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Conformational analysis of four stranded DNA helices poly(dT).poly(dA).poly(dA).poly(dT) with parallel arrangement of the identical sugar-phosphate chains connected by twofold symmetry has been performed. All possible models of symmetrical base binding were checked. By the potential energy optimization the dihedral angles and helices parameters of stable conformations of four stranded polynucleotides were calculated. The dependences of conformational energy on the base complex structure and mutual orientation of the poly(dA).and poly(dT) chains were studied. Possible biological functions of four stranded helices are discussed.  相似文献   

We have performed a conformational analysis of DNA double helices poly(dA).poly(dT) with parallel directed backbone strands in heteronomic model frames. All possible models of base pairs and various mutual orientation of base pair and sugarphosphate backbones were checked. By the potential energy optimization the dihedral angles and helices parameters of stable conformations of parallel double polynucleotides were calculated. The dependences of conformational energy on the base pair structure were studied.  相似文献   

The molecular structure of poly (dT).poly (dA).poly (dT) has been determined and refined using the continuous x-ray intensity data on layer lines in the diffraction pattern obtained from an oriented fiber of the DNA. The final R-value for the preferred structure is 0.29 significantly lower than that for plausible alternatives. The molecule forms a 12-fold right-handed triple-helix of pitch 38.4 A and each base triplet is stabilized by a set of four Crick-Watson-Hoogsteen hydrogen bonds. The deoxyribose rings in all the three strands have C2'-endo conformations. The grooveless cylindrical shape of the triple-helix is consistent with the lack of lateral organization in the fiber.  相似文献   

Poly(dA).poly(dT), but not B-form DNA, is specifically recognized by experimentally induced anti-kinetoplast or anti-poly(dA).poly(dT) immunoglobulins. Antibody binding is completely competed by poly(dA).poly(dT) and poly(dA).poly(dU) but not by other single- or double-stranded DNA sequences in a right-handed B-form. Antibody interaction with poly(dA).poly(dT) depends on immunoglobulin concentration, incubation time and temperature, and is sensitive to elevated ionic strengths. Similar conformations, for example, (dA)4-6 X (dT)4-6, in the kinetoplast DNA of the parasite Leishmania tarentolae are also immunogenic and induce specific anti-poly(dA).poly(dT) antibodies. These antibody probes specifically recognize nuclear and kinetoplast DNA in fixed flagellated kinetoplastid cells as evidenced by immunofluorescence microscopy. Anti-poly(dA).poly(dT) immunofluorescence is DNase-sensitive and competed by poly(dA).poly(dT), but not other classical double-stranded B-DNAs. Thus, these unique cellular B'-DNA helices are immunogenic and structurally similar to synthetic poly(dA).poly(dT) helices in solution.  相似文献   

Coralyne is a small crescent-shaped molecule known to intercalate duplex and triplex DNA. We report that coralyne can cause the complete and irreversible disproportionation of duplex poly(dT)·poly(dA). That is, coralyne causes the strands of duplex poly(dT)·poly(dA) to repartition into equal molar equivalents of triplex poly(dT)·poly(dA)·poly(dT) and poly(dA). Poly(dT)·poly(dA) will remain as a duplex for months after the addition of coralyne, if the sample is maintained at 4°C. However, disproportionation readily occurs upon heating above 35°C and is not reversed by subsequent cooling. A titration of poly(dT)·poly(dA) with coralyne reveals that disproportionation is favored by as little as one molar equivalent of coralyne per eight base pairs of initial duplex. We have also found that poly(dA) forms a self-structure in the presence of coralyne with a melting temperature of 47°C, for the conditions of our study. This poly(dA) self-structure binds coralyne with an affinity that is comparable with that of triplex poly(dT)·poly(dA)·poly(dT). A Job plot analysis reveals that the maximum level of poly(dA) self-structure intercalation is 0.25 coralyne molecules per adenine base. This conforms to the nearest neighbor exclusion principle for a poly(dA) duplex structure with A·A base pairs. We propose that duplex disproportionation by coralyne is promoted by both the triplex and the poly(dA) self-structure having binding constants for coralyne that are greater than that of duplex poly(dT)·poly(dA).  相似文献   

R W Behling  D R Kearns 《Biochemistry》1986,25(11):3335-3346
The structure of poly(dA).poly(dT) in aqueous solution has been studied by using 1H two-dimensional nuclear Overhauser effect (2D NOE) spectroscopy and relaxation rate measurements on the imino and nonexchangeable protons. The assignments of the 1H resonances are determined from the observed cross-relaxation patterns in the 2D NOE experiments. The cross-peak intensities together with the measured relaxation rates show that the purine and pyrimidine strands in poly(dA).poly(dT) are equivalent in aqueous solution. The results are consistent with a right-handed B-form helix where the sugars on both strands are in the C2'-endo/anti configuration. These observations are inconsistent with a proposed heteronomous structure for poly(dA).poly(dT) [Arnott, S., Chandrasekaran, R., Hall, I. H., & Puigjaner, L. C. (1983) Nucleic Acids Res. 11, 4141-4155]. The measured relaxation rates also show that poly(dA).poly(dT) has fast, large-amplitude local internal motions (+/- 20-25 degrees) in solution and that the amplitudes of the base and sugar motions are similar. The motion of the bases in poly(dA).poly(dT) is also similar to that previously reported for poly(dA-dT).poly(dA-dT) and poly(dG-dC).poly(dG-dC) [Assa-Munt, N., Granot, J., Behling, R. W., & Kearns, D. R. (1984) Biochemistry 23, 944-955; Mirau, P. A., Behling, R. W., & Kearns, D. R. (1985) Biochemistry 24, 6200-6211].  相似文献   

The effect of hydrostatic pressure upon the DNA duplex, poly(dA)poly(dT), and its component single strands, poly(dA) and poly(dT) has been studied by fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR). The spectral data indicate that at 28 degrees C and pressures up to 12 kbar (1200 MPa) all three polymers retain the B conformation. Pressure causes the band at 967 cm(-1), arising from water-deoxyribose interactions, to shift to higher frequencies, a result consistent with increased hydration at elevated pressures. A larger pressure-induced frequency shift in this band is observed in the single stranded polymers than in the double stranded molecule, suggesting that the effect of pressure on the hydration of single strands may be greater than upon a double stranded complex. A pressure-dependent hypochromicity in the bands attributed to base stacking indicates that pressure facilitates the base stacking in the three polymers, in agreement with previous assessments of the importance of stacking in the stabilization of DNA secondary structure at ambient and high pressures.  相似文献   

X-ray diffraction in fibres revealed that the calcium salt of poly(dA).poly(dT) is a 10-fold double helix with a pitch of 3.23 nm. The opposite sugar-phosphate chains in the refined model are characterized by a complete conformational equivalence and contain sugars in a conformation close to C2'-endo. As a result a new model of the sodium salt of poly(dA).poly(dT) has been constructed, which is different from the Heteronomous DNA proposed earlier (S. Arnott et al., Nucl. Acids Res. 11, 4141 (1983)). The new model of Na-poly(dA).poly(dT) has conformationally similar opposite chains; it is a structure of the B-type, rather like that of Ca-poly(dA).poly(dT).  相似文献   

We have performed a conformational analysis of DNA double helices with parallel directed backbone strands connected with the second order symmetry axis being at the same time the helix axis. The calculations were made for homopolymers poly(dA).poly(dA), poly(dC).poly(dC), poly(dG) poly(dG), and poly(dT).poly(dT). All possible variants of hydrogen bonding of base pairs of the same name were studied for each polymer. The maps of backbone chain geometrical existence were constructed. Conformational and helical parameters corresponding to local minima of conformational energy of "parallel" DNA helices, calculated at atom-atom approximation, were determined. The dependence of conformational energy on the base pair and on the hydrogen bond type was analysed. Two major conformational advantageous for "parallel" DNA's do not depend much on the hydrogen-bonded base pair type were indicated. One of them coincided with the conformational region typical for "antiparallel" DNA, in particular for the B-form DNA. Conformational energy of "parallel" DNA depends on the base pair type and for the most part is similar to the conformational energy of "antiparallel" B-DNA.  相似文献   

Mercuric binding studies at pH 10 revealed that poly(dA): poly(dT) exhibits a more dramatic absorption spectral alteration than the alternating polymer poly(dA-dT):poly(dA-dT) and induces a unique intense positive CD band at 296 nm during the spectral titrations. Comparative studies with its component single strands suggest that the spectral alterations exhibited by poly(dA): poly(dT) are consistent with a binding model in which the mercuric ions initially bind to thymines and cause the eventual strand separation of the duplex, with subsequent high cooperative binding to the poly(dA) strands. This interpretation is supported by the binding isotherms indicating much stronger mercuric binding to poly(dT) than to poly(dA), with saturation binding densities of 1 Hg(II) per 2 bases and 1 Hg(II) per base, respectively, and very high binding cooperativity for poly(dA). Striking spectral alterations are exhibited by the mercuric binding to poly(dA), likely the consequence of binding to the amino group of dA in an alkaline solution. The mononucleoside dA exhibits minor spectral alterations upon similar mercuric chloride additions whereas the dinucleoside monophosphate d(AA) exhibits significant spectral changes, albeit less pronounced than those of poly(dA). Some sequence effects on the mercuric binding are observed in the dinucleotide studies. Our CD results on the mercuric binding to polynucleotides do not support the contention of (psi)-type condensed complex formation.  相似文献   

Effects of Mg2+ ions on thermally induced conformational transitions in the synthetic poly(dA)·poly(dT) and poly(dA)·2poly(dT) were studied in the buffered solutions (pH 6.9), containing 0.1 or 1 M NaCl at polynucleotide concentration of 0.1–0.3 mM (in nucleic bases). The experiments consist of measurements of the UV absorption and intensity of conventional visible static light scattering. The diagram of conformational transitions in the poly(dA)–poly(dT)–Mg2+ system was constructed on a basis of experimental data obtained. Anomalously strong light scattering, like critical opalescence, has been revealed at 0.1 M NaCl and [Mg2+]≥20 mM in the melting range of both polynucleotides, which eventually disappeared after the completion of polymer strands separation. The effect presumably is caused by a fluctuation process of polymer strands complexing which arises at a certain concentration of Mg2+ ions.  相似文献   

We have performed a conformational analysis of DNA double helices with parallel directed backbone strands. The calculations were made for homopolymers poly(dG).poly(dC). All possible models of base binding were checked. By the potential energy optimization the dihedral angles and helices parameters of stable conformations of parallel double polynucleotides were calculated. The dependences of conformational energy on the base pair structure were studied. Possible structure of parallel helices with various nucleotide composition are discussed.  相似文献   

The basic assumption of Dickerson and Kopka (J. Biomole. Str. Dyns. 2, 423, 1985) that the conformation of poly(dA).poly(dT) in solution is identical to the AT rich region of the single crystal structure of the Dickerson dodecamer is not supported by any experimental data. In poly(dA).poly(dT), NOE and Raman studies indicate that the dA and dT units are conformationally equivalent and display the (anti-S-type sugar)-conformation; incorporation of this nucleotide geometry into a double helix leads to a conventional regular B-helix in which the width of the minor groove is 8A. The derived structure is consistent with all available experimental data on poly(dA).poly(dT) obtained under solution conditions. In the crystal structure of the dodecamer, the dA and dT units have distinctly different conformations-dA residues adopt (anti, S-type sugar pucker), while dT residues belong to (low anti, N-type sugar pucker). These different conformations of the dA and dT units along with the large propeller twist can be accommodated in a double helix in which the minor groove is shrunk from 8A to less than 4A. In the conventional right handed B-form of poly(dA).poly(dT) with the 8A wide minor groove, netropsin has to bind asymmetrically along the dA strand to account for the NOE and chemical shift data and to generate a stereochemically sound structure (Sarma et al, J. Biomole. Str. Dyns. 2, 1085, 1985).  相似文献   

Recent observations that the heteronomous structural model for poly(dA).poly(dT) is not found in solution and that in this DNA, the two strands are conformationally equivalent (J. Biomole. Str. Dyns. 2, 1057 (1985], has added a new dimension to the structural dynamics of DNA-netropsin complex. Does the antibiotic somehow distinguish between the two strands and specifically interact with only one of the conformationally equivalent strands? Model-building studies suggest that netropsin can either bind to the dA-strand in the minor groove such that H-bonds are formed between the imino protons N4-H, N6-H, N8-H of netropsin and N3 atoms of A or can bind to the dT-strand in the minor groove and form H-bonds between the imino-protons N4-H, N6-H, N8-H of netropsin and O2 atoms of T. If netropsin binds to the dA-strand, AH2 atoms of poly(dA).poly(dT) would be in closer proximity to the imino protons N4-H, N6-H, N8-H and pyrrole ring protons C5-H, C11-H of netropsin than they would be, if netropsin binds to the dT-strand. In order to distinguish these possibilities experiments were conducted which involved NOE energy transfer between netropsin and DNA protons in the drug-DNA complex. Difference NOE spectra of netropsin-poly(dA).poly(dT) complex in which AH2 was irradiated indicate that dominant NOEs were observed at the imino and pyrrole ring protons of netropsin. When the netropsin pyrrole ring protons were irradiated, the magnetization transfer was at AH2 of DNA. These observations suggest that netropsin binds to the dA-strand of poly(dA).poly(dT) even though dA/dT strands are conformationally equivalent.  相似文献   

The propeller DNA conformation of poly(dA).poly(dT).   总被引:7,自引:6,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Physical properties of the DNA duplex, poly(dA).poly(dT) differ considerably from the alternating copolymer poly(dAT). A number of molecular models have been used to describe these structures obtained from fiber X-ray diffraction data. The recent solutions of single crystal DNA dodecamer structures with segments of oligo-A.oligo-T have revealed the presence of a high propeller twist in the AT regions which is stabilized by the formation of bifurcated (three-center) hydrogen bonds on the floor of the major groove, involving the N6 amino group of adenine hydrogen bonding to two O4 atoms of adjacent thymine residues on the opposite strand. Here we show that it is possible to incorporate the features of the single crystal analysis, specifically high propeller twist, bifurcated hydrogen bonds, and a narrow minor groove, as well as the close interstrand NMR signal between adenine HC2 and ribose HC1' of the opposite strand, into a model that is fully compatible with the diffraction data obtained from poly(dA).poly(dT).  相似文献   

The binding of propidium to poly(dA).poly(dT) [poly(dA.dT)] and to poly[d(A-T)].poly[d(A-T)] [poly[d(A-T)2]] has been compared under a variety of solution conditions by viscometric titrations, binding studies, and kinetic experiments. The binding of propidium to poly[d(A-T)2] is quite similar to its binding to calf thymus deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). The interaction with poly(dA.dT), however, is quite unusual. The viscosity of a poly(dA.dT) solution first decreases and then increases in a titration with propidium at 18 degrees C. The viscosity of poly[d(A-T)2] shows no decrease in a similar titration. Scatchard plots for the interaction of propidium with poly(dA.dT) show the classical upward curvature for positive cooperativity. The curvature decreases as the temperature is increased in binding experiments. A van't Hoff plot of the observed binding constants yields an apparent positive enthalpy of approximately +6 kcal/mol for the propidium-poly(dA.dT) interaction. Propidium binding to poly[d(A-T)2] shows no evidence for positive cooperativity, and the enthalpy change for the reaction is approximately -9 kcal/mol. Both the magnitude of the dissociation constants and the effects of ionic strength are quite similar for the dissociation of propidium from poly(dA-T)2] and from poly[d(A-T)2], suggesting that the intercalated states are similar for the two complexes. The observed association reactions, under pseudo-first-order conditions, are quite different. Plots of the observed pseudo-first-order association rate constant vs. polymer concentration have much larger slopes for propidium binding to poly[d(A-T)2] than to poly(dA.dT).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The results of X-ray diffraction studies of poly(dA).poly(dT) have been compared with the results of energy optimization and with the NMR data in solution. Slight refinement of the X-ray and energetically optimal models leads to a very good quantitative agreement with the NMR data, that suggests similarity of the poly(dA).poly(dT) structure in a condensed state and in solution. One of the features distinguishing these models from the classic B form is a narrowed minor groove of the double helix. The anomalous properties of DNA with this sequence can be related specific organization of the water molecules near the polynucleotide.  相似文献   

The temperature dependence of the Raman spectrum of poly(dA).poly(dT) (dA: deoxyadenosine; dT: thymidine), a model for DNA containing consecutive adenine.thymine (A.T) pairs, has been analyzed using a spectrometer of high spectral precision and sensitivity. Three temperature intervals are distinguished: (a) premelting (10 < t < 70 degrees C), in which the native double helix is structurally altered but not dissociated into single strands; (b) melting (70 < t < 80 degrees C), in which the duplex is dissociated into single strands; and (c) postmelting (80 < t degrees C), in which no significant structural change can be detected. The distinctive Raman difference signatures observed between 10 and 70 degrees C and between 70 and 80 degrees C are interpreted in terms of the structural changes specific to premelting and melting transitions, respectively. Premelting alters the low-temperature conformation of the deoxyribose-phosphate backbone and eliminates base hydrogen bonding that is distinct from canonical Watson-Crick hydrogen bonding; these premelting perturbations occur without disruption of base stacking. Conversely, melting eliminates canonical Watson-Crick pairing and base stacking. The results are compared with those reported previously on poly(dA-dT).poly(dA-dT), the DNA structure consisting of alternating A.T and T.A pairs (L. Movileanu, J. M. Benevides, and G. J. Thomas, Jr. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 1999, Vol. 30, pp. 637-649). Poly(dA).poly(dT) and poly(dA-dT).poly(dA-dT) exhibit strikingly dissimilar temperature-dependent Raman profiles prior to the onset of melting. However, the two duplexes exhibit very similar melting transitions, including the same Raman indicators of ruptured Watson-Crick pairing, base unstacking and collapse of backbone order. A detailed analysis of the data provides a comprehensive Raman assignment scheme for adenosine and thymidine residues of B-DNA, delineates Raman markers diagnostic of consecutive A.T and alternating A.T/T.A tracts of DNA, and identifies the distinct Raman difference signatures for premelting and melting transitions in the two types of sequences.  相似文献   

We have been unable to "force" double-stranded RNA to fold into nucleosome-like structures using several different histone-RNA "reconstitution" procedures. Even if the histones are first stabilized in octameric form by dimethylsuberimidate cross-linking they are still unable to form specific complexes with the RNA. Moreover double-stranded RNA is unable to induce histones to assemble into octamers although we confirm that the non-nucleic acid homopolymer, polyglutamic acid, has this ability. We have also determined, using pyrimidine tract analysis, that nucleosomes will not form over a sufficiently long segment of poly(dA).poly(dT) in a recombinant DNA molecule. Thus nucleosomes cannot fold DNA containing an 80 base pair poly(dA).poly(dT) segment but a 20 base pair segment can be accommodated in nucleosomes fairly well. Segments of intermediate length can be accommodated but are clearly selected against. Poly(dA).poly(dT) differs only slightly from natural DNA in helix structure. Therefore either this homopolymer resists folding, or nucleosomes are very exacting in the nucleic acid steroid parameters they will tolerate. Such constraints may be relevant to nucleosome positioning in chromatin.  相似文献   

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