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人工湿地是20世纪70年代末得到迅速发展的一种污水处理技术工程,具有投资低、运行费用低、维护技术水平低和能耗低等优点。目前已被用于处理各种类型的废水。它是由基质、植物和微生物构成的复合系统,其中,微生物在人工湿地系统净化污水过程中发挥着重要作用。从人工湿地微生物群落多样性和功能性两方面对人工湿地系统中微生物的研究进展进行了概述,进而对人工湿地微生物研究的前景进行了展望,旨在为该领域的相关研究提供资料和借鉴。  相似文献   

人工湿地污水处理系统研究及性能改进分析   总被引:109,自引:3,他引:106  
人工湿地污水处理系统是有效的污水处理与水资源再用相结合的方法,与传统的污水处理法相比具有基建、运行费用低,操作与维护简单等优点。该系统已被广泛应用于生活污水的处理,并通过工艺创新有向工业污水、农业废水等特殊污水处理方向发展的趋势。本文总结了人工湿地系统的研究现状,预测其研究与应用发展的趋势,探讨不同类型的污水在人工湿地系统中的净化过程,分析影响人工湿地污水处理性能的因素及技术性能改进的一些措施,并探讨人工湿地污水处理系统的应用前景。  相似文献   

植物在水产养殖废水处理中的研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
植物在生长繁殖过程中能吸收利用、富集、吸附和固定水产养殖水体中的有机物、无机物和重金属,降低养殖水体中的TP、TN、TSS、COD和BOD。同时,植物在水体中可通过其发达的通气组织和根系传输氧气,为微生物和其他生物的代谢活动提供适宜的条件。选择合适的植物构建人工湿地,通过人工湿地中植物、微生物和基质的物理作用、化学作用和生物作用处理水产养殖废水,可建立循环的水产养殖模式。将植物应用于水产养殖废水的处理,是实现可持续发展的生态型水产养殖的基础。本文综述了近年来藻类和高等植物在水产养殖废水处理中的研究进展。  相似文献   

人工湿地及其在我国小城市污水处理中的应用   总被引:84,自引:5,他引:79  
小城市污水处理是我国面临的急待解决的环境问题,通过分析我国小城市污水的水质特点和处理技术要求,得出人工湿地处理技术具有投资低、出水水质好、耗能低、抗冲击力强、操作简单和运行费用低等优点,在解决我国小城市污水处理方面具有广阔的应用前景,应加强该方面的研究。  相似文献   

人工湿地系统是模拟自然湿地,通过植物、土壤、微生物的相互作用去除污染物,从而实现净化污水、美化环境的功能,是一种经济环保且高效的污水处理技术。微生物作为人工湿地生态系统的重要组成部分,承担着对污水、废水中污染物的吸收和分解。本文从微生物种群分布特征和影响微生物生态分布及去污能力的三个因素,温度和营养物质、基质方面,总结归纳了人工湿地微生物去除污染物的研究进展。  相似文献   

人工湿地处理造纸废水后细菌群落结构变化   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
郭建国  赵龙浩  徐丹  孙野青 《生态学报》2014,34(8):2095-2101
人工湿地通过模拟自然湿地的生态系统,能够实现污染物的去除,是一种高效经济的污水处理手段,但是对人工湿地处理后污水中细菌群落的研究较少。采集了造纸厂排污口和人工湿地出水口的水样,检测了溶解氧、pH值和盐度等水质指标,对主要污染物的含量进行了测定和分析,并利用DGGE技术对细菌群落的变化进行了研究。结果表明:(1)造纸污水经人工湿地处理后水质有明显提高;(2)人工湿地处理后细菌群落结构发生变化,优势菌由γ变形菌和衣原体变为α变形菌,而且微生物多样性指数Shannon-Wiener's降低;(3)人工湿地处理前污水中存在着大量致病微生物和降解微生物,处理后以环境友好的固氮菌和少量致病菌为主。研究结果揭示了人工湿地不仅可以去除造纸废水中的污染物,改善水质而且可以大大减少向环境中排放的致病微生物,防止由致病微生物引起的生态灾难的发生,为将来人工湿地应用于工业污水处理和微生物生态安全评估提供有效可靠的依据。  相似文献   

人工湿地研究进展及应用   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
王平  周少奇 《生态科学》2005,24(3):278-281
基于生态学原理的人工湿地污水处理胛技术已成为人们竞相研究开发的热点。介绍了人工湿地的分类,论述了污染物包括有机物、氮磷污染物、重金属的去除机理的研究进展,分析了湿地植物种类与根系量对污染物去除效果的影响,讨论了湿地结构以及工艺设计的研究情况。最后以人工湿地处理生活用水和工业用水为例综述了人工湿地目前在国内应用的状况。通过以上分析评述发现,人工湿地运行费用低,操作简单,是一种具有前景的污水处理技术,但在污染物去除机理和实践应用方面还需做更深入的研究。  相似文献   

人工湿地与环境卫生安全   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
徐敏  宋志文  杨光  昌晶  吴蕾  闫逊 《生态学杂志》2007,26(11):1873-1877
人工湿地是国内外应用较为广泛的一种污水处理技术。近年来,人工湿地的环境卫生安全问题越来越受到人们的关注。人工湿地中病原微生物的去除或失活受到诸多因素的影响,其过程和机制与传统的二级污水处理工艺有较大区别,选择适宜的指示微生物和病原微生物并研究其行为是进行人工湿地环境卫生安全评价的关键。本文论述了病原微生物在人工湿地中的归宿以及人工湿地可能对环境卫生安全造成的影响,综述了国内外的研究现状,指出了该方面研究的必要性和迫切性。  相似文献   

人工湿地处理重金属Pb,Cd污水的机理探讨   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
1 引言 人工湿地系统是70年代提出,80年代得到迅速发展的一种污水处理新技术,具有投资少,处理效果好,运转费用低和能耗少等优点,已用于污水处理,我们对人工湿地处理污水技术进行了初步研究,结果表明,该技术对氮、磷、BOD、COD和重金属Pb、Cd等均有良  相似文献   

人工湿地污水处理的应用现状及前景展望   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
杨琼  陈章和 《生态科学》2002,21(4):357-360
本文分析了人工温地系统在污水处理中的作用,叙述了人工温地在发展中国家的应用现状及所取得的效果。人工湿地的特点适合我国国情,特别适合广大农村、中小城市的污水处理,在我国具有极其广阔的应用前景,对湿地用于污水处理方面的不足,如缺乏污水对植物影响的研究(特别是对乡土植物的研究)、缺乏对重要工艺的理解、人工湿地占地面积大等也进行了分析。  相似文献   

Azo dyes are commonly generated as effluent pollutants by dye using industries, causing contamination of surface and ground water. Various strategies are employed to treat such wastewater; however, a multi-faceted treatment strategy could be more effective for complete removal of azo dyes from industrial effluent than any single treatment. In the present study, rice husk material was used as a substratum in two constructed wetlands (CWs) and augmented with microorganisms in the presence of wetland plants to effectively treat dye-polluted water. To evaluate the efficiency of each process the study was divided into three levels, i.e., adsorption of dye onto the substratum, phytoremediation within the CW and then bioremediation along with the previous two processes in the augmented CW. The adsorption process was helpful in removing 50% dye in presence of rice husk while 80% in presence of rice husk biocahr. Augmentation of microorganisms in CW systems has improved dye removal efficiency to 90%. Similarly presence of microorganisms enhanced removal of total nitrogen (68% 0 and Total phosphorus (75%). A significant improvement in plant growth was also observed by measuring plant height, number of leaves and leave area. These findings suggest the use of agricultural waste as part of a CW substratum can provide enhanced removal of textile dyes.  相似文献   

Untreated or improperly treated wastewater has often been cited as the primary contamination source of groundwater. The use of decentralized wastewater treatment systems has applicability around the world since it obviates the need for extensive infrastructure development and expenditures. The use of a submerged flow constructed wetland (CW) and a sand filter to remove bacterial and viral pathogens from wastewater streams was evaluated in this study Salmonella sp. and a bacteriophages tracer were used in conjunction with the conservative bromide tracer to understand the fate and transport of these organisms in these treatment systems. Viral breakthrough numbers in the sand filter and CW were similar with a Spearman Rank correlation of 0.8 (P<0.05). In the CW, the virus exhibited almost a 3-log reduction, while in the sand filter, the viruses exhibited a 2-log reduction. The bacterial tracers, however, did not exhibit similar reductions. Low numbers of bacteria and viruses were still detectable in the effluent streams suggesting that disinfection of the effluent is critical. The survival of the tracer bacteria and viruses was as expected dependent on the biotic and abiotic conditions existing within the wastewater. The results suggest that the microbial removal characteristics of decentralized wastewater treatment systems can vary and depend on factors such as adsorption, desorption and inactivation which in turn depend on the design specifics such as filter media characteristics and local climatic conditions.  相似文献   

Large-scale centralized wastewater treatment systems often prevail in industrial countries and have been regarded as a successful approach during the last century. However, to solve the multifold water-related problems in China with its rapid growth of urbanization and industrialization, complete replication of this centralized, cost- and energy-intensive technology has proved to be extremely limited in scope and success. As one of the most important applications of ecological engineering, constructed wetland (CW) systems for wastewater treatment can offer an optimal alternative and result in beneficial conservation of natural resources with low capital costs and energy consumption, as well as minimal operation and maintenance expenditures. CW technology is particularly suitable for rapidly growing small- and medium-size cities in China. This paper aims at examining the mechanisms of pollutant removal efficiency in these systems and investigating the merits, status and feasibility of using constructed wetland systems to treatment wastewater in China. Additionally, it investigates existing impediments to application and implementation of CWs in China, as well as challenges to future development.  相似文献   

人工湿地的氮去除机理   总被引:87,自引:1,他引:86  
卢少勇  金相灿  余刚 《生态学报》2006,26(8):2670-2677
湖泊等水环境的富营养化给人类带来诸多损害,如环境、生态和经济等方面的损害。富营养化的原因和控制途径引起了包括中国在内的很多国家的关注。我国针对水环境的富营养化问题开展了大量的工作。氮是引发水环境富营养化的主要营养物之一。外源氮负荷(分点源和非点源两部分)是水环境污染负荷的重要组成部分。传统污水处理技术应用于收集系统欠缺的非点源污染的治理时成本过高。人工湿地是有效削减水环境中外源氮负荷的重要技术手段,在处理非点源污染源带来的氮负荷时更是如此。人工湿地具有氮去除效果好、耐冲击负荷能力强、投资低和生态环境友好等优点。因此人工湿地非常适合于水环境富营养化的防治。阐明人工湿地中氮的去除机理对水环境的富营养化等具有重要的意义。防渗人工湿地的氮去除机理主要包括挥发、氨化、硝化/反硝化、植物摄取和基质吸附。未防渗的人工湿地中,周围水体与人工湿地的氮交换影响着人工湿地中氮的去除。一般情况下,人工湿地中硝化/反硝化是最主要的氮去除机理。pH值小于7.5时,氨挥发可忽略。pH值在9.3以上时,氨挥发很显著。处理生活污水的人工湿地中氮的去除主要是依靠微生物的硝化/反硝化作用。在进水负荷低、气候适宜、植物物种适宜和收割频率与时机适宜的条件下,植物收割可能成为主要的去氮途径。人工合理导向的湿地的氮去除效果通常优于天然湿地。合理的设计(填料的搭配、植物物种的配置以及布水和集水的优化)对人工湿地系统中氮去除的改善有重要影响。合理的运行,如有效的水位控制,正确的植物培育、合理的植物收割等,能有效地改善湿地中的氮去除。  相似文献   

人工湿地污水处理工艺设计关键及生态学问题   总被引:26,自引:2,他引:24  
人工湿地污水处理系统是一种经济高效的污水生态处理技术方式.然而,湿地污水处理技术在性能上仍须有待发展与完善,尤其需要对其处理工艺参数进行不断改进和系统优化.本文针对人工湿地污水处理工程中有关水力停留时间、水传导因素、表面负荷率和工程构筑物设计等技术参数,概括性地剖析、探讨了国内外人工湿地污水处理工艺的设计关键及其主要技术内涵,给出了一些重要的优化模型与最佳数值;与此同时,分析、提出了利用生态学方法克服人工湿地工程运行中所涉及的野生生物管理与蚊蝇控制等问题。  相似文献   

Low cost treatment of polluted wastewater has become a serious challenge in most of the urban areas of developing countries. The present study was undertaken to investigate the potential of Canna lily towards removal of carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus from wastewater under sub-tropical conditions. A constructed wetland (CW) cell supporting vegetative layer of Canna lily was used to treat wastewater having high strength of CNP. Removal of biological oxygen demand (BOD3) and chemical oxygen demand (COD) varied between 69.8–96.4% and 63.6–99.1%, respectively. C. lily could efficiently remove carbon from a difficult to degrade wastewater at COD:BOD ratio of 24.4. Simultaneous reduction in TKN and nitrate pointed to good nitrification rates, and efficient plant assimilation as the dominant nutrient removal mechanism in the present study. Suitable Indian agro-climatic conditions favored plant growth and no evident stress over the Canna plant was observed. High removal rate of 809.8 mg/m2-day for TKN, 15.0 mg/m2-day for nitrate, and 164.2 mg/m2-day for phosphate suggests for a possible use of Canna-based CW for wastewater treatment for small, rural, and remote Indian communities.  相似文献   


The competitive demand for water makes it a scarce resource for agricultural use. This necessitates wastewater reuse for irrigation and any other agricultural purpose, especially in developing countries where treatment of wastewaters is not a priority. The aim of this study was to evaluate the performance of a charcoal-based constructed wetland (CBCW) in treating aquaculture wastewater. Aquaculture wastewater from a Research Fishpond Farm was treated in a CBCW planted with Sacciolepsis africana and Commelina cyannae for 5?days retention time. Raw wastewater and the treated wastewater from the constructed wetland (CW) was sampled and the physicochemical parameters determined. The performance of the CW in treating aquaculture wastewater was conducted. The result showed that the CBCW was capable of removing 50% TSS, 88% COD, 93% BOD5, and 100% nitrate nitrogen. The pH and DO of the wastewater before treatment and after treatment ranged from 6.68 to 6.91 and 4.13 to 6.30?mg/l, respectively. Thus, CWs have great potential for the treatment of aquaculture wastewater and prevention of environmental degradation through wastewater treatment, thereby solving the problem of water scarcity for agriculture for optimum food production.  相似文献   

Wastewater reclamation is getting greater attention as an alternative to conventional approaches to wastewater treatment and water supply due to increasing water stress coupled with more stringent water quality limitation for discharge of treated wastewater. Among the few technologies adopted in the field for wastewater reclamation, constructed wetlands have been used to reclaim both primary and secondary treated wastewater in regions with arid and humid climates. This paper summarizes the widely adopted guidelines that need to be considered when designing constructed wetlands for wastewater reclamation, discusses the capacity of wetland treatment systems for water reuse while assessing the status of full-scale constructed wetlands designed for wastewater reclamation, and develops contaminant loading charts as a design tool based on the performance of existing full-scale constructed wetlands deployed for wastewater reclamation. It is evident that constructed wetland systems provide a viable means to treat wastewater to the levels required for low-quality reuses such as restricted irrigation and impoundment. It is challenging for constructed wetlands to consistently meet microbiological guidelines for high-quality reuses such as unrestricted agricultural and urban reuses. Wastewater reclaimed through constructed wetlands is used mainly for agricultural and landscape irrigation, groundwater recharge, indirect potable reuse, and environmental reuse. Surface area and hydraulic loading rate of constructed wetlands to be deployed for wastewater reclamation can be estimated with contaminant loading charts derived from monitoring data of existing full-scale operations.  相似文献   

Metallic engineered nanomaterials (ENMs) undergo various transformations in the environment which affect their fate, toxicity and bioavailability. Although constructed wetlands (CWs) are applied as treatment systems for waste streams potentially containing metallic ENMs, little is known about the fate and effects of ENMs in CWs. Hence, literature data from related fields such as activated sludge wastewater treatment and natural wetlands is used to predict the fate and effects of ENMs in CWs and to analyze the risk of nanomaterials being released from CWs into surface waters. The ENMs are likely to reach the CW (partly) transformed and the transformations will continue in the CW. The main transformation processes depend on the type of ENM and the ambient environmental conditions in the CW. In general, ENMs are expected to undergo sorption onto (suspended) organic matter and plant roots. Although the risk of ENMs being released at high concentrations from CWs is estimated low, caution is warranted because of the estimated rise in the production of these materials. As discharge of (transformed) ENMs from CWs during normal operation is predicted to be low, future research should rather focus on the effects of system malfunctions (e.g. short-circuiting). Efficient retention in the CW and increasing production volumes in the future entail increasing concentrations within the CW substrate and further research needs to address possible adverse effects caused.  相似文献   

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