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田宏刚  张文庆 《昆虫知识》2012,49(2):309-316
在昆虫中,RNAi是一种对抗外源病毒的天然免疫方式,基于生物体中的这种内在机制而建立的RNAi技术已经被广泛用来研究多种昆虫基因的功能。近年的研究结果表明RNAi技术在抵御害虫和防治益虫疾病方面具有潜在的应用价值,有可能对农业有害生物的控制起到巨大的推动作用。本文综述了RNAi与昆虫免疫、及其在昆虫基因功能研究、害虫控制、益虫疾病控制和昆虫系统生物学方面的最新研究进展,并展望了RNAi在昆虫学研究中的发展趋势。  相似文献   

RNAi技术在中国昆虫学研究中的发展、应用与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
RNAi现象从其原理揭示至今已有20余年的历史,我国昆虫学家利用RNAi技术在褐飞虱Nilaparvata lugens、飞蝗Locusta migratoria、豌豆蚜Acyrthosiphon pisum、烟粉虱Bemisia tabaci、甜菜夜蛾Spodopteraexigua、棉铃虫Helicoverpaarmigera等多种昆虫中开展了广泛深入的研究工作,目前已发表的关于昆虫RNAi的论文数量位列世界第二位。我国科学家应用RNAi技术揭示了多个与昆虫重要生物学现象和行为相关的关键基因功能及其分子机制,发展了基于RNAi介导的转基因抗虫作物等多种害虫控制新方法,并探索了不同昆虫中RNAi作用的分子机制。这些研究表明RNAi技术对于中国昆虫学研究的发展起到了重要的推动作用。本文综述了RNAi技术在我国昆虫学研究领域近20年来的发展与应用,并对当前存在的问题及未来发展方向进行了展望,包括靶标基因筛选、RNAi效率评价标准、RNAi技术与传统害虫防治方法的联合应用模式以及昆虫RNAi作用机制等方面,以期更好地推动RNAi技术在我国昆虫学研究和害虫防治领域的发展。  相似文献   

RNA干扰(RNAi)是生物体内源基因发生转录后特异性降解的一种生理现象,作为抵抗病毒的免疫机制,广泛存在于生物体内。RNAi在秀丽隐杆线虫中的发生机制已明确,但昆虫的系统性RNAi不同于线虫,在昆虫中尚未发现线虫跨膜蛋白SID.2的同源蛋白,且果蝇中不存在依赖于RNA的RNA聚合酶(RdRP),但存在具有相似活性的物质。昆虫发生RNAi的效率不仅与靶标基因自身及双链RNA的选择有关,而且与虫体的发育状态及摄入双链RNA的剂量相关。随着RNAi在昆虫中作用特点的阐明,RNAi的应用价值也逐渐体现。近年来,通过RNAi沉默靶标基因,不但促进了昆虫基因功能研究的发展,而且被广泛用于重要农业害虫抗药性基因的研究。最新研究表明,RNAi结合第2代测序技术,针对非模式昆虫,能迅速找到具有致死效应的靶标序列,加快了利用RNAi技术生产生物农药的步伐。  相似文献   

高源  孙丽丽  曹传旺 《昆虫学报》2021,64(10):1218-1234
昆虫口腔分泌物(oral secretion, OS),又称返吐液,是昆虫唾液腺分泌的唾液和肠道分泌物的混合液。昆虫取食寄主植物过程中,OS随之分泌至植物中,并影响植物的防御反应。RNA干扰(RNAinterference, RNAi)是研究昆虫基因功能有价值的反向遗传学工具,也是目前最有可能应用于害虫防治的新技术。本文主要综述了昆虫OS对寄主植物防御的影响、昆虫OS效应子的鉴定和OS效应子基于RNAi技术在害虫防治中可行性及应用前景。昆虫OS对寄主植物防御的影响主要表现为干扰植物的茉莉酸信号通路、筛管阻塞、Ca2+通路等防御反应,进而促进昆虫摄取食物。目前,昆虫OS效应子主要鉴定手段是通过昆虫唾液腺转录组分析和OS蛋白组分析;而已鉴定的OS效应子主要来源于刺吸式口器昆虫,在咀嚼式口器昆虫中的报道甚少;功能研究发现昆虫OS效应子在寄主植物中的表达会影响昆虫存活率、繁殖力和取食能力及昆虫和植物的其他重要生理指标,并通过鉴定OS效应子与植物防御机制的相互作用关系,进而证明OS效应子在昆虫与寄主植物关系中的重要性。基于RNAi技术,通过注射、饲喂和植物介导RNAi等方法在多种昆虫中产生了OS效应子基因下调和生长发育受影响的现象,由此说明OS效应子基因已具备作为RNAi靶标的条件。虽然目前研究尚处于实验室阶段,但已证明其应用于害虫防治方面具有一定的可行性。昆虫口腔分泌物是研究昆虫与寄主植物相互作用机制的新方向。最后,对OS未来潜在的研究方向进行了展望,以期对我国害虫防治的研究提供理论指导。  相似文献   

昆虫先天免疫(innate immunity)包括细胞免疫(cellular immunity)和体液免疫(humoral immunity)。近年来研究表明,作为昆虫生长发育调节的关键激素之一,20-羟基蜕皮酮(20-hydroxyecdysone, 20E)参与调节了昆虫的先天免疫。本文在介绍昆虫免疫机制的基础上,重点阐述20E调控昆虫先天免疫及微生物影响20E滴度的分子调控机制。20E可以激活细胞免疫和体液免疫来对抗外源入侵微生物,而外源微生物的刺激也会通过3-脱氢蜕皮激素-3β-还原酶(3-dehydroecdysteroid-3β-reductase, 3DE-3β-reductase)促进20E滴度升高。20E对昆虫免疫系统有显著影响,其滴度升高可以激活细胞免疫,包括吞噬(phagocytosis)、包被(encapsulation)和结节(nodulation);而对体液免疫的影响则比较复杂,除可以加速黑化作用(menalization)外,对抗菌肽的表达究竟是促进还是抑制尚不明确。研究人员鉴定发现了一些20E调控体液免疫的关键基因,这些基因的作用途径总结起来可以分为3类:(1)依赖于Toll和IMD等先天免疫通路;(2)依赖于胰岛素(insulin)信号途径;(3)依赖于20E信号通路因子BR-C等的直接调控。但这些通路因子究竟是如何互作以及其分子调控机制等都尚不清楚,值得进一步深入探讨。  相似文献   

RNAi在基因缺陷模型方面的应用   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
谭余良  殷勤伟 《遗传学报》2005,32(4):434-441
RNA干扰(RNA interference,RNAi)是指双链RNA(double-stranded RNA,dsRNA)分子导入细胞内后,促进与之同源的mRNA发生特异性的降解,从而高效并特异地阻断或抑制相应基因表达活性的现象。RNAi技术现已成为调控基因的表达,阐明细胞的信号通路和研究功能基因组学的有力工具,并迅速在临床医学上展现出基因药物的诱人前景。目前,人们已开始对RNAi技术在人类疾病预防和治疗中的应用进行研究.这些研究涉及到病毒感染、癌症、代谢性疾患以及遗传病等各个方面。通过综述siRNA分子的作用机制、载体构建以及其在基因缺陷模型的建立等方面的应用,从而展示出RNAi在相关疾病的分子机制研究和基因治疗方面的诱人前景。  相似文献   

昆虫的RNA干扰   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杨广  尤民生  赵伊英  刘春辉 《昆虫学报》2009,52(10):1156-1162
RNA干扰(RNAi)是一种强有力的分子生物学技术, 在昆虫研究中得到了较多的应用。目前, RNAi技术主要应用于昆虫功能基因和功能基因组研究, 已在多个目的19种昆虫上实现了RNAi。在昆虫上实现RNAi的方法主要有注射、浸泡、喂食、转基因和病毒介导等方法, 这些方法各有特点, 其中喂食法因其简单而最有应用前景。昆虫RNAi的系统性较为复杂, 只有部分昆虫具有RNAi的系统性。昆虫中RNAi信号传导的基因可能是sid-1, 但昆虫RNAi的系统性机理还不是很清楚。转基因植物产生的dsRNA实现了对作物的保护, 证实了RNAi技术可用于害虫控制, 为害虫控制开辟了新领域。昆虫的RNAi研究处在起步阶段, 研究昆虫RNAi的机理, 特别是RNAi在昆虫体内的系统性扩散机理, 改进实现RNAi的方法, 提高RNAi技术在昆虫研究中的应用, 有利于昆虫基因功能鉴定和害虫控制, 促进昆虫学科的发展。  相似文献   

植食性昆虫与寄主植物在长期协同进化的历程中,两者逐渐演化出丰富多样的防御与反防御机制,其中在植食性昆虫适应植物防御的过程中,唾液腺分泌物起到关键性的作用。本研究从宏观与微观两个层面,揭示植食性昆虫如何利用唾液腺以适应寄主植物防御的作用机理。回顾了昆虫唾液腺分泌物通过干预植物气孔的动态变化、适应植物细胞壁、降解植物防御性化合物等方式调控寄主植物防御的研究进展,探讨了昆虫唾液效应因子以干扰植物早期免疫信号通路、调节植物激素信号通路、与植物免疫蛋白互作等形式应对植物防御反应的内在分子机制。同时,本文依据CRISPR/Cas9、植物介导的RNAi、纳米材料介导的RNAi等新技术的发展,对基于昆虫效应因子开发的虫害防控技术的发展空间进行分析,以期为作物抗性的提高以及害虫综合治理能力的提升提供理论依据与实践指导。  相似文献   

RNA干扰(RNAi)是生物体内源基因发生转录后特异性降解的一种生理现象,广泛存在于生物体内。RNAi主要由小干扰RNA诱发阻碍目的基因的翻译或转录,造成目标信使RNA沉默。RNAi具有高效、特异性强等优点,被广泛应用于昆虫基因功能研究,并显示出了开发新型病虫害管理策略的巨大潜力。主要阐述了RNAi的沉默机制,双链RNA转入昆虫体内的几种方式,以及RNAi技术在不同目昆虫中研究的最新进展。最后,对RNAi技术存在的不足之处进行了简单总结,还对RNAi技术在害虫防治中的应用进行了展望,以期为该技术广泛应用于农业害虫防治提供理论支持。  相似文献   

Delivery of dsRNA for RNAi in insects: an overview and future directions   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Abstract RNA interference (RNAi) refers to the process of exogenous double‐stranded RNA (dsRNA) silencing the complementary endogenous messenger RNA. RNAi has been widely used in entomological research for functional genomics in a variety of insects and its potential for RNAi‐based pest control has been increasingly emphasized mainly because of its high specificity. This review focuses on the approaches of introducing dsRNA into insect cells or insect bodies to induce effective RNAi. The three most common delivery methods, namely, microinjection, ingestion, and soaking, are illustrated in details and their advantages and limitations are summarized for purpose of feasible RNAi research. In this review, we also briefly introduce the two possible dsRNA uptake machineries, other dsRNA delivery methods and the history of RNAi in entomology. Factors that influence the specificity and efficiency of RNAi such as transfection reagents, selection of dsRNA region, length, and stability of dsRNA in RNAi research are discussed for further studies.  相似文献   

RNA interference already proved its usefulness in functional genomic research on insects, but it also has considerable potential for the control of pest insects. For this purpose, the insect should be able to autonomously take up the dsRNA, for example through feeding and digestion in its midgut. In this review we bring together current knowledge on the uptake mechanisms of dsRNA in insects and the potential of RNAi to affect pest insects. At least two pathways for dsRNA uptake in insects are described: the transmembrane channel-mediated uptake mechanism based on Caenorhabditis elegans’ SID-1 protein and an ‘alternative’ endocytosis-mediated uptake mechanism. In the second part of the review dsRNA feeding experiments on insects are brought together for the first time, highlighting the achievement of implementing RNAi in insect control with the first successful experiments in transgenic plants and the diversity of successfully tested insect orders/species and target genes. We conclude with points of discussion and concerns regarding further research on dsRNA uptake mechanisms and the promising application possibilities for RNAi in insect control.  相似文献   

RNAi在害虫防治中应用的重要进展及存在问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
RNAi是目前最有可能应用于害虫绿色防控的新技术。2017年6月,美国环境署(EPA)批准了国际上第一例表达昆虫双链RNA(dsRNA)的抗虫转基因玉米MON87411,掀起了利用RNAi技术进行害虫防治研究新的热潮。但是,目前RNAi在害虫防治中的应用还存在一些问题,例如有效靶标基因筛选和应用策略,鳞翅目昆虫对RNAi的敏感性以及双链RNA在环境中的稳定性等等。本文系统总结了RNA干扰现象发现20年来,该技术在害虫防治领域的研究及应用概况,并对RNAi技术应用的可行性、应用方法、存在问题和目前的一些解决办法进行了比较详细的综述。通过对近期研究结果的综合分析发现,dsRNA进入某些鳞翅目昆虫中肠或血淋巴后,被相关核酸酶降解可能是其RNAi效率较低的首要原因。通过对dsRNA进行脂质体修饰,纳米粒子包埋可以在一定程度上解决dsRNA降解的问题,进而提高RNAi效率。  相似文献   

Abstract Numerous studies indicate that target gene silencing by RNA interference (RNAi) could lead to insect death. This phenomenon has been considered as a potential strategy for insect pest control, and it is termed RNAi‐mediated crop protection. However, there are many limitations using RNAi‐based technology for pest control, with the effectiveness target gene selection and reliable double‐strand RNA (dsRNA) delivery being two of the major challenges. With respect to target gene selection, at present, the use of homologous genes and genome‐scale high‐throughput screening are the main strategies adopted by researchers. Once the target gene is identified, dsRNA can be delivered by micro‐injection or by feeding as a dietary component. However, micro‐injection, which is the most common method, can only be used in laboratory experiments. Expression of dsRNAs directed against insect genes in transgenic plants and spraying dsRNA reagents have been shown to induce RNAi effects on target insects. Hence, RNAi‐mediated crop protection has been considered as a potential new‐generation technology for pest control, or as a complementary method of existing pest control strategies; however, further development to improve the efficacy of protection and range of species affected is necessary. In this review, we have summarized current research on RNAi‐based technology for pest insect management. Current progress has proven that RNAi technology has the potential to be a tool for designing a new generation of insect control measures. To accelerate its practical application in crop protection, further study on dsRNA uptake mechanisms based on the knowledge of insect physiology and biochemistry is needed.  相似文献   

RNAi-mediated crop protection against insects   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:9  
Downregulation of the expression of specific genes through RNA interference (RNAi), has been widely used for genetic research in insects. The method has relied on the injection of double-stranded RNA (dsRNA), which is not possible for practical applications in crop protection. By contrast, specific suppression of gene expression in nematodes is possible through feeding with dsRNA. This approach was thought to be unfeasible in insects, but recent results have shown that dsRNA fed as a diet component can be effective in downregulating targeted genes. More significantly, expression of dsRNA directed against suitable insect target genes in transgenic plants has been shown to give protection against pests, opening the way for a new generation of insect-resistant crops.  相似文献   

The RNA interference (RNAi) technology has been widely used in insect functional genomics research and provides an alternative approach for insect pest management. To understand whether the emerald ash borer (Agrilus planipennis), an invasive and destructive coleopteran insect pest of ash tree (Fraxinus spp.), possesses a strong RNAi machinery that is capable of degrading target mRNA as a response to exogenous double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) induction, we identified three RNAi pathway core component genes, Dicer-2, Argonaute-2 and R2D2, from the A. planipennis genome sequence. Characterization of these core components revealed that they contain conserved domains essential for the proteins to function in the RNAi pathway. Phylogenetic analyses showed that they are closely related to homologs derived from other coleopteran species. We also delivered the dsRNA fragment of AplaScrB-2, a β-fructofuranosidase-encoding gene horizontally acquired by A. planipennis as we reported previously, into A. planipennis adults through microinjection. Quantitative real-time PCR analysis on the dsRNA-treated beetles demonstrated a significantly decreased gene expression level of AplaScrB-2 appearing on day 2 and lasting until at least day 6. This study is the first record of RNAi applied in A. planipennis.  相似文献   

Larval RNAi in Drosophila?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
RNA interference (RNAi) has become a common method of gene knockdown in many model systems. To trigger an RNAi response, double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) must enter the cell. In some organisms such as Caenorhabditis elegans, cells can take up dsRNA from the extracellular environment via a cellular uptake mechanism termed systemic RNAi. However, in the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster, it is widely believed that cells are unable to take up dsRNA, although there is little published data to support this claim. In this study, we set out to determine whether this perception has a factual basis. We took advantage of traditional Gal4/upstream activation sequence (UAS) transgenic flies as well as the mosaic analysis with a repressible cell marker (MARCM) system to show that extracellular injection of dsRNA into Drosophila larvae cannot trigger RNAi in most Drosophila tissues (with the exception of hemocytes). Our results show that this is not due to a lack of RNAi machinery in these tissues as overexpression of dsRNA inside the cells using hairpin RNAs efficiently induces an RNAi response in the same tissues. These results suggest that, while most Drosophila tissues indeed lack the ability to uptake dsRNA from the surrounding environment, hemocytes can initiate RNAi in response to extracellular dsRNA. We also examined another insect, the red flour beetle Tribolium castaneum, which has been shown to exhibit a robust systemic RNAi response. We show that virtually all Tribolium tissues can respond to extracellular dsRNA, which is strikingly different from the situation in Drosophila. Our data provide specific information about the tissues amenable to RNAi in two different insects, which may help us understand the molecular basis of systemic RNAi.  相似文献   

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