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亚洲新生代藓类植物化石非常稀少,漳浦琥珀是目前已知的我国低纬度地区唯一含苔藓植物化石的新生代琥珀矿床。漳浦琥珀源自中中新世气候适宜期(~14-17 Ma)的龙脑香树脂,温暖潮湿的热带季雨林气候和广泛分布的龙脑香科植物,为藓类植物的生长、多样性演化和三维立体保存提供了条件。本研究共报道了漳浦县中中新世藓类植物化石3个属种,包括:白发藓属Leucobryum Hampe、牛舌藓属Anomodon Hook.et Taylor和扁枝藓属Homalia(Brid.)B.S.G.。首次利用三维X射线断层扫描技术(Micro-CT)研究了白发藓属化石,发现其与现生种短枝白发藓Leucobryum humillimum Cardot非常相似,因此将其命名为短枝白发藓(相似种)Leucobryum cf.humillimum。此外,当前牛舌藓属Anomodon和扁枝藓属Homalia化石是东亚地区的首例记录。漳浦琥珀中的藓类植物化石揭示了中中新世时期苔藓植物的多样性,丰富了东亚低纬度地区新生代苔藓植物的化石记录。  相似文献   

吉林珲春晚白垩世植物群   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文记述了吉林珲春产的以元叶属为主的植物化石,介绍了元叶属的形态特征及其地质、地理分布。通过与有关植物群的对比,确定珲春植物群的时代为赛诺期。鉴于元叶属化石的环北太平洋的分布,可以认为北太平洋两岸在晚白垩世曾有过某种形式的陆地联系。文中记述了分属于8属的14种植物化石,其中有6个新种。  相似文献   

为了更好地了解晚古生代楔叶属的物种多样性及形态演化,通过对化石宏观形态的研究以及与相似化石种的对比,确定甘肃永昌太原组中几种楔叶植物化石的分类位置。本文共鉴定楔叶植物化石2属5种,其中包括营养叶和繁殖器官。基于这些楔叶属的新材料,对椭圆楔叶以及马齿楔叶的茎轴表面纵纹、叶片分裂次数等特征进行修订。同时报道楔叶穗属一新种Bowmanites yongchangensis sp. nov.。结合该属在晚古生代的古地理分布情况,表明在乌拉尔世早期该研究区内楔叶属植物呈现出较高的物种多样性,并推测该属植物的起源时间不晚于晚泥盆世法门期,在维宪期由华南地区传入华北地区后,于宾夕法尼亚亚纪晚期传入龙首山地区所在的阿拉善地块。  相似文献   

根据文献资料和标本馆及化石记录,讨论了壳斗科栲属植物的现代分布和地史分布。现代栲属植物有110~134种,主要分布在东亚及东南亚,其中印度支那地区有82种栲属植物,是世界栲属植物分布最集中的地区,马来西亚地区是栲属特有种最丰富的事实是支持马来西亚地区与其它地区的区系交流十分有限的论据。中国栲属植物最丰富的地区是滇黔桂地区(29种)。栲属植物现代多样化中心在马来西亚和中南半岛。排除Chrysolepis后,栲属的分布类型应属热带亚洲分布。栲属在地质历史上有着比现在广泛的分布,最早、最可靠的栲属化石记录发现于北美始新世地层,欧洲和日本始新世也有栲属的化石记录,化石记录表明栲属起源的时间不晚于古新世,所有的壳斗科及栲属的化石都发现于北半球,现代分布也主要在北半球,壳斗科及栲属起源于北半球可以确认,由于化石证据与现代植物学的研究结果有较大差异以及关键地区化石证据的不足,具体的起源地尚不能肯定。  相似文献   

塔里木北缘早侏罗世塔里奇克组植物化石   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
吴舜卿 《古生物学报》1995,34(4):468-474
描述了新疆库车塔里奇克组的植物化石7属9种,根据植物化石及有关的动物化石,结合地层层序,指出塔里奇克组属早侏罗世早期。进一步阐明我国晚三叠世植物分区西端的界线不在天山而在昆仑山。  相似文献   

丰富的化石记录显示中生代和新生代紫萁属在北半球广泛分布.本文描述了发现于福建中中新世佛昙群的紫萁属一新种:漳浦紫萁(Osmunda zhangpuensis Z.X.Wang and B.N.Sun,sp.nov.).化石小羽片保存完好,呈线状披针形,边缘具齿,羽状脉序.在该属现生种中,当前化石种与现生种Osmunda banksiifolia在形态上最相似.当前化石的发现表明,早在中中新世紫萁属就已生长在福建省.漳浦紫萁和之前报道过的附生真菌化石以及龙脑香科、桑科、豆科、荨麻科、胡桐科、大戟科、樟科等植物的存在,表明福建在中中新世时期的气候温暖湿润.  相似文献   

山东山旺中新世植物群研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 山旺盆地位于东经118º,北纬36º,是一个中新世中期内陆湖泊沉积盆地。地层内保存了丰富的植物及动物化石。自40年代至今,已对山旺中新世植物群中的大植物化石(87属125种),植物孢粉(41属71种),硅藻(16属45种)及真菌(9属15种)进行了详细的研究。考虑到山旺中新世植物群处于全球气候变化的转折期,对其进行埋藏学,古环境重建等深入细致的研究,对阐明全球中新世气候变化的机制具有重要意义。  相似文献   

丰富的化石记录显示中生代和新生代紫萁属在北半球广泛分布。本文描述了发现于福建中中新世佛昙群的紫萁属一新种:漳浦紫萁(Osmunda zhangpuensis Z. X. Wang and B. N. Sun, sp. nov.)。化石小羽片保存完好,呈线状披针形,边缘具齿,羽状脉序。在该属现生种中,当前化石种与现生种Osmundabanksiifolia在形态上最相似。当前化石的发现表明,早在中中新世紫萁属就已生长在福建省。漳浦紫萁和之前报道过的附生真菌化石以及龙脑香科、桑科、豆科、荨麻科、胡桐科、大戟科、樟科等植物的存在,表明福建在中中新世时期的气候温暖湿润。  相似文献   

松辽盆地东南部沙河子组和营城组的植物化石   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
晚中生代含煤地层沙河子组和营城组,发育于吉林省松花江以南九台县,长春市东南和辽宁省昌图县一带.这些地区的植物化石自1905年以来曾经多次报道.笔者亦测制了多条剖面,采集到丰富的植物化石.经研究计有40属90余种.本文只描述前人未曾发表过的重要属种.根据最新的成果,沙河子组和营城组的岩性及上、下关系如下:下白垩统  相似文献   

卷柏科仅含一属,全球分布,具有宽幅生态适应性,属于维管植物基部类群石松类植物,现生约700种。卷柏科起源于泥盆纪,化石记录遍布自石炭纪至今的各地质时期。目前,现代卷柏属亚属的分类方案基本稳定,但对于化石卷柏的亚属分类、以及地质历史时期的时空分布问题还缺乏相关研究。本文全面总结了卷柏科化石记录的时代和地理分布,并结合分子系统学探讨其地理分布格局的演化,为该科植物的分类与进化研究提供参考。根据现有研究基础,结合最新的卷柏科系统分类研究成果和化石记录,本文对该类群化石的系统分类进行归纳和厘定,并对化石类群的卷柏亚属Selaginella、Hexaphyllum亚属及rhizophoric clade物种的分化和地理分布格局的形成进行了讨论。本文认为,卷柏科起源于古生代的欧美植物区,不晚于二叠纪,其后伴随着泛大陆解体扩散至华夏植物区及冈瓦纳植物区。化石亚属Hexaphyllum是rhizophoric clade的基部类群,在石炭纪末灭绝。化石证据表明,从古生代末期起,rhizophoric clade已成为卷柏科的优势类群,并在中生代形成了全球分布的格局。  相似文献   

The pathway from the intercalary frond meristem to distal frond portions was blocked in experimental sporophytes of Laminaria digitata (Huds.) Lamour. in January by cutting 2 or 3 holes (15–25 mm diameter) 5 cm from the base of the frond. This procedure resulted in the formation of sori adjacent to the distal edge of the holes within 5–10 weeks. Frond portions that were cut at least 20 cm away from the stipe–frond transition readily formed sori within 5–7 weeks after isolation from the rest of the thallus. These findings suggest that the basal actively dividing and expanding part of the laminarian frond is the source of inhibitors of sporangium formation that move in a distal direction and keep the young frond free of sori during the season of rapid growth (i.e. during the first part of the year). The natural occurrence of sori during the season of slow growth (i.e. the second part of the year in the Northern Hemisphere) may be due to reduced synthesis and export of inhibitors of sporangium formation from the more or less resting basal meristem.  相似文献   

Translocation patterns in the giant kelp, Macrocystis integrifolia Bory, were investigated in situ using 14C tracer; sources and sinks were identified. Export was first detected after 4 h of labeling; experiments were routinely 24 h continuous 14C application. Mature blades exported 14C to young blades on the same frond and on younger fronds, as well as to sporophylls and frond initials at the bases of the fronds. Blades <0.3 m from the apex imported and did not export; this distance did not change seasonally. In spring export from blades 0.3–1.25 m from the apex was exclusively upwards; older blades also exported downwards. In fall downward export began 0.5 m from the apex, and blades >2 m from the apex exported exclusively downwards. Carbon imported by frond initials, young fronds, and sporophylls in fall may partly be stored for growth in early spring. No translocation was seen in very young plants until one blade (secondary frond initial) bad been freed from the apical blade; this blade exported to the apical blade for a time, but imported when it began to develop into a frond. The second and third formed blades on the primary fronds (sporophylls also exported when <0.3 m from the apex, and later stopped. Frond initials and sporophylls on later-formed fronds did not export at all. The translocation pattern in M. integrifolia differs from that previously reported in M. pyrifera in seasonal change and in distances from the apex at which the changes take place.  相似文献   

Light intensity has a profound effect on the growth of Azolla pinnata R. Brown. Fresh weight, dry weight and moisture content were maximum at 80 000 lux, but maximum frond area was attained in 50% light intensity. There was a wide variation in frond colour under different treatments. Frond texture, root characteristics and sporocarp production were also affected. The plant expresses heliophytic characteristics.  相似文献   

The importance that frond crowding represents for the survival of fronds of the clonal intertidal alga Mazzaella cornucopiae (Postels et Ruprecht) Hommersand (Rhodophyta, Gigartinaceae) was investigated in Barkley Sound, British Columbia, Canada. Frond density is high for this species, up to 20 fronds·cm?2 in the most crowded stands. Frond crowding imposes a cost in the form of reduced net photosynthetic rates when fronds are fully hydrated as a result of reduced irradiance compared with experimental (not found naturally) low-density stands. However, the interaction between desiccation and irradiance alters this relationship between net photosynthetic rates and frond density. During a typical daytime low tide in spring, irradiance is 10–30 μmol·m?2·s?1 below the canopy of fronds, and frond desiccation (relative to total water content) can reach 43% at the end of the low tide. In contrast to natural stands, fronds from experimentally thinned stands are subjected to irradiances up to 2000 μmol·m?2·s?1 because of the spatial separation among fronds and can desiccate up to 81% at the end of the same low tide. Laboratory experiments showed that negative net photosynthetic rates occur between 40% and 80% desiccation at an irradiance of 515 μmol·m?2·s?1, and the literature suggests that strong bleaching could occur as a result. At 20 μmol·m?2·s?1 of irradiance and desiccation levels up to 40%, simulating understory conditions of natural stands, net photosynthetic rates are never negative. Experimental thinning of stands of M. cornucopiae done during spring effectively resulted in a stronger extent of frond bleaching compared with natural stands. Therefore, the cost of reduced net photosynthetic rates at high frond densities when fronds are fully hydrated is counterbalanced by the protective effects of frond crowding against extensive bleaching, essential for survival at the intertidal zone. Future research will have to demonstrate the possible relationship between the frequency and duration of negative net photosynthetic rates and the extent of frond bleaching.  相似文献   

The persistent thallus of the phaeophyceanLaminaria hyperborea produces annually a new phylloid, formed by a meristematic zone between stipe and old phylloid. The growing frond is nourished with assimilates from the old one. Young and old phylloid are linked by a collar. Frond and stipe are of very similar anatomical structure. The frond is coated by a one-layer-meristoderm, which forms the external cortex. Using the position of slime ducts as border, the parenchymatous cortex can be subdivided into outer and inner cortex. Between inner cortex and medulla numerous transitions exist. The medulla itself is mainly composed of longitudinally arranged trumpet cells and hyphae. Frond enlargement is caused by the activity of both meristoderm and cortex. Not only cell divisions but also elongation in medulla and inner cortex contribute to growth of the frond. The frond diameter is decreased by this elongation process. Corresponding stretching occurs in the network of slime ducts. Swelling of longitudinal primary walls, accompanied by incorporation of alginate, facilitates the separation of cell strands, and across the medulla hyphae and crosslinks of both inner-cortex-layer cells form. Cells of the inner cortex continously differentiate to elements of the medulla. Trumpet cells within the outer part of the medulla are often branched and connected by hyphae to parenchymatous cells of the inner cortex. Toward the central part of the medulla, trumpet cells elongate and finally attain a length of 1000 µm; they form thick secondary longitudinal walls with ringshaped thickenings, reducing the lumen diameter. Crosswalls and whole cells are often plugged with callose and have, apparently, ceased to translocate.  相似文献   

Macrocystis pyrifera (L.) Ag.frond elongation rates were measured during autumn-winter, spring and summer in a shallow water (7.5 m depth) kelp bed in Bahía Papalote, northern Baja California. Frond elongation was maximum during spring and minimum during winter. Frond growth was significantly correlated with solar radiation, and was highest in the smallest size fronds (0–2 m). Average frond elongation rate varied between 0.3–11% d–1 during the study period. The relationship between average frond length and elongation rate followed an exponential curve with a negative slope during autumn-winter and summer, but was best described by a straight line during spring. Standard growth rates were obtained by a graphic method. Standard growth rates had intermediate values between those reported for southern California and southern Baja California.M. pyrifera growth cycle shows a different trend from what has been previously reported.  相似文献   

A new species ofDioon has been found in Oaxaca. It is characterized by leaflets which are entire, lanceolate but unequally tapering toward the apex and over 10 mm wide at the middle portion of the frond.  相似文献   

Pollen organ Telangiopsis sp., associated with but not attached to vegetative fronds, has been collected from the Upper Devonian (Famennian) Wutong Formation, Dongzhi County, Anhui Province, China. Fertile axes with terminal pollen organs are dichotomous for 2–4 times and may be proximally attached by fragmentary pinnules. Pollen organs are synangiate and borne on the top of a short stalk. Synangia are radial in symmetry and each consists of 4–8 elongate microsporangia fused at base. Microsporangia have a longitudinal dehiscence line and show a tapered apex. The associated stem is spiny and bears a vegetative frond which bifurcates once at the basalmost part. Frond rachises possess one order of pinna arranged alternately. Pinnules are borne alternately, planate, highly dissected, and equally dichotomous for 2–3 times. Comparisons among Late Devonian seed plants recognize several branching patterns in the fertile fronds/axes bearing terminal pollen organs. Telangiopsis sp. reinforces that the Late Devonian pollen organs are synangiate usually with basally fused microsporangia. It is suggested that the evolutionary divergence of radial and bilateral symmetries of pollen organs may have occurred in the Famennian, when the earliest seed plants evolved planate and sometimes laminate pinnules.  相似文献   

Fronds from crowded stands of clonal seaweeds, particularly those in which holdfasts are mostly perennial and are the major source of new fronds every year, are thought not to undergo self-thinning during the growth season, unlike those from crowded stands of unitary seaweeds. For clonal seaweeds, it is not known, however, what happens at the very end of the growth season, when crowding is highest for the year. By sampling twice more frequently than previously done for similar species, the possible occurrence of frond self-thinning was tested for Mastocarpus papillatus (Rhodophyta, Gigartinales, Petrocelidaceae) from western Canada during the growth season (spring) of 2003. Initially, stand biomass increased together with frond density, as found previously for similar clonal seaweeds. Shortly before stand biomass peaked for the year (June), frond density remained statistically unchanged. Thus, the increased sampling precision of this study confirms that fronds of these clonal seaweeds do not undergo self-thinning, not even shortly before crowding is highest. Frond size inequality for M. papillatus remained statistically similar during the growth season, which is also consistent with a model of no self-thinning. There are similarities in biomass–density dynamics and in size inequality dynamics between clonal seaweeds and clonal vascular plants.  相似文献   

Fluctuations in plant and frond characteristics are described for Macrocystis pyrifera (L.) C. Agardh (Laminariales, Phaeophyta) forming a fringing zone in the Falkland Islands. Giant kelp plants were sampled along a transect in the austral autumn (May 1986) and late spring (December 1986) which, according to previous frond weight analysis, were the times when extremes in population parameters were expected. Plant density and holdfast wet weights were similar for both seasons, but plants had more fronds and the fronds weighed more in spring than in autumn. Consequently, in autumn the frond biomass (1·1 wet kg m?2) and productivity (34·1 wet g m?2 d?1) were lower than in spring, when a biomass of 5·0 wet kg m?2 and a productivity of 72·4 wet g m?2 d?1 were recorded. Production of new fronds and loss of old fronds were determined at monthly intervals between April 1986 and March 1987. New frond production rates followed fluctuations in the quantity of light and varied between 0·08 and 0·48 fronds per plant per day. Frond loss rates did not show a seasonal pattern and fluctuated between 0·05 and 0·42 fronds per plant per day. It is suggested that the Falkland Islands Macrocystis population is more stable than most other giant kelp beds at high latitudes, because of the absence of winter storms.  相似文献   

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