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中国食蚜蝇科昆虫研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
食蚜蝇Syrphidae是双翅目昆虫中一类很重要的资源昆虫和天敌昆虫,在控制蚜虫、自然界传粉等方面有很重要的作用,同时也是仿生学等研究的重要实验材料。文章介绍国内食蚜蝇科昆虫最近几年的分类学、生态学、生物学习性及生物防治的研究现状。  相似文献   

在整理吉林省长白山地区的食蚜蝇标本时,发现2新种,分别为拟食蚜蝇属1新种,郑氏拟蚜蝇Parasyrphus zhengi sp.nov.,新种近似直带拟蚜蝇Parasyrphus lineola(Zetterstedt,1843),但新种复眼裸,翅暗黑色,足被黑毛,中足胫节端部黑色;长角蚜蝇属1新种,黑缘长角蚜蝇Chrysotoxum nigrimarginatum sp.nov.,新种近似侧宽长角蚜蝇Chrysotoxum fasciolatum(De Geer,1776),与C.fasicolatum的主要区别是新种腹部背板侧缘黑色,触角3节长度之比为1∶1∶4,后者腹部背板黑、黄相间,触角3节长度之比(背面观)约为0.8∶1.0∶3.0。本文除记述新种外,同时提供其特征图。模式标本保存在陕西理工学院动植物标本馆。  相似文献   

北洛河流域食蚜蝇科区系分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
依据世界动物地理区划及中国动物地理区划,对北洛河流域的食蚜蝇科昆虫进行区系分析。北洛河流域在动物地理区划上隶属于古北界的华北亚区,该区分布有食蚜蝇科昆虫52种,隶属于2亚科11族29属,其中包括2个中国新纪录种和7个陕西新纪录种。其区系组成特点是:古北界有17种,占总数的32.70%,古北界和东洋界共有种有35种,占总数的67.31%。  相似文献   

储西平 《昆虫学报》1992,35(3):294-300
本文应用扫描电镜研究了24种食蚜蝇(双翅目,食蚜蝇科)卵壳的超微形态.描述了所研究种类卵的形态并编列了检索表.研究结果表明卵的受精孔形态是和卵壳花纹同等重要的分类特征.文中讨论了受精孔形态和卵表花纹在食蚜蝇卵分类中的重要性以及造成卵壳背、腹面花纹差异的原因.  相似文献   

中国食蚜蝇科一新属二新种记述(双翅目,食蚜蝇科)   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
作者于2002年在秦岭山区进行食蚜蝇科昆虫调查时,发现食蚜蝇科昆虫1新属2新种,记述如下.新种模式标本保存于陕西理工学院陕西省资源生物重点实验室标本馆.平背食蚜蝇属,新属Lamellidorsum gen.nov.复眼裸,颜面及额黄色,面中突小而钝圆.触角黄色,第3节近圆形.胸部背面黑色,具青铜色光泽,两侧暗黄色.小盾片黄色,至少两侧前角被黄毛,中胸上前侧片前低平部缺直立长毛,腹侧片上、下毛斑全长宽的分开.后胸腹板裸,后足基节后腹端角缺毛簇.翅面被微毛,无裸区,翅后缘具一列间隔均匀的骨化黑色小点.腹部狭长,两侧近平行,第3、4背板前部具宽黄带.雄性背针突侧面观近三角形,舌状突顶端尖,与侧臂等长.上叶呈半月形.阳茎端背面平且向两侧扩展呈方形,两侧近端部收缩.阳茎基的腹侧侧扁,后端下部向两侧略扩展.模式种:黄毛平背食蚜蝇,新种Lamellidorsum piliflavum sp.nov.新属近似于狭腹食蚜蝇属Meliscaeva Frey及美蓝食蚜蝇属Melangyna Verrall.与前者的区别是中胸上前侧片前低平部无直立长毛,与后者的区别是翅后缘具一列间隔均匀的骨化黑色小点,腹部第3~4背板前部具宽黄带.雄性尾器不同.黄毛平背食蚜蝇,新种Lamellidorsum piliflavum sp.nov.(图1~7)雄性头部半球形.头顶黑色,被暗黄色毛,单眼三角被黑毛.额暗黄色,基部覆黄粉,被黑毛,中部被黄毛,额角约50°.颜面暗黄色,覆黄粉及黄毛,面中突小而圆,裸.颊部暗褐色,被黄毛.触角暗黄色,第3节长约等于其高,端部宽圆,触角芒棕黄色裸,基部1/3较粗,被微毛,端部约2/3细.中胸背板黑色,具青铜色光泽,两侧暗黄色,被棕黄色毛,小盾片黄色,被黄毛,盾下缨密,棕黄色.胸部侧板黑色,中域覆灰粉,被暗黄色毛.中胸上前侧片前低平部缺直立长毛,腹侧片上、下毛斑全长宽的分离.后胸腹板裸,后足基节后腹端角缺毛簇.足主要棕黄色,被黄毛.翅面被微毛,痣棕黄色,翅后缘具一列间隔均匀的骨化黑色小点.腹部两侧平行,黑色.第2背板两侧具长三角状黄斑.第3背板基部具宽黄带,长大于背板长的2/3.第4背板基部黄带约为背板长的1/2,背板后缘具黄边.第5背板黄色.露尾节黑色.第1背板被棕黄色毛,第2、3背板被毛同底色,第4背板及其后部各节被黑毛,第4背板黄带两侧被黄毛.雄性尾器,暗黑色.尾须黄色,被黄毛.第9背板暗黑 色.背针突暗黑色,被灰白色毛,角钝圆,腹侧缘及内侧表面端部被短刺毛,外侧表面中央略下陷,外表面的内侧部平,呈半月形.第9腹板舌状突发达.上叶半月形,背侧及后侧黑色,外表面顶端有狭缝.阳茎端背面平且向两侧扩展呈长方形,两侧近端部收缩.阳茎基的腹侧侧扁,后端下部向两侧略扩展.阳茎表皮内突左右侧扁.雌性 未知.♂体长9.5mm,翅长8.0mm.正模♂,2002-09-01,陕西眉县(红河谷,海拔1000 m),霍科科采.黑毛平背食蚜蝇,新种Lamellidorsum pilinigrum sp.nov.(图8~11)雄性 未知.♀体9.5mm,翅长8.0mm.正模♀,2002-09-01,陕西眉县(红河谷,海拔1000m),霍科科采.新种与黄毛平背食蚜蝇近似,但其小盾片被黑毛,第2背板具黄带,黄带中央具三角形黑斑,后端不达黄带后缘,后足腿节及胫节中部黑褐色.  相似文献   

在系统整理河北大学博物馆馆藏食蚜蝇科Syrphidae昆虫标本的基础上,鉴定出中国食蚜蝇亚科Syrphinae昆虫4族21属41种,其中5新种:直带垂边食蚜蝇Epistrophe rectistrigata sp.nov.,黑龙江美蓝食蚜蝇Melangyna heilongjiangensis sp.nov.,秦巴细腹食蚜蝇Sphaerophoria qingbaensis sp.nov.,秦岭细腹食蚜蝇Sphaerophoria qinglinensis sp.nov.和长白山食蚜蝇Syrphus changbaishanicus sp.nov..新种正模标本保存于河北大学博物馆,副模标本保存于陕西理工学院陕西省资源生物重点实验室.  相似文献   

食蚜蝇科的分类系统及其研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张宏杰  霍科科 《昆虫知识》2005,42(2):132-138
综述了食蚜蝇科的分类系统及其研究进展。林奈未能正确地区分出食蚜蝇类昆虫 ,将当时已知的大约 3 7种食蚜蝇归入家蝇属Musca中。Fabricius首次建立的食蚜蝇属Syrphus包括了当时已知的大部分食蚜蝇种类和一些非食蚜蝇种类 ,一些真正的食蚜蝇仍保留在家蝇属Musca及其它属中。MosesHarris是第 1位将食蚜蝇与双翅目其它类群分开的学者。Latreille首次建立食蚜蝇科Syrphiae。Fall啨n以“Syrphici”作为食蚜蝇科的科名 ,现代食蚜蝇科的名称“Syrphidae”由Leach提出。目前 ,多数学者认为食蚜蝇科隶属于双翅目的环裂亚目Cyclorrhapha、无缝组Aschiza ,头蝇科Pipunculidae是其姊妹群 ,二者构成食蚜蝇总科Syrphiodea。在分类系统方面 ,Rondani首次将食蚜蝇科分为 5个亚科。Lioy第 1次依据幼虫摄食习性将食蚜蝇划分为 5个群 (group) ,并对Eristaliti群进行了再划分。Schiner依据径中横脉 (r m)的位置将食蚜蝇科分为 2个类群 ,将食蚜蝇科分为 8个亚科。Williston将食蚜蝇科划分为 3个亚科 ,包括1 4个族。Verrall在Schiner和Williston系统的基础上 ,提出分 7个亚科的分类系统 ,这一系统得到其后学者的认可和引用 ,如Efflatoun、Brunetti、Ferguson等。Bezzi也引用Verrall的系统 ,但以齿腿蚜蝇亚科Merodontinae取代  相似文献   

本文共记述了云南西双版纳地区23属37种食蚜蝇。其中有1新种和中国1新纪录种,另外有2种在国外报道,我国台湾和海南有分布,但国内无任何记载和描述,本文对这些种类均进行了描述。同时还对该地区的食蚜蝇区系特点及不同生态环境下食蚜蝇多样性进行了初步分析。  相似文献   

毛食蚜蝇属二新种(双翅目:食蚜蝇科)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文记述毛食蚜蝇属Dasysyrphus 2新种,雄性外生殖器命名采用Vockeroth(1969)系统。模式标本保存于上海农学院昆虫标本室。1.曲毛食蚜蝇Dasysyrphus licinus He,新种(图 1) 雄体长10.5mm。眼毛褐色,长约0.2mm。头顶三角区的高度约等于复眼接合缝的长度,覆淡色粉被及黑毛。单眼黄褐色,排成短的等腰三角形。额黑色,被黄色绵毛  相似文献   

何继龙  储西平 《昆虫学报》1996,39(3):312-316
中国食蚜蝇属一新种记述(双翅目:食蚜蝇科)何继龙,储西平(上海农学院园林环境科学系上海201101)(江苏省农业科学院植物保护研究所南京210014)食蚜蝇属Syphus是Fabricius建立于1775年。此时的食蚜蝇属Syrphus(s.1.)是...  相似文献   

In this report the karyotypes of 54 species of the tribe Milesiini and of four species of the tribe Myoleptini are described in detail with illustrations and idiograms. These species belong in the genera Lejota, Myolepta, Blera, Calliprobola, Criorhina, Hadromyia, Milesia, Somula, Sphecomyia, Spilomyia, Syritta, Temnostoma, Tropidia and Xylota. Six species have 2n = 8 chromosomes, 35 have 2n = 10 (including Xylota nemorum which has about 20 extra microchromosomes in some specimens), 15 have 2n = 12, one has 2n = 14, and Somula decora has 2n = 10 large chromosomes plus about eight microchromosomes. The mean total complement length (TCL) for 347 complements analysed in these tribes was 53.7 but there is great variation between TCL's of complements analysed even from a single fly. Karyotypes of species of Myolepta in the Myoleptini resemble in certain respects those of species of Tropidia in the Milesiini. Our observations support Currran's transfer of Lejota cyanea to the Milesiini. The 2n = 12 karyotypes of species of Blera, Criorhina, Lejota, Milesia, and to a lesser extent Sphecomyia, have some features in common. Spilomyia species have rather distinct 2n = 10 karyotypes. Certain species in Calliprobola, Syritta and Hadromyia are karyologically similar to some species of the genus Xylota in which species studied fall into fairly distinct karyological groups. These observations provide clear evidence of the accumulation of karyotypic variations in the origin of species in these two tribes.  相似文献   

This report describes the karyotypes of five species of the tribe Sericomyiini (Diptera, Syrphidae). The five species are: Sericomyia chalcopyga Lw. (2n=12), S. chrysotoxoides Mq. (2n=10), S. lata (Coq.) (2n = 12), S. militaris Walker (2n=12) and S. sp. 1 (2n=10). Polytene chromosomes of Arctophila flagrans O. S. are illustrated.Dedicated to Prof. J. Seiler on the occasion of his 80th birthday.  相似文献   

This report describes the karyotypes of fourteen species of the tribe Chrysotoxini (Diptera, Syrphidae) with the single genus Chrysotoxum. The species are listed in the Table on p. 240. All have 2n=10 chromosomes, usually consisting of short apparently telocentric sex chromosomes plus two subtelocentric and two submetacentric pairs of autosomes.  相似文献   

An account is given of a study of resource-partitioning in hoverflies (Syrphidae) which feed almost exclusively on flowers. Suggestions are made for school project work using hoverflies.  相似文献   

Cannibalism occurred frequently in a laboratory population ofEpisyrphus balteatus. The third instar larva was the most voracious cannibal and are mainly eggs. Pupae were never eaten. Egg cannibalism was inversely dependent on aphid density, but even occurred when prey was present in excess. Syrphid larvae can complete their development on conspecific eggs.  相似文献   

The karyotypes of 24 species of the tribe Pipisini (Diptera: Syrphidae) are described and illustrated. Nearly all the species of Neocnemodon, Pipiza and Pipizella have 2n=8 chromosomes consisting of a short telocentric XY pair and three metacentric pairs increasing in relative length from long to very long. Pair II chromosomes in several Pipiza species have high metacentric to low submetacentric arm ratios. One Parapenium species is tentatively reported as having five pairs and another five or six pairs. The karyological evidence favours placing the tribe Pipizini in the subfamily Syrphinae rather than in the subfamily Milesiinae.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. Time-budgets are constructed from censuses of hoverflies. Larger species spend less time in flight.
2. Most species are active under similar conditions of light intensity, but a shade-tolerant (Melanostoma scalare Fabr.) and a sun-loving species (Metasyrphus corollae Fabr.) were identified.
3. Large species become active (i.e. move, by flying or feeding) at lower temperatures than small ones, except M.scalare, which is tolerant to cool temperatures. This means that, M.scalare apart, the order of species appearing during the day is size-dependent, largest first.
4. Previous claims about the diel periodicity of syrphids can be reconciled by considering the importance of individual thermal balance.
5. Tolerance to low temperatures in small hoverflies is associated with feeding on anemophilous pollen; this may indicate a proline-fuelled flight.  相似文献   

A checklist of the Syrphidae (Diptera) recorded from Finland. Three species of Syrphidae, Platycheirus modestus Ide, 1926, Cheilosia barovskii (Stackelberg, 1930) and Mallota tricolor Loew, 1871, are published as new to the Finnish fauna. Platycheirus modestus is also new to the Palaearctic.  相似文献   

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