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四线奇尺蛾天津亚种是近几年新发现的危害柠条的重要害虫,研究四线奇尺蛾种群的空间格局和抽样技术,可为该害虫的危害调查与防治提供理论依据。本文应用6个聚集指标和Taylor幂法则及Iwao的m~*-m回归分析法,对四线奇尺蛾天津亚种幼虫的空间分布型和抽样技术进行了研究,并做了影响因素分析。结果表明:四线奇尺蛾天津亚种幼虫在6个样地均呈聚集分布,分布的基本成分是个体群,通过分布型参数,采用Iwao法计算出了在不同精度下幼虫抽样数公式和序贯抽样模型,该模型可为四线奇尺蛾天津亚种的预测预报及防治提供理论依据。  相似文献   

桃蛀螟幼虫在板栗上的空间分布型研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过对不同板栗园桃蛀螟Dichocrocis punctiferalis Guenee幼虫的调查,用昆虫分布型的4种常用理论公式分别进行配合适度的Х^2检验,再用6种空间分布型聚集度指标、Taylor幂法则及Iwao回归法对桃蛀螟幼虫的空间分布型进行测定。结果表明:桃蛀螟幼虫种群在板栗园中全部呈聚集分布,而且均符合负二项分布,其聚集原因是由该虫习性与环境因素共同造成的。此外,还利用了分布型参数确定了桃蛀螟幼虫的理论抽样数。  相似文献   

利用桑瘿蚊的空间分布参数m^#.k.α.β.b值.确定桑瘿蚊幼虫属聚集分布,其原因主要是由于本身的聚集习性引起的,同时根据Iwao模型进行了资料代换。采用Iwao法.Taylor幂法则及Southwood。公共值Kc的理论抽样模式得出在不同密度(x)和不同精度(D)要求下的理论抽样数。应用Kuno模型探讨了序贯抽样方法。  相似文献   

草地贪夜蛾Spodoptera frugiperda(Smith)是2019年1月新入侵我国的重要害虫,研究并明确空间格局对确定该虫田间抽样技术、调查虫情具有指导意义。本研究调查获得了玉米苗期喇叭口初期、大喇叭口期草地贪夜蛾幼虫空间分布数据,应用多个聚集指标、Iwao m~*-m模型、Taylor幂法则等方法分析明确了该虫幼虫空间格局,发现苗期整体上幼虫个体群为聚集分布,喇叭口初期为聚集分布而大喇叭口期为均匀分布;苗期整体上及大喇叭口期幼虫聚集度对密度不具依赖性,而喇叭口初期幼虫聚集度对密度具依赖性;同一幼虫密度和误差条件下不同苗期抽样数量显著不同,玉米生育期越早则抽样数量越大。  相似文献   

苜蓿籽蜂幼虫空间分布型及抽样技术的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用多个聚集度指标和Iwao、Taylor回归分析方法,对苜蓿籽蜂Bruchophagus roddi幼虫的空间分布型进行研究。结果表明其空间分布型为负二项分布,个体间相互排斥,其基本成分的空间分布格局为聚集分布,其聚集是由昆虫行为或环境条件引起的,聚集强度随着种群密度的升高而增加。应用 Iwao抽样模型建立了籽蜂幼虫的田间理论抽样数公式:N=(0.5833/m+2.3370)/D∧2。   相似文献   

稻秆蝇在晚稻田为害呈聚集分布。应用Iwao的X-X回归法、Taylor幂指法、Southwood公共Kc值法求得三个理论抽样数模型,并由Iwao的X-X回归法导出最适抽样单位。当采用Iwao及Willsoo等(1983)提出的序贯抽样法时.得到两个序贯抽样模型。结合Iwao的X-X回归法。Taylor幂指法、Southwood公共Kc值法等三模型,Iwao和Willson的二模型.获得了该虫的复合理论抽样法和复合序贯抽样法。  相似文献   

直纹稻苞虫幼虫空间分布型及抽样技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
雷铁拴  韩怀琦 《昆虫知识》1990,27(4):197-200
1986~1988年逐丛调查12块稻田,采用频次分布χ~2检验、Iwao平均拥挤度M~*=α+βm和Taylor幂法则S~2=am~b等8种方法,分析研究直纹稻苞虫幼虫空间分布型,得出其分布型极符合Neyman分布,且聚集原因是由于环境作用引起的。并确定了代表性较强的棋盘式200丛抽样技术,指出五点式抽样误差甚大,不宜采用的结论。  相似文献   

柳厚壁叶蜂幼虫空间格局及抽样技术   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
应用Taylor的幂法则、Iwao m*-m回归分析法及6个聚集指标,对柳厚壁叶蜂幼虫空间分布型进行了研究,并进行了影响因素分析.结果表明,该幼虫在柳树的枝条和叶片两个空间阶元都属于聚集分布,分布的基本成分是个体群,其聚集性随密度的增大而增加.在枝条上,聚集的原因是由柳厚壁叶蜂成虫集中产卵的习性与枝条上叶片空间位点共同影响所致;在叶片上,当m<2.37时,其聚集原因与春季柳树新叶空间位置有关,当m>2.37时,虫瘿聚集除与春季新叶空间位置有关外,还与柳厚壁叶蜂成虫羽化和在叶片上集中产卵的习性有关.运用Iwao m*-m回归中的两个参数α和β值,确定了在不同精度下的理论抽样数及序贯抽样数.  相似文献   

杨树上云斑天牛种群的空间格局及抽样技术   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
云斑天牛Batocera horsfieldi是我国南方杨树的重要蛀干害虫, 研究云斑天牛种群的空间格局和抽样技术, 可为该虫的危害调查与防治提供理论依据。应用Taylor的幂法则、Iwao m*-m回归分析法及6个聚集指标, 对云斑天牛种群的卵、幼虫、蛹或成虫的空间分布型和抽样技术进行了研究, 并做了影响因素分析。结果表明: 云斑天牛的卵、幼虫、蛹或成虫在杨树上均呈聚集分布, 分布的基本成分是个体群, 其聚集性随密度的增加而增大。运用Iwao m*-m回归中的两个参数α和β值, 计算出了在不同精度下以刻槽、排粪孔和羽化孔为防治指标时的理论抽样数据表及序贯抽样数据表,生产中可查阅使用。  相似文献   

马铃薯甲虫空间分布型及抽样技术研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
马铃薯甲虫Leptinotarsa decemlineata(Say)是我国马铃薯恶性入侵害虫.本研究利用聚集度指标检验、Taylor幂法则和Iwao回归法对马铃薯甲虫成虫、幼虫和卵在田间的空间分布型进行了研究.聚集度指标检测各虫态均为聚集分布,且种群聚集主要是由马铃薯甲虫各虫态本身的聚集行为,或由其本身的聚集行为与环...  相似文献   

Observational sampling methods provide clearly-defined guidelines for collection and analysis of behavioral data. In some situations, use of formal sampling regimes may be impractical or impossible. A case in point is data collection conducted by animal care staff at zoological parks and aquaria. Often, time is sufficiently limited that data collection is perceived as a task that cannot be accomplished given the normal constraints of the day. Here, we explore the efficacy and validity of using more variable and abridged sampling regimes in an effort to identify the appropriateness of such observation schemes for systematic monitoring of behavior. We describe the results of studies on three species (two polar bears, an Atlantic bottlenose dolphin calf, and two brown bears), conducted over a period of several years at the Brookfield Zoo, Brookfield, Illinois, USA. Data collection schemes varied both within and across groups in order to provide a basis of comparison. In all cases, there were significant differences based on sampling regime for rare behaviors (those that individually comprised <15% of the activity budget), but not for common behaviors. Subsampling from larger data sets indicated that data reliability increases with increasing observation number. We discuss the strengths and weaknesses of such sporadic sampling methods, and suggest that, in many instances such limited data collection may yet yield an accurate picture of animal activity and should not be overlooked as a viable management tool.  相似文献   

Simultaneous and sequential tests of pump sampling equipment showed that sampling mortality of Lake Michigan zooplankton collected from the cooling water intake of a nuclear power plant was dependent on the sampling method used. Two sampling devices and two pump types were tested to determine which combination resulted in the lowest sampling mortality. An in-line filter trap located on the suction side of the pump provided the lowest sampling mortality. Higher sampling rates were achieved with a centrifugal pump without increasing sampling mortality.  相似文献   

Magic bullets and golden rules: data sampling in molecular phylogenetics   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Data collection for molecular phylogenetic studies is based on samples of both genes and taxa. In an ideal world, with no limitations to resources, as many genes could be sampled as deemed necessary to address phylogenetic problems. Given limited resources in the real world, inadequate (in terms of choice of genes or number of genes) sequences or restricted taxon sampling can adversely affect the reliability or information gained in phylogenetics. Recent empirical and simulation-based studies of data sampling in molecular phylogenetics have reached differing conclusions on how to deal with these problems. Some advocated sampling more genes, others more taxa. There is certainly no ‘magic bullet’ that will fit all phylogenetic problems, and no specific ‘golden rules’ have been deduced, other than that single genes may not always contain sufficient phylogenetic information. However, several general conclusions and suggestions can be made. One suggestion is that the determination of a multiple, but moderate number (e.g., 6–10) of gene sequences might take precedence over sequencing a larger set of genes and thereby permit the sampling of more taxa for a phylogenetic study.  相似文献   

Fewster RM 《Biometrics》2011,67(4):1518-1531
Summary In spatial surveys for estimating the density of objects in a survey region, systematic designs will generally yield lower variance than random designs. However, estimating the systematic variance is well known to be a difficult problem. Existing methods tend to overestimate the variance, so although the variance is genuinely reduced, it is over‐reported, and the gain from the more efficient design is lost. The current approaches to estimating a systematic variance for spatial surveys are to approximate the systematic design by a random design, or approximate it by a stratified design. Previous work has shown that approximation by a random design can perform very poorly, while approximation by a stratified design is an improvement but can still be severely biased in some situations. We develop a new estimator based on modeling the encounter process over space. The new “striplet” estimator has negligible bias and excellent precision in a wide range of simulation scenarios, including strip‐sampling, distance‐sampling, and quadrat‐sampling surveys, and including populations that are highly trended or have strong aggregation of objects. We apply the new estimator to survey data for the spotted hyena (Crocuta crocuta) in the Serengeti National Park, Tanzania, and find that the reported coefficient of variation for estimated density is 20% using approximation by a random design, 17% using approximation by a stratified design, and 11% using the new striplet estimator. This large reduction in reported variance is verified by simulation.  相似文献   

不同采样设计评估鱼类群落效果比较   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
赵静  章守宇  林军  周曦杰 《生态学杂志》2014,25(4):1181-1187
鱼类群落生态学研究结果的准确性很大程度上依赖于采样设计的合理性和准确性,正确的采样调查设计不仅可以降低调查成本,其结果也对渔业资源的评估或者管理起到相当重要的作用.本文利用计算机模拟定点采样、简单随机采样和分层采样,比较了3种采样设计的采样效果、相对误差及相对偏差.结果表明: 定点采样设计的采样效果 (采样效果平均值为3.37)要弱于简单随机采样和分层随机采样 (采样效果平均值为0.961).3种采样设计中,分层采样设计在鱼类群落丰富度评估时表现最好,其采样效果、相对误差和相对偏差表现最佳.随着采样数的增加,分层采样设计的采样效果有所下降,但其采样精度提高.  相似文献   

A dispersal-limited sampling theory for species and alleles   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
Etienne RS  Alonso D 《Ecology letters》2005,8(11):1147-1156
The importance of dispersal for biodiversity has long been recognized. However, it was never advertised as vigorously as Stephen Hubbell did in the context of his neutral community theory. After his book appeared in 2001, several scientists have sought and found analytical expressions for the effect of dispersal limitation on community composition, still in the neutral context. This has been done along two relatively independent lines of research that have a different mathematical approach and focus on different, yet related, types of results. Here, we study both types in a new framework that makes use of the sampling nature of the theory. We present sampling distributions that contain binomial or hypergeometric sampling on the one hand, and dispersal limitation on the other, and thus views dispersal limitation as ubiquitous as sampling effects. Further, we express the results of one line of research in terms of the other and vice versa, using the concept of subsamples. A consequence of our findings is that metacommunity size does not independently affect the outcome of neutral models in contrast to a previous assertion (Ecol. Lett., 7, 2004, p. 904) based on an incorrect formula (Phys. Rev. E, 68, 2003, p. 061902, eqns 11-14). Our framework provides the basis for development of a dispersal-limited non-neutral community theory and applies in population genetics as well, where alleles and mutation play the roles of species and speciation respectively.  相似文献   

本文在测定油松毛虫幼虫静态格局和动态格局的条件下,全面而系统地进行了株抽样、轮抽样和“枝”抽样的研究。根据幼虫在各轮垂直分布的特征和喜食二年生针叶的特性,建立回归模型,从轮抽样发展到“枝”抽样,通过检验,预报精度在91—98%之间。轮抽样比株抽样平均提高效率6倍,“枝”抽样比轮抽样又平均提高1.5倍。如费用以每株0.20元计,轮抽样比株抽样每株平均减少0.16元,“枝”抽样每株又减少0.032元。  相似文献   

Barabesi L  Pisani C 《Biometrics》2002,58(3):586-592
In practical ecological sampling studies, a certain design (such as plot sampling or line-intercept sampling) is usually replicated more than once. For each replication, the Horvitz-Thompson estimation of the objective parameter is considered. Finally, an overall estimator is achieved by averaging the single Horvitz-Thompson estimators. Because the design replications are drawn independently and under the same conditions, the overall estimator is simply the sample mean of the Horvitz-Thompson estimators under simple random sampling. This procedure may be wisely improved by using ranked set sampling. Hence, we propose the replicated protocol under ranked set sampling, which gives rise to a more accurate estimation than the replicated protocol under simple random sampling.  相似文献   

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