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As an important opportunistic pulmonary pathogen, Pneumocystis carinii has been the focus of extensive research over the decades. The use of laboratory animal models has permitted a detailed understanding of the host-parasite interaction but an understanding of the basic biology of P. carinii has lagged due in large part to the inability of the organism to grow well in culture and to the lack of a tractable genetic system. Molecular techniques have demonstrated extensive heterogeneity among P. carinii organisms isolated from different host species. Characterization of the genes and genomes of the Pneumocystis family has supported the notion that the family comprises different species rather than strains within the genus Pneumocystis and contributed to the understanding of the pathophysiology of infection. Many of the technical obstacles in the study of the organisms have been overcome in the past decade and the pace of research into the basic biology of the organism has accelerated. Biochemical pathways have been inferred from the presence of key enzyme activities or gene sequences, and attempts to dissect cellular pathways have been initiated. The Pneumocystis genome project promises to be a rich source of information with regard to the functional activity of the organism and the presence of specific biochemical pathways. These advances in our understanding of the biology of this organism should provide for future studies leading to the control of this opportunistic pathogen.  相似文献   

The total lipid content, neutral and polar lipid composition, and fatty acid profiles were determined for the different developmental stages of the entomopathogenic fungus, Nomuraea rileyi. In general, the lipid composition of N. rileyi was found to be very similar to that of other Fungi Imperfecti. Triacylglycerides and sterols were the major neutral lipids and phosphatidylethanolamine, phosphatidylinositol, and phosphatidylserine were the major polar lipids. Phosphatidylcholine, resolved in conidial and mycelial samples, was not detected in hyphal body samples. The major fatty acids were palmitic, oleic, and linoleic. Stearic acid was detected as a minor component of hyphal body samples. During conidiogenesis the overall lipid composition was altered in (1) a reduction in total lipid content, (2) an increase in the polar/neutral lipid ratio, and (3) an increase in the degree of fatty acid unsaturation.  相似文献   

<正> 对云芝等7种真菌的菌丝体和发酵液分别测定17种氨基酸的含量,测定结果表明这些菌丝体中含有丰富的人体8种必需氨基酸,支链氨基酸及精氨酸,而芳香族氨基酸和含硫氨基酸却很低。7种真菌的菌丝体和它们的子实体,和三种食用蛋白(α-酪蛋白,卵白蛋白,大豆球蛋白)及4种粮食产品  相似文献   

白蚁菌圃存在于白蚁巢中,具有硬而脆的多孔结构,是特殊的真菌生存环境。当有白蚁在白蚁巢内活动时,蚁巢伞Termitomyces是菌圃上的优势菌;当白蚁巢被废弃,炭角菌Xylaria成为菌圃上的优势真菌。菌圃中还存在其他微生物如无性型真菌(anamorphic fungi)和酵母等。菌圃中的真菌很多具有潜在药用价值或其他经济价值。从蚁巢伞、炭角菌等主要真菌类群出发,结合分子生态学研究菌圃真菌多样性的方法,综述了白蚁菌圃真菌多样性的研究进展,揭示了目前的研究热点及存在的问题,并针对这些问题提出可能的发展方向。  相似文献   

Nicoleta Ianovici 《Grana》2017,56(6):424-435
The present aeromycological investigation was undertaken to study atmospheric fungal spores in Timi?oara (western Romania). This study was carried out using a Hirst type volumetric sampler. The study revealed the existence of a rich airborne mycoflora. The atmospheric fungal spores were classified and evaluated into three groups (‘major’, ‘minor’ and ‘sporadic’) depending upon their catch percentage in the air. Cladosporium/Fusarium/Leptosphaeria-group, Alternaria, Helminthosporium airborne fungal spores and airborne fungal fragments regularly recorded (frequency 100% of days). Cladosporium accounted for 81.09% of the outdoor fungal spores. The airborne fungal fragments have been identified as abundant in our geographic area. Spearman’s correlations were applied to meteorological parameters and airborne fungal spore concentrations. In addition, correlations were calculated between the fungal spore concentrations and the meteorological variables from the previous day. A total of eleven weather factors were selected for this investigation. Following Spearman’s correlations, I identified two patterns of behaviour: most of the airborne fungal spores prefer cloudiness, lower near-surface soil temperature, lower atmospheric pressure, higher relative humidity and precipitation (pattern A) while other spore concentrations favour increased sunshine, higher near-surface soil temperature and dry conditions (pattern B). The behaviour of some fungal spores during the warm season has proven unclear (pattern C). This study demonstrates the need for investigations throughout the year and the evaluation with complementary statistical methods, regarding the correct interpretation of airborne mycoflora relationships with meteorological parameters.  相似文献   

报道1例由棕黑腐质霉属(Humicola fuscoatra)导致的真菌性腹膜炎。此菌分离自1名长期腹膜透析患者的腹水。腐质霉属在自然界广泛存在,棕黑腐质霉导致的人类感染罕见。现对棕黑腐质霉的真菌学特点进行研究,并进行分子测序。体外药物敏感性试验结果对伊曲康唑的MIC为0.008μg/mL,伏立康唑的MIC为0.016μg/mL,两性霉素B的MIC为1.5μg/mL。患者拔除腹透管,改行血液透析。口服伊曲康唑0.1 g/12 h,28 d后病情明显改善,出院。  相似文献   

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