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Variation in epitopes of the B subunit of cholera toxin (CT-B) produced by strains of El Tor and classical biotype Vibrio cholerae O1 was examined using monoclonal antibodies prepared to V. cholerae 569B CT. CT-B epitopes were markedly conserved for V. cholerae classical biotypes. In contrast, epitope variation was observed for El Tor biotypes, which produced both a classical-like CT-B and a unique CT-B lacking at least one epitope common to 569B CT-B. The missing epitope was located outside the GM1 ganglioside-binding site. From results of the study reported here, genetic divergence is exhibited in the El Tor biotype CT-B versus classical CT-B. Furthermore, at least five unique epitopes of V. cholerae 569B CT-B can be defined.  相似文献   

The regulatory systems controlling expression of the ctxAB genes encoding cholera toxin (CT) in the classical and El Tor biotypes of pathogenic Vibrio cholerae have been characterized and found to be almost identical. Notwithstanding this, special in vitro conditions, called AKI conditions, are required for El Tor bacteria to produce CT. The AKI conditions involve biphasic cultures. In phase 1 the organism is grown in a still tube for 4 h. In phase 2 the medium is poured into a flask to continue growth with shaking. Virtually no expression of CT occurs if this protocol is not followed. Here we demonstrated that CT expression takes place in single-phase still cultures if the volume-to-surface-area ratio is decreased, both under air and under an inert atmosphere. The expression of key genes involved in the regulation of CT production was analyzed, and we found that the expression pattern closely resembles the in vivo expression pattern.  相似文献   

BT23, a Vibrio cholerae O1 El Tor isolate, possesses the cholera toxin (CT) gene as determined by PCR. However, CT was not detected in the culture medium by the reversed passive latex agglutination test, nor in the whole cell lysate as examined by Western blotting. The toxin-coregulated pilus (TCP) was not detected by Western blotting. This suggests the presence of defects in the regulatory cascade. toxR, toxS and toxT, members of the regulatory cascade, were examined by PCR. toxR and toxS were conserved but toxT was not. CT and TCP production was complemented by transformation of toxT. The lack of toxT was suspected to be the cause of the undetectable production of CT in strain BT23.  相似文献   

The bacterial protein toxin of Vibrio cholerae, cholera toxin, is a major agent involved in severe diarrhoeal disease. Cholera toxin is a member of the AB toxin family and is composed of a catalytically active heterodimeric A-subunit linked with a homopentameric B-subunit. Upon binding to its receptor, GM0(1), cholera toxin is internalized and transported in a retrograde manner through the Golgi to the ER, where it is retrotranslocated to the cytosol. Here, cholera toxin reaches its intracellular target, the basolaterally located adenylate cyclase which becomes constitutively activated after toxin-induced mono-ADP-ribosylation of the regulating G(S)-protein. Elevated intracellular cAMP levels provoke loss of water and electrolytes which is manifested as the typical diarrhoea. The cholera toxin B-subunit displays the capacity to fortify immune responses to certain antigens, to act as a carrier and to be competent in inducing immunological tolerance. These unique features make cholera toxin a promising tool for immunologists.  相似文献   

A proteome reference map for Vibrio cholerae El Tor   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A proteome reference map has been constructed for Vibrio cholerae El Tor, in the pI range of 4.0 to 7.0. The map is based on two-dimensional gels (2-D) and the identification, by peptide mass fingerprint, of proteins in 94 spots, corresponding to 80 abundant proteins. Two strains are compared, strain N16961 and a Latin American El Tor strain C3294. The consensus map contains 340 spots consistently seen with both strains grown in Luria-Bertani broth (LB) or minimal M9 medium. The results were obtained from nine gels run with 18 cm immobilized pH gradient strips and precast gels. The 2-D gels were anchored to real N16961 proteins identified by mass spectrometry. Various energy metabolism components and periplasmic ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporter proteins were identified among the abundant proteins. Two isoforms of OmpU were found. Five operons are proposed and seven hypothetical proteins were experimentally confirmed. Comparisons are made with protein 2-D gels for a classical strain and to microarray analysis available for the N16961 El Tor strain. New results were obtained from the proteome analysis, indicating an abundance of periplasmic ABC transporter proteins not found in microarray studies.  相似文献   

The human pathogen Vibrio cholerae serves as a model organism for many important processes ranging from pathogenesis to natural transformation, which has been extensively studied in this bacterium. Previous work has deciphered important regulatory circuits involved in natural competence induction as well as mechanistic details related to its DNA acquisition and uptake potential. However, since competence was first reported for V. cholerae in 2005, many researchers have struggled with reproducibility in certain strains. In this study, we therefore compare prominent seventh pandemic V. cholerae isolates, namely strains A1552, N16961, C6706, C6709, E7946, P27459, and the close relative MO10, for their natural transformability and decipher underlying defects that mask the high degree of competence conservation. Through a combination of experimental approaches and comparative genomics based on new whole-genome sequences and de novo assemblies, we identify several strain-specific defects, mostly in genes that encode key players in quorum sensing. Moreover, we provide evidence that most of these deficiencies might have recently occurred through laboratory domestication events or through the acquisition of mobile genetic elements. Lastly, we highlight that differing experimental approaches between research groups might explain more of the variations than strain-specific alterations.  相似文献   

Pandemic V. cholerae strains in the O1 serogroup have 2 biotypes: classical and El Tor. The classical biotype strains of the sixth pandemic, which encode the classical type cholera toxin (CT), have been replaced by El Tor biotype strains of the seventh pandemic. The prototype El Tor strains that produce biotype-specific cholera toxin are being replaced by atypical El Tor variants that harbor classical cholera toxin. Atypical El Tor strains are categorized into 2 groups, Wave 2 and Wave 3 strains, based on genomic variations and the CTX phage that they harbor. Whole-genome analysis of V. cholerae strains in the seventh cholera pandemic has demonstrated gradual changes in the genome of prototype and atypical El Tor strains, indicating that atypical strains arose from the prototype strains by replacing the CTX phages. We examined the molecular mechanisms that effected the emergence of El Tor strains with classical cholera toxin-carrying phage. We isolated an intermediary V. cholerae strain that carried two different CTX phages that encode El Tor and classical cholera toxin, respectively. We show here that the intermediary strain can be converted into various Wave 2 strains and can act as the source of the novel mosaic CTX phages. These results imply that the Wave 2 and Wave 3 strains may have been generated from such intermediary strains in nature. Prototype El Tor strains can become Wave 3 strains by excision of CTX-1 and re-equipping with the new CTX phages. Our data suggest that inter-chromosomal recombination between 2 types of CTX phages is possible when a host bacterial cell is infected by multiple CTX phages. Our study also provides molecular insights into population changes in V. cholerae in the absence of significant changes to the genome but by replacement of the CTX prophage that they harbor.  相似文献   

Abstract The implication in cholera toxin (CT) production of the newly identified gene, lypA , that encodes the lysophospholipase L2 of Vibrio cholerae , was investigated. Introduction of lypA into the V. cholerae O1 mutant (NF404), which has a Tn5-insertion in lypA and has lost CT as well as haemolysin production, restored the lysophospholipase activity and CT production but not the haemolytic activity. Inactivation of the lypA gene of the wild-type strain by chromosomal integration of a plasmid containing a portion of the lypA gene decreased the lysophospholipase L2 activity and the production of CT but not the haemolytic activity. Furthermore, constructed mutants of El Tor-biotype and Classical-biotype strains which have a defective lypA failed to produce CT and exhibited decreased enterotoxicity in the ligated rabbit ileal loop test. These results suggest that lypA is possibly required for the expression of CT and may play a role in pathogenicity of V. cholerae .  相似文献   

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