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孙稚颖  李法曾 《广西植物》2008,28(4):431-436
利用光学显微镜对中国十字花科独行菜族部分广布属及相关属植物进行了叶表皮微形态学观察研究,结果表明:所研究的中国独行菜族植物叶表皮微形态具有多样性,可以划分为两种类型:第一类,叶上下表皮同形或近同形,叶表面被单毛或光滑无毛,包括独行菜属、群心菜属、菘蓝属和菥蓂属;第二类,叶上下表皮不同形,叶表面被分支毛和单毛,包括荠属和亚麻荠属;叶表皮微形态结果支持荠属应从独行菜族中移出,独行菜族是一多系类群,同时认为荠属与亚麻荠属植物具有较近的亲缘关系。  相似文献   

利用叶绿体DNA的trnL内含子和trnL-F基因间隔区序列测定,对中国独行菜族部分属及相关属植物进行了分子系统学研究,结果表明:独行菜族是多系类群,在分子树中,所研究的中国独行菜族部分属植物被分别聚在了3个不同的并列系中,其中,荠属(Capsella)和亚麻荠属(Camelina)与南芥族的3个属聚在系Ⅰ,认为应将二者分别从独行菜族和大蒜芥族中移出,划入南芥族中;菥蓂属(Thlaspi)和菘蓝属(Isatis)与大蒜芥族的3个属聚成系Ⅱ,支持将二者移出独行菜族,划入大蒜芥族的观点;独行菜属(Lepidium)、臭荠属(Coronopus)和群心菜属(Cardaria)三者关系密切,组成系Ⅲ,其中臭荠嵌入独行菜属中,支持将臭荠属合并到独行菜属的处理意见.  相似文献   

中国独行菜属种皮微形态特征的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
利用扫描电子显微镜对独行菜属9种植物种子的种皮微形态进行了研究,结果表明独行菜属种皮微形态可划分为4种类型;结果支持将独行菜属划分为3个组的观点;北美独行菜在种皮纹饰上与其它类群差别较大,并结合子叶缘倚胚根的特征将其另立一新组——子叶缘倚组Sect. Accumbentum F. Z. Li, J. Q. Zheng & Z. Y. Sun , sect. nov.  相似文献   

利用种皮微形态观察与叶绿体DNA的trnL内含子和trnL-F基因间隔区序列测定分析相结合,对十字花科菘蓝属植物及其相关属种的系统学关系进行了探讨.研究结果表明原属独行菜族的菘蓝属植物,其种皮特征与原属鸟头荠族的舟果荠属植物相似,同属一类型.而与独行菜族的模式属独行菜属植物、大蒜芥族的模式属大蒜芥属植物以及鸟头荠族的模式属鸟头荠属植物种皮微形态差异显著;在基于叶绿体DNA的trnL内含子和trnL-F基因间隔区序列所构建的系统发育树中,菘蓝属植物与舟果荠属植物距离最近,而与独行菜属、大蒜芥属、鸟头荠属植物具有一定的间隔,结合形态特征,本研究认为,菘蓝属与舟果荠属植物具有较近的亲缘关系,而不是同族的独行菜属植物.  相似文献   

沙芥属(Pugionium Gaertn.)植物子叶叶表皮微形态特征研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
采用扫描电镜观察了十字花科沙芥属二年生草本植物沙芥、斧翅沙芥、距果沙芥和宽翅沙芥的子叶表皮形态特征。其结果表明:沙芥属植物子叶上下表皮均有凸起的大的条形泡状细胞分布,呈平行排列,且每个种的上表皮的泡状细胞的密度均大于下表皮的泡状细胞密度,其中上下表皮的密度以沙芥的为最小,以宽翅沙芥为最大,且沙芥、距果沙芥和宽翅沙芥的下表皮的泡状细胞长度大于上表皮,而斧翅沙芥则相反;沙芥、斧翅沙芥与宽翅沙芥的叶片上下表皮细胞胞隆起,气孔下陷,而距果沙芥子叶上表皮的气孔生于表皮细胞下,表皮细胞未隆起,气孔下陷。该研究说明沙芥属植物子叶表皮微形态既有种间相似的特征,又存在一定的特异性,可为本属种间的分类及其抗逆机理提供形态学依据。  相似文献   

泡果荠属Hilliella和阴山荠属Yinshania是十字花科中国特有的两小群植物,但是,它们的分属界定却一直颇有争议。本文结合前人的研究结果重新对这两群植物做了研究,从而进一步确认这两群植物应该界定为两个属,即泡果荠属和阴山荠属。文中比较了两属间重要的性状特征,并指出它们的主要区别在于:泡果荠属果实无假隔膜,种子较大,表面具小瘤状突起,染色体倍性为六倍体(2n=6x=42);而阴山荠属果实有假隔膜,种子较小,表面具网纹,染色体倍性为二倍体(2n=2x=12)。两属其他方面如叶形态、叶表皮结构、被毛类型  相似文献   

沙芥属(十字花科)的起源、分类与进化研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
沙芥属(PugioniumGaertn.)最初是从匙荠属(Bunias)中分出来单独建立的属,ndhF系统树表明,该属和高河菜属(Megacarpaea)、Farsetia、香雪球属(Lobularia)、屈曲花属(Iberis)和Ionopsidium亲缘关系较近,且和高河菜属构成姐妹关系。自从沙芥属确立以来,先后发表过沙芥[P.cornutum(L.)Gaertn]、斧形沙芥(P.dolabratum Maxim.)、距果沙芥(P.calcaratum Kom.)、鸡冠沙芥(P.cristatum Kom.)、翅果沙芥(P.pterocarpum Kom.)等5个种和宽翅沙芥(P.dolabratumvar.platypterum H.L.Yang)1个变种,但形态统计学和分子生物学的证据表明,沙芥属应该仅包含沙芥(P.cornutum)和斧形沙芥(P.dolabratum)2个形态学物种。基于不同遗传背景的DNA分子标记的研究结果进一步表明,沙芥和斧形沙芥这2个形态学物种间的遗传分化明显,但种间分化的时间并不久远,它们很可能是更新世以来随中亚和中国西北沙漠发展扩张而形成的2个近期分化的姐妹种。该文对沙芥属的系统起源、属下分类和遗传进化方面的研究历史和最新研究进展进行综述,并提出了研究中存在的问题。  相似文献   

山东蔊菜属种子形态学研究及其系统分类学意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
马成亮 《广西植物》2003,23(2):145-148
对山东菜属植物的种子,从大小、翅、颜色和种子微形态等方面进行了研究;结果表明该属的种子为卵形或近圆形,呈扁平状;种子表面纹饰为网状或乳突状。与近缘属种子形态的研究表明,菜属和豆瓣菜属亲缘关系较近。因种子的形态特点比较稳定,所以菜属的种子特点可以为其分类、生药鉴定以及演化提供种子形态学方面的证据。  相似文献   

马成亮 《广西植物》2003,23(2):T001-T002
对山东Han菜属植物的种子,从大小、翅、颜色和种子微形态等方面进行了研究;结果表明该属的种子为卵形或近圆形,呈扁平状;种子表面纹饰为网状或乳突状。与近缘属种子形态的研究表明,Han菜属和豆瓣菜属亲缘关系较近。因种子的形态特点比较稳定,所以Han菜属的种子特点可以为其分类、生药鉴定以及演化提供种子形态学方面的证据。  相似文献   

沙芥属植物叶片的气孔特征研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
观察了沙芥属(Pugionium Gaertn.)3个种:沙芥(P.cornutum (L.)Gaertn.),距果沙芥(P.calcaratum Kom.)和斧翅沙芥(P.dolatum Maxim. var. dolabratum)的子叶和真叶表皮特征及气孔指标,并进行了差异显著性分析。结果表明:沙芥属植物表皮形状多为无规则形,上、下表皮均具有气孔,气孔类型均为不等细胞型。气孔保卫细胞呈肾形,内壁加厚,但加厚程度不同,斧翅沙芥>距果沙芥>沙芥。气孔缝呈纺锤形,气孔均下陷;气孔日开闭规律均呈双峰曲线。斧翅沙芥和距果沙芥的气孔性状具有较大的相似性,但这两个种与沙芥的气孔性状存在明显差异,说明沙芥属植物叶片气孔稳定性状和形态可以作为种质资源鉴定和评价的重要微观特征。  相似文献   

Although diversity of fruit/seed colouration has received a great amount of attention since Darwin, little is known about its role in eating preferences in humans. We have determined that humans prefer certain fruits/seeds over others and that their willingness to eat them has been significantly influenced by the perceived aesthetic of the presented fruits and seeds. Participants were unable to discriminate between edible and poisonous fruits/ seeds based on their colour. Females rated all the groups of fruits/seeds as more attractive than males with this supporting the role of females in picking fruit in our evolutionary past. Red fruits were rated as more attractive than green or brown fruits. The results support the idea that fruit/seed colouration plays an important role in plant--disperser coevolution and that aesthetic judgment in humans have been shaped by natural selection.  相似文献   

种子植物的选择性败育及其进化生态意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
种子植物的选择性败育是指植株在花粉源、传粉次序、果实在植株上的位置和发育果实中的种子数目等因素或者这些因素综合作用的基础上对发育中的幼果或种子选择性败育的现象。植株可以选择性地败育位于果序顶部或基部的果实以及位于果实基部、中部或柱头端的种子。此现象在被子植物中比较普遍,特别是在豆科、十字花科和紫草科中最为常见。导致植物选择性败育的主要原因主要有资源限制和遗传因子两个方面。植物通过选择性败育部分自交或基因型较差的果实或种子,不仅可以提高母本和后代的适合度,而且还可以提高果实或种子的扩散效率。因此,对选择性败育的研究在深入了解植物的结实结籽格局、探讨其进化式样与机制等方面具有重要意义。该文系统总结了国际上有关植物选择性败育的研究工作,重点介绍了选择性败育发生的式样、导致选择性败育的因素、选择性败育的进化生态意义,以及目前研究选择性败育现象的主要方法,并对该领域今后研究前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

表型变异是植物遗传变异与环境异质性相互作用的结果, 是植物适应和进化的具体表现。为揭示极小种群植物梓叶槭(Acer catalpifolium)的种实表型在其适应环境过程中的变异特征, 明确梓叶槭优质种源地, 为该物种的保护提供基础数据, 本研究以天然分布的5个小种群的11个种实性状为研究对象, 采用巢式方差、变异系数、表型分化系数等多种指标, 探讨了其种群间和种群内的表型变异。结果表明: 梓叶槭种实表型性状在种群间和种群内均存在着显著的差异, 种群内的变异(63.11%)大于种群间的变异(23.61%), 种群间平均分化系数为27.23%, 分化程度在槭树科植物中相对较大。种子厚度的平均变异系数最高(40.64%), 其次是果柄长。翅果千粒重的平均变异系数最小(1.57%), 是最稳定的种实性状。都江堰种群的表型多样性最丰富, 平武种群的则最低; 气象因子对梓叶槭种实表型性状的影响不显著。就种实表型性状而言, 虽然雷波种群的翅果最大, 平武种群的种子最大, 同时两者均具有最大的种子厚度和质量均一度。故平武和雷波种群均可作为梓叶槭优质种质资源的候选地。  相似文献   

A change in the metabolism of hydroxycinnamic acids in wounded tomato fruits (Lycopersicon esculentum) .
Healing of lesions in tomato fruits (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. var. cerasiforme ) is partly due to lignification of cells bordering the wounded zones. The pericarp of healthy fruits contains a high level of hydroxycinnamic derivatives but never shows lignification. Thus, the reaction of the fruit to wounding seems to be a change in the metabolism, leading to the formation of monomeric units of which lignins are constituted. Hydroxycinnamate:CoA ligase (EC; CL) and O-methyltransferase (EC; OMT) appear to play an important role in this change. In wounded fruits CL acts preferentially on p-coumarate and ferulate as compared to caffeate, and OMT is particularly active with 5-OH ferulate as substrate. These changes lead to the formation of p-coumaroyl CoA, feruloyl CoA and sinapate, which are incorporated into lignin. Phenylalanine ammonialyase (EC and glucosyltransferase activities increase greatly after wounding, whereas the activity of hydroxycinnamoyl-CoA:quinate hydroxycinnamoyl transferase decreases. These data complement those previously reported on peroxidases and suggest that, after the increase of enzyme activities, monomeric units are formed and then polymerized by some peroxidases specific for lignification.  相似文献   

李玲  冯学超  赵凌侠 《植物研究》2018,38(5):790-794
番茄(Solanum lycopersicum)是全球第一大经济作物,其品质倍受科学家和消费者关注,果色和硬度是决定番茄品质的重要经济性状。为了解析YFT1(YELLOW FRUIT TOMATO1)调控番茄果色发育和硬度形成机制,本文对野生型cv.M82和突变体yft1的果色、硬度和果皮显微结构进行了比较分析。结果显示,在35 dpa(days post anthesis),yft1和cv.M82番茄果色、硬度、果皮细胞大小和形状无明显差异。随着果实发育cv.M82番茄由绿色转为橙色/浅红(47 dpa)和红色(54 dpa);并由硬变软,54 dpa的果实硬度(13.68±1.78N)仅相当于35 dpa的(35.51±1.09N)1/3。同时,从转色期(47 dpa)果皮细胞由内向外逐渐变大;内果皮薄壁细胞由圆形(35 dpa)依次变成卵形(47 dpa)和不规则形(54 dpa),并观察到了细胞内陷和胞间空隙消失(54 dpa)。与cv.M82不同,yft1番茄的果色、硬度和果皮细胞显微结构随果实发育(35~54 dpa)变化不明显;而其果实硬度(47~54 dpa)显著高于cv.M82。这些结果均暗示YFT1突变使番茄果实发育延迟,并影响了果色发育和硬度的形成。该研究将为番茄果色发育和果色形成机制的揭示提供重要的表型证据。  相似文献   

郭洪岭  李志文  肖治术 《生物多样性》2014,22(2):174-Heidelberg
果实(种子)产量和质量是影响植物种群更新的重要因素。为了探明影响黄连木果实产量和种子命运的因素以及这些影响因素之间的相互作用, 作者于2009年对河南省济源市45株黄连木(Pistacia chinensis)结果样树的植株特征、果实特征、果实产量和种子命运等进行了测定, 并用结构方程模型进行综合分析。结果表明: (1)黄连木果实产量与树高、树冠面积和果序大小等特征成正相关, 但与胸径、果实大小相关性不显著; (2)与捕食者饱和假说的预测不一致, 单株果实产量对黄连木广肩小蜂(Eurytoma plotnikovi)的种子捕食率(即虫蛀率)无显著直接负向效应; (3)树高和果实大小对虫蛀率为显著直接正向效应, 胸径对虫蛀率为显著直接负向效应, 显示黄连木广肩小蜂对植株特征和果实特征有一定的选择能力; (4)空壳率与虫蛀率成显著负相关, 空壳果实越多, 越易逃避黄连木广肩小蜂的寄生, 空壳果实的存在对完好种子起到了一定保护作用, 可能是黄连木防御昆虫寄生的重要机制; (5)空壳率和虫蛀率对种子完好率有显著直接负向效应, 而胸径、果序大小和果实产量对完好率为间接正向效应, 树高和果实大小为间接负向效应。可见, 黄连木植株特征和果实特征均不同程度地影响其果实产量和昆虫寄生, 从而影响黄连木的种子质量和种群更新。  相似文献   

In flowering plants, fruit morphogenesis is a distinct process following fertilization resulting in the formation of a specialized organ associated with seeds. Despite large variations in types and shapes among species, fleshy fruits share common characteristics to promote seed dispersal by animals such as organ growth and metabolite accumulation to attract animal feeding. The molecular biology of fruit ripening has received considerable attention, but little is known about the determinism of early fruit morphogenesis and why some fruits are fleshy while others lack flesh. We have identified in grapevine (Vitis vinifera) a mutation we have named fleshless berry (flb) that reduces by 20 times the weight of the pericarp at ripening without any effect on fertility or seed size and number. The flb mutation strongly impaired division and differentiation of the most vacuolated cells in the inner mesocarp. The timing of ripening was not altered by the mutation although the accumulation of malic acid in the green stage was noticeably reduced while sucrose content (instead of hexoses) increased during ripening. The mutation segregates as a single dominant locus. These results indicate that the Flb- mutant is suitable material to advance our understanding of the genetic and developmental processes involved in the differentiation of an ovary into a fruit.  相似文献   

Shirleya grahamae Pigg & DeVore gen. et sp. nov. (Lythraceae) is established for silicified fruits from the middle Miocene Yakima Canyon of central Washington State, USA. The capsules are 10 mm long × 11.5-12.5 mm wide, enclosed in a persistent floral tube and contain 5-7 locules. They are loculicidally dehiscent, fracturing into fragments and leaving the central axis free. Placentation is axile. Five to seven mature seeds are tightly packed per locule, often with several smaller seeds. Seeds are winged, anatropous, and narrowly attached subapically to the central axis, curving basally and radially within the fruit. They are up to ~4.6 mm long × 1.9 mm wide, with a small, triangular embryo cavity and a prominent distal wing. The inflated wing is filled with a bilobed parenchymatous pad of tissue with a central cavity. Shirleya grahamae is assigned to the Lythraceae, and is most similar to Lagerstroemia, based on the synapomorphies of distally winged seeds and revolute cotyledons. Shirleya differs from Lagerstroemia in seed arrangement, and pericarp and wing anatomy. This study provides the first anatomical information about a Miocene Lagerstroemia-like fruit and documents further diversity of the Lythraceae in the Neogene of northwestern North America.  相似文献   

王静  章英才  陶珊珊 《植物研究》2022,42(6):1106-1120
为揭示灵武长枣(Ziziphus jujuba ‘Lingwu Changzao’)果实发育过程中阿拉伯半乳糖蛋白(AGPs)的分布规律,以膨大前期、快速膨大期、着色期和完熟期灵武长枣果实为试验材料,通过组织化学和免疫荧光定位的方法,研究了不同发育时期果实AGPs的分布特征。结果显示:βGlcY-AGPs形成的棕红色沉淀和MAC204抗体识别的抗原在各时期果实的外果皮及相邻的内部数层排列紧密的中果皮小细胞的细胞壁和细胞内部均有分布。中果皮大型卵圆形薄壁细胞的细胞壁和细胞内在膨大前期均有βGlcY-AGPs形成的棕红色沉淀和MAC204抗体识别的抗原分布,而在快速膨大期、着色期和完熟期均主要分布于薄壁细胞的细胞壁上,大部分细胞内部无分布;随着果实发育成熟,中果皮薄壁细胞间隙拉大排列更加松散,出现细胞破裂,βGlcY-AGPs形成的棕红色沉淀和MAC204抗体识别的抗原分布逐渐减少。各时期果实维管束中维管束鞘、木质部、韧皮部、形成层的所有细胞的细胞壁和细胞内部都分布有βGlcY-AGPs形成的棕红色沉淀和MAC204抗体识别的抗原,维管束数量和大小随果实发育及体积的进一步增大逐渐减少,βGlcY-AGPs形成的棕红色沉淀和MAC204抗体识别的抗原分布逐渐减少。研究认为,βGlcY和MAC204分别为研究灵武长枣果实AGPs组化定位有效方法和免疫荧光的良好抗体,各时期果实的不同组织βGlcY-AGPs形成的棕红色沉淀和MAC204抗体识别的抗原荧光强弱存在一定的差异;AGPs可能参与了灵武长枣果实维管束发育过程的形态建成;为果实发育提供保护和营养支持及多糖物质积累。  相似文献   

Zhang J  Hao Z Q  Li B H  Ye J  Wang X G  Yao X L 《农业工程》2008,28(6):2445-2454
To explore the composition and spatio-temporal dynamics of seed rain in broad-leaved Korean pine (Pinus koraiensis) mixed forest, 150 seed traps were set up in a 25 hm2 plot in Changbai Mountain. Seeds, fruits, anthotaxy and others in seed traps were collected, identified and divided into 4 types. From 2005 to 2006, we collected 47 different types. Total number of seeds and fruits was 121291, including 23147 mature seeds and fruits (19.1% of the total). Tilia amurensis and Fraxinus mandshurica, with the most seeds and fruits, accounted for 90% of the total. The analysis on seasonal dynamics of seed rain showed that there were the largest number of seeds and fruits between July and October, which were composed of immature seeds and fruits. In mid-October, mature seeds and fruits reached their peak, but immature seeds and fruits still accounted for high proportion. There were 91 traps that contained 100–200 mature seeds and fruits, and one trap without any mature seed or fruit. The largest number of species found in a trap was 7, and usually 3 or 4 species were found in most of the traps. There were obvious relationships between spatial patterns of mature seeds and fruits and their parent trees, indicating that their mature seeds and fruits were not dispersed far from their parent trees.  相似文献   

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