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小蜂螨研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
小蜂螨Tropilaelaps spp.是亚洲地区重要的蜜蜂害螨,是一类比大蜂螨Varroa destructor危害性更大的寄生虫,近几年关于小蜂螨的研究越来越多。本文就小蜂螨的分类与分布、生物学特性、流行特点与传播、诊断与防治等领域的最新研究作一综述,并对小蜂螨的研究趋势进行了讨论。  相似文献   

八角茴香精油防治蜂螨的蜂群效果研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究在蜂群中测定了八角茴香精油对西方蜜蜂大蜂螨和小蜂螨的杀螨效果。结果表明:应用八角茴香精油一个疗程后,大蜂螨的巢房寄生率由用药前的7.17%下降到1.93%,蜂体寄生率由用药前的4.13%下降到了1%,与氟氯苯氰菊酯组差异不显著;小蜂螨巢房寄生率由用药前的7.65%下降到3.4%,与升华硫组差异不显著;且八角茴香精油不会引起蜂群群势下降。可见,八角茴香精油在防治蜜蜂大、小蜂螨的应用上具有很大潜力。  相似文献   

桃小食心虫的研究现状   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
桃小食心虫主要分布于中国、日本、东南亚及俄罗斯远东地区,是果树的重要害虫。本文涉及了桃小食心虫的研究的最新进展、学名的变更历史及原因、成虫趋光性行为及人工合成饲料、分子生物学、生态学、防治技术及测报、滞育的研究等内容,为全面了解桃小食心虫的研究现状和寻求进一步研究的方向及探讨新的防治途径将会提供有力帮助。  相似文献   

香精油的抗蜂螨作用及其在蜂群中的应用   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
胡福良  朱威  李英华 《昆虫知识》2005,42(4):375-378
香精油及其组分具有显著的抗螨效果。研究者通过筛选试验测定了多种香精油及其组分的抗螨能力,多数在实验室中表现出良好的抗螨效果,但除了百里酚及其混合物外,很少在野外试验中表现出强抗螨能力。百里酚及其混合物的抑螨率超过了90%,对蜜蜂危害较小,长期使用后残留量很低。很有必要对香精油的抗蜂螨作用作进一步的研究,同时结合其它防治手段,建立一套全面的害虫防治策略,以控制蜂螨的危害。  相似文献   

1985-1994年的3-11月,在山西省代县对小PiTi的繁殖生物学进行了研究。该鸟在山西省为夏候鸟,每年最虫3月6日迁来,最晚11月24日迁离,居留期为255天左右。种群密度在繁殖前的4月为1.37,繁殖后的9月为1.95(只/ha)。产卵始期为5月27日,日产1枚,窝卵数5-8枚,产出第二枚卵时开始孵卵。观察到最早孵卵期为5月28日,孵卵期为20-22d。雏鸟出壳先后顺序与产卵先后顺序相一致  相似文献   

曾爱平  陈永年  曾颖 《昆虫知识》2012,49(2):529-532
白钩小卷蛾Epiblema foenella L.是药用植物青蒿(Artemisia apiacea Hance)的蛀干害虫,通过田间定点定时系统调查,得出该虫在长沙地区田间1年发生3代,以高龄幼虫在寄主残株及根部蛀洞内越冬,世代发育起点温度为12.122℃,有效积温为726.52日·度。描述了白钩小卷蛾各虫态及各龄幼虫的形态特征及生活习性,提出了有关预测技术及防治措施的建议。  相似文献   

赵静  王永杰  刘志琦 《昆虫知识》2013,50(4):1141-1148
溪蛉是脉翅目中比较稀少的一个类群,可以作为天敌资源和研究昆虫演化的"活化石"材料,但历史上溪蛉科在脉翅目中的系统地位一直是个颇具争议难以解决的问题。本文综述了溪蛉科国内外分类研究简史,探讨了溪蛉科的地理分布,以及溪蛉科生物学、化石等其他方面的研究进展。最后提出了溪蛉科分类研究中亟须解决的几个问题并呼吁应该加强对其应用价值的研究。  相似文献   

中国植绥螨资源及其生物学研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
唐斌  张帆  陶淑霞  熊继文 《昆虫知识》2004,41(6):527-531
植绥螨是许多害螨和小型有害昆虫的重要捕食性天敌 ,在农业生产中极具利用价值。我国植绥螨资源相当丰富 ,大量的资源调查工作是在 2 0世纪 70年代末开始的。到目前为止 ,我国已经从不同地区作物上鉴定出植绥螨 2 60余种 ,其中有利用价值的约 2 0种左右。在 2 5~ 3 0℃的适宜温度下 ,植绥螨从卵到羽化为成螨约需 6~ 7d ,而寿命能长达 3 0~ 5 0d。它们对大多数的害螨的功能反应基本成HollingⅡ型。多数成螨为喜湿类型 ,较高的湿度对于孵化和存活尤为重要。在夏季高温和冬季低温来临时进行越夏和越冬 ,以度过不良的环境。植绥螨行两性生殖 ,不交配或交配时间不够 ,不产卵或少产 ,有些种类需要多次交配才能完全产卵。  相似文献   

记述采自中国陕西省和贵州省的广翼甲螨亚属Flagellozetes(Cosmogalumna)1新种。该新种与分布在菲利宾的弗拉基米尔广翼甲螨Flagellozetes(Cosmogalumna)vladopesici ErmilovCorpuz-Raros,2015相似,但区别在于:翅形体上不具有多边形网状结构;前背板中部具有不规则的突节;后背板中央孔明显。首次记录瑕饰广翼甲螨Flagellozetes(Cosmogalumna)ornata Aoki,1988在中国的分布。  相似文献   

The production of Ribes (Rosaceae) in temperate regions in Europe, Asia and New Zealand is severely constrained by damages of Cecidophyopsis mites (Acari: Eriophyidae) and blackcurrant reversion virus (BRV) (Nepovirus, Secoviridae). The infestation of Ribes plants with Cecidophyopsis mites and BRV infection is a complex tripartite system. This paper reviews scientific progress and knowledge gaps on the Cecidophyopsis-BRV-Ribes complex emphasising Cecidophyopsis mites as a pest and natural vector of BRV, BRV as a pathogen, and Ribes as a host plant with horticultural significance. Cecidophyopsis species occurring on Ribes, their host range, geographic distribution and the role in BRV transmission is reviewed. Blackcurrant reversion disease symptoms and BRV hosts are analysed. Resistance of Ribes to Cecidophyopsis and BRV, and resistance breeding aspects are discussed. Discrepancies in research data, controversies and problems are highlighted, and further research is suggested to clarify some of the controversial aspects.  相似文献   

Temporal and spatial patterns of water mites in Lake Maarsseveen I   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The paper analyses the distribution and seasonal changes in numbers of the water mite fauna of Lake Maarsseveen I. Water mites were collected from 1977 until 1986 by dipnet, underwater light trap, hydraulic lift sampler and by frame net. Fifty-two species belonging to the Hydrachnellae and one to the Halacaridae were sampled. The faunal picture obtained is characteristic of mesotrophic to eutrophic lakes.Arrenurus nobilis. Piona paucipora andP. imminuta can be characterised as lake species. The dominant species in the littoral sand flat areHygrobates nigromaculatus andH. trigonicus, at a depth of 0.5–1 m, andMideopsis orbicularis at depths of 2–7 m.Limnesia maculata is also very common on depths between 2 and 7 m. In early summer, however, they prefer shallow water up to 1 m depth. Some species likeHygrobates nigromaculatus andH. trigonicus were not captured by the underwater light trap. The hydraulic lift sampler gave underestimations of the densisty of certain speciese.g. Hygrobates spp. andLimnesia maculata. Unionicola spp. even can avoid this sampler. Sampling by frame net gave the most realistic data. The highest number of water mites was observed in the littoral sand flat, generally up to 1000 ind. m−2. The genusHygrobates was represented with an average of 800 adult ind. m−2 throughout the year, and appeared to be the main invertebrate predator in this habitat.  相似文献   

An annotated checklist of 1016 species of fungi (Ascomycota and Basidiomycota), which have been recorded in 95 different localities, from 1990 to 2015, is presented for Umbria (Italy). The checklist was compiled from records of Umbrian fungi in scientific publications, unpublished lists and personal observations. This work represents the first comprehensive checklist of macrofungi for Umbria. Even if not complete, an exhaustive overview of the current knowledge of the mycobiota of Umbria is presented. Although a large amount of the regional territory has still to be explored for mycological diversity, this study offers an important support in compiling red-lists of endangered macrofungi, as well as to identify indicator species of particular habitats to be considered for wildlife reserves, as is currently done in many European countries.  相似文献   

云南医学革螨数值分类研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
罗礼溥  郭宪国 《昆虫学报》2007,50(2):172-177
以云南省57种医学革螨作为分类单元,以形态特征为主列出60项分类性状特征来探讨云南省医学革螨不同属和种的亲缘关系。运用SPSS 11.5 统计软件中的系统聚类分析和主成分分析,对57种医学革螨进行了数值分类分析。结果显示:57种医学革螨划分为厉螨科(La elapidae)、寄螨科(Parasitidae)、皮刺螨科(Dermanyssidae)、赫刺螨科(Hirstionyssidae)和裂胸螨科(Aceosejidae)5个类群。赫刺螨属和棘刺螨属从厉螨科中分离出来另立为赫刺螨科,柏氏禽刺螨归入了皮刺螨科而不是巨刺螨科。分类结果与传统形态分类结果基本一致,因而认为数值分类能比较客观地反映医学革螨各分类阶元的分类地位与亲缘关系。  相似文献   

刘井元  林文  陈辉 《蛛形学报》2011,20(2):115-118
自1989年以来,先后从湖北西部山地6个不同海拔、12个不同类型生境捕获的啮齿、食虫等小型哺乳动物体外采集到一大批革螨、恙螨和吸虱标本,经初步整理,鉴定有革螨l1科32属73种、恙螨有3亚科11属41种和亚种、吸虱3种,其中有中国新纪录1种,籁氏巨刺螨Macronyssus leucippe(Domrow)和湖北新纪录41种。  相似文献   

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