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城市郊区外来杂草生态位特点及对生物多样性影响研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
胡天印  黄华  郭水良  方芳 《广西植物》2007,27(6):873-881
采用样方法调查金华市郊春夏季节非农田生境的外来杂草和主要"土著性"杂草的种类和分布,分析外来杂草和其他主要杂草的生态位关系,定量分析了外来杂草对城市郊区植物多样性的影响。结果表明:(1)50个样地中共出现21种外来杂草,其中以野塘蒿、一年蓬、北美车前的生态位宽度最大,分别达到0.7819、0.6915、0.5237;(2)大致可将50种杂草分成3大类,其中21种外来杂草根据其对环境资源利用的差异又可分为4组;(3)人为干扰因素和土壤水分条件是影响外来杂草分布、危害的主要因素;(4)样地聚类群VI、I、III、II的外来杂草丰富度递增,并与物种丰富度成正比,说明外来杂草在一定程度上丰富了局部环境的物种多样性;(5)外来杂草重要值与物种丰富度呈线性显著负相关,表明金华市郊外来杂草的入侵对生物多样性有不利的影响;(6)外来杂草重要值较外来杂草丰富度更为适合衡量外来杂草对生物多样性的影响。  相似文献   

【目的】随着国际农产品贸易的发展,外来杂草入侵我国的形势越来越严峻。对惠州口岸进境粮谷外来杂草进行调查与监测,能够为惠州口岸进境粮谷检疫监管工作提供参考。【方法】通过实地调查、监测,对惠州口岸进境粮谷厂区及周边外来入侵杂草的种类组成、分布、生活型、原产地、入侵途径和危害程度进行了分析。【结果】惠州口岸进境粮谷厂区及周边外来杂草有12科28种,其中,检疫性杂草有4种。在外来入侵杂草中,菊科植物种类最多,生活型以一年生草本为主;原产地以美洲为主,主要以无意引入,有7种杂草较严重危害当地生态环境。【结论】首次调查和总结了惠州口岸进境粮谷厂区及周边外来入侵杂草的名单和类别,提出了外来杂草口岸防控的建议。  相似文献   

杭州外来杂草的种类组成与生境特点   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:11  
通过野外调查和大量文献资料的整理和分析,确定杭州有外来杂草75种,隶属于30科55属。通过对杭州外来杂草的种类组成、原产地、入侵途径和生境特点进行分析,结果表明:杭州的外来杂草主要为菊科、苋科、大戟科、豆科和旋花科,占总数55%;来源于美洲的外来杂草对杭州容易入侵并造成较大危害;荒地等地表裸露较大的生境外来杂草容易入侵定居。并对如何加强管理和控制外来物种提出几点建议。  相似文献   

南京市秋季外来杂草定量调查研究   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
吴海荣  强胜 《生物多样性》2003,11(5):432-438
利用样方法调查了南京市不同生境下外来杂草的种类和分布情况 ,并用主成分分析法处理了数据。结果表明 ,南京市秋季外来杂草有 11科 19属 2 1种 ,以菊科最多 ,多数来自美洲。主成分分析结果表明 ,影响本市外来杂草分布、危害的主要因素是人为干扰强度和土壤水分条件。依据这两个因素的不同 ,样点可划分为 4个聚类群 :聚类群I包括的样点均分布于旱地农田 ,外来杂草以反枝苋 (Amaranthusretroflexus)、波斯婆婆纳 (Veronicapersica)和喜旱莲子草 (Alternantheraphiloxeroides)为优势种 ;聚类群Ⅱ的样点都是路边荒地等无人管理的或曾经是裸地的生境 ,以一年蓬 (Erigeronannuus)、野塘蒿 (Conyzabonariensis)和小白酒草 (Conyzacanadensis)为优势外来杂草 ;聚类群Ⅲ包含的样点以公园、景区为主 ,外来杂草种类最多 ,以豚草 (Ambrosiaartemisiifolia)、北美车前 (Plantagovirginica)、喜旱莲子草、钻形紫菀 (Astersubulatus)、一年蓬、野塘蒿和小白酒草等为优势种 ;聚类群Ⅳ的样点多是水边水田等土壤含水量较高的区域 ,优势外来杂草包括喜旱莲子草、钻形紫菀和南苜蓿 (Medicagohispida )。文章分析了各聚类群物种丰富度的差异 ,表明外来杂草的入侵对生物多样性有不利影响 ,最后对如何加强管理外来杂草提出几点  相似文献   

海南岛的外来植物   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
通过对海南岛野生或半野生外来入侵植物的调查,报道了153种外来植物,并对近年来在海南岛大面积分布而未报道过的入侵种进行简要介绍。对海南外来植物种类组成、原产地、生活型与危害程度的分析发现:(1)外来植物中有66.67%来自美洲,美洲种的96%为热带美洲成分,几乎所有来自美洲的草本植物往往成为遍布海南各地农田、果园、胶林、草地的有害杂草;(2)外来草本与藤本植物具有较强的入侵能力和较大的危害;(3)绝大多数草本与藤本植物常形成单一优势群落,破坏平地、低丘陵原有的生态系统。  相似文献   

在西双版纳282科近5000种高等植物中,有外来植物153科1127种,其中药用、花卉和可食用种类分别占39.0%、33.9%和20.3%。外来植物集中分布在植物园和当地居民的庭院中,并沿道路向外扩散。外来植物丰富了西双版纳的物种多样性,促进了地方经济发展,但少数杂草类入侵物种的生态危害很明显。  相似文献   

上海外来植物及其入侵等级划分   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
汇总分析了上海外来植物75科232属357种(和种下类群)基础资料,并对其入侵危害进行等级划分;其中入侵植物64种,一般或偶见外来植物293种;报道了9种上海新纪录逸生植物。上海外来植物总体呈现种类繁多、国产种类较多、分布密度大、严重危害种类较多且分布广、入侵途径集中等特征。同时对上海外来入侵植物的管理与防治提出具体措施。  相似文献   

郭水良  陈国奇  毛俐慧 《生态学报》2008,28(8):3698-3705
统计了中国境内有分布的539种被子植物的DNA C-值,分析了它们在不同分类群、生活型、倍性、生活史类型以及在杂草和非杂草类群中的分布情况,主要结果如下:(1)539种被子植物DNA C-值平均为4.06 pg,其中木本植物的DNA C-值平均为1.84 pg,低于草本植物的平均值(5.02 pg);(2)双子叶植物(360种)的DNA C-值平均为2.20 pg,极明显地小于单子叶植物(179种)的平均值(7.80 pg);(3)1年生植物的DNA C-值平均为2.78 pg, 明显小于多年植物的平均DNA C-值(6.65 pg);(4)134种杂草的DNA C-值平均为1.93 pg,明显小于非杂草草本植物的平均值(6.75 pg),含杂草较多的科,平均DNA C-值相对较小;(5)统计的47种入侵杂草的DNA C-值平均为1.76 pg, 略小于134种杂草的平均DNA C-值(1.93 pg),极显著地小于非杂草性草本植物(6.75 pg);(6)以科为单位,不同科的DNA C-值存在着极大的差异;(7) DNA C-值与染色体倍性的关系并不明显,但是,随着倍性的增加,基因组变小;(8) 在同一科、属中,与非杂草相比,典型杂草的DNA C-值往往偏小;(9)总体上杂草或杂草性强的植物,它们的DNA C-值比非杂草性植物的要小.但是,也还存在一些例外,例如野燕麦(Avena fatua)的DNA C-值就高达14.15 pg,而相反,十字花科和葫芦科的一些非杂草栽培植物,却具有很低的DNA C-值.结论:DNA C-值在预测外来物种的入侵性方面具有一定的应用价值,但是,由于在木本植物和草本植物之间、单子叶与双子叶植物之间、一年生和多年生植物之间,特别是在不同的科之间,植物的DNA C-值较明显的差异,因此,根据DNA C-值预测外来物种的入侵性,应该严格地限于同一科(或属)内的相关物种间的比较.  相似文献   

利用传统生物防治控制外来杂草的入侵   总被引:34,自引:3,他引:31  
马瑞燕  王韧  丁建清 《生态学报》2003,23(12):2677-2688
随着国际贸易的日益频繁,外来有害植物入侵,严重威胁我国的自然环境和生物多样性。利用从原产地引入食性较专一的天敌来控制外来杂草是杂草生物防治的主要方式之一,有保护环境一劳永逸的效果。简要介绍了国际生物防治概况,统计表明全世界至少有133种目标杂草进行生物防治,主要分布在菊科、仙人掌科和含羞草科,63科369种无脊椎动物和真菌作为杂草生物防治的天敌,利用最多的天敌是鞘翅目象甲科和叶甲科昆虫,其中大多数项目是治理外来杂草的。杂草生物防治最活跃的国家依次为美国、澳大利亚、南非、加拿大和新西兰。重点论述了利用传统生物防治方法防治外来杂草的经典项目、国内外研究概况,以及目前面临的问题和应用前景。我国杂草生物防治起步晚,传统杂草生防的目标杂草有4种,紫茎泽兰、空心莲子草、豚草和水葫芦,其中,空心莲子草的生物防治获得成功。共引进天敌14种,输出天敌23种,与世界上生物防治先进的国家比尚有距离。中国应充分借鉴国际成功经验,对外来杂草开展生物防治。中国的生物多样性在世界上占有十分独特的地位,将在生物多样性保护中发挥重要作用。  相似文献   

【目的】全面摸清常德地区典型生境中外来入侵植物的种类构成、原产地、生活型和区系组成,保护好本地区生态系统。【方法】采用标准样地法、样方法和样线法,对常德市22种生境类型和9种土地利用类型进行实地调查。【结果】常德地区共有外来入侵植物104种,隶属31科77属,其中菊科(29种)、苋科(9种)、豆科(8种)和禾本科(8种)为优势科,占物种总数的52%;种类最多的属为苋属(5种)。68种外来入侵植物来自美洲地区,占物种总数的65.4%。草本植物共97种,占物种总数的93.3%。植物区系分析结果显示,常德地区外来入侵植物科的主要分布类型为世界广布、泛热带分布、热带亚洲和热带美洲间断;属的主要分布类型为世界广布和泛热带分布。【结论】常德地区外来入侵植物种类不断增多,应该与地理位置以及近些年来经济发展有关,相关职能部门应该引起高度重视,并及时采取有效的防控措施。  相似文献   

In addition to their impact on natural habitats, invasive alien plants can have a significant negative effect on agricultural systems and cause economic losses. Flood‐irrigated orchards in the Mediterranean Basin are vulnerable to the invasion of alien weeds, primarily because of the traditional management practices used in the orchards, which are characterized by high soil moisture during the dry summer period, nutrient availability and high levels of disturbance. This study sought to determine whether their biological traits can explain the success of alien weed species. To answer this question, 408 floristic relevés were conducted in 136 flood‐irrigated orchards on the Plains of Lleida (Catalonia, NE of Spain). Richness and cover of native and alien weeds were compared. Furthermore, a set of biological traits were compared between successful and non‐successful weeds for the whole data and separately between native and alien weeds using logistic regression and classification trees. In flood‐irrigated orchards, alien species covered most of their area, even though the richness of alien species was lower than that of the native species. The most important species were C4 species with seeds dispersed by water, and on the other hand, rosulate and caespitose‐reptant hemicryptophytes with long flowering period. Most of these traits fitted with those of the invasive alien weeds, which were mostly C4 species with seeds dispersed by water. Perennial life form characterized successful native weeds. In this study, we discuss how the traditional management of flood irrigation in fruit‐tree orchards favours invasive alien weeds that have specific traits, acting as a reservoir for the spread of alien weeds into other crops and surrounding riparian habitats. We also propose changing management practices in order to avoid the selection of alien weeds and to promote native species.  相似文献   

A list of 618 species of alien flowering plants recorded for Mexico is presented; they are distributed in 355 genera and 87 families. The families with the largest number of species are Poaceae (171), Fabaceae sensu lato (57), Asteraceae (56), and Brassicaceae (45). The representation of most families with alien species in Mexico agrees with the average distribution frequencies estimated by Pysek (1998 ) for 26 floras throughout the World. Exceptions are an under‐representation of Asteraceae and an over‐representation of Poaceae. Most alien species (78.9%) in Mexico have their origin in the Old World; South America ranks second with 9.6%. As defined by Richardson et al. (2000 ), 19.8% of the alien species could be considered casual aliens and 80.2% of them naturalized. The proportion of alien species relative to the 22,968 native flowering plant species recorded for Mexico is 2.7%.  相似文献   

When traveling in cars, we can unintentionally carry and disperse weed seed; but which species, and where are they a problem? To answer these questions, we systematically searched the scientific literature to identify all original research studies that assess seed transported by cars and listed the species with seed on/in cars. From the 13 studies that fit these criteria, we found 626 species from 75 families that have seed that can be dispersed by cars. Of these, 599 are listed as weeds in some part of the world, with 439 listed as invasive or naturalized alien species in one or more European countries, 248 are invasive/noxious weeds in North America, 370 are naturalized alien species in Australia, 167 are alien species in India, 77 are invasive species in China and 23 are declared weeds/invaders in South Africa. One hundred and one are classified as internationally important environmental weeds. Although most (487) were only recorded once, some species such as Chenopodium album, Poa pratensis and Trifolium repens were common among studies. Perennial graminoids seem to be favoured over annual graminoids while annual forbs are favoured over perennial forbs. Species characteristics including seed size and morphology and where the plants grew affected the probability that their seed was transported by cars. Seeds can be found in many different places on cars including under the chassis, front and rear bumpers, wheel wells and rims, front and back mudguards, wheel arches, tyres and on interior floor mats. With increasing numbers of cars and expanding road networks in many regions, these results highlight the importance of cars as a dispersal mechanism, and how it may favour invasions by some species over others. Strategies to reduce the risk of seed dispersal by cars include reducing seed on cars by mowing road verges and cleaning cars.  相似文献   

[目的] 完善江西省外来植物本底调查数据,为江西省外来入侵植物的预防和预警机制构建提供依据。[方法] 通过文献、标本研究以及野外实地调查,对江西外来植物种类、原产地、生活型、引入途径、引入时间、在各地级市的分布情况以及外来入侵植物的种类进行分析、探讨。[结果] 江西省外来植物有106科407属599种:菊科最多(85种,14.19%),其次是豆科(52种,8.68%),10种以下的科有91个,占总科的85.85%;主要源于美洲(49.25%),其次是亚洲(20.80%),欧洲第三(13.81%),地中海和大洋洲较少;外来植物中草本植物种类最多,乔木次之;大部分被用于观赏、饲料、药物等有意引入。江西省的外来入侵植物有53科168属267种;九江、赣州和南昌由于地理位置优越及经济地位突出被入侵较严重。[结论] 江西省外来植物种类丰富,引入途径多样,入侵物种较多。建议构建风险评价系统,加强外来植物监管监测,科学引种;制订和更新外来植物防控的具体政策法规;同时,加大入侵危害宣传,及时防控和阻止外来植物逃逸入侵对本省生态环境造成侵害。  相似文献   

修晨  郑华  欧阳志云 《生态学报》2016,36(15):4689-4698
强烈的人类活动对自然生境的扰动促进了外来植物侵入河岸带,但不同类型的人类活动干扰对外来植物的影响有所不同。按照不同人类活动干扰类型设置了山峡段、平原段和城市段,通过比较河段间河岸带外来植物群落特征的差异,探讨不同人类活动干扰类型对河岸带外来植物群落的影响。结果表明:(1)永定河河岸带共有维管束植物27科72属101种,外来植物13科28属29种。外来种比例高达28.7%,其中82.4%的国外外来种来自美洲和亚洲。(2)不同河段间的外来植物群落的物种构成和优势度呈现出显著性差异。外来种比例由山峡段的20.9%,上升至平原段和城市段的30.2%和25.5%;而优势度由12.1%,分别上升至13.4%和17.5%。(3)不同河段间的外来植物群落生活型结构有显著性差异。多年生草本植物在山峡段比例最高,达到66.7%,在平原段和城市段较低,分别为46.2%和30.8%;而一年生草本植物在城市段比例最高,达到69.2%,在平原段和山峡段较低,分别为53.8%和33.3%。(4)平原段属于农业干扰类型,其河岸带外来植物主要以农业类杂草为主,如禾本科的假稻(Leersia japonica)和菊科的钻叶紫菀(Aster subulatu);城市段是城市干扰类型,外来植物中入侵种比例和优势度较高,典型入侵种为反枝苋(Amaranthus retroflexus)和牛筋草(Eleusine indica)等。北京永定河不同河段河岸带外来植物的种类构成特点,反映了河岸带外来植物受快速城市化、农业活动等不同人类活动干扰的影响呈逐渐扩大的趋势。  相似文献   

Invasive alien weeds pose a serious threat to the biodiversity of natural ecosystems and a significant constraint to agricultural production worldwide. The use of co-evolved natural enemies, a strategy referred to as classical biological control (CBC), has proven to be a potentially efficacious, cost-effective, and safe option for the management of alien weeds. An analysis of CBC of invasive weeds in Latin America is presented, which shows that only 5% of the worldwide releases of agents, overwhelmingly arthropod, have been in this region. Fungal pathogens are increasingly being considered in CBC programmes, and there are now 11 examples of Latin American fungi having been released as biocontrol agents in other regions of the world. In contrast, only three weed pathogens have been deliberately released in the region. Possible reasons for the paucity of CBC programmes in Latin America are presented, despite the presence of a significant number of alien weed species (60 are listed). An analysis of these weeds reveals that many of them could be amenable to control using natural enemies, including nine weed species for which CBC programmes have been successfully implemented elsewhere in the world. In addition, for many of these 60 species, a co-evolved and damaging mycobiota has already been recorded. The prospects for management of invasive alien weeds in Latin America, using co-evolved fungal pathogens, are assessed with particular reference to selected species from the genera Ambrosia, Broussonetia, Calotropis, Commelina, Cyperus, Dichrostachys, Echinochloa, Pittosporum, Rottboellia, Rubus, Sonchus and Ulex. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Climate change may facilitate alien species invasion into new areas, particularly for species from warm native ranges introduced into areas currently marginal for temperature. Although conclusions from modelling approaches and experimental studies are generally similar, combining the two approaches has rarely occurred. The aim of this study was to validate species distribution models by conducting field trials in sites of differing suitability as predicted by the models, thus increasing confidence in their ability to assess invasion risk. Three recently naturalized alien plants in New Zealand were used as study species (Archontophoenix cunninghamiana, Psidium guajava and Schefflera actinophylla): they originate from warm native ranges, are woody bird‐dispersed species and of concern as potential weeds. Seedlings were grown in six sites across the country, differing both in climate and suitability (as predicted by the species distribution models). Seedling growth and survival were recorded over two summers and one or two winter seasons, and temperature and precipitation were monitored hourly at each site. Additionally, alien seedling performances were compared to those of closely related native species (Rhopalostylis sapida, Lophomyrtus bullata and Schefflera digitata). Furthermore, half of the seedlings were sprayed with pesticide, to investigate whether enemy release may influence performance. The results showed large differences in growth and survival of the alien species among the six sites. In the more suitable sites, performance was frequently higher compared to the native species. Leaf damage from invertebrate herbivory was low for both alien and native seedlings, with little evidence that the alien species should have an advantage over the native species because of enemy release. Correlations between performance in the field and predicted suitability of species distribution models were generally high. The projected increase in minimum temperature and reduced frosts with climate change may provide more suitable habitats and enable the spread of these species.  相似文献   

【目的】全面掌握成都市外来入侵植物的种类特征、起源、区系成分和危害情况等特征,为相关部门制定管理策略和及早采取应对措施提供依据。【方法】以实地调查为主,结合标本及文献研究的方式获得成都市外来入侵植物的种类和分布信息,根据其在野外的生长和分布状况进行评估及划分危害等级,并进行植物区系分析。【结果】成都市现有外来入侵植物158种(亚种、变种),隶属42个科110个属,其中种类最多的3个科分别是菊科(36种)、豆科(17种)及禾本科(13种),合计占比41.77%;种类最多的属是苋属(8种),占比5.06%。原产地分析结果表明,有101种来自美洲地区,占比63.92%。从危害等级分析来看,其中19种为恶性入侵种(1级),32种为严重入侵种(2级),20种为局部入侵种(3级),41种为一般入侵种(4级)以及46种为有待观察种(5级)。植物区系分析结果显示,成都市外来入侵植物属的分布类型主要为泛热带分布、热带亚洲及热带美洲间断分布和世界分布。【结论】成都市地区的外来入侵植物种类明显增多,扩散趋势已加剧。根据上述入侵现状,本文对成都市地区防范外来植物入侵提出了以下4点防控建议:建立外来入侵植物风险评价体系,开展防控和利用技术研发,谨慎引种以及加强科普教育。  相似文献   

伊洛河流域外来草本植物分布格局   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
外来生物入侵及其防治已经成为生态学关注的重点和热点问题.目前的研究主要集中在外来入侵种上,然而入侵种仅占外来种中很少一部分,因此,研究外来种现有分布格局对研究生物入侵及其防治有重要意义.以伊洛河流域草本植物群落中的外来种为对象,沿河从河源地到入黄河口选取典型样地,在调查流域内草本植物群落中物种组成的基础上选取外来种,并对外来种种类组成及其分布格局进行研究.结果表明:流域内有外来草本植物27种,分属于15科,种类较多的科为菊科、苋科和豆科;引入方式以有意引种为主.流域横向不同生境间,河滩地在水流的养分富集、季节性洪水物理干扰及人为活动扰动作用下,呈现出受外来种分布较多,而受人类活动扰动最强且营养丰富的农田分布较小的分布格局;纵向环境梯度下,上游河源山地属于自然植被区,人为干扰较轻,且受外来种影响较小;中游丘陵区从自然生态系统向农业生态系统的过渡区域,人类活动的扰动有所加强;下游平原农业区,人类活动强烈,区域内以人工生态系统为主,群落物种组成简单但受外来种影响最大,受自然环境和人类活动的双重影响.不同物种在不同生境间差异明显,其中,小蓬草、钻叶紫菀和反枝苋广泛分布于3种生境中.总体上,伊洛河外来草本植物分布格局在自然因素的基础上强烈受人为因素的影响,呈现出从上游到下游逐渐增多的趋势.  相似文献   

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