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王广艳  周宁  钱敏  张婵  杨永平 《广西植物》2019,(9):1192-1200
为探讨国产毛茛科(Ranunculaceae)驴蹄草属(Caltha)两种植物的演化,该文利用传统染色体压片技术和流式细胞术,并结合前人染色体研究结果,对我国驴蹄草23个居群和花葶驴蹄草10个居群进行了细胞学研究。结果表明:驴蹄草是由四倍体(2n=4x=32)、六倍体(2n=6x=48)和八倍体(2n=8x=64)构成的多倍体复合群,花葶驴蹄草具有四倍体(2n=4x=32)和八倍体(2n=8x=64)两种倍性水平。驴蹄草和花葶驴蹄草均是四倍体较为常见,目前尚未见有二倍体报道。由于驴蹄草和花葶驴蹄草大部分居群采自中国青藏高原地区,可能在冰期时存在古二倍体,其适应性较弱,逐渐被其他的倍性取代,这是由于不同细胞型对环境适应性的结果。驴蹄草可能存在两条进化路线:一条是从甘肃到达云南;另一条是从西藏到达云南。前期分子系统学研究显示花葶驴蹄草与驴蹄草的亲缘关系较近,该研究结果中花葶驴蹄草染色体比驴蹄草要小,花葶驴蹄草可能比驴蹄草相对进化。目前花葶驴蹄草只有10个居群,还需进一步增加居群量来解析其演化路线。  相似文献   

为探讨国产毛茛科(Ranunculaceae)驴蹄草属(Caltha L.)植物的细胞学特征,对驴蹄草(C.palustris L.)3个居群和花葶驴蹄草(C.scaposa Hook.f.&Thoms.)5个居群进行了细胞学研究。驴蹄草贵州纳雍居群的染色体数目为2n=32(四倍体),两个云南中甸居群的染色体数目均为2n=64(八倍体)。花葶驴蹄草四川红原、康定、石渠居群的染色体数目均为2n=32(四倍体),该数目为首次报道;西藏林芝和云南德钦居群的染色体数目均为2n=64(八倍体)。驴蹄草的染色体比花葶驴蹄草大。这两种植物的32或64条染色体分别以4条或8条为单位大致能够排列为8组同源染色体,但同一组内的染色体经常具有明显的异形性(heteromorphy),不同居群的核型组成多少具有差异。同时,还分析了驴蹄草和花葶驴蹄草的不同倍性细胞型在我国的地理分布式样。  相似文献   

采用染色体常规制片技术,对云南西北部和中部地区11个多星韭居群进行了细胞学分析。结果显示:(1)云南西北部多星韭二倍体、四倍体混合分布的太子阁和华首门四倍体居群中发现了三倍体(2n=3x=21),核型公式分别为:2n=3x=21=[6m(2sat)+8sm]+(3m+4sm)和2n=3x=21=[4m(2sat)+10sm]+(2m+4sm+lst)。三倍体含2条随体染色体,它的21条染色体含2个同源染色体组和一个与它们同源性稍差的染色体组。(2)在云南中部的多星韭四倍体居群中首次发现了六倍体,核型公式为2n=6x=42=15m(3sat)+27sm,核型类型2A。(3)结合核型特征及地理分布对多星韭三倍体和六倍体的成因进行分析,提示多星韭三倍体来源于二倍体与四倍体的杂交,六倍体是通过四倍体产生的未减数配子(n=4x=28)与正常减数配子(n=2x=14)的结合形成的。本研究结果支持多星韭的分化中心是云南西北部高海拔地区的观点,并结合前人的研究和本工作的结果,对多星韭种内的倍性组成和演化进行了分析和讨论。  相似文献   

通过对中国西南部3种菖蒲属(Acorus L.)植物(菖蒲A.calamus L.、石菖蒲A.tatarinowii Schott和金钱蒲A.gramineus Soland.)的细胞学研究,发现分布在运动及四川的9个菖蒲居群中,有5个居群为四倍体(2n=4x=44),4个居群为六倍体(2n=6x=66)。其中四倍体见于滇南及川西南;六倍体见于滇中及滇西北,并为首次报道。在云南及贵州分布的石菖蒲及金钱蒲5个居群均为二倍体。讨论了菖蒲分布区从二倍本、三倍体、四倍体和六倍体4种不同倍性居群的分布规律和可能的演化关系,六倍体居群的产生很可能喜马拉雅造山运动有关。  相似文献   

八种国产葱属植物染色体研究   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:7  
本文对国产葱属Allium 8个种的14个居群的染色体进行了研究。其染色体基数均为x=8,其中7个居群为二倍体(2n=2x=16),6个居群为四倍体(2n=4x=32),1个居群为多倍体复合体(2n=4x=32,2n=6x=48,2n=8x=64和2n=9x=72)。并发现随体染色体十分活跃,在多倍体中其数目并不都与其倍性相对应,并有“串状随体”现象出现;在有些类群中其形态变异较大,而随体染色体杂合形式的多态现象也较普遍。本文重点讨论了随体染色体的数目、形态变异及杂合现象在葱属进化中的作用,认为随体染色体形态变异及杂合现象的出现是葱属中遗传变异的重要源泉之一。并对葱属中的染色体基数及种内多倍性问题进行了初步讨论。  相似文献   

毛茛科金莲花族和升麻族细胞学的比较研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对毛茛科金莲花族Trolliese和升麻族Cimicifugeae的细胞学进行了比较研究。发现驴蹄草Caltha palustris L.在云南西北部形成一个多倍体系列(2n=32,48,64),四倍体细胞型(2n=4x=32)较为常见,其核型有明显的居群间变异。驴蹄草属Caltha、鸡爪草属Calathodes、Megaleranthis以及金莲花属Trollius的染色体在大小上基本相似,都属于中等大小的R-型染色体。细胞学和花粉学证据都支持鸡爪草属与Megaleranthis和金莲花属有较近的亲缘关系。铁破锣属Beesia、Anemonopsis、黄三七属Souliea、升麻属Cimicifuga以及类叶升麻属Actaea的核型彼此基本相似,在染色体大小和形态上都与驴蹄草属、鸡瓜草属、Megaleranthis以及金莲花属的核型明显有别。细胞学证据表明铁破锣属应是升麻族中的成员。  相似文献   

昆明地区滇韭形态及染色体多态性研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
对昆明地区滇韭的 8个当地居群开展了形态及核型研究 ,并对形态及染色体性状进行了巢式方差分析。结果表明 :滇韭的形态性状在居群内具丰富多态性 ,在居群间具明显多型性 ;核型较对称 ,存在两种倍性的分化 :梁王山居群为二倍体 (2x) ,昆明居群为四倍体(4x)。二倍体核型公式为K (2n ) =2x =16 =14m 2sm ,四倍体核型公式为K (2n ) =4x =32=2 8m 4sm。滇韭的染色体因存在倍性变化、B -染色体形态和数目变化及随体染色体的形态和大小变化而具有一定程度的多态性。  相似文献   

云南山茶花四倍体的首次发现及其科学意义   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文对分布于云南和四川金沙江河谷的云南山茶花C. reticulata及其两个近缘种(怒江山茶C.saluenensis和西南山茶C.pitardii)进行了细胞学研究。34个居群的云南山茶花中,21个居群是四倍体类型(2n=60),11个居群是六倍体类型(2n=90),另2个居群为二倍体(2n=30),云南山茶花的四倍体类型为首次发现,并且进行了核形态研究。四倍体和六倍体的花粉母细胞减数分裂染色体构型在大多数居群都为二价体(四倍体中30个二价体,六倍体中45个二价体),少数居群或是个体除二价体为主外还出现单价体和四价体,六倍体类型没有出现六价体构型。根据减数分裂的构型,我们认为,四倍体和六倍体分别为异源四倍体和异源六倍体,少数四价体的存在表明染色体有部分同源性。所有四倍体和六倍体的体细胞间期核特征和前期染色体形态特征基本相似。中海拔(1800m)以上的四倍体的云南山茶花外部形态特征与六倍体类型比较相似,而低海拔(1100~1800 m)的四倍体类型的外部形态特征则有些不同,但核形态结构是比较相似的。四倍体与六倍体类型地理分布是连续的,并与近缘的二倍体种怒江山茶、西南山茶重叠分布。  相似文献   

广义拂子茅属( Calamagrostis) 是一个世界温带广布的大属, 有些作者又分为拂子茅属和野青茅属, 但近期的研究表明处理为一个属较为合适。中国共有37 种广义拂子茅属植物, 但至今没有任何染色体的研究。本文报道了其中产于中国西南6 种野青茅的染色体数目, 其中Deyeuxia petelotii 4 个居群, D1 diffusa, D1 moupinensis, D1 nivicola 和D1f lavens 各一个居群都是四倍体( 2n= 4x= 28) , D1 neglecta 为六倍体( 2n= 6x= 42) 。根据广义拂子茅属植物染色体倍性特征, 该属植物中至今未发现二倍体, 四倍体是该属中倍性最低和最普遍的, 广义拂子茅属的演化很可能是在四倍体的水平上进行的。由于以上几个四倍体种均是狭域分布的类群, 所以可能是由四倍体的祖先隔离分化形成的。  相似文献   

毛莨科金莲花族和升麻族细胞学的比较研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
对毛茛科金莲花族Trollieae和升麻族Cimicifugeae的细胞学进行了比较研究.发现驴蹄草Caltha palustris L. 在云南西北部形成一个多倍体系列(2n=32, 48, 64),四倍体细胞型 (2n=4x=32) 较为常见,其核型有明显的居群间变异.驴蹄草属Caltha、鸡爪草属Calathodes、Megaleranthis以及金莲花属Trollius的染色体在大小上基本相似,都属于中等大小的R-型染色体.细胞学和花粉学证据都支持鸡爪草属与Megaleranthis和金莲花属有较近的亲缘关系.铁破锣属Beesia、Anemonopsis、黄三七属Souliea、升麻属Cimicifuga以及类叶升麻属Actaea的核型彼此基本相似,在染色体大小和形态上都与驴蹄草属、鸡爪草属、Megaleranthis以及金莲花属的核型明显有别.细胞学证据表明铁破锣属应是升麻族中的成员.  相似文献   

Morphometric karyotype characters were studied in 25Angelica spp. (Umbelliferae, Apioideae) and in one species of the related genusTommasinia. For three species the chromosome numbers are new. In our study the majority of the species investigated are diploids with 2n = 22, some are tetraploids with 2n = 44 (for these tetraploids also diploid cytotypes are reported in the literature). Among the diploid species,A. miqueliana has a distinct karyotype consisting of submetacentric and acrocentric chromosomes only, the remaining diploids with 2n = 22 as well as tetraploids with 2n = 44 have rather symmetrical karyotypes, consisting of metacentric and submetacentric chromosomes. The very different chromosome number 2n = 28 has been found inA. gmelinii. Its karyotype includes two distinct groups of chromosomes: 8 pairs of rather large metacentrics and submetacentrics and 6 pairs of very short and asymmetrical chromosomes. Chromosome numbers and structures appear to be useful in the taxonomy of some intrageneric taxa inAngelica.  相似文献   

Isogenic diploid and tetraploid alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) was studied with molecular markers to help understand why diploid performance and breeding behavior does not always predict that of tetraploids. In a previous study of partially heterozygous alfalfa genotypes, we detected a low correlation between yields of isogenic diploid (2x) and tetraploid (4x) single-cross progenies, and genetic distances were more highly correlated with yields of tetraploids than diploids. These differences may be related to the level of RFLP heterozygosity expected among progenies derived from heterozygous parents at the two ploidy levels. The objectives of this study were to determine the relationships among genetic distance, forage yield and heterozygosity in isogenic 2 x and 4 x alfalfa populations. Four diploid genotypes were chromosome doubled to produce corresponding isogenic autotetraploids, and these genotypes were mated in 4 × 4 diallels to produce 6 single-cross families at each ploidy level for field evaluation. Allele compositions of parents were determined at 33 RFLP loci by monitoring segregation of homologous restriction fragments among individuals within progenies, and these were used to estimate RFLP heterozygosity levels for all single-cross progenies at both ploidy levels. RFLP heterozygosity rankings were identical between progenies of isogenic diploid and tetraploid parents; but significant associations (P < 0.05) between estimated heterozygosity levels and forage yield were detected only at the tetraploid level. Since tetraploid families were nearly 25% more heterozygous than the corresponding diploid families, inconsistencies in the association between molecular marker diversity and forage yields of isogenic 2 x and 4 x single crosses may be due to recessive alleles that are expressed in diploids but masked in tetraploids. The gene action involved in heterosis may be the same at both ploidy levels; however, tetraploids benefit from greater complementary gene interactions than are possible for equivalent diploids. Present address: AgResearch Grasslands, New Zealand Pastoral Agriculture Research Institute, Palmerston North, New Zealand  相似文献   

Genetic divergence between population samples ofOrchis laxiflora and ofO. palustris from various European locations was studied by electrophoretic analysis of 25 enzyme loci. An average genetic distance of DNei = 1.24 was found between the two taxa, with 12 out of 25 loci showing alternative alleles (diagnostic loci). Genetic heterogeneity was observed within bothO. laxiflora andO. palustris, when northern and southeastern populations were compared, being lower in the former taxon (D = 0.06), than in the latter (D = 0.16). Karyologically, 2n = 36 was found for bothO. laxiflora andO. palustris. O. laxiflora andO. palustris produce hybrids, described asO. ×intermedia. Genotype analysis of several sympatric samples showed the presence of hybrid zones, including F1 hybrids and, in low proportions, recombinant classes, putatively assigned to Fn and backcrosses, as well as a few introgressed individuals of both taxa. These data indicate that hybrids are only partially fertile, with a very limited mixing up of the two parental gene pools; this is also shown by the lack of significant lowering of genetic distances when sympatric and allopatric heterospecific samples are compared. Accordingly,O. laxiflora andO. palustris form a syngameon; nevertheless they can be considered as good taxonomic species, with virtually distinct gene pools, which evolve independently. The genetic variability inO. laxiflora andO. palustris is remarkably low ( e = 0.05 and e = 0.02, respectively). In particular, nearly complete absence of polymorphic loci was found inO. palustris from northcentral Europe. Two hypotheses are considered to explain the low genetic variability of this endangered species.  相似文献   

In vitro culture of explants were used to apply genetic or cell engineering techniques to the sexually incompatible potato relative Solanum commersonii (2n=2x=24) Three accessions of S. commersonii were tested for regeneration from leaf explants using six different protocols. A two step-regeneration procedure gave the best results. Genetic variability for regeneration ability was found between accessions, and between clones within accessions. The accession PI 472834 regenerated at highest frequency. Clones with high regeneration ability were selected. Approximately 60% of regenerated plants were diploids and 40% were tetraploids. A very low frequency of chimeras was found. Leaf shape and chloroplast counts in guard cells were shown to be quick and reliable methods for estimating ploidy levels. Use of the diploid and tetraploid regenerants obtained for potato breeding is discussed.Abbreviations BAP 6-benzylaminopurine - EBN Endosperm Balance Number - GA3 gibberellic acid - IAA indole-3-acetic acid - MS Murashige and Skoog - NAA 1-naphthalene-acetic acid - ZEA zeatin  相似文献   

Populations of theAgrostis flaccida-mertensii complex in Hokkaido were examined as part of the taxonomic study of this complex, which has a wide range and comprises a polyploid series of 2x–8x (x=7). The principal aim was to clarify the taxonomic status of hexaploids growing in Hokkaido. Field explorations were made in the mountains and on the coasts in Hokkaido, and the materials were gathered from 19 localities. The occurrence of four cytotypes (2x, 4x, 6x, 8x), as well as some triploids and septaploids, of this complex in Hokkaido was confirmed, and the ranges of respective cytotypes were delineated. Morphological examinations showed that diploids, triploids and tetraploids are referable toAgrostis flaccida and octoploids toA. mertensii. The hexaploids of Hokkaido were morphologically different fromA. flaccida and also from the related hexaploid species,A. tateyamensis, distributed in Honshu. The hexaploids were quite similar to octoploidA. mertensii in all the morphological features examined and also in habitat preference. Septaploids were sterile hybrids between hexaploids and octoploids. A conclusion was drawn that the hexaploid plant of Hokkaido should be grouped with the octoploid in one and the same species,Agrostis mertensii Trin.Agrostis mertensii in this amended sense is discussed from a cytogeographical viewpoint.  相似文献   

Solanum sect. Petota (tuber-bearing wild and cultivated potatoes) are a group of approximately 190 wild species distributed throughout the Americas from the southwestern United States south to Argentina, Chile, and Uruguay. Solanum series Conicibaccata are a group of approximately 40 species within sect. Petota, distributed from central Mexico to central Bolivia, composed of diploids (2n = 2x = 24), tetraploids (2n = 4x = 48) and hexaploids (2n = 6x = 64); the polyploids are thought to be polysomic polyploids. This study initially was designed to address species boundaries of the four Mexican and Central American species of series Conicibaccata with AFLP data with the addition of first germplasm collections of one of these four species, Solanum woodsonii, as a follow-up to prior morphological, chloroplast DNA, and RAPD studies; and additional species of series Conicibaccata from South America. AFLP data from 12 primer combinations (1722 polymorphic bands) are unable to distinguish polyploid species long thought to be distinct. The data suggest a complex reticulate history of the tetraploids or the need for a broad downward reevaluation of the number of species in series Conicibaccata, a trend seen in other series of sect. Petota. Separately, through flow cytometry, we report the first ploidy level of S. woodsonii, as tetraploid (2n = 48). The U.S. Government’s right to retain a non-exclusive, royalty-free license in and to any copyright is acknowledged.  相似文献   

A polyploid complex ofTuberaria sect.Scorpioides species in S Spain has been studied. We have found the chromosome numbers n = 12 and 18, which probably originated from the extinct base number x = 6 by means of allopolyploidy. Octoploids (n = 24) seem to be the result of different crossings, and fall morphologically withinT. guttata, T. inconspicua, orT. commutata. Backcrosses between octoploids and tetraploids originate new hexaploids (n = 18), which, once stabilized, behave as amphidiploids. Most of these also fall within the traditional concept ofT. guttata, so that the enormous polymorphism of this taxon seems to be justified.  相似文献   

We have examined morphological and chromosomal variation inFallopia sect.Reynoutria in Korea to clarify their taxonomic identities and to determine whether their morphological variability is associated with ploidy levels. Principal components analysis (PCA) of individuals from 21 populations, using major distinguishing characters, revealed the presence of four major entiries of sect.Reynoutria in Korea; these includeF. sachalinensis, F. japonica var.japonica, F. forbesii, and the Nonsan population consisting of presumed hybrids. Based on morphology, it is hypothesized that the Nonsan population was probably derived from multiple hybridization events involving the three named taxa. The results also indicate thatF. forbesii is distinct fromF. japonica var.japonica. Polyploidy is more prevalent in sect.Reynoutria than has been previously recognized.Fallopia sachalinensis in Korea occurs as dodecaploids with 2n=132; our count is the first dodecaploid count for the species, and represents the highest chromosome number known in the genus.Fallopia japonica var.japonica occurs as tetraploids (2n=44), hexaploids (2n=66), and octoploids (2n=88), whileF. forbesii occurs as hexaploids (2n=66) and octoploids (2n=88); our counts appear to be the first reported chromosome numbers forF. forbesii. Morphological analysis indicates that there is no apparent correlation between the ploidy levels in these taxa and the morphological characters that we have considered in this study except that the tetraploids ofF. japonica var.japonica tend to have somewhat thicker leaves.  相似文献   

The gametic chromosome numbers of sevenHymenasplenium (Aspleniaceae) species from Xishuangbanna, Yunnan Prov., China, were investigated. All the examined individuals ofH. obscurum, H. cheilosorum andH. latipinnum were sexual diploids with n=39 chromosomes. Intraspecific cytological variation was found inH. excisum, which has a sexual diploid (n=39) and a tetraploid (n=78). Only a triploid apogamous cytotype (n=ca.117) was found inH. laterepens. Hymenasplenium apogamum showed the most complicated intraspecific variation and included a sexual diploid (n=39), a sexual tetraploid (n=78) and an apogamous triploid (n=ca.117). This work reports for the first time the sexual diploids ofH. cheilosorum andH. apogamum, which are only apogamous elsewhere in east Asia, Himalayas and Indochina. These results may indicate that this area is one of the diversity centers ofHymenasplenium. Most of the above species have chromosome numbers based on x=39. In contrast,H. costarisorum contains a sexual diploid (n=36) and a sexual tetraploid (n=72), indicating that its basic number is x=36.  相似文献   

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