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不同体重瘤背石磺性腺发育规律   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用组织学方法研究了瘤背石磺体重(2—28g)与性腺发育、性腺指数与肝胰腺指数或卵黄腺指数间的关系,不同体重瘤背石磺性腺内各期生殖细胞的组成与比例以及瘤背石磺卵子和精子发生的规律。结果表明,(1)瘤背石磺的性腺指数有随体重增加而增加的特点:10g以上个体性腺指数达到最高且基本无变化;不同体重瘤背石磺性腺指数与肝胰腺指数和卵黄腺指数有明显的正相关性(P<0.05);(2)6g以下组的瘤背石磺性腺滤泡管内未发现有雌性生殖细胞,6g以上组的性腺滤泡管内雄性与雌性生殖细胞并存;(3)所有瘤背石磺个体性腺内均有精子分布,6g以下个体雄性生殖细胞组成以次级精母细胞为主,而6g以上个体则以精子为主;6g以上组的雌性生殖细胞成熟程度随体重增加有明显增加,其中6—8g以卵原细胞为主(57%),8—10g开始出现外源性卵黄合成期的卵母细胞,10—14g时的外源性卵黄合成期的卵母细胞约为69%,且开始出现成熟卵母细胞。(4)卵子发生共经历6期:分别为卵原细胞期、卵黄合成前卵母细胞期、内源性卵黄合成期、外源性卵黄合成期、近成熟期和成熟卵母细胞期,成熟卵母细胞直径约为(59.36±3.88)μm。精子发生经历精原细胞、初级精母细胞、次级精母细胞、精子细胞和精子共5个阶段,精子长约(52.44±20.65)μm。石磺体重与性腺发育程度密切相关,10g以上的个体可做为亲本使用。  相似文献   

采用活体性腺观察和组织切片方法对瘤背石磺的生殖系统及生殖周期进行了周年的研究.结果表明,瘤背石磺的生殖系统由三部分组成:两性腺、雄性生殖管道及附属腺体、雌性生殖管道及附属腺体.雄性生殖管道由输精管、阴茎、刺激器组成,附性腺为主要的附属腺体;雌性生殖管道由输卵管、受精囊、阴道组成,附属腺体主要为卵黄腺和蛋白腺.瘤背石磺的生殖周期具有典型的腹足类动物的特征,性腺发育周期可以分为:休止期、增殖期、生长期、成熟期、排放期5个时期,生殖周期为1年,成熟和排放期在6月上旬到9月上旬,繁殖高峰期在7月上旬至8月上旬,10月后进入休止期.本文还讨论了瘤背石磺在繁殖过程中精卵的输送、受精等过程及相关的交配器和附属腺体的功能.  相似文献   

瘤背石磺(Onchidium struma)是雌雄同体、异体交配的腹足纲贝类,其生殖系统较为复杂,通过解剖学和组织切片技术对成体瘤背石磺的生殖系统及产卵前后的组织学变化进行了系统的研究.结果表明:(1)雄性生殖系统主要南阴茎囊、阴茎、雄性附性腺、两性腺(早期主要产生精于)和储精囊等部分组成,而雌性生殖系统则由两性腺(后期主要产生卵子)、生殖细胞输送管、蛋白腺、黏液腺、受精囊和阴道等组成;(2)雄性生殖系统的组织学结构在产卵前后变化较小,但两性腺、卵蛋白腺和黏液腺的组织学在产卵前后变化显著;(3)产卵后的两性腺由于成熟卵子的排放,整体结构松散,部分腺泡中有少量未排出的成熟卵细胞和卵黄合成早期的卵母细胞;(4)产卵前的卵蛋白腺中含有许多强嗜碱性的小颗粒(组织学结构类似于卵鞘中的胚胎外周蛋白),产卵后腺体中的颗粒相对较大,且呈嗜酸性;(5)产卵前的黏液腺中存在嗜碱性区、嗜酸性区和混杂区三种区域,但是产卵前黏液腺以嗜酸性细胞为主,而产卵后的黏液腺中以嗜碱性细胞区域为主,且分泌管道中有一些嗜碱性物质.由此可见,卵蛋白腺的主要功能是分泌卵蛋白包裹受精卵形成卵外周蛋白层,而黏液腺则在产卵过程中分泌黏液物质形成卵鞘结构及链状的卵带.  相似文献   

瘤背石磺产卵前后脂类和脂肪酸组成的变化   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本研究测定了瘤背石磺产卵前后肌肉、肝胰腺、两性腺、卵蛋白腺、雄性附性腺和黏液腺指数、水分含量、总脂含量、脂类和脂肪酸组成.结果表明:(1) 瘤背石磺产卵后的肝胰腺指数(HIS)、两性腺指数(DGSI)和卵蛋白腺指数(EAGI)都显著下降(P<0.05), 其水分含量显著上升, 而脂肪含量显著下降; (2) 瘤背石磺各种组织总脂主要有磷脂(PL)、胆固醇(Cho)、游离脂肪酸(FFA)和甘油三酰(TG), 仅在肝胰腺中检测出少量甘油一酰(MG), 产卵后肝胰腺中的FFA含量和两性腺中的PL含量大幅度下降, 分别下降了41.36%和80.53%, 其它组织中的脂类成分变化幅度不大;(3) 产卵后瘤背石磺肝胰腺中的C16:1n7、C20:5n3(EPA)和C22:6n3(DHA)显著下降, 而饱和脂肪酸(∑SFA)含量显著上升.产卵后两性腺中的C20:2n6、C22:2n6和C22:5n3(DPA)显著下降, 而C20:4n6(AA)含量显著上升.产卵后雄性附性腺和黏液腺中的AA和EPA含量均有所下降, 而C16:0和C18:1n9却有所上升.结果表明:卵蛋白腺和黏液腺对于瘤背石磺产卵和胚胎的形成具有重要的作用, PL和多不饱和脂肪酸(PUFA)对瘤背石磺的两性腺发育具有十分重要的作用, 肝胰腺中的脂肪可能是瘤背石磺产卵过程中主要的能源物质之一, 性腺发育过程中肝胰腺中的PUFA可能被转运到两性腺中.  相似文献   

瘤背石磺的形态、习性和生殖行为   总被引:19,自引:1,他引:18  
2003年5月~2004年5月研究了上海崇明瘤背石磺(Onchidium struma)的形态特征、生活习性,分别对其消化、呼吸、循环、排泄、生殖、神经等六大系统进行了阐述。结果表明,瘤背石磺生活在潮间带高潮区滩涂的芦苇丛里,摄食泥滩上的有机质和单胞藻类;雌雄同体、异体交配、卵生。生殖系统包括生殖器和雌、雄交接器三部分:生殖器由两性腺、卵黄腺和蛋白腺组成;雄性交接器由输精管、附性腺、阴茎、刺激器等组成,雄性生殖孔位于右侧第一触角中部;雌性交接器由输卵管、受精囊、阴道等组成,雌性生殖孔位于肛门右侧约5.0mm处的腹足与外套膜的交界处。本文并详细描述了石磺的交配行为。  相似文献   

石磺科3种贝类皮肤显微结构比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用石蜡切片和H.E染色技术,对石磺科(Onchidiidae)3个属的代表物种:瘤背石磺(Onchidium struma)、平疣桑椹石磺(Platevindex mortoni)和里氏拟石磺(Paraoncidium reevesii)的皮肤进行了组织学观察及参数测量比较。结果表明,3种石磺的皮肤虽然厚度不一,但基本结构相似,均由角质膜、表皮和真皮构成。角质膜是一层覆盖于表皮角质层上的蛋白质薄膜;表皮由多层上皮细胞构成,包括角质层、颗粒层和生发层;真皮包括疏松层和致密层,疏松层中嵌有颗粒腺和黏液腺两种腺体。3种石磺的皮肤厚度、各组织相对厚度及腺体数量等均存在差异。将结构差异与石磺的栖息环境进行比较分析后得到:陆栖为主的瘤背石磺皮肤表皮角质化程度高,颗粒腺发达;以水栖为主的里氏拟石磺表皮角质化程度相对低,黏液腺发达;而水陆两栖的平疣桑椹石磺,皮肤角质化程度介于前述二者之间,颗粒腺与黏液腺均不发达。研究结果体现了三者不同的生态适应特征,也为深入探讨海洋无脊椎动物从海洋向陆地进化的研究提供形态学依据。  相似文献   

早期生长反应因子1(Egr-1)基因又名为Zif268、NGFI-A、Krox-24、Tis8、ZENK,分布于脊椎动物的神经细胞中,参与识别功能相关的神经活动.本研究通过cDNA末端快速扩增法(RACE)获得瘤背石磺(Onchidium reevesii)Egr-1基因全长序列,进行蛋白质特征分析、氨基酸序列预测以及Egr-1基因的组织差异表达,并检测了不同低频声音(0~200 Hz)刺激0~24h后Egr-1基因表达量的变化.结果显示:瘤背石磺Egr-1基因cDNA序列全长2 556bp,含134 bp的5'端非编码区、709 bp的3'端非编码区和1 713 bp的开放阅读框,编码570个氨基酸.瘤背石磺Egr-1蛋白分子质量为61.31 kD,理论等电点为6.14,平均疏水指数-0.491,不含信号肽;二级结构和三级结构预测显示有α螺旋和β折叠.瘤背石磺Egr-1基因在其腹足、背部皮肤、神经节、肝胰腺、两性腺中均有表达,在神经节和两性腺中高表达,背部皮肤和肝胰腺中组织表达量最低(P<0.05).相比对照组,受到低频声音刺激0.5 h,后瘤背石磺神经节中Egr-1基因的表达量显著升高,且不同频率声音间表达量差异显著(P<0.05),推测Egr-1基因参与了瘤背石磺识别低频声音功能相关的神经活动,所得结果为进一步研究瘤背石磺识别处理声音信息的分子机制提供重要的基础数据.  相似文献   

早期生长反应因子1(Egr-1)基因又名为Zif268、NGFI-A、Krox-24、Tis8、ZENK,分布于脊椎动物的神经细胞中,参与识别功能相关的神经活动.本研究通过cDNA末端快速扩增法(RACE)获得瘤背石磺(Onchidium reevesii)Egr-1基因全长序列,进行蛋白质特征分析、氨基酸序列预测以及Egr-1基因的组织差异表达,并检测了不同低频声音(0~200 Hz)刺激0~24h后Egr-1基因表达量的变化.结果显示:瘤背石磺Egr-1基因cDNA序列全长2 556bp,含134 bp的5'端非编码区、709 bp的3'端非编码区和1 713 bp的开放阅读框,编码570个氨基酸.瘤背石磺Egr-1蛋白分子质量为61.31 kD,理论等电点为6.14,平均疏水指数-0.491,不含信号肽;二级结构和三级结构预测显示有α螺旋和β折叠.瘤背石磺Egr-1基因在其腹足、背部皮肤、神经节、肝胰腺、两性腺中均有表达,在神经节和两性腺中高表达,背部皮肤和肝胰腺中组织表达量最低(P<0.05).相比对照组,受到低频声音刺激0.5 h,后瘤背石磺神经节中Egr-1基因的表达量显著升高,且不同频率声音间表达量差异显著(P<0.05),推测Egr-1基因参与了瘤背石磺识别低频声音功能相关的神经活动,所得结果为进一步研究瘤背石磺识别处理声音信息的分子机制提供重要的基础数据.  相似文献   

用光学显微镜和透射电子显微镜技术研究了瘤背石磺精子的结构特点,分析了其生理生态适应性以及在肺螺亚纲系统演化中的意义。瘤背石磺的精子由头部、中段和末段组成。头部由奶嘴形的顶体和长圆筒状的细胞核构成。顶体包括顶体囊和顶体构架体两部分;两者的内含物都分布均匀,电子密度稍低于细胞核;顶体基部平整,与核前端之间有一空隙,内含物电子密度极低。细胞核由电子密度高的均匀颗粒物质组成,并出现核泡;核的后端有一"杯形"的凹陷,称为核后窝。中段结构复杂,主要包括一对位于核后窝内的中心粒、轴丝、质膜、线粒体及由线粒体衍生的糖原质螺旋体、基质层和类晶体层等。末段由"9 2"结构的轴丝及外包的质膜组成,无糖原质螺旋体和其它线粒体衍生物。比较瘤背石磺精子与肺螺亚纲其它物种的精子结构,我们认为该物种的精子属于"进化型",是一类在进化地位中比基眼目高等的动物。  相似文献   

九孔鲍卵子发生及卵巢发育的组织学观察   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用组织学方法研究了九孔鲍(Haliotis diversicolor supertexta)的卵子发生、卵巢结构及其发育.根据卵细胞的大小、形状,核仁的形态,卵黄颗粒的积累情况,滤泡的结构等.将九孔鲍卵子的发生分为卵原细胞、卵黄发生前的卵母细胞和卵黄发生期的卵母细胞3个时期;卵巢壁由外膜及内生殖上皮构成,生殖上皮分化产生卵原细胞和滤泡细胞;卵巢的结构单位是滤泡.根据卵巢的外部形态和内部组织结构,将九孔鲍的卵巢发育分为休止期、增殖期、生长期、成熟期和排放期共5期.  相似文献   

钱静  沈和定  管菊 《动物学杂志》2015,50(4):600-606
雌雄同体贝类精子的储存和利用规律一直是国内外贝类生物学研究的难点之一,本文利用活体解剖、显微观察、组织切片和扫描电镜技术,综合研究了平疣桑椹石磺(Platevindex mortoni)的生殖系统及精子储存场所。结果显示,其生殖系统包括生殖器本部、雌性生殖部分和雄性生殖部分。生殖器本部由两性腺、两性输送管、蛋白腺、黏液腺、支囊组成;雌性生殖部分包括输卵管、受精囊、阴道,位于身体中后方体腔内;雄性生殖部分包括输精管、刺激器、阴茎、阴茎鞘和阴茎牵引肌,位于身体前端右侧体腔内;其阴茎有阴茎鞘,阴茎表面布满倒刺。平疣桑椹石磺阴茎为直线状,无雄性附属腺。未交配的性成熟个体支囊内充满细长精子,受精囊内无精子;而交配后充当雌性个体的支囊内均为细长的自体精子,受精囊内有大量活力较强的粗短精子,其支囊为自体精子的存储场所,而受精囊为异体精子的存储场所。其精子储运情况为:两性腺内精子成熟后暂存于支囊,交配时通过输精管运输至阴茎,由阴茎输送精子至对方的阴道,异体精子进入受精囊内存储待用。  相似文献   

Carol M.  Lalli  Fred E.  Wells 《Journal of Zoology》1978,186(1):95-108
Reproductive mechanisms in the seven species of the thecosomatous pteropod genus Limacina are described and compared. All species are protandrous hermaphrodites. Five species– L. bulimoides, L. helicina, L. lesueuri, L. retroversa and L. trochiformis –have a similar reproductive anatomy in which the gonoduct leading from the gonad to the common genital pore functions as a seminal vesicle in the male and is elaborated into mucous and albumen glands in the female. The male system consists of a prostate gland and penis connected to the common genital pore by an external ciliary tract. All five species have a free-swimming veliger stage which hatches from free-floating egg masses. Limacina helicoides has the same reproductive anatomy but is ovoviviparous, with embryos retained in capsules in the mucous gland until they are juveniles of 50 mm in shell diameter. Limacina inflata lacks mucous and albumen glands and a penis; a spermatophore formed by the prostate gland is used in aphallic sperm transfer. This species exhibits brood protection with un-encapsulated embryos retained in the mantle cavity until they are released as veligers measuring 0067 mm in diameter. L. inflata is the most abundant of the seven species despite lowered fecundity; reasons for its ecological success are discussed.  相似文献   

In the Cerithiacea the pallial genital duct exhibits varyingdegrees of closure. In addition, two anatomical groupings occurwithin their genital systems. These groups are based on differencesin the location of the accessory sperm sacs, albumen gland andthe presence or absence of a distal sperm collecting groovein the female. Criteria in the male include the nature of (thevas deferens and the existence of spermatozeugmata. (Received 13 February 1984;  相似文献   

A series of cross-fertilization experiments were conducted with two unnamed, sympatric species of sea urchins in the Echinometra mathaei species complex, Echinometra sp. A (Ea) and Echinometra sp. C (Ec). Heterogametic fertilization success was high when eggs of Ec and sperm of Ea were involved, and low with eggs of Ea and sperm of Ec. Hybrids produced from crosses in either direction developed normally to sexually mature adults; Ea x Ea were largest in test size, followed by Ec (ova) x Ea (sperm), Ea (ova) x Ec (sperm), and Ec x Ec, respectively. Color patterns of the hybrids were closer to the maternal coloration, whereas other characters such as relative test dimensions and spine lengths, morphology of tubefoot and gonad spicules, and gamete sizes were intermediate. Fertilization rates in F1 backcrosses were high, minimizing the possibility that hybrid infertility is a postzygotic mechanism of reproductive isolation. On the other hand, intensive surveys failed to find individuals with hybrid characteristics in the field, suggesting that natural hybridization between the two species is rare. Prezygotic isolating mechanisms, such as microhabitat separation and gamete incompatibility, at least between Ea eggs and Ec sperm, most likely maintain the genetic integrity of these two closely related species.  相似文献   

Differences in plasma steroid levels may reflect behavioral, gonadal, or morphological specializations that characterize different male reproductive phenotypes in teleost fishes. In the present study, we investigated whether differences in plasma steroid levels exist between two distinct male morphs shown in the corkwing wrasse Symphodus melops. In addition, we examined differences in male reproductive traits, including gonad mass, sperm motility, and sperm concentration, between the two male types. Possible associations between plasma steroid levels and reproductive traits were also investigated. The results indicated that males with typical male secondary sexual characters (territorial males) had higher plasma levels of 11-ketotestosterone (11kT) compared to smaller males with female secondary sexual characters (female mimics). The female mimics in turn had higher plasma levels of both testosterone (T) and 17beta-estradiol. In addition, female mimics had relatively larger gonads and longer-lived sperm than territorial males. Relative gonad mass covaried significantly with the plasma levels of 11kT and T among the morphs, indicating that the relative gonad size correlates positively with the plasma level of these two steroids. However, there was no significant covariance between sperm traits and plasma steroids for the two male morphs. Hence, our results do not indicate any causal link between sperm quality and hormones.  相似文献   

The sequence of changes in the primary and secondary sexual characters of the parasitic isopod Irona far during sex-reversal indicate that it is synchronised with the degeneration of the androgenic gland. The gonad is typically hermaphroditic. During the male stage the testicular utricles are large and active but the ovarian region remains undifferentiated. During the intermediate stage production of sperms is stopped and the ovarian region produces ova but without vitellogenesis in them. In the female stage the testicular utricles regress, ovary enlarges and there is increase in egg production and vitellogenesis. The male secondary sexual characters become highly developed during the male stage, regress in the intermediate stage, and finally disappear in the late female stage. Only during the female stage does the female secondary sexual character, viz, the oostegites appear. The androgenic gland shows signs of maximum secretion during the prepuberal and puberal male stages and least activity during the intermediate and early female stages, leading ultimately to total degeneration in the late female stage.  相似文献   

Summary At hatching, the hermaphrodite duct of Deroceras reticulatum consists of a single cell type designated the Gonadal Stem Cell (GSC). Proliferation of the GSC leads to the formation of numerous ductules each of which forms one of the acini of the gonad. The germinal and supporting cells are derived entirely from the GSC. The germ cells differentiate first, followed by the Sertoli and follicle cells. At the early sperm stage of gonadal development the hermaphrodite duct differentiates to function as a seminal vesicle. Once the GSC are committed to this change they lose their regenerative ability. The only remaining GSC are the cells of the acinar epithelium, and these retain their germinal potential until the death of the animal.Regeneration will occur from the hermaphrodite duct provided it is in the immature state, i.e., composed of GSC, and is exposed to the hormonal conditions of a young animal. Nervous connections and the presence of an artery are not necessary for this regeneration. The presence of a functional gonad does not inhibit regeneration.  相似文献   

The albumen gland of Pomacea paludosa, a prosobranch gastropod, contains two main ducts. The albumen gland duct consists of a single layer of secretory and non-secretory cells. The surface of the non-secretory cells is covered with cilia. Microvilli are associated with the luminal edges of the secretory cells. Globules of secretory products appear at the cell surfaces. The capsule gland duct coils through the albumen gland and is composed of two opposing faces each of two layers of cells. The upper layer consists of ciliated non-secretory cells and the microvilli covered necks of the goblet-shaped secretory cells. The bases of the secretory cells comprises the lower layer of cells. Differences in the arrangement of cellular processes and number exists between the duct epithelia.  相似文献   

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