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The effect of suppression of prostaglandin synthesis on renal sodium handling and microsomal Na---K ATPase was studied in control and indomethacin treated intact rats maintained on a normal sodium diet (series A) and chronically salt loaded (series B). Indomethacin administration resulted in a decreased GFR and a significantly depressed urinary excretion and an increased fractional reabsorption of sodium in animals fed the normal sodium diet or chronically salt loaded. In rats maintained on a nomral Na diet, the activity of the renal medullary Na---K ATPase after indomethacin was 206.3±6.4 ug Pi./mg protein, i.e. significantly higher as compared with the enzyme activity in the medullary renal fraction from control animals in which it averaged 148±7.79 ug Pi/mg protein (p<0.001). While after chronic salt load a similar increment in the activity of renal medullary Na---K ATPase was observed, no additional stimulation was elicited by subsequent indomethacin administration. The addition of exogenous PGE2, mM to microsomal fractions obtained from kidneys of normal rats, was associated with a moderate suppression of the medullary Na---K---ATPase activity, from a basal level of 170±16 to 151.3±13 umol Pi/mg protein/hr (p<0.005. In isolated segments of medullary thick ascending limb of Henle's loop (MTAL) addition of PGE2 to the incubation medium resulted in a significant inhibition of Na---K--- ATPase from 37.2±2 to 21.25 ± 1.17 × 10−11 mol/mm/min (p<0.0001.These findings suggest that the increased renal Na reabsorption after inhibition of PG synthesis might be related, at least partly, to stimulation of medullary Na---K ATPase. In parallel, the reported natriuretic effect of prostaglandins might imply a direct inhibitory effect of these mediators on renal Na---K ATPase.  相似文献   

Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) is an endogenous steroid hormone involved in a number of biological actions in humans and rodents, but its effects on renal tissue have not yet been fully understood. The aim of this study is to assess the effect of DHEA treatment on diabetic rats, mainly in relation to renal function and metabolism. Diabetic rats were treated with subcutaneous injections of a 10 mg/kg dose of DHEA diluted in oil. Plasma glucose and creatinine, in addition to urine creatinine, were quantified espectophotometrically. Glucose uptake and oxidation were quantified using radioactive glucose, the urinary Transforming Growth Factor β1 (TGF-β1) was assessed by enzyme immunoassay, and the total glutathione in the renal tissue was also measured. The diabetic rats displayed higher levels of glycemia, and DHEA treatment reduced hyperglycemia. Plasmatic creatinine levels were higher in the diabetic rats treated with DHEA, while creatinine clearance was lower. Glucose uptake and oxidation were lower in the renal medulla of the diabetic rats treated with DHEA, and urinary TGF-β1, as well as total gluthatione levels, were higher in the diabetic rats treated with DHEA. DHEA treatment was not beneficial to renal tissue, since it reduced the glomerular filtration rate and renal medulla metabolism, while increasing the urinary excretion of TGF-β1 and the compensatory response by the glutathione system, probably due to a mechanism involving a pro-oxidant action or a pro-fibrotic effect of this androgen or its derivatives. In conclusion, this study reports that DHEA treatment may be harmful to renal tissue, but the mechanisms of this action have not yet been fully understood.  相似文献   

Measurements were made of PGE2, PGF2 and TXB2 in the urine of male and female Munich-Wistar rats. Initial urine were collected in the awake state in metabolic cages and were followed by collections of ureteral urine during surgery and anesthesia both before and during cyclooxygenase inhibition with indomethacin. The excretion rate of all eicosinoids in the awake state was similar between the sexes. PGE2 excretion remained unaffected after anesthesia/surgery in both sexes indicating that providing plasma volume is maintained, the PGE2 system is not activated by the stress of anesthesia/surgery. Near complete inhibition of PGE2 was observed during indomethacin administration in both sexes. TXB2 excretion rates rose in both males and females with anesthesia/surgery and were slightly suppressed during indomethacin in males only. PGF2 excretion rose following surgery/anesthesia and was statistically significant in female rats. During indomethacin, TXB2 excretion was moderately reduced in male rats and unaffected in the female. Near complete inhibition of PGF2 was observed during indomethacin in both sexes. The urinary eicosinoid responses to indomethacin seen in these studies failed to provide an explanation for our earlier observations of a fall in renal vascular resistance in the female rat, studied under anesthesia and during indomethacin administration.  相似文献   

The effect of acute infusion of the prostaglandin synthetase inhibitors — meclofenamate or indomethacin — was examined in awake rats. Studies were performed in normal rats undergoing either sodium or water diuresis and in salt-replete rats with chronic renal insufficiency. Prostaglandin synthetase inhibitors had no effect on renal plasma flow, glomerular filtration rate or fractional excretion of sodium in any of the groups. Absolute urinary excretion rates for sodium and potassium decreased only in the normal, salt-replete rats. In contrast, prostaglandin synthetase inhibitors consistently decreased urinary flow and osmolar clearance under all experimental conditions studied. In the normal, salt-replete rats the fall in urine flow was preceded by an increase in urinary excretion of cyclic AMP. These results show that inhibitors of prostaglandin synthesis enhance the ability of the kidney to reabsorb water. This effect may be secondary to increased cyclic AMP generation and to increased urea recirculation resulting in higher urea accumulation in the renal medulla.  相似文献   

The effect of micropuncture of the renal papilla through an intact ureter on urinary concetrating ability of rats was examined. Micropuncture of the renal papilla caused a fall in urine osmolality in the punctured kidney from 1718 ± 106 to 1035 ± 79 mosmol/kg·H2O. In order to investigate the role of renal prostaglandins in this process, PGE2 excretion was measured and found to increase from 63.4 ± 14.0 to 205.5 ± 57.1 pg/min. Urine osmolality and PGE2 excretion from the contralateral kidney were not significantly altered. In animals given meclofenamate (2 mg/kg·hr), renal PGE2 excretion was reduced to 22.3 ± 5.1 pg/min prior to micropuncture and it remained low at 8.9 ± 1.8pg/min after papillary micropuncture. Meclofenamate also blocked the fall in urine osmolality caused by micropuncture of the renal papilla, with urine osmolality averaging 1940 ± 122 before and 1782 ± 96 mosmol/kg·H2O after the micropuncture. These results indicated that papillary micropuncture through an intact ureter increased renal PGE2 excretion and that a rise in renal production of PGE2 or some other prostanoid is associated with a fall in urine concentrating ability.  相似文献   

The effect of acute infusion of the prostaglandin synthetase inhibitors - meclofenamate or indomethacin - was examined in awake rats. Studies were performed in normal rats undergoing either sodium or water diuresis and in salt-replete rats with chronic renal insufficiency. Prostaglandin synthetase inhibitors had no effect on renal plasma flow, glomerular filtration rate or fractional excretion of sodium in any of the groups. Absolute urinary excretion rates for sodium and potassium decreased only in the normal, salt-replete rats. In contrast, prostaglandin synthetase inhibitors consistently decreased urinary flow and osmolar clearance under all experimental conditions studied. In the normal, salt-replete rats the fall in urine flow was preceded by an increase in urinary excretion of cyclic AMP. These results show that inhibitors of prostaglandin synthesis enhance the ability of the kidney to reabsorb water. This effect may be secondary to increased cyclic AMP generation and to increased urea recirculation resulting in higher urea accumulation in the renal medulla.  相似文献   

The renal function was studied by clearance (cl.) method during hypotonic polyuria (oral water load followed by 5% dextrose solution infusion) and successive relative antidiuresis induced by lysine-8-vasopressin (LVP) administration (5 microU in bolo followed by continuous infusion at a rate of 0.04 microU/min). Four 15 min and two 60 min clearance (cl.) periods were performed during hypotonic polyuria and antidiuresis, respectively. Glomerular filtration rate was estimated by creatinine cl.; the osmotic cl. (Cosm, CH2O), the absolute and fractional excretions of water, sodium, potassium and chloride were determined by usual methods. The urinary PGE2, 6-keto-PGF1 alpha and TxB2 concentrations were determined by RIA method. Fourteen healthy women submitted to a normal sodium and potassium daily intake were studied; in 6 of them paired studies in absence and in presence of indomethacin (100 mg, i.m.), respectively, were performed. LVP induced a significant reduction of creatinine cl., urinary flow rate and of prostanoid excretion. In hypotonic polyuria, indomethacin significantly reduced the creatinine cl. and the diuretic response to the water load; moreover the urinary PGE2 and 6-keto-PGF1 alpha excretions were significantly lower (85.6 +/- 1.9% and 37.7 +/- 3.2%) while the reduction of urinary TxB2 excretion was not significant (34.4 +/- 13%). Indomethacin did not affect significantly the LVP renal effects in normal potassium balance.  相似文献   

The urinary prostaglandin E2 excretion was measured daily for 28 days in 15 patients (10 men and 5 women) after renal allotransplantation. Patients with acute oliguric renal failure immediately after the transplantation showed high urinary PGE2 concentrations, but no or minimal increase in the total excretion rates. The median PGE2 excretion was 211 μg/24 h after establishment of stable renal function, but with great individual variations. Rejection crises were characterized by a two-fold increase in PGE2 excretion, with a subsequent fall induced by the steroid treatment. The PGE2 excretion correlated better with urinary sodium excretion than diuresis.The pathophysiological role of the renal prostaglandin ssynthesis remains incompletely defined. The prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) appears to act as a modulator of the renal salt and water excretion (1,2) and prostaglandins are important mediators of the immunresponses (3,4). The eraly renal allograft rejection is an event characterized by salt and water retention together with decreasing renal function (5). Antibodies against renal tissue as well as cytotoxic leukocytes (“killer cells”) are active in the process (6,7) and many hormonal systems are involved, among them renin and vasopressin (8). Both hormones are known to stimulate the synthesis of prostaglandin in the kidneys and interact with its effect (9,10,11). The present material was therefore designed to study the urinary excretion of PGE2 in the kidney allografts before and during rejection crises.  相似文献   

The exact mechanism underlying thiazides-induced paradoxical antidiuresis in diabetes insipidus is still elusive, but it has been hypothesized that it is exerted either via Na+-depletion activating volume-homeostatic reflexes to decrease distal delivery, or direct stimulation of distal water reabsorption. This study examined how these two proposed mechanisms actually cooperate to induce an acute bendroflumethiazide (BFTZ)-antidiuretic effect in nephrogenic diabetes insipidus (NDI). Anaesthetized rats with lithium (Li)-induced NDI were prepared in order to measure their renal functional parameters, and in some of them, bilateral renal denervation (DNX) was induced. After a 30 min control clearance period, we infused either BFTZ into 2 groups, NDI+BFTZ and NDI/DNX+BFTZ, or its vehicle into a NDI+V group, and six 30 min experimental clearance periods were taken. During BFTZ infusion in the NDI+BFTZ group, transiently elevated Na+ excretion was associated with rapidly increased urinary osmolality and decreased free water clearance, but Li clearance and urine flow declined in the later periods. However, in the NDI/DNX+BFTZ group, there was persistently elevated Na+ excretion with unchanged Li clearance and urine flow during the experimental period, while alterations in free water clearance and urinary osmolality resembled those in the NDI+BFTZ group. In conclusion, BFTZ initially exerted two direct effects of natriuresis-diuresis and stimulating free water reabsorption at the distal nephron in NDI, which together elevated Na+ excretion and urinary osmolality but kept the urine volume unchanged in the first hour. Thereafter, the resultant sodium depletion led to the activation of neural reflexes that reduced distal fluid delivery to compensate for BFTZ-induced natriuresis-diuresis which, in cooperation with the direct distal BFTZ-antidiuretic effect, resulted in excretion of urine with a low volume, high osmolality, and normal sodium.  相似文献   

Renal prostaglandins may be important in the modulation of compensatory renal growth. Reductions in renal mass are associated with increased synthesis of these substances by the remaining kidney, and inhibition of prostaglandin synthesis diminishes renal function in partially nephrectomized animals and in patients with reduced functioning renal mass. We examined the effects of uninephrectomy and treatment with indomethacin on renal prostaglandin E2 and 6-keto prostaglandin F concentrations in adult male Sprague Dawley rats. The renal content of these prostaglandins was significantly increased in the remaining kidney two days following uninephrectomy (p<0.01). Treatment with 5 mg/kg/day of indomethacin over this period abolished the compensatory increase in renal prostaglandin synthesis and significantly attenuated compensatory increases in renal mass, protein and RNA concentration (p<0.05). No alterations in kidney weight, protein or RNA concentrations were found in intact animals treated with the same dose of indomethacin. These findings suggest renal prostaglandins may participate in the biological events leading to compensatory renal growth.  相似文献   

The effect of micropuncture of the renal papilla through an intact ureter on urinary concetrating ability of rats was examined. Micropuncture of the renal papilla caused a fall in urine osmolality in the punctured kidney from 1718 ± 106 to 1035 ± 79 mosmol/kg·H2O. In order to investigate the role of renal prostaglandins in this process, PGE2 excretion was measured and found to increase from 63.4 ± 14.0 to 205.5 ± 57.1 pg/min. Urine osmolality and PGE2 excretion from the contralateral kidney were not significantly altered. In animals given meclofenamate (2 mg/kg·hr), renal PGE2 excretion was reduced to 22.3 ± 5.1 pg/min prior to micropuncture and it remained low at 8.9 ± 1.8pg/min after papillary micropuncture. Meclofenamate also blocked the fall in urine osmolality caused by micropuncture of the renal papilla, with urine osmolality averaging 1940 ± 122 before and 1782 ± 96 mosmol/kg·H2O after the micropuncture. These results indicated that papillary micropuncture through an intact ureter increased renal PGE2 excretion and that a rise in renal production of PGE2 or some other prostanoid is associated with a fall in urine concentrating ability.  相似文献   

Recent experiments indicate that prostaglandin E2 potentiates the vasodilatory properties of leukotrienes in the skin microcirculation. The present experiments were undertaken to study the effect of leukotriene D4 and prostaglandin E2 on renal hemodynamics and urinary electrolytes in the dog. Experiments were performed in three groups of anesthetized Mongrel dogs: the first group was studied under hydropenia, whereas the two remaining groups were studied during water diuresis with (Group 3) or without indomethacin (Group 2). LTD4 (100ng/min) and PGE2 (3ug/min) were infused in the left renal artery to minimize systemic effects of these compounds. LTD4 alone failed to influence urinary sodium excretion in all 3 groups. In Group 1, urinary sodium increased from 77 ± 6 to 393 ± 74uEq/min during PGE2, and further increased to 511 ± 52uEq/min during LTD4 + PGE2. No change occured in the contralateral right kidney. In this group, glomerular filtration as well as renal plasma flow were not statistically influenced. In Group 2, the same phenomenon was observed for urinary sodium. The combined infusion of LTD4 + PGE2 increased urinary sodium without significant changes in glomerular filtration and renal plasma flow. Finally, in Group 3, indomethacin was shown to reduce the natriuretic effects of LTD4 and PGE2: during PGE2 alone, urinary sodium increased from 90 ± 14 to 260 ± 66uEq/min, and only rose from 80 ± 10 to 175 ± 19uEq/min during the combined infusion of LTD4 and PGE2. In groups 2 and 3, free water clearance was utilized as an index of sodium chloride reabsorption in the thick ascending limb: this parameter increased from 2.35 ± 0.25 to 4.70 ± 0.30ml/min, while urinary volume was increasing from 3.55 ± 0.25 to 10.05 ± 0.65ml/min, during LTD4 + PGE2. Indomethacin, administered in Group 3, (3mg/kg/hr) again abolished the effect of combined PGE2 + LTD4. These results indicate a potentiating effect of leukotriene D4 on the PGE2-induced natriuresis in the anesthetized dog. These phenomena occured in the absence of significant changes in renal hemodynamics, therefore suggesting a direct tubular effect of these arachidonic acid metabolites. Finally, the water diuresis experiments suggest a proximal site of action of PGE2 and LTD4.  相似文献   

Kang DG  Oh H  Sohn EJ  Hur TY  Lee KC  Kim KJ  Kim TY  Lee HS 《Life sciences》2004,75(15):1801-1816
The present study was designed to examine whether lithospermic acid B (LSB) isolated from Salvia miltiorrhiza has an ameliorative effect on renal functional parameters in association with the expression of aquaporin 2 (AQP 2) and Na,K-ATPase in the ischemia-reperfusion induced acute renal failure (ARF) rats. LSB showed strong antioxidant activity against production of reactive oxygen species (ROS), ROS-induced hemolysis, and production of lipid peroxide in a dose-dependent manner. Polyuria caused by down-regulation of renal AQP 2 in the ischemia-reperfusion induced ARF rats was partially restored by administration of LSB (40 mg/kg, i.p.), restoring expression of AQP 2, in renal inner and outer medulla. The expression of Na,K-ATPase alpha1 subunit in outer medulla of the ARF rats was also restored in the ARF rats by administration of LSB, while beta1 subunit level was not altered. The renal functional parameters including creatinine clearance, urinary sodium excretion, urinary osmolality, and solute-free reabsorption were also partially restored in ischemia-ARF rats by administration of LSB. Histological study also showed that renal damages in the ARF rats were abrogated by administration of LSB. Taken together, these data indicate that LSB ameliorates renal defects in rats with ischemia-reperfusion induced ARF, most likely via scavenging of ROS.  相似文献   

In previous experiments we have demonstrated that the renal nerves play a significant role in all genetic and (or) induced models of hypertension that we have studied. The current experiments extended this research by investigating the contribution of the renal nerves to hypertension in the Dahl NaCl-sensitive rat. This was investigated by assessing the effect of bilateral phenol renal denervation carried out prior to initiation of a high NaCl (8% NaCl) diet. In two separate studies, renal denervation did not affect systolic blood pressure in either Dahl NaCl-sensitive rats or their normotensive counterparts, Dahl NaCl-resistant rats. Further, denervation did not increase absolute urinary sodium excretion, percent urinary sodium excretion, urinary volume output, or food or water intake; nor did it differentially alter creatinine clearance or body weight. Denervation was verified at the termination of each study by a greater than 80% depletion of renal noradrenaline stores. These results indicate that the renal nerves do not provide a major contribution to hypertension in the Dahl NaCl-sensitive rat.  相似文献   

Effects of the cyclooxygenase inhibitors indomethacin, naproxen and the thromboxane synthetase inhibitor imidazole on renal sodium water and p-aminohippurate excretion were investigated in sodium loaded conscious rats of different ages. Renal and intrarenal blood flow were studied in anaesthetized adult rats. Indomethacin and naproxen reduced PAH excretion in 5- and 10-day-old rats but not in rats of older ages. Imidazole failed to influence PAH-excretion in young animals. The excretion of PAH was decreased in adult rats at 10 and 60 min following imidazole administration, but not after longer time interval (120 min). Following indomethacin and naproxen administration urine output was decreased in 5-, 10- and 15-day-old rats, but not in rats of older ages. Effects of imidazole on electrolyte excretion can be demonstrated in adult rats only. Cardiac output was not altered by the three drugs. Blood pressure was elevated after indomethacin, but remained unchanged after naproxen and imidazole treatment. Renal and cortical blood flow remained unaltered and no redistribution was seen in intrarenal blood flow after indomethacin, naproxen and imidazole administration. The experimental data suggest that prostaglandins and thromboxanes are involved in the regulation of kidney function, but prostaglandins in the rat--in contrast to the dog--do not seem to play a major role in the regulation of renal vascular tone in adult animals.  相似文献   

The effects of the three prostaglandins A1, E2, and F on renal blood flow, glomerular filtration rate (GFR), fluid excretion, and urinary output of Na, K, Ca, Cl, and solutes were evaluated at a dose range of 0.01 – 10 μg/min. The prostaglandins were infused into the renal artery of dogs. GFR was not significantly altered by the PGs. PGA1 increased renal blood flow by approximately of the control at 0.01 μg/min without dose dependence at higher infusion rates. It had only little effects which were not dose dependent on fluid and electrolyte output. The effects of PGE2 on renal blood flow, fluid, sodium, and chloride excretion were dose dependent with a steep slope of the dose response curve between 0.1 and 1.0 μg/min. Blood flow was increased maximally by 80 %, urine volume by more than 400 %. PGF had no effect on renal blood flow, whereas urinary output was increased to approximately the same maximal level as by E2 although ten times higher doses were needed. Potassium excretion was less influenced than the excretion of Na and Cl and osmolar clearance was less increased than urine volume by all three prostaglandins.It is concluded that if a PG is involved in the regulation of the renal fluid or electrolyte excretion it is likely to be of the PGE-type. A PGA could only be involved in regulation of renal hemodynamics, whereas PGF although effective in the kidney exerts its effects at doses too high to have physiological significance.  相似文献   

Intracerebroventricular injection of kappa-opioid agonists produces diuresis, antinatriuresis, and a concurrent increase in renal sympathetic nerve activity (RSNA). The present study examined whether endogenous central kappa-opioid systems contribute to the renal excretory responses produced by the stress of an acute hypotonic saline volume expansion (HSVE). Cardiovascular, renal excretory, and RSNA responses were measured during control, acute HSVE (5% body weight, 0.45 M saline over 30 min), and recovery (70 min) in conscious rats pretreated intracerebroventricularly with vehicle or the kappa-opioid receptor antagonist nor-binaltorphimine (nor-BNI). In vehicle-pretreated rats, HSVE produced a marked increase in urine flow rate but only a low-magnitude and delayed natriuresis. RSNA was not significantly suppressed during the HSVE or recovery periods. In nor-BNI-treated rats, HSVE produced a pattern of diuresis similar to that observed in vehicle-treated rats. However, during the HSVE and recovery periods, RSNA was significantly decreased, and urinary sodium excretion increased in nor-BNI-treated animals. In other studies performed in chronic bilateral renal denervated rats, HSVE produced similar diuretic and blunted natriuretic responses in animals pretreated intracerebroventricularly with vehicle or nor-BNI. Thus removal of the renal nerves prevented nor-BNI from enhancing urinary sodium excretion during HSVE. These findings indicate that in conscious rats, endogenous central kappa-opioid systems are activated during hypotonic saline volume expansion to maximize urinary sodium retention by a renal sympathoexcitatory pathway that requires intact renal nerves.  相似文献   

This study examined the contribution of intrarenal alpha(2)-adrenoceptor mechanisms to the enhanced urine flow rate (V) and urinary sodium excretion (U(Na)V) responses in ketamine-xylazine-anesthetized rats. Ten minutes after left renal artery (LRA) injection, the alpha(2)-adrenoceptor antagonist yohimbine (5 microg) significantly decreased V from 58 +/- 8 to 35 +/- 7 microl. min(-1). g kidney wt(-1) and U(Na)V from 2.8 +/- 0.4 to 2.1 +/- 0.4 microeq. min(-1). g kidney wt(-1) without altering right kidney function. The renal effects of the LRA injection of yohimbine were completely abolished in chronic bilaterally renal-denervated (RDNX) rats. In RDNX rats, a higher LRA dose of yohimbine (15 microg) significantly reduced left and right kidney V, with no effects on U(Na)V. In separate bladder-catheterized rats, yohimbine (0.5 mg/kg), 20 min after intravenous injection, significantly decreased V from 63 +/- 9 to 13 +/- 2 microl. min(-1). g kidney wt(-1 )and U(Na)V from 4.5 +/- 0.5 to 1.1 +/- 0.1 microeq. min(-1). g kidney wt(-1). In RDNX rats, this dose of yohimbine reduced V and U(Na)V, but the magnitude was blunted compared with intact rats. In contrast, 0.1 mg/kg iv yohimbine significantly reduced V and U(Na)V to similar magnitudes in intact and RDNX groups. Together, these findings indicate that intravenous xylazine acts by renal nerve-dependent and -independent mechanisms to enhance renal excretory function in ketamine-anesthetized rats. Because the effects of the LRA dose of yohimbine were abolished in renal-denervated animals, it appears that xylazine has a direct renal action to augment the renal excretion of water and sodium via a presynaptic alpha(2)-adrenoceptor pathway that inhibits the release of neurotransmitters from renal sympathetic nerve terminals.  相似文献   

In an open triple crossover study in 10 patients with mild to moderate essential hypertension the influence was investigated of adding indomethacin 50 mg, naproxen 250 mg, or sulindac 200 mg, each twice daily for four weeks, to diuretic treatment with hydrochlorothiazide 50 mg a day. After two weeks'' treatment with indomethacin a slight increase in blood pressure was observed, whereas both sulindac and naproxen tended to enhance the antihypertensive effect of hydrochlorothiazide. After treatment for four weeks, however, the effects of all three drugs on blood pressure appeared to be blunted. Furthermore, body weight increased significantly during treatment with indomethacin but not during treatment with naproxen or sulindac. No significant changes were found for various biochemical variables, including concentrations of plasma electrolytes and serum creatinine and albumin, plasma renin activity, plasma aldosterone concentration, and 24 hour urinary excretion of sodium and potassium, with the exception, however, of an increase in plasma potassium concentration during treatment with indomethacin. These observations suggest that the interaction of indomethacin, naproxen, and sulindac with diuretic treatment in mild to moderate essential hypertension is transient and of minor clinical importance.  相似文献   

The acute effects on urinary prostanoid excretion and on renal function induced by pharmacological inhibition of either the angiotensin-converting enzyme or of the cyclooxygenase system, respectively, have been studied in healthy salt-depleted women. Two experimental groups were studied during salt depletion, SD1 (n=8) and SD2 (n=6). Salt depletion was obtained by combining a low sodium chloride dietary intake (< or =60 mmol per day) with natriuretic and potassium sparing treatment. Paired studies were performed in the absence and in the presence of enalapril (SD1 group) or indomethacin (SD2 group). In both paired studies renal function was estimated by the clearance (cl.) method and the urinary concentrations of PGE2, 6-keto-PGF1alpha and TXB2 were estimated by RIA during sustained hypotonic polyuria (induced by oral water load). Enalapril did not influence urinary excretion of prostanoids. Its main significant effects were: (a) a reduction in mean arterial pressure (MAP); (b) an increase in free-water cl. (C(H2O)) and a reduction in osmolar cl. (Cosm); (c) a reduction in the absolute and fractional urinary excretions of sodium and chloride; and (d) a reduction in both the plasma concentration and urinary excretion of potassium. The urinary flow rate and the creatinine cl. were not significantly affected. Indomethacin reduced urinary excretion of prostanoids and in addition it produced the following significant effects: (a) a reduction in urinary flow rate, C(H2O) and Cosm values, and in absolute and fractional urinary excretions of sodium and chloride; and (b) an increase in plasma potassium concentration. MAP, creatinine cl. and urinary potassium excretion were not significantly affected. With regard to the main parameters, both enalapril and indomethacin exerted similar effects on urinary sodium and chloride excretion but opposite effects on C(H2O) and plasma potassium concentration. In conclusion, after enalapril in a salt-depleted state, the functional expression of acute angiotensin II deprivation was partially masked by the activation of a homeostatic system responsible both for improvement in renal salt conservation and for facilitated cellular potassium uptake. After indomethacin in the same setting, the results were consistent with a differential role of prostanoids in modulating or mediating the activities of neuro-hormonal agonists.  相似文献   

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