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应用扫描电镜对华鲮Sinilabeor rendahli鳃耙、鳃弓、鳃丝和鳃小片的形态结构进行了观察.鳃耙和鳃弓表面凹凸不平,分布着大量丘突.鳃丝和鳃耙表面有大量粘液细胞分布,鳃丝上皮细胞表面密布微嵴,氯细胞附着在鳃丝表面和鳃小片侧表面.鳃小片薄、表面凹凸不平,垂直排列在鳃丝上.鳃丝和鳃小片的表面形态结构特征有助于提高鱼鳃的气体交换效率.  相似文献   

斑马鱼鳃的光镜和透射电镜观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
应用光学显微镜和透射电镜对斑马鱼(Danio rerio)鳃的组织结构及鳃丝、鳃小片超微结构进行了观察。结果表明,斑马鱼有4对全鳃,鳃耙呈长锥状,鳃丝呈梳状排列在鳃弓上,鳃小片均匀排列在鳃丝两侧。鳃小片由上皮细胞、柱细胞、内皮细胞和毛细血管网组成,鳃小片基部和血管周围分布有泌氯细胞,胞内有丰富的线粒体和排泄小泡,根据线粒体形态特征和细胞质电子密度可将其分为两个亚型。黏液细胞通常与泌氯细胞对生存在,并且有通外的开口。斑马鱼鳃组织结构与其他硬骨鱼鳃结构相似,其结构和功能有密切的关系。  相似文献   

鲑点石斑鱼和大眼鳜鳃的扫描电镜观察   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
对鲈形目科、底栖生活、凶猛肉食性的鲑点石斑鱼 (Epinephelusfario)和大眼鳜 (Sinipercakneri)鳃的结构进行扫描电镜观察。结果表明 ,两种鱼鳃的表面结构和微细结构与其他硬骨鱼类基本相似 ,鳃丝表面都具有规则或不规则分布的环形微嵴、沟、坑、孔等结构 ;然而两者的鳃小片都较高 ,表面更加凹凸不平 ,是对低溶氧环境的适应。鲑点石斑鱼的鳃丝表面一部分较为平坦 ,另一部分则凹凸不平 ,其鳃小片高度也高于大眼鳜 ,因而具有更大的表面积和较高的摄氧效率。在扫描电镜下能在鲑点石斑鱼和大眼鳜的鳃上分辨出扁平上皮细胞、氯细胞和粘液细胞 3种细胞 :前者鳃上的扁平上皮细胞界限清楚 ,而后者的界限模糊且表面遍布不规则的微嵴 ;前者的鳃丝和鳃小片上氯细胞的数量明显多于后者 ,两者细胞形态也存在差异 ;而鳃丝表面的粘液细胞的数量则是后者较多。两种鱼鳃上的细胞的形态结构及数量分布存在的差异 ,可能与前者生活于海水而后者生活于淡水的不同生活环境有关。  相似文献   

应用光学显微镜、扫描电镜和透射电镜对珠江口池塘养殖梭鱼Liza haematocheila鳃的组织结构、表面形态特征及鳃小片超微结构进行了观察。结果表明梭鱼具有4对鳃,每个鳃由鳃弓、鳃丝、鳃小片和鳃耙组成。梭鱼鳃丝和鳃小片的表面结构和超微结构与其他硬骨鱼类的基本相似,鳃丝表面分布有众多规则或不规则的环形微嵴、沟、坑、孔等结构。鳃丝分为呼吸区和非呼吸区,呼吸区较为平滑,上皮细胞表面无微嵴,呈皱褶状;非呼吸区分布有沟、坑、孔等结构,上皮细胞有较规则的指纹状微嵴。鳃小片是最主要的呼吸场所,由基膜、上皮细胞、内皮细胞、柱细胞和毛细血管网组成。泌氯细胞主要分布在鳃小片基部,并有开口通往外界。本文还探讨了梭鱼鳃的结构与其功能的密切关系。  相似文献   

不同盐度下鲻鱼幼鱼鳃和肾组织结构变化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用组织切片技术,研究了不同盐度下鲻鱼幼鱼鳃和肾的显微结构变化,探讨这些变化与渗透压调节的关系.结果显示,随着盐度升高,鳃小片逐渐变窄,间距变小,鳃丝和鳃小片上泌氯细胞数量增多,体积变大.泌氯细胞集中分布在鳃小片基部,且向两侧扩布.高盐度组的S40组,鳃小片上皮出现分离脱落现象.随着盐度梯度的升高,肾小球及各级肾小管的结构上出现了不同程度的萎缩现象.  相似文献   

鲻和鲮鳃丝的扫描电镜比较观察   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
对鲻(Mugil cephalus)和鲮(Cirrhina molitorella)的鳃丝表面结构进行了扫描电镜比较观察,结果表明,鲻鳃丝杆状部比鲮粗.鲻鳃小片高度比鲮低;两者鳃丝表面分泌孔洞口径和密度不同;鲻和鲮细胞外被不同,鲻细胞外被稀疏,鲮的则致密复杂;鳃小片细胞和鳃丝表皮细胞的表面形态存在差异,文章还描述了鳃丝表皮形态特异的细胞。  相似文献   

该研究比较观察青海湖裸鲤(Gymnocypris przewalskii)两亚种(青海湖裸鲤指名亚种(Gymnocypris przewalskii przewalskii)和青海湖裸鲤甘子河亚种(Gymnocypris przewalskii ganzihonensis))鳃的形态及显微结构。结果显示,指名亚种的第一鳃弓鳃耙数多、密集且较长,而甘子河亚种则耙数少、稀疏且短;两者的鳃丝间距及鳃小片间距无明显差异,指名亚种的鳃丝较长;指名亚种扁平上皮细胞形态以不规则椭圆形为主,鳃丝表面有黏液细胞,其上分布的氯细胞数量多于甘子河亚种,而甘子河亚种扁平上皮细胞的形态以六边形为主,鳃丝表皮未观察到黏液细胞。由此推测,青海湖裸鲤两亚种鳃形态的差异与其食性和栖息环境相适应。  相似文献   

研究采用组织学方法观察和比较了达里诺尔湖瓦氏雅罗鱼(Leuciscus waleckii, 碱水种)和松花江瓦氏雅罗鱼(淡水种)在相同碳酸盐碱度胁迫下(CA0、CA30和CA50)鳃组织结构的差异, 探究瓦氏雅罗鱼碱水种耐高碱特性与鳃组织结构微观调整的适应性关系。结果显示, 随着碱度增加, 碱水种鳃丝变宽、鳃小片变长、鳃小片间距变大(P<0.05); 淡水种鳃丝变宽、鳃小片间距变大(P<0.05), 鳃小片长度在CA30时显著变长(P<0.05), 而在CA50时与对照组无明显差异(P>0.05)。碱水种在CA30和CA50的氯细胞数量与对照组相比明显增加, CA50的氯细胞排列更加紧密并且有叠加现象, 扁平上皮细胞变大, 细胞表面增厚; 淡水种在CA30时的氯细胞数量明显多于CA50, 但在碱度胁迫下, 鳃小片出现破损, 扁平上皮细胞、柱细胞和血细胞融合、脱落现象严重。另外, 在碱水种和淡水种鳃耙上皮细胞中发现了大量黏液细胞分泌, 随着碱度增加, 黏液细胞由大而稀疏变为小而密集, 其中碱水种的黏液细胞数量较淡水种多, 而且排列更为整齐、密集。鳃组织学研究结果表明, 瓦氏雅罗鱼碱水种通过保持鳃组织结构和生理功能的完整性达到对高碱环境的长期适应, 而淡水种则因鳃细胞融合、脱落造成生理功能丧失, 不能长期适应高碱环境。研究结果可为淡水鱼类在盐碱水的移植驯化提供依据和指导。  相似文献   

应用光学显微镜、扫描电镜和透射电镜对波纹唇鱼(Cheilinus undulatus)鳃的组织结构、表面形态特征及鳃小片超微结构进行了观察.结果表明,波纹唇鱼有3对全鳃,1对半鳃和1对伪鳃,鳃丝呈梳状紧密排列在鳃弓上,鳃小片紧密地镶嵌排列在鳃丝两侧,入鳃动脉、出鳃动脉和鳃小片毛细血管网组成鳃的血液系统.鳃丝非呼吸区分布...  相似文献   

【目的】小瓜虫病是澳洲龙纹斑苗种阶段危害巨大的寄生虫病。探究小瓜虫在澳洲龙纹斑鳃器官上的分布及其影响可以丰富小瓜虫的致病性及病理学方面的研究内容,也可以为渔业生产中小瓜虫病的防治提供参考。【方法】采用光镜及扫描电镜技术确定病原,并观察小瓜虫在澳洲龙纹斑鳃丝、鳃小片及鳃盖上的分布情况及这些器官的变化情况。【结果】小瓜虫侵染澳洲龙纹斑的鳃器官后,分布在鳃丝、鳃小片及鳃盖的表面,上皮细胞之下及鳃小片之间,或是包裹在黏液细胞里,但侵染后期在鳃丝及鳃小片上的数量明显少于鳃盖。侵染后期,鳃丝、鳃小片及鳃盖出现一定程度的膨胀变形,黏液细胞分泌增多,鳃小片末端膨大变形甚至黏连融合,顶端充血呈球状或棒状。【结论】对于鳃部而言,侵染后期小瓜虫主要分布在澳洲龙纹斑的鳃盖上。小瓜虫主要通过侵染引发澳洲龙纹斑鳃部器官的变形膨大,使其丧失正常的功能,造成血液循环受阻、渗透压调节失衡,最终导致鱼体缺氧死亡。  相似文献   

Based on surface area and chloride cell number, rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss gills appear initially to be more important in terms of ion balance than gas exchange. Chloride cells appear on the gill 3–6 days before hatch at 10°C. This is about 9 days before secondary lamellae, the definitive adult gas exchange structure, begin to form. At hatch, 22% of all chloride cells but only 7% of total surface area are located on the gill. This discrepancy gradually diminishes but even at complete yolk absorption the gill still seems to be about twice as important in terms of ion balance (75% of chloride cells) as gas exchange (37% of total surface area represented by gill filaments and lamellae combined). Surface area measurements and chloride cell counts reported in the literature for larvae of other species show a similar pattern suggesting that this may be a general phenomenon. If true, the implications are profound not only for developmental physiologists but also for those interested in the evolutionary history of gills and their function in adult fish.  相似文献   

Odontesthes argentinensis was collected from Mar Chiquita Coastal Lagoon, the Southernmost coastal Atlantic Lagoon of Argentina. The morphology of the gills was analyzed by scanning electron microscopy. The morphology of the superficial structures of the gill filaments and pharyngeal region of the gill arch was discussed and related to their functional aspects. The gills arches are structurally similar to those of other teleosts and bring out the osmoregulatory capacity of this species. The epithelium that covers the surface of the filaments and the pharyngeal region of the gill arch is formed by polygonal pavement cells with conspicuous microridges. These folds in the membrane are not denoted in the epithelium of the respiratory lamellae. Apical crypts of chloride cells are present on the afferent and interlamellar filament surfaces, but are absent elsewhere on the gill arch. The highest density of mucous cells is observed into the gill filament and the pharyngeal region which indicates the existence of a protective strategy of the respiratory lamellae and the pharynx. The epithelium of the gill arches and the rakers is studded with spines. There are taste buds along the whole pharyngeal region that may be associated with their participation in tasting at this zone.  相似文献   

Variations in the gross morphology and surface architecture of the gill filaments and secondary lamellae of a freshwater catfish (Rita rita) have been investigated using scanning electron microscopy. Heterogeneity of the gill has been correlated with the distribution of lamellar water-flow at different regions of a gill filament. Higher lamellar water flow (cc/pore/cmH2O/sec) was estimated for the middle region of the filaments. The filaments are covered with epithelial cells whose surface is provided with well-developed microridges. The lamellae are generally covered with microvillous epithelial cells. The variations in surface architecture of the gill filaments and secondary lamellae have been correlated with their probable functions.  相似文献   

A scanning electron microscopical examination of the gills of H. fossilis is described. The surface architecture of gill filaments and secondary gill lamellae showed the presence of various features such as indentations, micropits and crevices. The possible functions of these morphological adaptations are discussed in relation to physiology of the gill.  相似文献   

A light and electron microscopic study of the gills of the zebrafish, Brachydanio rerio , were made to serve as a morphological basis for future investigations. It was found that for fixation of B. rerio gills, a mixture of 1·5% gluturaldehyde and 1·5% paraformaldehyde gives a mucus-free surface. Morphometric measurements of structural components of the gill secondary lamellae were made. Observations at SEM were correlated with those made at TEM. The different cell types in the branchial epithelium were characterized. Chloride cells were mainly located in the interlamellar regions and on the afferent side of the primary lamellae. Two morphologically different chloride cells were seen. The first type communicates with the external environment through a reservoir-like lumen, which is normally absent in freshwater fishes. The second type of chloride cell has more direct contact with the ambient water, resembling chloride cells from other freshwater fishes. Another cell type with features similar to those of the rodlet cell was frequently observed. This cell is interposed between other types of cells in the epithelium, and sometimes junctional complexes were present between the rodlet cell and surrounding cells.  相似文献   

金鱼(Carassius auratus)鳃对颗粒吸附态铅的吸收   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
研究了金鱼(Carassius auratus)鳃在悬浮水铝矿吸附态Pb暴露实验中对Pb吸收过程,结果表明,在保持水中游离态Pb浓度不变(0.1mg.L^-1)、吸附态Pb浓度增加的条件下,鳃中Pb,Al浓度均随暴露浓度增加而增加,血液中Pb浓度随鳃中Pb浓度的增加率(直线斜率0.171)低于溶解态Pb、暴露实验的增加率(直线斜率0.343),附着鳃上的部分Pb未移转至血液中,鳃中Pb/Al比较水  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to identify the normal ultrastructural features of gills and skin of the Senegal sole, Solea senegalensis, for a comparative measure to morphological alterations caused by environmental stressors such as reduced water quality and diseases. In the Senegal sole skin, four morphologically distinct layers were identified: cuticle, epidermis, dermis and hypodermis. The epidermis was composed of stratified epithelium containing three cellular layers: the outermost or mucosa layer, the middle or fusiform layer and the stratum germinativum or the basal layer. In the mucosa, two mucous cell types were differentiated: type A cells containing several round vesicles of different electron density and type B cells containing mucosomes of uniform electron density. Senegal sole have five pairs of gill arches, each containing two rows of well‐developed and compactly organized primary filaments and secondary lamellae. Fingerprint‐like microridges were observed on the surface of epithelial cells. The branchial lamellae epithelium consisted of different cell types: pavement, mucous and chloride. Between the chloride cells and the larger pavement cells, accessory cells were observed. Complexes of tight junctions and desmosomes were frequently observed between adjacent chloride and epithelial cells. Neutral mucosubstances and/or glycoconjugates were observed in the epidermis, dermis and hypodermis of S. senegalensis skin. Proteins rich in different amino acids, such as arginine and cysteine, reacted negatively or weakly positive in the epidermis, dermis and hypodermis. In gills, some mucous cells responded weakly positive to periodic acid‐Schiff (PAS) reaction but were strongly stained with Alcian Blue at pH 0.5, 1 and 2.5. When Alcian Blue pH 2.5–PAS reaction was performed, most mucous cells were stained blue (carboxylated mucins) and some mucocytes stained purple, indicating a combination of neutral and acid mucins. Proteins rich in cysteine‐bound sulphydryl (‐SH‐) and cystine disulphide (‐S‐S‐) groups were strongly detected in branchial and epidermal mucous cells, whereas lysine, tyrosine and arginine containing proteins showed very weak staining in both epidermal and branchial mucous cells. Protein reactions were strongly positive in the pillar cells, except for those rich in tryptophan, whereas the branchial cartilaginous tissue did not show an important reaction. The performed lipid reactions were negative in goblet and chloride cells. It is concluded from this study that ultrastructural and cytohistochemical features of the Senegal sole skin and gills may serve as control structures in both natural and aquaculture systems to monitor or detect environmental stress responses at the histological level.  相似文献   

The structure and immunolocalization of the ion transporters Na(+) ,K(+) -ATPase (NKA), Na(+) /H(+) exchanger (NHE3) and vacuolar-type H(+) -ATPase (VHA) were examined in the gills of teleosts of the family Blenniidae, which inhabit rocky shores with vertical zonation in subtropical seas. These features were compared among the following species with different ecologies: the amphibious rockskipper blenny Andamia tetradactylus, the intertidal white-finned blenny Praealticus tanegasimae and the purely marine yaeyama blenny Ecsenius yaeyamaensis. Light and electron microscopic observations indicated that thick gill filaments were arranged close to each other and alternately on two hemibranches of a gill arch in the opercular space of A. tetradactylus. Many mucous cells (MC) and mitochondrion-rich cells (MRC) were present in the interlamellar regions of the gill filament. An immunohistochemical study demonstrated that numerous NKA, NHE3 and some VHA were located predominantly on presumed MRCs of gill filaments and at the base of the lamellae. Analyses using serial (mirror image) sections of the gills indicated that only a few NKA immunoreactive cells (IRC) were colocalized with VHA on some MRCs in the filaments. In the gills of P. tanegasimae, NKA- and NHE3-IRCs were observed in the interlamellar region of the filaments and at the base of the lamellae. VHA-IRCs were located sparsely on the lamellae and filaments. In the gills of E. yaeyamaensis, the lamellae and filaments were thin and straight, respectively. MCs were located at the tip as well as found scattered in the interlamellar region of gill filaments. NKA-, NHE3- and VHA-IRCs were moderately frequently observed in the filaments and rarely on the lamellae. This study shows that the structure and distribution of ion transporters in the gills differ among the three blennid species, presumably reflecting their different ecologies.  相似文献   

Using the scanning electron microscope, the gills of the air-breathing catfish, Clarias batrachus , have been studied. The overall morphology of the gills are similar to other teleosts. In contrast to water-breathing species, however, microridges are absent from the surfaces of the secondary lamellae and only short microvilli are present. Long, convoluted microridges are present on the epithelial cells of the gill filaments. The possible roles of these structures in relation to water flow are discussed.  相似文献   

The toxicity of 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) has been demonstrated in the seabream Sparus aurata specimens. Liver presented hepatocytic alterations, with an increase of lipid droplets and glycogen granules. Ultrastructural modifications of hepatocytes included RER fractionation, glycogen augmentation, as well as a rise in the number of lipid droplets, vacuoles and secondary lysosomes. In the gills, secondary lamellar epithelium showed hyperplasia, hypertrophy and lamellar fusion on the edge of the filaments. At the end of the exposure period (1 pg1(-1) TCDD for 20 days), some organelles in epithelial cells of the secondary lamellae and the tubular system of the chloride cells appeared altered. In the liver of TCDD-exposed specimens, immunoreactive cytochrome P-450 1A was concentrated close to the cytoplasmic and nuclear membranes, and positive granules were also evident throughout cytoplasm of the hepatocytes. Significant cytochrome P-450 staining was especially evident in endothelium of the hepatic vascular system. At the beginning of the exposure (1 pg 1(-1) TCDD, for 5 and 10 days), cytochrome P-450 immunostaining was observed in the cytoplasm of scarce hepatic cells and after 20 days of treatment, specific immunostained cytoplasmic granules were detected in most hepatocytes. In gills of TCDD-treated specimens, pillar-endothelial cells showed a cytochrome P-450 1A immunostaining concentrated close to the base of gill filaments and dispersed through the gill lamellae. There was also significant cytochrome staining of the endothelium of the branchial vascular system. However, no cytochrome immunoreactivity was observed in epithelial-respiratory cells.  相似文献   

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