obtained results. These results revealed that N. tenuis is more effective in the biological control of T. vaporariorum on tomato in comparison with cucumber and eggplant.  相似文献   

A prolonged attack on a mother and 2-year-old infant that resulted in the death of the infant was observed in the Kanyawara study group in Kibale National Park. The mother was a border-area resident who was first observed associating with unit-group males six years previously. The attackers were an adult male and an adult female with a 6-week-old infant clinging ventrally to her. The attack was unusual in several respects: it is the first time a male and a female chimpanzee have been observed cooperating closely in an infanticidal attack; the adult female initially attempted to intervene in the victim's behalf, but later joined in the attack after receiving aggression from the male; and the episode was longer in duration than other reported cases. In the year following the incident, the mother did not increase her association with community males, but was seen with the male who killed her infant. The relevance of these observations to sexual selection-based explanations for infanticide in chimpanzees is discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract A new aclerdid genus, Lecanaclerda Hodgson & Millar, closely related to Aclerda but with fully developed legs and antennae, is introduced for a new new species, L. macropoda Hodgson & Millar, for which the male and female are described. In addition, genus Rhodesaclerda McConnell is revised and all known stages of existing species, R. combreticola McConnell and R. halli McConnell, are redescribed. The crawler, second-instar female, pupa and the adult male and female of a new species, R. insleyae Hodgson & Millar, from South Africa are also described. Another new genus, Kwazulaclerda Hodgson & Millar, close to Rhodesaclerda , is introduced and the crawler, second-instar female, second-instar male, pupa and adult male and female of the new species K. loranthi Hodgson & Millar from Kwazulu-Natal are described. A phylogenetic analysis based on adult macropterous male characters was undertaken to look at the relationships of these species with other Coccoidea. It is concluded that Lecanaclerda is closely related to Aclerda , Kwazulaclerda is closely related to Rhodesaclerda , Kwazulaclerda and Rhodesaclerda belong to Aclerdidae, and Aclerdidae should be split into two subfamilies, Rhodesaclerdinae Hodgson & Millar (to include Rhodesaclerda and Kwazulaclerda ) and Aclerdinae Cockerell (to include Aclerda , Lecanaclerda and Nipponaclerda ). These two subfamilies are diagnosed and a key is given for the separation of the genera now included in Aclerdidae. The relationships of Aclerdidae and Coccidae are discussed.  相似文献   

Male Pardosa milvina wolf spiders use their pedipalps both for copulation and courtship. Pedipalp loss is significantly more common among adult males compared to females. We measured the courtship and mating effects associated with the loss of one or both pedipalps among adult male P. milvina. Pedipalp loss significantly reduced courtship intensity, but had no influence on mounting success. Intact males were less likely to be cannibalized and suffered fewer predatory attacks by females than autotomized males. Loss of the left pedipalp resulted in significantly less intense courtship, higher female aggression levels, and delayed onset of courtship whereas loss of the right pedipalp minimally affected male and female behavior relative to intact males. Pedipalp displays may function in reducing female aggression rather than increasing female receptivity.  相似文献   

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