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随着肠道微生物对人类健康与疾病的作用日渐受到关注,肠道微生物的代谢作用已成为近年研究的热门领域之一。已有研究表明,将肠道微生物组学与代谢组学应用于宿主生理、疾病病理、药物药理等方面的研究具有重要价值。本文就肠道微生物基因组学和代谢组学分析联合应用的研究进展进行综述。  相似文献   

赵燕妮  余瑞  刘欢  王永波 《微生物学报》1963,(收录汇总):3009-3025
功能代谢组学是以代谢组学技术发现关键代谢物为基础,结合体内体外实验和分子生物学等技术手段,研究差异代谢物及相关蛋白、酶和基因的功能,从而揭示生物体内在的分子调控机制。功能代谢组学技术具有精准识别关键调控代谢物及其相关基因或酶的特性,近年来在微生物相关疾病的防控和工业化生产等方面受到了广泛的关注。本文介绍了功能代谢组学技术的分析流程、相关研究方法与平台及其在微生物研究方面的应用,其中重点阐述了真核、原核以及病毒微生物的代谢特性、调控靶点及相关防控策略等。最后,提出功能代谢组学研究在未来面临的问题与挑战,为后续功能代谢组学的研究与发展提供新的思路。  相似文献   

赵燕妮  余瑞  刘欢  王永波 《微生物学报》2023,63(8):3009-3025
功能代谢组学是以代谢组学技术发现关键代谢物为基础,结合体内体外实验和分子生物学等技术手段,研究差异代谢物及相关蛋白、酶和基因的功能,从而揭示生物体内在的分子调控机制。功能代谢组学技术具有精准识别关键调控代谢物及其相关基因或酶的特性,近年来在微生物相关疾病的防控和工业化生产等方面受到了广泛的关注。本文介绍了功能代谢组学技术的分析流程、相关研究方法与平台及其在微生物研究方面的应用,其中重点阐述了真核、原核以及病毒微生物的代谢特性、调控靶点及相关防控策略等。最后,提出功能代谢组学研究在未来面临的问题与挑战,为后续功能代谢组学的研究与发展提供新的思路。  相似文献   

人体肠道微生物多样性和功能研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
人体肠道中庞大而复杂的微生物群落对人体自身代谢表型有深远的影响.肠道微生物群落在亚种或菌株水平上表现出极大的多样性.利用微生物分子生态学、元基因组学和代谢组学研究方法,发现肠道微生物与宿主表现出共进化的特点,肠道微生物群落及其基因组为宿主提供了互补的遗传和代谢功能,表现出互惠共生关系.但是,肠道微生物群落中影响宿主代谢表型的关键功能菌鉴定及其作用模式问题仍然悬而未决,综合运用多种高通量研究方法和多维数据分析方法可能成为解决这个问题的突破口.  相似文献   

基于宏组学方法认识微生物群落及其功能   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
进入后基因组学时代,测序技术飞速发展,测序成本明显下降,形成了涵盖宏基因组学、宏转录组学和宏蛋白质组学的宏组学技术,推动了对微生物群落的多样性、结构及潜在基因功能方面的深入研究。最近随着整合的宏组学技术的提出及应用,全面系统分析微生物群落动态变化及其代谢功能已成为可能,这将成为微生物生态学研究的新趋势。本文综述了宏组学在研究海洋湖泊、深海热泉、人体肠道、牛瘤胃生境、森林土壤与堆肥生境等环境中微生物群落的结构和功能方面的最新进展与成功应用案例。  相似文献   

人体肠道共生着数以万亿计的微生物,肠道微生物在维持宿主正常生理功能中发挥重要作用,其成分和功能变化可导致严重的肠道和全身性疾病。以新一代测序技术和生物信息学分析为基础的元基因组学研究不仅极大地推动了对人类肠道微生物的整体认识,还加深了对肠道微生物代谢产物促进人类健康机理的理解,为肠道炎症、代谢性疾病和癌症等人类疾病的诊断与治疗提供了新思路。就肠道微生物元基因组学与肠道相关疾病的研究进展作一综述。  相似文献   

黑水虻Hemertia illucens幼虫肠道中栖息着许多种类的微生物,这些微生物与宿主之间的相互作用极为复杂,它们可以影响宿主的生长发育、繁殖能力、营养代谢、行为偏好和寿命。此外,它们还可以调节宿主的免疫系统并保护宿主免受病原体的侵害。深入了解微生物与黑水虻的互作机制,有助于优化黑水虻的生长环境,从而实现更高效的人工繁育。相关文章对微生物与黑水虻互作机理进行了总结,但这些研究方法只能提供微生物群落的结构信息,而无法揭示微生物的功能和代谢能力。因此,宏基因组学、宏转录组学、宏蛋白质组学和代谢组学逐渐被应用,这些技术除了提供关于微生物种群的完整分类,还揭示了它们的功能和代谢能力。通过了解肠道菌群的组成和功能,可以有效调整黑水虻的饲料、饲养环境和生长条件,从而提升黑水虻肠道菌群的稳定,提高黑水虻的生产性能和经济效益。  相似文献   

“微生物”这一名词指非常小的生物,如古菌、细菌、原生生物、真菌和病毒,肠道“微生物组”表示的是肠道微生物集合体。它们实际上共享宿主的身体空间,但作为宿主健康和疾病的决定因素却几乎被忽视。作为信息的集合,微生物组包括微生物的基因组数据、结构元件、代谢物和环境条件。最近对肠道微生物组的研究表明,微生物群落在维持宿主稳态和调节宿主表型上发挥着重要作用。随着包括二代测序(next-generation sequencing, NGS)在内的新技术的出现以及微生物群落序列谱等深入测定技术出现,人们对肠道微生物组与宿主遗传背景之间的关系有了许多见解。本文通过肠道微生物组学的概述,基于全基因组关联分析技术建立肠道微生物组学与宿主遗传之间联系,并对宿主遗传学与肠道微生物组的关系及未来发展前景进行探讨。  相似文献   

肠道微生物菌株资源库的构建与应用开发   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
肠道微生物组在组成和功能上都具有极高的复杂性,大量基于免培养的微生物组学研究表明肠道菌群失调与多种疾病都存在密切关联,肠道菌群的稳态与宿主健康密切相关已是共识。同时,越来越多的研究者认识到,可培养微生物菌株资源是肠道微生物组研究从关联分析向功能验证、机理解析和应用开发方向深入发展的基础和保障。本文主要对近年来完成的一些具有代表性的人肠道微生物大规模分离培养和菌株资源库构建工作,进行整理,总结回顾肠道微生物分离培养技术和方法的进展;并通过几个有代表性的基于可培养微生物菌株资源开展的肠道微生物数据挖掘、宿主–微生物互作机理研究和应用开发的成果,展示肠道微生物菌株资源库的应用价值和开发潜力。  相似文献   

代谢物组学及其在微生物研究中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
代谢物组学(metabolomics)是继基因组学(genomics)、蛋白质组学(proteomics)后发展起来的一门新学科。对代谢物组学的含义,研究方法及流程,特别是其在微生物中的应用进行了介绍,包括使用代谢物组学中的NMR技术研究微生物在降解环境污染物中的作用;使用代谢物组学技术研究微生物代谢通量,从而在分析代谢通量的基础上通过代谢工程改变代谢通量,提高目的产物的得率;确定所获得基因库中沉默基因的功能;运用代谢物组学分析方法阐明生物体系对于环境变化的响应,从而协助我们确定最佳的取样时间及最佳分析组织,设计实验。随后简要对代谢物组学发展动态进行了展望。  相似文献   

刘莎  陈从英 《微生物学报》2023,63(3):881-899
肠道中栖居着组成复杂、功能多样的微生物群,这些微生物群在宿主免疫、营养吸收、代谢调节等方面发挥着重要作用。随着测序技术的快速发展,肠道微生物研究通过16S rRNA基因测序和宏基因组测序产生了大量的数据,其中许多未组装的序列成为微生物“暗物质”。近年来,不少研究利用多种不同微生物分离培养方法,结合高通量鉴定技术,从人、小鼠、猪肠道中分离了大量的微生物,丰富了菌株资源,为解析微生物“暗物质”以及后续肠道微生物功能和应用研究提供了基础和保障。尽管微生物的可培养性受到多种因素的影响,大部分微生物尚处于“未培养”的状态,但无论是病因研究还是生理和遗传特征的解析都离不开微生物实体资源的获取。肠道微生物的分离培养对微生物研究从关联分析向菌群功能验证、因果机制解析和功能菌株开发的深入研究具有重要意义。本文旨在探讨和综述影响微生物可培养性的因素,总结回顾肠道微生物的培养方法并阐述肠道微生物培养研究的进展,以期为肠道微生物培养研究提供新的视角。  相似文献   

The potential for commensal microorganisms indigenous to a host (the ‘microbiome’ or ‘microbiota’) to alter infection outcome by influencing host-pathogen interplay is largely unknown. We used a multi-omics “systems” approach, incorporating proteomics, metabolomics, glycomics, and metagenomics, to explore the molecular interplay between the murine host, the pathogen Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium (S. Typhimurium), and commensal gut microorganisms during intestinal infection with S. Typhimurium. We find proteomic evidence that S. Typhimurium thrives within the infected 129/SvJ mouse gut without antibiotic pre-treatment, inducing inflammation and disrupting the intestinal microbiome (e.g., suppressing Bacteroidetes and Firmicutes while promoting growth of Salmonella and Enterococcus). Alteration of the host microbiome population structure was highly correlated with gut environmental changes, including the accumulation of metabolites normally consumed by commensal microbiota. Finally, the less characterized phase of S. Typhimurium’s lifecycle was investigated, and both proteomic and glycomic evidence suggests S. Typhimurium may take advantage of increased fucose moieties to metabolize fucose while growing in the gut. The application of multiple omics measurements to Salmonella-induced intestinal inflammation provides insights into complex molecular strategies employed during pathogenesis between host, pathogen, and the microbiome.  相似文献   

Gut microbial dysbiosis has been linked to many noncommunicable diseases. However, little is known about specific gut microbiota composition and its correlated metabolites associated with molecular signatures underlying host response to infection. Here, we describe the construction of a proteomic risk score based on 20 blood proteomic biomarkers, which have recently been identified as molecular signatures predicting the progression of the COVID-19. We demonstrate that in our cohort of 990 healthy individuals without infection, this proteomic risk score is positively associated with proinflammatory cytokines mainly among older, but not younger, individuals. We further discover that a core set of gut microbiota can accurately predict the above proteomic biomarkers among 301 individuals using a machine learning model and that these gut microbiota features are highly correlated with proinflammatory cytokines in another independent set of 366 individuals. Fecal metabolomics analysis suggests potential amino acid-related pathways linking gut microbiota to host metabolism and inflammation. Overall, our multi-omics analyses suggest that gut microbiota composition and function are closely related to inflammation and molecular signatures of host response to infection among healthy individuals. These results may provide novel insights into the cross-talk between gut microbiota and host immune system.  相似文献   

Little is currently known on the microbial populations colonizing the sheep large intestine, despite their expected key role in host metabolism, physiology and immunity. This study reports the first characterization of the sheep faecal microbiota composition and functions, obtained through the application of a multi‐omic strategy. An optimized protocol was first devised for DNA extraction and amplification from sheep stool samples. Then, 16S rDNA sequencing, shotgun metagenomics and shotgun metaproteomics were applied to unravel taxonomy, genetic potential and actively expressed functions and pathways respectively. Under a taxonomic perspective, the sheep faecal microbiota appeared globally comparable to that of other ruminants, with Firmicutes being the main phylum. In functional terms, we detected 2097 gene and 441 protein families, finding that the sheep faecal microbiota was primarily involved in catabolism. We investigated carbohydrate transport and degradation activities and identified phylum‐specific pathways, such as methanogenesis for Euryarchaeota and acetogenesis for Firmicutes. Furthermore, our approach enabled the identification of proteins expressed by the eukaryotic component of the microbiota. Taken together, these findings unveil structure and role of the distal gut microbiota in sheep, and open the way to further studies aimed at elucidating its connections with management and dietary variables in sheep farming.  相似文献   

Sexual dimorphism exists in the onset and development of type 1 diabetes (T1D), but its potential pathological mechanism is poorly understood. In the present study, we examined sex-specific changes in the gut microbiome and host metabolome of T1D mice via 16S rRNA gene sequencing and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR)-based metabolomics approach, and aimed to investigate potential mechanism of the gut microbiota-host metabolic interaction in the sexual dimorphism of T1D. Our results demonstrate that female mice had a greater shift in the gut microbiota than male mice during the development of T1D; however, host metabolome was more susceptible to T1D in male mice. The correlation network analysis indicates that T1D-induced host metabolic changes may be regulated by the gut microbiota in a sex-specific manner, mainly involving short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) metabolism, energy metabolism, amino acid metabolism, and choline metabolism. Therefore, our study suggests that sex-dependent “gut microbiota-host metabolism axis” may be implicated in the sexual dimorphism of T1D, and the link between microbes and metabolites might contribute to the prevention and treatment of T1D.  相似文献   

肠道微生物是哺乳动物最密集的微生物群落,也是最多样化的微生物群落之一。随着宏基因组学的不断发展,肠道微生物成为热门的研究领域。肠道微生物具有保护和代谢等功能,在胰岛素抵抗和肥胖等疾病中发挥重要作用。本文介绍了肠道微生物及其代谢物通过调节食欲、神经递质合成分泌、炎性反应进而调节肥胖,探讨了肠道微生物的影响因素,展望了肠道微生物对治疗人类肥胖的应用前景。  相似文献   

Intestinal flora provides an important contribution to the development of pulmonary tuberculosis (PTB). We performed a cross-sectional study in 52 healthy controls (HCs) and 83 patients with untreated active PTB to assess the differences in their microbiomic and metabolic profiles in faeces via V3-V4 16S rRNA gene sequencing and gas chromatography–mass spectrometry. Patients with PTB had considerable reductions in phylogenetic alpha diversity and the production of short-chain fatty acids, dysbiosis of the intestinal flora and alterations in the faecal metabolomics composition compared with HCs. Significant alterations in faecal metabolites were associated with changes in the relative abundance of specific genera. Our study describes the imbalance of the gut microbiota and altered faecal metabolomics profiles in patients with PTB; the results indicate that the gut microbiota and faecal metabolomic profiles can be used as potential preventive and therapeutic targets for PTB.  相似文献   

The human gut harbours a wide range of bacterial communities that play key roles in supplying nutrients and energy to the host through anaerobic fermentation of dietary components and host secretions. This fermentative process involves different functional groups of microorganisms linked in a trophic chain. Although the diversity of the intestinal microbiota has been studied extensively using molecular techniques, the functional aspects of this biodiversity remain mostly unexplored. The aim of the present work was to enumerate the principal metabolic groups of microorganisms involved in the fermentative process in the gut of healthy humans. These functional groups of microorganisms were quantified by a cultural approach, while the taxonomic composition of the microbiota was assessed by in situ hybridization on the same faecal samples. The functional groups of microorganisms that predominated in the gut were the polysaccharide-degrading populations involved in the breakdown of the most readily available exogenous and endogenous substrates and the predominant butyrate-producing species. Most of the functional groups of microorganisms studied appeared to be present at rather similar levels in all healthy volunteers, suggesting that optimal numbers of these various bacterial groups are crucial for efficient gut fermentation, as well as for host nutrition and health. Significant interindividual differences were, however, confirmed with respect to the numbers of methanogenic archaea, filter paper-degrading and acetogenic bacteria and the products formed by lactate-utilizing bacteria.  相似文献   

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