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以‘全年油麦菜’尖叶莴苣为试验材料,采用水培方式,研究3个浓度(0 mg·L-1、0.1 mg·L-1、1 mg·L-1)Ni2+在22.4 mg·L-1 N处理下对尖叶莴苣氮素吸收的生长及生理影响。结果显示:(1)尖叶莴苣根系和地上部生物量随处理时间的增加呈上升趋势。与对照T1(0 mg·L-1 Ni2+、112 mg·L-1 N)相比,T2处理(0 mg·L-1 Ni2+、22.4 mg·L-1 N)对尖叶莴苣根系及叶片生长具有一定抑制作用,植株鲜重、干重、根冠比、根系长度、平均直径、表面积、体积、根尖数、分根数、叶片表面积和体积在T3处理(0.1 mg·L-1 Ni2+、22.4 mg·L-1 N)下显著高于对照,T4处理(1 mg·L-1 Ni2+、22.4 mg·L-1 N)对尖叶莴苣根系及其叶片生长具有一定促进作用,但对其根尖数和分根数表现出一定抑制性。(2)随着Ni2+浓度的增加,尖叶莴苣叶片叶绿素a、叶绿素b和总叶绿素含量呈先升后降的变化规律,且均在T3处理下显著提高。(3)随着处理时间的增加,尖叶莴苣叶片的净光合速率(Pn)、气孔导度(Gs)和蒸腾速率(Tr)逐渐上升,胞间CO2浓度(Ci)逐渐下降,且T3处理叶片的Gs显著高于对照,其Ci最低,Pn最大。(4)施加Ni2+对尖叶莴苣有机酸、可溶性蛋白和可溶性糖含量以及SOD和POD活性有显著影响,在T3处理下有机酸含量降低,可溶性糖和可溶性蛋白含量显著增加,SOD和POD活性显著提高。(5)T3处理尖叶莴苣根系中N及叶片中B和Ca含量较高;根系中Ni含量高于叶片,T3处理叶片中的Ni含量较低,Mg含量较高;植株体内Cu含量随Ni2+浓度增加而下降。研究表明,外源Ni2+处理能影响低氮条件下(22.4 mg·L-1 N)尖叶莴苣幼苗生长及生理状况,适宜浓度(0.1 mg·L-1)Ni2+可有效提高尖叶莴苣根系对氮素的吸收利用效率,减少氮素施用量,促进尖叶莴苣根系和地上部叶片生长,增加光合色素含量,并提高净光合速率,进而改善植株的产量和营养品质。  相似文献   

浸种对镉胁迫下油菜种子萌发及幼苗生长的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吴学峰  晋松  储玲  刘登义 《生态学杂志》2007,26(8):1159-1164
通过水培实验研究了La(NO3)3浸种对镉胁迫下油菜(Brassica napus)种子萌发及幼苗生长的影响。结果表明,当镉浓度≤10 mg·L-1时,La(NO3)3浸种(0~50 mg·L-1)能提高油菜种子的活力,促进油菜幼苗的生长,并提高脂肪酶的活性和幼苗根细胞有丝分裂指数。其中以10 mg·L-1 La(NO3)3浸种处理效果最佳,与对照相比,种子活力指数及油菜幼苗各生长指标显著提高,脂肪酶活性增加40.41%~65.09%,幼苗根细胞有丝分裂指数增加62.76%~77.02%。当镉浓度>10 mg·L-1时,La(NO3)3浸种对镉胁迫的缓解效用明显减 弱,与对照相比,仅脂肪酶活性显著提高,其它指标无明显变化。  相似文献   

以当年生红砂(Reaumuria soongorica)幼苗为材料,采用盆栽实验,考察叶面喷施不同浓度(0、0.01、0.10、0.25、0.50、1.00 mmol·L-1)NO供体硝普钠 (SNP) 对NaCl(300 mmol·L-1)胁迫下红砂根、叶中可溶性蛋白、游离氨基酸和硝态氮含量,以及谷氨酰胺合成酶(GS)、谷氨酸合酶(GOGAT)、硝酸还原酶(NR)活性的影响,并采用主成分分析和隶属函数法筛选NO对NaCl胁迫缓解效应的氮代谢指标和最佳NO浓度,以探讨外源NO对NaCl 胁迫下红砂缓解效应的氮代谢响应机制。结果表明:(1)在300 mmol·L-1 NaCl胁迫处理下,红砂幼苗根、叶中可溶性蛋白、硝态氮含量以及GS、GOGAT、NR活性均比对照显著下降。(2)外源NO能显著提高盐胁迫下红砂叶、根中GS、GOGAT、NR活性和硝态氮含量,增加根中可溶性蛋白和游离氨基酸含量。(3)NR和GOGAT活性可用于评价NO对NaCl胁迫下红砂幼苗的缓解作用,外源NO(SNP)对红砂幼苗在NaCl胁迫下的缓解效果强弱表现为0.25 mmol·L-1> 0.50 mmol·L-1> 0.10 mmol·L-1> 1.00 mmol·L-1> 0.01 mmol·L-1。研究发现,300 mmol·L-1 NaCl胁迫显著抑制了红砂幼苗氮代谢,外源NO(SNP)有助于提高盐胁迫下红砂NR活性,加快硝态氮转化为铵态氮,促进红砂叶片和根中GS/GOGAT对转化物的同化,从而增强红砂幼苗的耐盐性,并以0.25 mmol·L-1SNP处理时缓解作用最佳;NR和GOGAT活性可作为NO缓解盐胁迫的评价指标。  相似文献   

为探究铝胁迫对菊芋根系分泌物的影响以及外源水杨酸(SA)的缓解作用,该文以耐铝型南京菊芋和铝敏感型资阳菊芋为试验材料,采用土培法,设置铝浓度500 μmol·L-1,分析了不同浓度(10、100、1 000 μmol·L-1)SA对铝胁迫下菊芋根系分泌物中有机酸、氨基酸以及根尖相关代谢酶活的影响。结果表明:(1)单铝胁迫会导致菊芋根系分泌物中柠檬酸、草酸、苹果酸浓度升高,且南京菊芋升高幅度大于资阳菊芋; 柠檬酸合酶和苹果酸脱氢酶在单铝胁迫下活性增强; 脯氨酸含量显著提升,总氨基酸浓度均显著减少。(2)外源SA加入后,南京菊芋根系分泌的柠檬酸、草酸、苹果酸浓度均得到不同程度提高,但经高浓度(1 000 μmol·L-1)SA处理后资阳菊芋根系分泌草酸显著降低,且在各浓度SA处理下苹果酸浓度均无明显变化; 柠檬酸合酶活性出现不同程度的增强,但对南京菊芋根尖中苹果酸脱氢酶活性影响不大,且高浓度(1 000 μmol·L-1)SA处理后显著降低了资阳菊芋根尖中苹果酸脱氢酶活性; 脯氨酸含量显著下降,从总氨基酸浓度变化来看,南京菊芋在高浓度(1 000 μmol·L-1)SA、资阳菊芋在低浓度(10 μmol·L-1)SA处理下得到最大缓解效果。因此,菊芋通过分泌有机酸应对铝毒侵害,外源SA可促进菊芋根系有机酸代谢速率,分泌更多的有机酸来缓解铝胁迫,这种缓解效果在耐铝性相对较强的南京菊芋中表现更好。  相似文献   

研究了长效油菜素内酯TS303、二氢茉莉酸丙酯(PDJ)及二者复配对大豆光合作用的影响及作用机理。试验结果表明:(1)0.01~1 mg·L-1 TS303浸种促进大豆干物质积累, 以0.1 mg·L-1的浓度效果最好, TS303对干物质在地上部和根之间的分配没有明显的影响, 1~10 mg·L-1 PDJ浸种促进干物质积累, 以5 mg·L-1增幅最大,50和100 mg·L-1则抑制干物质积累,1~100 mg·L-1 PDJ均促进同化物质向根系分配;(2)0.1 mg·L-1 TS303和5 mg·L-1 PDJ能增加大豆光合叶面积及净光合速率, 增强光合能力, 二者混合使用表现出协同效应;(3)0.1 mg·L-1 TS303和5 mg·L-1 PDJ及二者复配增加叶绿素含量和提高PSⅡ的实际光转化效率 (ФPSⅡ), 二者对ФPSⅡ的提高途径不同, TS303增加光合淬灭(qP)而对有效光转化效率(Fv′/Fm′)影响不大, PDJ增加Fv′/Fm而对qP影响不大;(4)0.1 mg·L-1 TS303和5 mg·L-1 PDJ及二者复配增加大豆气孔导度、碳酸酐酶活性、RuBPCase含量和活性, 增强CO2转运和固定能力;(5)0.1 mg·L-1 TS303和5 mg·L-1 PDJ及二者复配增加叶片中蔗糖的含量, 提高蔗糖/淀粉比率, 加快同化物质的转运, 增加根中淀粉含量。总体上, TS303在光能转化和CO2固定方面效果好于PDJ, 而PDJ促进同化物质运出效果好于TS303, 这可能是二者协同提高大豆光合能力的原因。  相似文献   

长柔毛委陵菜对锌的吸收动力学特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用水培方法研究了不同Zn处理水平和处理时间下长柔毛委陵菜对锌的吸收动力学特性. 结果表明,在10 mg·L-1 Zn处理下,植株地上部和根系的Zn含量均在第8天达到最高值,分别为2.49×103 mg·kg-1和2.21×103 mg·kg-1;在100 mg·L-1 Zn处理下,植株地上部的Zn含量在第16天达最高值1.23×103 mg·kg-1,而根系Zn含量不存在饱和现象. 在0~160 mg·L-1 Zn处理下,植株叶片和叶柄Zn含量随Zn处理水平的提高显著增加,Zn浓度大于160 mg·L-1后, 植株叶片和叶柄Zn含量不再随介质中Zn浓度的提高而增加(甚至减少), 根系含Zn含量与介质中的Zn浓度和培养时间呈正相关,且根系Zn吸收动力学曲线具有二型性,即开始为快速的线性吸收,随后是较缓慢的饱和吸收,两者分界点约在1~2 h,这可能分别与根细胞壁吸附Zn和Zn跨根细胞膜运输有关.  相似文献   

Cu胁迫对狭叶香蒲体内元素吸收分配的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
采用水培法,研究了不同浓度Cu2+胁迫下狭叶香蒲(Typha angustifolia)体内Cu及其他元素吸收分配的变化。结果表明:狭叶香蒲地上部和根系累积的Cu量均随Cu2+浓度升高显著增加;在同一浓度Cu2+胁迫下,根中Cu的累积量明显高于地上部。根系同一组织中的Cu百分含量随Cu2+浓度的升高均显著增加;同一Cu2+浓度下,根系各组织中Cu含量均表现为:中柱>皮层>表皮。低浓度(1和5 mg·L-1)Cu2+对地上部及根中Ca、Mg含量及地上部Mn含量均无显著影响,但高浓度(80和100 mg·L-1)Cu2+可促进植株对Ca的吸收,显著降低对Mg﹑Mn和Zn的吸收。较高浓度(55~100 mg·L-1)Cu2+胁迫后,根系各组织对Ca的吸收增加,对Zn的吸收降低;55~80 mg·L-1 Cu2+胁迫下根系不同组织对Cl和K的吸收增加,但高浓度(100 mg·L-1)Cu2+胁迫下则显著降低。根系累积的Ca、Zn和K主要分配到中柱中,Cl主要分配到皮层中.  相似文献   

两种生态型香根草对镉的耐受和积累特性比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以Monto和Veriveria nermorlis两种生态型香根草[Chrysopogon zizanioides (L.) Roberty]为材料,采用室内水培试验,在不同浓度(0、200、800、2 000 μmol·L-1)硝酸镉溶液处理7 d后,比较、分析两类型香根草的叶片生长状况、叶绿素荧光参数、镉的积累、亚细胞分布和化学形态分布等指标的差异,明确两类香根草对镉的耐受能力和积累特性。结果表明,(1)在中度(800 μmol·L-1)和重度(2 000 μmol·L-1)镉胁迫条件下,Monto的叶片生长状况优于Veriveria nermorlis,其FmFv/FmFv/Fo等叶绿素荧光参数显著高于Veriveria nermorlis,而其叶片、根部镉含量、富集系数和镉转移系数则显著低于Veriveria nermorlis。(2)镉主要分布在香根草根和叶细胞壁组分和可溶性组分中,两者镉含量占比之和达95%以上;对于两种生态型香根草的叶片和Monto的根部而言,细胞壁组分和可溶组分镉占比随着镉胁迫浓度增加分别呈增加和下降趋势,但两参数在Veriveria nermorlis根中的变化趋势则相反;Monto叶中细胞壁组分的镉占比要高于Veriveria nermorlis。(3)镉的化学形态分布分析显示,两种生态型香根草叶片中以氯化钠提取态镉为主,而根中以乙醇提取态和氯化钠提取态镉为主;Monto根中乙醇提取态的镉含量占比远大于Veriveria nermorlis。研究发现,Monto香根草的镉耐受能力较强,主要因为其根、叶中的镉积累量、镉富集系数和转移系数均低于Veriveria nermorlis,且Monto叶片中细胞壁组分的镉占比和根中乙醇提取态镉的占比更高。  相似文献   

为深入了解Cr6+胁迫对人工湿地植物薏苡光合特性和微量元素吸收的影响,该文通过构筑微型垂直流薏苡(Coix lacryma-jobi)人工湿地,采用1/2 Hoagland''s营养液配制的含0、5、20、40 mg·L-1 Cr6+废水为灌溉用水,研究铬胁迫对人工湿地植物生长、光合特性、抗氧化酶活性和微量元素吸收等的影响。结果表明:(1)低浓度(5 mg·L-1)Cr6+对薏苡的株高、茎粗和分蘖影响不显著,高浓度(20、40 mg·L-1)Cr6+则显著抑制薏苡的生长。(2)低浓度Cr6+处理下,薏苡叶片净光合速率(Pn)、气孔导度(Gs)和蒸腾速率(Tr)有不同程度的提高,提高幅度分别为6.8%~54.8%、13.0%~40.3%和9.1%~36.4%。高浓度Cr6+处理下,叶片PnGsTr等指标显著下降,但叶片胞间CO2浓度(Ci)则显著提高。(3)薏苡叶片超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)和过氧化物酶(POD)活性均随着处理时间的延长而提高; 低浓度Cr6+处理下,薏苡叶片SOD活性与对照差异不大,高浓度Cr6+处理下,SOD活性受到显著抑制。薏苡叶片POD活性和丙二醛(MDA)含量均随Cr6+处理浓度的提高而提高。(4)高浓度Cr6+处理显著抑制根系、茎、叶对Cu 、Fe、Mn和Zn的吸收。(5)5、20 mg·L-1 Cr6+处理下,人工湿地对Cr6+去除率最高可达99%,40 mg·L-1 Cr6+处理下最高则为86%。综上认为,Cr6+胁迫导致Fe、Mn、Zn和Cu等元素吸收量显著下降,光合受阻,抗氧化系统受损,植物生长受到抑制,最终导致人工湿地处理含Cr6+废水的能力下降。  相似文献   

为揭示盐肤木(Rhus chinensis)锰积累特征与耐受机制,该研究通过盆栽试验方法,分析0(CK)、1、5、10和20 mmol·L-1Mn2+胁迫对半年生盐肤木幼苗生长、生理生化特征及其锰富集特征的影响。结果表明:(1)盐肤木在Mn2+浓度为0~10 mmol·L-1条件下生长发育状况良好,且在5 mmol·L-1Mn2+处理下叶片舒展,叶片颜色较深,生长最佳,而在20 mmol·L-1Mn2+条件下部分叶片出现褐色斑点、萎蔫卷边的现象;随着Mn2+浓度的升高,盐肤木幼苗的生物量呈先升高后下降的趋势,并在5 mmol·L-1Mn2+胁迫时最高。(2)随着Mn2+浓度的升高,盐肤木叶片中光合色素含量呈先升后降的趋势,且在Mn2+浓度为5 mmol·L-1时达到峰值。(3)随着Mn2+浓度的升高,盐肤木幼苗叶片SOD、POD和CAT活性以及可溶性糖、可溶性蛋白、游离脯氨酸含量均呈先增加后下降的趋势,且多在Mn2+浓度为10 mmol·L-1时达到峰值,而其MDA含量随着Mn2+浓度的升高逐渐增加。(4)随着Mn2+浓度的升高,盐肤木地上部和地下部锰含量及总锰含量均逐渐增加,其锰生物富集系数下降且均大于1,其转运系数则呈增加的趋势且均小于1。研究发现,盐肤木具有较强的锰富集、转运能力与锰耐受能力,属于锰根部囤积型耐重金属植物,它主要通过积累渗透调节物质、增强抗氧化酶活性以及在根部囤积锰的方式来应对锰胁迫。  相似文献   

Ohne Zusammenfassung  相似文献   

The flavonoid profiles of Astilbe (four taxa studied) and Rodgersia (two taxa studied) are based on simple flavonol glycosides. Astilbe has 3-O-mono-, 3-O-di-, and 3-O-triglycosides of kaempferol, quercetin, and myricetin, while Rodgersia has only mono- and diglycosides of kaempferol and quercetin. Astilbe×arendsii was also shown to accumulate dihydrochalcone glycosides. The flavonoid profile of Rodgersia is the simplest recorded so far in the herbaceous Saxifragaceae. The flavonoids of two species of Aruncus were shown to be based upon kaempferol and quercetin 3-O-mono- and 3-O-diglycosides. One of the species also exhibited an eriodictyol glycoside. The triglycoside differences were not considered important, but the differences in myricetin occurrences were taken as evidence against derivation of Saxifragaceae from an Aruncus-like ancestor. Should such an event be proposed, however, serious consideration would have to be given to the current pattern of myricetin occurrence in the two families.  相似文献   

To understand the biogeography of truffle-like fungi, DNA sequences were analysed from representative taxa of Hysterangiales. Multigene phylogenies and the results of ancestral area reconstructions are consistent with the hypothesis of an Australian, or eastern Gondwanan, origin of Hysterangiales with subsequent range expansions to the Northern Hemisphere. However, neither Northern Hemisphere nor Southern Hemisphere taxa formed a monophyletic group, which is in conflict with a strictly vicariant scenario. Therefore, the occurrence and importance of long-distance dispersal could not be rejected. Although a pre-Gondwanan origin of Hysterangiales remains as a possibility, this hypothesis requires that Hysterangiales exist prior to the origin of the currently recognized ectomycorrhizal plants, as well as the arrival of mycophagous animals in Australia. This also requires that a basal paraphyletic assemblage represents parallel evolution of the ectomycorrhizal symbiosis, or that Hysterangiales was mycorrhizal with members of the extinct flora of Gondwana. Regardless, models for both ancient and more recent origins of Hysterangiales are consistent with truffle-like fungi being capable of transoceanic dispersal.  相似文献   

Samples of Kochia (K. scoparia), Atriplex (A. dimorphostegia), Suaeda (S. arcuata) and Gamanthus (G. gamacarpus) were collected and analyzed for chemical composition including crude protein (CP), ether extract (EE), ash, neutral detergent fiber (NDFom), acid detergent fiber (ADFom), non-protein N (NPN), Ca, P, Na, K, Cl, Mg, Fe, Cu and Se. In addition, in situ ruminal degradability and post-ruminal disappearance of dry matter (DM) and CP of the samples using a mobile bag technique were determined. Results indicate that the chemical composition of Kochia and Atriplex was notably different from those of Suaeda and Gamanthus. All of these halophytic plants had high concentrations of Na, K, Cl, Cu and Se, and low levels of Ca, P and Mg. The rapidly degradable fractions of DM and CP (g/g) of Kochia (0.31 and 0.35, respectively) and Atriplex (0.39 and 0.50, respectively) were lower than for Suaeda (0.53 and 0.55, respectively) and Gamanthus (0.56 and 0.66, respectively). Ruminal DM and CP disappearance of Kochia (444 and 517 g/kg, respectively) and Atriplex (472 and 529 g/kg, respectively) were lower (P<0.05) than those of Suaeda (553 and 577 g/kg, respectively) and Gamanthus (663 and 677 g/kg, respectively) (P<0.05) using the mobile bag technique. Suaeda had the lowest (P<0.05) NDFom and ADFom disappearance (214 and 232 g/kg, respectively) in the rumen. Kochia scoparia and Atriplex dimorphostegia have more beneficial chemical nutritive components and digestible values versus Suaeda arcuata and Gamanthus gamacarpus.  相似文献   

Seven bean rhizobial strains EBRI 2, 3, 21, 24, 26, 27 and 29 identified as Rhizobium etli, and EBRI 32 identified as Rhizobium gallicum, isolated from Egyptian soils and which nodulated Phaseolus vulgaris efficiently, were subjected to hybridization with a nifH probe in order to estimate the copy number of this gene. Seven strains (EBRI 2, 3, 21, 24, 26, 27 and 29) which were only able to nodulate Phaseolus vulgaris, contained three copies of the nifH gene, consistent with their identification as Rhizobium etli bv. phaseoli. Only one strain (EBRI 32) which nodulated both Phaseolus vulgaris and Leucaena leucocephala, had one copy of nifH gene. This confirmed the classification of this strain as Rhizobium gallicum bv. gallicum.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that two groups ofEscherichia coli genes, theccm genes located in the 47-min region and thenrfEFG genes in the 92-min region of the chromosome, are involved in cytochromec biosynthesis during anaerobic growth. The involvement of the products of these genes in cytochromec synthesis, assembly and secretion has now been investigated. Despite their similarity to other bacterial cytochromec assembly proteins, NrfE, F and G were found not to be required for the biosynthesis of any of thec-type cytochromes inE. coli. Furthermore, these proteins were not required for the secretion of the periplasmic cytochromes, cytochromec 550 and cytochromec 552, or for the correct targeting of the NapC and NrfB cytochromes to the cytoplasmic membrane. NrfE and NrfG are required for formate-dependent nitrite reduction (the Nrf pathway), which involves at least twoc-type cytochromes, cytochromec 552 and NrfB, but NrfF is not essential for this pathway. Genes similar tonrfE, nrfF andnrfG are present in theE. coli nap-ccm locus at minute 47. CcmF is similar to NrfE, the N-terminal region of CcmH is similar to NrfF and the C-terminal portion of CcmH is similar to NrfG. In contrast to NrfF, the N-terminal, NrfF-like portion of CcmH is essential for the synthesis of allc-type cytochromes. Conversely, the NrfG-like C-terminal region of CcmH is not essential for cytochromec biosynthesis. The data are consistent with proposals from this and other laboratories that CcmF and CcmH form part of a haem lyase complex required to attach haemc to C-X-X-C-H haem-binding domains. In contrast, NrfE and NrfG are proposed to fulfill a more specialised role in the assembly of the formate-dependent nitrite reductase.  相似文献   

Genetic engineering has improved the product yield of a variety of compounds by overexpressing, inactivating, or introducing new genes in microbial systems. The production of flavor-enhancing ester compounds is an emerging area of heterologous gene expression for desired product yield in Escherichia coli. Isoamyl acetate, butyl acetate, ethyl acetate, and butyl butyrate are reported here to be produced by expressing Saccharomyces cerevisiae genes ATF1 or ATF2 and the strawberry gene SAAT in E. coli when the appropriate substrates are provided. Increasing the concentration of alcohol added to the reaction generally resulted in increased ester production. ATF1 expression was found to produce more isoamyl acetate and butyl acetate than ATF2 expression or SAAT expression in the strains and culture conditions examined. Additionally, SAAT expression resulted in greater isoamyl acetate and butyl acetate production than ATF2 expression. Butyl butyrate is produced by cell-free extracts of E. coli harboring SAAT but not ATF1 or ATF2.  相似文献   



The Zaprionus genus shares evolutionary features with the melanogaster subgroup, such as space and time of origin. Although little information about the transposable element content in the Zaprionus genus had been accumulated, some of their elements appear to be more closely related with those of the melanogaster subgroup, indicating that these two groups of species were involved in horizontal transfer events during their evolution. Among these elements, the Gypsy and the Micropia retroelements were chosen for screening in seven species of the two Zaprionus subgenera, Anaprionus and Zaprionus.  相似文献   

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