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陈潘  张燕  朱晓静  鲁长虎 《生态学报》2019,39(7):2282-2290
生物入侵威胁本地物种生存,破坏生态系统的结构和功能,是导致全球生物多样性丧失的重要原因之一。外来植物是入侵生物中的重要一类,可以显著改变本地植被群落,并影响其他生物类群。鸟类作为生态系统中的较高营养级,对由入侵植物引起的栖息地变化十分敏感。互花米草自引入中国沿海以来,其分布区域不断扩散,多数研究认为互花米草入侵造成本地生物多样性降低和生态系统退化。系统梳理了互花米草入侵对鸟类栖息地、食物资源、繁殖、群落等方面的生态影响。主要负面影响有:(1)植被群落结构不利于鸟类栖息、筑巢、觅食;(2)鸟类食物资源丰度和多样性下降;(3)本地鸟类种群数量和物种多样性显著下降。在我国东部沿海湿地,互花米草入侵已经显著改变了植被与鸟类分布格局。但随着入侵历史的增长,少数小型雀形目鸟类却可以逐渐适应互花米草生境。互花米草入侵为某些非本地鸟类提供了空白生态位,在一定程度上丰富了本地物种多样性,对互花米草的快速清除反而可能不利于已适应并依赖互花米草生境的鸟类。综上,认为互花米草入侵对鸟类群落甚至整个生态系统的影响可能需要更多研究进行综合评价,应开展长期、大尺度、多因子的监测研究和多物种比较研究,建立生态评价模型并制定科学有效的互花米草管理对策。  相似文献   

生态系统中的物质和能量主要沿食物链在食物网中流通,诸多研究表明入侵植物对生态系统功能的影响是通过改变当地原有的食物网结构而实现的,因此外来植物入侵对食物网的影响受到人们越来越多的关注.本文分析了植物入侵引起食物网变化的原因以及改变食物网的途径,探讨了土著食物网特点对群落可入侵性的影响,得出以下结论:(1)食物网的变化主要是由于入侵植物引起的消费者基础食物资源或者周围环境条件的变化造成的;(2)入侵植物通过3种途径影响食物网:一是入侵植物具有较好的可利用性,能够直接被土著草食者取食,通过上行效应按照原有的路径进入土著食物网;二是当入侵植物的可利用性较差时,入侵植物所固定的能量通过引入新的消费者或者转变流通路径形成新的食物网结构;三是入侵植物通过非营养作用造成食物网中各级消费者的种群密度和行为活动等发生变化,进而影响土著生物群落和食物网结构;(3)食物网的大小及其连通性可能影响外来植物的入侵成功率.在今后的研究中,为深入揭示生物入侵对食物网的影响,在短期控制实验的基础上应加强长时间尺度的动态研究,对于食物网变化的定量描述对象也需要进一步加以明确.此外,食物网对入侵植物生态修复的响应以及食物网变化对入侵植物的反馈作用等也具有重要的研究价值.  相似文献   

外来植物入侵对生物多样性的影响及本地生物的进化响应   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
越来越多的证据表明,入侵植物能通过杂交和基冈渐渗等对本地种造成遗传侵蚀,甚至产生新的"基因型"来影响本地种的遗传多样性;通过生境片断化,改变本地种种群内和种群间的基因交流,造成近亲繁殖和遗传漂变,间接影响本地种的遗传多样性.另一方面,本地种能对入侵植物做出适应性进化响应,以减小或消除入侵植物的危害.本地种在与入侵植物的互作过程中产生了一系列的适应进化、物种形成以及灭绝事件,且这些事件不仅局限于地上生态系统,土壤牛物多样性同样受到影响,甚至也能发生进化响应.为更全面地了解外来植物入侵的生态后果和本地生物的适应潜力,本文综述了外来植物入侵对本地(地上和地下)生物(遗传)多样性的影响以及本地生物的进化响应.讨论了外来植物入侵导致的遗传和进化变化与其入侵性的关系,并提出了一些值得研究的课题.如土著种与外来种的协同进化、植物一土壤反馈调节途径和全球变化其他组分与生物入侵的关系等.  相似文献   

不同栖息地状态下外来种入侵及对本地种生存影响的模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈玲玲  林振山 《生态学报》2008,28(4):1366-1375
外来种入侵引起的生态及经济问题日益严重,人类活动导致大规模栖息地持续变化的背景下,外来种的入侵过程及本地物种多样性的演化更为复杂.在Tilman多物种共存模型基础上,建立了栖息地持续变化条件下的外来种入侵干扰模式,分别模拟了栖息地不变、持续毁坏及持续恢复条件下的外来种入侵及对本地物种多样性的生态影响.模拟结果表明:(1)拓殖率小(入侵性弱)的外来种不能成功定殖,栖息地的持续变化对其没有任何影响.(2)拓殖率增大的外来种入侵过程复杂,栖息地持续毁坏导致其灭绝时间相比于栖息地不变时明显推迟,栖息地持续恢复使其灭绝提前;一定时间内持续增加栖息地可以减小此类外来种入侵危害.(3)拓殖率足够大的外来种能够成功定殖,快速定殖-扩散的入侵过程不会因栖息地毁坏而迅速改变,其响应具有时间滞后性;栖息地持续恢复也有利于其迅速蔓延,占有率呈线性疯狂增长.(4)在具有外来种入侵的本地生态系统中,栖息地持续改变(增加或减少)对本地物种多样性的发展均不利.  相似文献   

本地种与外来种水生植物在不同基质营养下的生长比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近年来,生物入侵由于其对生态系统,环境,经济等多方面造成的后果日益严重,逐渐成为目前全球普遍关注的生态问题。对于植物而言,外来入侵种不仅会大大降低本地物种的存活率,而且对本地物种的分布也会造成很大程度的负面影响。不仅如此,外来入侵种还会对本地水生或陆生生态系统造成十分严重的影响和破坏。随着国内外专家学者对外来种研究的深入,许多有关外来种入侵机制的假说和理论不断被提出。其中以资源假说(Resource Hypothesis,Davis 等 2000)研究的最为广泛和深入。在资源假说中,Davis等提出:伴随着一定数量繁殖体,外来物种的入侵会随着资源(例如光,营养和水份)的增加而加剧。为了验证(1)外来种和本地种的表现是否存在差异,如果存在,这种是否也会随着资源的增加而增强?(2)外来种与本地种的差异是否对我们预测和防治入侵有帮助?本文在此基础上,采用4种水生外来种,水鳖科(Hydrocharitaceae)两种,小二仙草科(Haloragidaceae)狐尾藻属(Myriophyllum)两种,与本地同科或同属且形态相似的3种水生植物为实验材料。分别配制两种不同营养级别的基质环境,比较了在高、低营养基质环境中外来种和本地种与生长相关的参数指标。结果显示:在高营养基质和低营养基质环境中,本地种较外来种更大地积累其生物量并且拥有更高的相对生长速率(relative growth rate)。结果还显示:在侧枝的生物量分配方面,外来种较本地种显著增高。由于断枝是水生植物无性繁殖的重要手段之一,并且断枝由侧枝或主茎受到生物或非生物的扰动产生。我们使用侧枝生物量的分配这一指标来间接反映水生植物的无性繁殖能力。结果表明,本地种较外来种能较好适应当地不同的基质营养环境;但是在无性繁殖体的传播方面,外来种较本地种占有一定的优势。因此,我们尝试提出:对外来水生植物的防治应继续以管理本地水生植物的栖息地和保护本地水生植物多样性为主,并且应加大对外来水生植物无性繁殖体特别是断枝传播的管理和控制力度。  相似文献   

生物入侵的进化生物学   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
生物入侵(Biological invasion)是指一种生物在人类活动的影响下,从原产地进入到一个新的栖息地,并通过定居(Colonizing)、建群(Establishing)和扩散(Diffusing)而逐渐占领该栖息地,从而对当地土著生物和生态系统造成负面影响的一种生态现象。入侵种(Invasive species)既可以通过竞争、捕食等种间关系排斥原有的土著种,导致土著种的濒危或灭绝;也可以通过对食物链的影响改变原生态系统的结构和功能,并对人类社会造成经济损失,甚至对人类健康构成威胁。  相似文献   

外来植物入侵已成为严重的环境和社会问题,了解外来植物的入侵机制是有效控制其入侵的前提。生物阻抗假说认为,入侵地本地植物群落中的许多生物因子及生物过程能够抵御外来植物入侵。但关于群落抵抗外来种入侵的主要机制,目前还没有确定的结论。本文综述了群落中物种功能特征的多样性以及与外来种功能特征的相似度、植物与动物、植物与植物以及植物与土壤微生物间的相互作用等因素对外来植物入侵的影响,以及以前研究存在的不足。未来研究应该注重不同条件下植物与植物间的相互作用;不同竞争强度下,植物与食草动物的相互作用;植物、动物及土壤微生物三者之间的相互作用对外来植物入侵的影响。这些研究不仅能够丰富和完善入侵生态学理论,而且对于预测外来植物未来的扩散范围,合理有效地管理生态系统,防止外来植物入侵,保护本地生物多样性具有重要的实际意义。  相似文献   

【目的】高黎贡山生物多样性资源丰富,蕴藏着极高的生态系统服务价值,是中国重要的西南生态安全屏障。在气候变化和人类活动等影响下,高黎贡山正面临越来越多的外来植物入侵。明确外来入侵植物分布特征与生态系统服务重要区的空间对应关系,能够为高黎贡山外来入侵植物防控及生态安全屏障建设提供科学支撑。【方法】利用当量因子法,在3 km×3 km网格单元尺度下评估高黎贡山生态系统服务价值并进行重要性分级分区;以文献资料分析和实地调查相结合分析高黎贡山区域外来入侵植物的空间分布格局;利用Arcgis 10.2软件分析空间对应关系。【结果】高黎贡山生态系统服务重要性分为5级,单位面积价值量最高的生态系统类型为水系、阔叶林、针叶林、灌木林和灌草丛。外来入侵植物为59种,入侵等级为Ⅰ~Ⅴ级的物种分别有12、17、8、11和11种。除1级重要区外,其他区域均分布有外来入侵植物,其中3级和4级重要区(主要为灌木林地和耕地)分布的外来入侵植物的种类和数量最多。【结论】外来植物入侵威胁高黎贡山生态系统服务供给,亟需开展外来入侵植物系统调查评估以识别高等级入侵植物实施外来入侵植物差别化管控;陆生外来入侵植物应该成为高黎贡山外来入侵植物研究的重点;人工灌木林地和耕地作为高黎贡山外来入侵植物集聚区应该重点关注开展外来入侵植物防控。  相似文献   

深圳的外来植物   总被引:45,自引:2,他引:43  
通过对深圳外来植物调查 ,报道了深圳 1 0 2种外来植物 ,约占深圳植物种类总数的 1 0 % ;并对深圳 1 0种危害较大的外来入侵植物进行了简要介绍。通过对深圳外来植物区系的种类组成、原产地、生长型、生境和危害程度的分析 ,结果表明 :(1 )外来植物的入侵对深圳的自然生态系统的影响较小 ,对人工林或人为干扰严重的生态系统的影响较大 ;(2 )来自新大陆热带地区的外来植物对深圳容易入侵并造成较大危害 ;(3 )草本和藤本植物具有较强的入侵能力 ,高大乔木的入侵能力小 ,造成的危害程度也较小。  相似文献   

外来入侵植物成灾的机制及防除对策   总被引:30,自引:4,他引:26  
外来入侵植物是指自然或人为地由原生态系统中引入到新生境的植物 ,会给新生境或其中的物种带来威胁。紫茎泽兰从缅甸自然进入云南 ,其原产地是墨西哥 ;水葫芦从墨西哥引进用作饲料 ,而大米草是从英国南海岸引入用于促淤护堤。 3种外来入侵植物给我国当地的生产、生活等带来了极大的威胁 ,破坏了生态系统 ,影响了生物的多样性。对它们的治理费用昂贵。其繁殖力、适应性和抗逆性极强 ,竞争力也极强或本身拥有化感特性或特殊器官 ,同时又耐瘠、耐污 ,并且在本地还缺乏有力的竞争生物和天敌 ,是 3种外来入侵植物势不可挡 ,扩散蔓延的成灾机制。致力于外来入侵植物的国家能力建设和综合治理是 3种外来入侵植物的防除对策  相似文献   

Ortega YK  McKelvey KS  Six DL 《Oecologia》2006,149(2):340-351
Although exotic plant invasions threaten natural systems worldwide, we know little about the specific ecological impacts of invaders, including the magnitude of effects and underlying mechanisms. Exotic plants are likely to impact higher trophic levels when they overrun native plant communities, affecting habitat quality for breeding songbirds by altering food availability and/or nest predation levels. We studied chipping sparrows (Spizella passerina) breeding in savannas that were either dominated by native vegetation or invaded by spotted knapweed (Centaurea maculosa), an exotic forb that substantially reduces diversity and abundance of native herbaceous plant species. Chipping sparrows primarily nest in trees but forage on the ground, consuming seeds and arthropods. We found that predation rates did not differ between nests at knapweed and native sites. However, initiation of first nests was delayed at knapweed versus native sites, an effect frequently associated with low food availability. Our seasonal fecundity model indicated that breeding delays could translate to diminished fecundity, including dramatic declines in the incidence of double brooding. Site fidelity of breeding adults was also substantially reduced in knapweed compared to native habitats, as measured by return rates and shifts in territory locations between years. Declines in reproductive success and site fidelity were greater for yearling versus older birds, and knapweed invasion appeared to exacerbate differences between age classes. In addition, grasshoppers, which represent an important prey resource, were substantially reduced in knapweed versus native habitats. Our results strongly suggest that knapweed invasion can impact chipping sparrow populations by reducing food availability. Food chain effects may be an important mechanism by which strong plant invaders impact songbirds and other consumers.  相似文献   

Cats are among the most successful and damaging invaders on islands and a significant driver of extinction and endangerment. Better understanding of their ecology can improve effective management actions such as eradication. We reviewed 72 studies of insular feral cat diet from 40 islands worldwide. Cats fed on a wide range of species from large birds and medium sized mammals to small insects with at least 248 species consumed (27 mammals, 113 birds, 34 reptiles, 3 amphibians, 2 fish and 69 invertebrates). Three mammals, 29 birds and 3 reptiles recorded in the diet of cats are listed as threatened by the IUCN. However, a few species of introduced mammals were the most frequent prey, and on almost all islands mammals and birds contributed most of the daily food intake. Latitude was positively correlated with the predation of rabbits and negatively with the predation of reptiles and invertebrates. Distance from landmass was positively correlated with predation on birds and negatively correlated with the predation of reptiles. The broad range of taxa consumed by feral cats on islands suggests that they have the potential to impact almost any native species, even the smallest ones under several grams, that lack behavioral, morphological or life history adaptations to mammalian predators. Insular feral cat??s reliance on introduced mammals, which evolved with cat predation, suggests that on many islands, populations of native species have already been reduced.  相似文献   

Exotic species are widely accepted as a leading cause of biodiversity decline. Lady beetles (Coccinellidae) provide an important model to study how competitor introductions impact native communities since several native coccinellids have experienced declines that coincide with the establishment and spread of exotic coccinellids. This study tested the central hypothesis that intraguild predation by exotic species has caused these declines. Using sentinel egg experiments, we quantified the extent of predation on previously-common (Hippodamia convergens) and common (Coleomegilla maculata) native coccinellid eggs versus exotic coccinellid (Harmonia axyridis) eggs in three habitats: semi-natural grassland, alfalfa, and soybean. Following the experiments quantifying egg predation, we used video surveillance to determine the composition of the predator community attacking the eggs. The extent of predation varied across habitats, and egg species. Native coccinellids often sustained greater egg predation than H. axyridis. We found no evidence that exotic coccinellids consumed coccinellid eggs in the field. Harvestmen and slugs were responsible for the greatest proportion of attacks. This research challenges the widely-accepted hypothesis that intraguild predation by exotic competitors explains the loss of native coccinellids. Although exotic coccinellids may not be a direct competitor, reduced egg predation could indirectly confer a competitive advantage to these species. A lower proportion of H. axyridis eggs removed by predators may have aided its expansion and population increase and could indirectly affect native species via exploitative or apparent competition. These results do not support the intraguild predation hypothesis for native coccinellid decline, but do bring to light the existence of complex interactions between coccinellids and the guild of generalist predators in coccinellid foraging habitats.  相似文献   

Biological invasions have significantly affected New Zealand?s native species and ecosystems. Most prominent are the effects of exotic mammals and plants, whereas few invertebrate invasions are known to have major effects on native ecosystems. Exceptions are the well-known cases of Vespula wasps in Nothofagus forest ecosystems and Eriococcus scale insects in Leptospermum shrublands. This limited impact is surprising because over 2000 exotic invertebrates have become established in New Zealand, among them many pests of exotic crop plants. The low impact of exotic invertebrates that invaded forests and other native ecosystems in New Zealand is in contrast to the situation in other parts of the world where many invertebrates have become important pests. We provide an overview of known invasions by exotic invertebrates in New Zealand, and explore in more detail several examples of invasive species, including herbivores, predators, parasitoids, decomposers and other groups in forests, grasslands, and other terrestrial ecosystems. Several hypotheses have been proposed to explain the comparative scarcity of such invasions that affect New Zealand?s indigenous ecosystems. There is a common view that New Zealand?s native species and ecosystems are inherently resistant to exotic invertebrate invaders, and there is some evidence to support this view. As a result of the high level of endemism in New Zealand?s flora, many native plants are phylogenetically distant from the host plants of many plant-feeding invaders. This provides some protection. Less host-specific plant-feeding insects, generalist predators, parasitoids and decomposers are less affected by such constraints, and these groups are perhaps more represented among the successful invaders of natural ecosystems. However, the shortage of studies on invader impacts on native species and ecosystems, compared with studies on economically important crops and production ecosystems, means that an unbiased comparison is not possible at this time. Furthermore, many invaders go through extended lag phases where their impacts are not easily noticed until they become more abundant and create more damage. Likewise, indirect effects of invaders, through more complex interactions in food webs, as well as impacts on ecosystem functions such as decomposition and pollination, are more subtle and difficult to detect without careful study. There is clearly a need for more research to determine more accurately which exotic invertebrates are already present, what their direct and indirect impacts are, and what generalisations and predictions about threats to native species and ecosystems are possible.  相似文献   

Exotic shrubs as ephemeral ecological traps for nesting birds   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Certain exotic plants may increase risk of nest predation, and, in this way, may act as ecological traps. We hypothesized that the greater vulnerability to predation was a consequence of either (1) reduced nest height due to architectural differences among plant species or (2) seasonal changes in the distribution of nests among forest strata. To test this, we examined temporal variation in nest survival of 888 nests of Northern Cardinal (Cardinalis cardinalis) in native substrates and two exotic shrubs (Lonicera maackii and Rosa multiflora) in Ohio, USA, 2001–2006. We evaluated evidence for an ecological trap by monitoring the annual reproductive productivity of 245 breeding pairs of cardinals. Only nests in Rosa experienced relatively constant survival rates across the season, whereas probability of survival increased over the season for nests in other substrates. Interestingly, the relative vulnerability of nests in different substrates varied across the season. Most strikingly, nests in Lonicera in early spring showed the lowest survival rates but exceeded survival rates of nests in native substrates late in the season. Nest height failed to explain seasonal changes in nest survival, as only nests in native plants significantly increased in height as the season progressed. Rather, predation risk seemed to be a function of the proportion of nests within each substrate, as illustrated by the decreased predation in Lonicera as the relative proportion of nests in native substrates increased. The patterns of temporal variation in predation risk that we detected show that impacts of Lonicera are not a function of plant architecture alone and may be related to leaf phenology, changes in nest density, nest site location, and/or nest synchrony. Examination of the reproductive productivity of cardinals showed that pairs that made their first nest attempt in Lonicera fledged 20% fewer cardinal young than birds that began the season using other substrates. Thus, we suggest that exotic plants may represent an ephemeral ecological trap for certain nesting birds, where negative effects persist only during certain periods.  相似文献   

Herbivores modify various ecological processes including interactions between native and exotic plants that may affect invasion success by the exotic plants. It is unknown whether different types of exotic herbivores have similar effects on native and exotic plants. Using two distinct data sets, we ran meta-analyses to compare exotic vertebrate and invertebrate herbivore preferences for, and effects on performance and population sizes of native and exotic plants. We found that exotic vertebrate herbivores have positive effects on exotic plant performance and population sizes, and no significant effects on native plants. Exotic invertebrates have significant negative effects on performance and population sizes of both exotic and native plants. Vertebrates prefer to feed on native plants relative to exotic plants, while invertebrates prefer the exotic plants to native plants. Thus the exotic vertebrate herbivores may aid invasiveness of exotic plants, in accordance with the invasional meltdown hypothesis, while exotic invertebrate herbivores probably have no net effect on invasion process of the exotic plants. Invertebrate herbivore preferences for exotic plants support the biotic resistance hypothesis, as the native plants probably resist the invertebrate herbivory. We also tested an evolutionary logic that posits that herbivores with similar evolutionary history as plants will affect the plants less negatively than plants with which they have not co-evolved. Our results indicate that there is no consistent pattern in effects of exotic vertebrate and invertebrate herbivores on exotic plants with or without which they have co-evolved.  相似文献   

Many invading species impact native species through predation, parasitism or competition, while others affect natives indirectly by restructuring their habitat. How invasive plants affect native animals, and to what extent native animals respond to changes in their habitat and the novel selection pressures that follow, is not well known. We investigated the impacts of a habitat-altering invader, the Atlantic cordgrass Spartina alterniflora, on the nesting success of Alameda song sparrows (Melospiza melodia pusillula), a California Species of Special Concern, in tidal marshes in three sites in San Francisco Bay. Date of laying was the most influential factor in determining daily survival rate of nests, but whether the nest was placed in exotic Spartina was the most important ecological variable. Nests placed in exotic Spartina had a success rate that was 30% lower than those placed in native vegetation. Nests in exotic Spartina were significantly more likely to fail due to tidal flooding than were nests placed in native vegetation, because the densest stands of exotic Spartina occurred at significantly lower elevations relative to the tides. Our results suggest that exotic Spartina may be an ecological trap for song sparrows in San Francisco Bay, attracting birds to nest sites that are often destroyed by tidal flooding.  相似文献   

Exotic (nonnative) species are known to have a wide variety of impacts on native biota. One potential set of impacts that have been poorly studied are the effects of replacing native habitat-providing species with exotic ones, e.g. when native trees that compose a woodland are replaced by an exotic tree plantation. Here we develop a graphical model that can be used to explore how multiple taxonomic components (such as birds, mammals and plants) respond to such changes. We suggest that four categorical responses are possible, with respect to changes in species richness (or other quantitative measures) of taxonomic groups within species assemblages. First, that each taxonomic group compared between habitats will be relatively unchanged, e.g. have equivalent values of species richness. Second, that a decrease (for example in species richness) of one group will be compensated for by an increase (in species richness) of another group. Third, that one or more groups will decrease without any compensated increases in other groups. Fourth, that one or more groups will increase without any compensated decreases in other groups. We provide empirical support for 3 of these 4 responses, with respect to measures of species richness, with much evidence for equivalency between habitats. These types of comparisons should provide a valuable tool for evaluating 1) the efficacy of environmental mitigation efforts that artificially create or restore habitats and 2) the types of changes that have occurred over time or across space as native habitat-producing species are replaced by exotic ones. Finally, this conceptual framework should help to broaden the range of possible changes considered by ecologists who study the impacts of exotic species.  相似文献   

Introduced predators are important drivers of ecosystem change and can threaten native species. The European hedgehog (Erinaceus europaeus) was introduced from Britain into New Zealand where it is currently widespread, including in braided-river environments of the interior cold drylands where it might threaten native species such as riparian ground-nesting birds. The establishment of hedgehogs in braided-river environments may be facilitated by adjacent pastoral landscapes that provide food, primarily invertebrates, and dry shelter. Forays by hedgehogs into native prey habitats, such as riverbed floodplains, increase predation pressure. Understanding the spatial ecology of introduced predators can improve effectiveness of control measures. We assessed spatial resource selection by hedgehogs in a braided-river environment by tracking 27 individuals for 4–8 days in summer and autumn using microGPS-backpacks. We extracted fine-scale landscape variables from a map created using very high resolution satellite imagery to model home range placement within the study area. We also assessed habitat composition and ranking within high-use areas using compositional analysis. Hedgehogs established home ranges in pastoral landscapes containing abundant edges and high vegetation productivity (mainly green pastures and shrubs), and selected pastures and patches of shrubs as high-use areas. Hedgehogs avoided riverbed floodplains, suggesting that reported predation events on ground-nesting birds might be a consequence of secondary predation or individual specialization. We recommend that predation of native species by hedgehogs might be best alleviated if trapping is focused on those areas selected by native fauna of conservation concern (e.g. riverbed floodplains), as well some biologically-determined buffer surrounding these sites.  相似文献   

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