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The function of bird song is closely linked to sexual selection through female choice and male–male competition, and thus variation in communication success is likely to have major fitness consequences for a singing male. A crucial constraint on signal transmission is imposed by background noise, which may include songs from other species. I investigated whether singing nightingales (Luscinia megarhynchos) avoid temporal overlap with the songs of other bird species in a playback experiment. I analysed the temporal song patterns of six males, each of which were exposed to songs of other species. The nightingales significantly avoided overlapping their songs with the playback songs, and started singing preferentially during the silent intervals between the heterospecific songs. This timing of song onset produced a greater variability in pause duration compared to the nightingales’ undisturbed solo singing. These findings suggest that birds adjust their song timing to avoid acoustic interference on short temporal scales, and thus are able to improve the efficiency of acoustic communication in complex sonic environments. Moreover, the results indicate that temporal song patterns can be affected by the songs of other species, and thus such influences should be taken into account when studying bird song in the field.  相似文献   

Songbirds have shown variation in vocalizations across different populations and different geographical ranges. Such variations can over time lead to divergence in song characteristics, sometimes referred to as dialects. House Wren (Troglodytes aedon) is one such widely distributed bird species that has shown variation in its song characteristics within different populations. Traditionally, such studies have been conducted using manual approaches for classification. In this work we explore the use of machine learning models that can assist in performing classification of bird songs at a conspecific level. Two machine learning techniques, the random forest and a shallow feed forward neural network, are fed with pre-computed sound features to classify vocal variation in House Wren species across different reported population groups and latitudinal areas. A randomized approach is employed to create balanced subsets of sounds from different locations for repeated classification runs in order to provide a reliable estimate of performance. It is observed that such an automated approach is able to classify variations in songs within House Wren with high accuracy. We were also able to confirm the latitudinal variation of House Wren songs reported in previous studies. Given these results, we believe, such a purely data-driven way of analyzing bird songs in general can provide useful hints to biologists on where to look for interesting patterns in order to understand the evolutionary divergence in song characteristics.  相似文献   

The prevalence of passerines (mostly oscines, or songbirds) in international bird trade suggests that the possession or production of a song that is attractive or desirable to people may contribute to the likelihood of a species being traded. Testing this is difficult because we lack a general and readily available metric that quantifies attractiveness of bird song to humans. We propose and validate such a metric, based on the number of sound files lodged for a species on the Xeno‐Canto website ( www.xeno-canto.org ). Our hypothesis is that species with more attractive songs are likely to be recorded more often, and so be represented more often in this online bird sound resource, all else being equal. Using a sample of North American and European passerines, we show that song repertoire size and geographic range size are consistently related to the number of recordings on Xeno‐Canto. We use these results to derive a metric (the residuals of a model of the number of recordings in Xeno‐Canto as a function of geographic range size) that may identify songs that are attractive to humans. Bird species whose songs are known to have inspired classical music, including several well known for their songs (e.g. common nightingale, European blackbird), have higher values of the metric than those that have not been referenced in classical music. The metric may help explain which bird species are present in trade, and so contribute to studies of invasion and conservation biology.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The allometric relationship between body size and song frequency has been established in previous studies of temperate and tropical bird communities. However, the relationship between body size and the frequency of distress calls has been examined in only one study of temperate birds. We examined size‐frequency relationships in the distress calls and songs of a Neotropical bird community in northwestern Costa Rica. In 2008 and 2009, we recorded distress calls and determined the body mass of 54 mist‐netted birds representing 38 species, 35 genera, and 14 families. We obtained songs for these same species from sound libraries and commercially available compact discs. For each vocalization, we measured minimum frequency and frequency of maximum amplitude. Larger birds produced lower‐frequency distress calls and songs than smaller birds. Phylogenetically controlled analyses revealed that the frequency of maximum amplitude was negatively correlated with body mass for both distress calls and songs. Minimum frequency was negatively correlated with mass for distress calls, but not songs. Our analyses suggest that the influence of phylogeny on the relationship between frequency characteristics and body size is modest. Pair‐wise comparisons across 37 species revealed that distress calls and songs had similar minimum frequencies, but songs had significantly lower frequencies of maximum amplitude than distress calls. This difference may arise from differences in signal function. Lower‐frequency sounds should transmit farther through forest habitats and songs must often transmit longer distances to reach their intended audience than distress calls. Our results support the general theory that body size is negatively correlated with the frequency of acoustic signals by demonstrating that this pattern holds true for both distress calls and songs in a Neotropical bird community.  相似文献   

The degradation of bird sounds during long-range propagation depends on different parameters such as density of vegetation, height from the ground and atmospheric perturbations. We investigated whether the wren Troglodytes troglodytes, a bird species which has a high-pitched song that is very susceptible to degradation and lives in an environment that is very restricting for sound propagation, has any advantage in choosing relatively high song posts. Song degradation was investigated by analysing sound attenuation, duration of notes and silences, spectrum composition, modifications of frequency-modulated notes and amplitude fluctuations. Our data show that the choice of an elevated song post improves the reliability of all song parameters and increases the propagation distance of the song. It also improves the male wren's ability to hear opponent songs. The results are discussed from an ecological point of view.  相似文献   

Acoustic signals play a fundamental role in avian territory defence and mate attraction. Several studies have now shown that spectral properties of bird song differ between urban and rural environments. Previously this has been attributed to competition for acoustic space as a result of low-frequency noise present in cities. However, the physical structure of urban areas may have a contributory effect. Here we investigate the sound degradation properties of woodland and city environments using both urban and rural great tit song. We show that although urban surroundings caused significantly less degradation to both songs, the transmission efficiency of rural song compared to urban song was significantly lower in the city. While differences between the two songs in woodland were generally minimal, some measures of the transmission efficiency of rural song were significantly lower than those of urban song, suggesting additional benefits to singing rural songs in this setting. In an attempt to create artificial urban song, we mimicked the increase in minimum frequency found several times previously in urban song. However, this did not replicate the same transmission properties as true urban song, suggesting changes in other song characteristics, such as temporal adjustments, are needed to further increase transmission of an avian signal in the city. We suggest that the structure of the acoustic environment, in addition to the background noise, plays an important role in signal adaptation.  相似文献   

Within bird species, songs differ in their attractiveness tofemales or effectiveness in male–male interactions. Somesongs are more difficult to sing than others, and receiversmay use a singer's performance of difficult songs as a meansfor evaluating the quality of the singer. The concept of songperformance aims at quantifying how physiologically demandingare different songs. Using variation between song types of dark-eyedjuncos, Junco hyemalis, we show that some song traits tradeoff with costly aspects of song output—short intervalsbetween syllables or loud sound amplitude—suggesting thatthose traits are difficult to sing. First, after controllingfor other traits, long syllables require longer intervals forrecovery. This supports the idea that a measure of "respiratoryperformance" could be based on the relative lengths of syllablesand intervals. Second, some syllable traits trade off stronglywith sound amplitude, suggesting that these traits may be difficultto sing at high amplitudes. The ratio of frequency bandwidthand trill rate has been used to infer performance in other birdspecies, but we found no evidence that frequency bandwidth tradesoff with any aspect of song output in the junco. The negativeassociation of bandwidth with trill rate may instead be a passiveconsequence of syllable length, with longer syllables randomlyaccumulating frequency modulation. We conclude that bird receiversmay best evaluate how well a song is performed if they integratemultiple cues and discuss how researchers may similarly devisemeasures of song performance.  相似文献   

Many diurnal bird species vocalize at night, however the function of nocturnal song is, generally, still poorly understood. Previous research has suggested that nocturnal song may serve a social function and is influenced by environmental factors. To test whether males attend to the nocturnal song of conspecifics, we experimentally exposed ovenbirds Seiurus aurocapilla to nocturnal flight songs, and recorded their response both during the night and during the following dawn chorus. We compared latency to song and vocal output before and after playback exposure to determine if males altered their vocalizations in response to exposure to flight songs from an unknown male. We found no evidence of counter singing or change in nocturnal song output, nor a change in vocal output during the dawn chorus following playback exposure. Our results suggest that, in ovenbirds, nocturnal song does not serve as an intraspecific social function. Nocturnal song, through rare, may be significant in the mating systems of some diurnal bird species, and requires additional study.  相似文献   

在杭州市郊小和山森林公园内约85hm2范围内,用SHARP-CE-15l型录音机(频响30—l4000Hz)和强指向麦克风(频响40—14000Hz),对夏季繁殖期连续分布的同一生境中不同个体的强脚树莺(Cettiafor-tipes)的鸣声进行了记录,并通过计算机声谱分析系统从句型结构、音图结构、时域和频域特征及短时能量等方面进行了分析和比较,发现在同一生境一个小范围内同一种鸟就有6种不同类型的鸣声。这些鸣声的音调各不相同,鸣声的结构差异很大,大多声学参数之间也存在显著或极显著差异。形成这种鸣声多样性的原因可能是繁殖竞争在声行为上的体现。  相似文献   

Duetting is a collective behavior and might have multiple functions, including joint territory defense and mate guarding. An important step toward understanding the adaptive function of bird song is to determine if and how singing behavior varies seasonally. However, seasonal patterns for duetting species are different from the pattern described for species in which only the male sings, because song function may vary according to sex, singing role (initiator vs responder) and level of duet organization (individual vs pair). We investigated whether patterns of seasonal variation in duetting depends on these factors, which would suggest different interpretations of song function. We studied social pairs of a Neotropical bird species (rufous hornero Furnarius rufus) for seven consecutive months, recording vocal and territorial behaviors. Overall, partners coordinated 61% of their songs into duets and many song traits (song initiation rate, song output and duet rate) peaked in territorial contexts. Males engaged in territorial interactions with strangers more often, initiated more songs, and answered proportionately more of their partners’ songs than females. Male song initiation rate peaked during the pre‐ and post‐breeding stages, whereas females initiated more songs during the non‐breeding season. Both sexes answered partner songs faster and at higher rates during the pre‐breeding and female fertile stages. Partners duetted at a higher rate during the pre‐ and post‐breeding stages. Finally, song initiation rates and duet rate, but not song answering rates, correlated with frequency of territorial interactions with strangers. Although our findings indicate that song function may vary with sex, singing role and level of duet organization, our results suggest that in general duet functions to defend common territories and as a mutual mate guarding strategy in the rufous hornero.  相似文献   

This study addresses the issue of how evolutionary convergence within shared environments shapes some features of bird song while leaving others unaffected, using as an example the songs of 51 North American wood warblers (Parulinae). I combined published information on breeding habitats and evolutionary relationships to show that the structure of warbler songs is correlated with habitat, whereas the structure of the notes that comprise the songs is relatively unaffected by habitat and more closely related to phylogenetic history. The results confirm known relationships between bird song and habitat, including correlations between song frequency and the type and density of canopy foliage, and between the number and arrangement of notes in the song and foliage density and moisture. More importantly, the results suggest that individual notes and whole songs are to some extent functionally independent, because the configuration of notes shows more evidence of evolutionary constraint than does the way notes are assembled into songs.  相似文献   

Geographic variation in male bird songs has been studied extensively, but there have been few investigations of geographic variation in female songs or sex differences in patterns of geographic variation. We compared patterns of variation in male and female songs of eastern whipbirds Psophodes olivaceus by analyzing recordings from 16 populations across the species’ geographic range in eastern Australia. We found remarkably different patterns of geographic variation between the sexes. Female eastern whipbird songs are easily categorized into discrete song types. Song types are shared between nearby females, but female songs show pronounced differences at a continental scale. In contrast, male eastern whipbird songs show high consistency throughout the species’ geographic range. All recorded males share the ability to transpose the frequency of the introductory whistle and most recorded males share the ability to vary the direction of the slope of the terminal whip crack. For eight of nine measured variables, female songs show significantly higher levels of variation than male songs. We discuss whether sex differences in dispersal, song learning strategies, and song function may explain these sex differences in patterns of song variation. We suggest that eastern whipbirds have experienced a decoupling of male and female song learning strategies and that the songs of each sex have responded to different selective pressures in the context of countersinging interactions. We speculate that consistency in male songs throughout the geographic range of eastern whipbirds may arise through female preference for males that perform large bandwidth whip cracks.  相似文献   

The noise filter hypothesis predicts that species using higher sound frequencies should be more tolerant of noise pollution, because anthropogenic noise is more intense at low frequencies. Recent work analysed continental‐scale data on anthropogenic noise across the USA and found that passerine species inhabiting more noise‐polluted areas do not have higher peak song frequency but have more complex songs. However, this metric of song complexity is of ambiguous interpretation, because it can indicate either diverse syllables or a larger frequency bandwidth. In the latter case, the finding would support the noise filter hypothesis, because larger frequency bandwidths mean that more sound energy spreads to frequencies that are less masked by anthropogenic noise. We reanalysed how passerine song predicts exposure to noise using a more thorough dataset of acoustic song measurements, and showed that it is large frequency bandwidths, rather than diverse syllables, that predict the exposure of species to noise pollution. Given that larger bandwidths often encompass higher maximum frequencies, which are less masked by anthropogenic noise, our result suggests that tolerance to noise pollution might depend mostly on having the high‐frequency parts of song little masked by noise, thus preventing acoustic communication from going entirely unnoticed at long distances.  相似文献   

Local environments can act as selective agents on some characteristics of birds’ songs, whereas other song traits may not reflect local genetic adaptation. Geographic variation in songs of two Australian bird species (red‐capped robins Petroica goodenovii, western gerygones Gerygone fusca) was studied to examine one component of the ‘habitat‐dependent selection’ hypothesis. This hypothesis suggests that: (1) the detailed spectral characteristics of male songs are an evolved response to local habitat conditions affecting signal propagation and detection and (2) parallel evolution of other fitness traits sets up the potential for assortative mating by female choice. To examine the first part of the hypothesis, I made comparisons among widespread mainland populations and an island population using two levels of analysis: a typological analysis of song morphology (phonology: notes, syllables, syntax, temporal pattern, repertoires) and a spectral analysis of acoustic characteristics of songs (mean frequency, Wiener entropy, frequency modulation) using an automated procedure of feature extraction (Sound Analysis Pro). Spectral analysis was also used to extract values of the same acoustic features from the background sound environment of each recorded population. The typological analysis revealed no differences among mainland populations of either species, but large differences between mainland songs and those on the island. In contrast, the spectral analysis revealed acoustic divergence among populations, both mainland and island. For both species, Wiener entropy of songs correlated negatively with that of the ambient sound environment, consistent with predictions of the habitat‐dependent selection hypothesis of environmental selection on signal design.  相似文献   

More humans reside in urban areas than at any other time in history. Protected urban green spaces and transportation greenbelts support many species, but diversity in these areas is generally lower than in undeveloped landscapes. Habitat degradation and fragmentation contribute to lowered diversity and urban homogenization, but less is known about the role of anthropogenic noise. Songbirds are especially vulnerable to anthropogenic noise because they rely on acoustic signals for communication. Recent studies suggest that anthropogenic noise reduces the density and reproductive success of some bird species, but that species which vocalize at frequencies above those of anthropogenic noise are more likely to inhabit noisy areas. We hypothesize that anthropogenic noise is contributing to declines in urban diversity by reducing the abundance of select species in noisy areas, and that species with low‐frequency songs are those most likely to be affected. To examine this relationship, we calculated the noise‐associated change in overall species richness and in abundance for seven common songbird species. After accounting for variance due to vegetative differences, species richness and the abundance of three of seven species were reduced in noisier locations. Acoustic analysis revealed that minimum song frequency was highly predictive of a species' response to noise, with lower minimum song frequencies incurring greater noise‐associated reduction in abundance. These results suggest that anthropogenic noise affects some species independently of vegetative conditions, exacerbating the exclusion of some songbird species in otherwise suitable habitat. Minimum song frequency may provide a useful metric to predict how particular species will be affected by noise. In sum, mitigation of noise may enhance habitat suitability for many songbird species, especially for species with songs that include low‐frequency elements.  相似文献   

In a study of two captive male wood thrushes (Hylocichla mustelina), I found that each bird had a preferred serial order of songs when it sang in isolation. This order could be disrupted by playback. When the stimulus was one of the subject's own songs, the bird often answered with the song that followed the stimulus song in the preferred order. This result supports the following hypothesis: the preferred serial order of songs delivered by a wood thrush is based, in part, on a mechanism by which one song facilitates, via a loop involving audition, the production of the next song in the sequence. I gained further insight into this mechanism by analysing the response of the birds to each other's songs and to experimentally altered songs.  相似文献   

Physically challenging signals are likely to honestly indicate signaler quality. In trilled bird song two physically challenging parameters are vocal deviation (the speed of sound frequency modulation) and trill consistency (how precisely syllables are repeated). As predicted, in several species, they correlate with male quality, are preferred by females, and/or function in male-male signaling. Species may experience different selective pressures on their songs, however; for instance, there may be opposing selection between song complexity and song performance difficulty, such that in species where song complexity is strongly selected, there may not be strong selection on performance-based traits. I tested whether vocal deviation and trill consistency are signals of male quality in house wrens (Troglodytes aedon), a species with complex song structure. Males’ singing ability did not correlate with male quality, except that older males sang with higher trill consistency, and males with more consistent trills responded more aggressively to playback (although a previous study found no effect of stimulus trill consistency on males’ responses to playback). Males singing more challenging songs did not gain in polygyny, extra-pair paternity, or annual reproductive success. Moreover, none of the standard male quality measures I investigated correlated with mating or reproductive success. I conclude that vocal deviation and trill consistency do not signal male quality in this species.  相似文献   

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