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在生命体内,基因以及其它分子间相互作用形成复杂调控网络,生命过程都是以调控网络的形式存在,如从代谢通路网络到转录调控网络,从信号转导网络到蛋白质相互作用网络等等。因此,网络现象是生命现象的复杂本质和主要特征。本文系统地介绍了基于表达谱数据构建基因调控网络的布尔网络模型,线性模型,微分方程模型和贝叶斯网络模型,并对各种网络构建模型进行了深入的分析和总结。同时,文章从基因组序列信息、蛋白质相互作用信息和生物医学文献信息等方面讨论了基因调控网络方面构建的研究,这对从系统生物学水平揭示生命复杂机制具有重要的参考价值。  相似文献   

目的:由基因芯片数据精确学习建模具有异步多时延表达调控关系的基因调控网络。方法:提出了一种高阶动态贝叶斯网络模型,并给出了网络结构学习算法,该模型假定基因的调控过程为多阶马尔科夫过程,从而能够建模基因调控网络中的异步多时延特性。结果:由酵母基因调控网络一个子网络人工生成了加入10%含噪声的表达数据用于调控网络结构学习。在75%的后验概率下,本文提出的高阶动态贝叶斯网络模型能够正确建模实际网络中全部的异步多时延调控关系,而经典动态贝叶斯网络仅能够正确建模实际网络中1/3的调控关系;ROC曲线对比表明在各个后验概率水平上高阶动态贝叶斯网络模型的效果均优于经典动态贝叶斯网络。结论:本文提出的高阶动态贝叶斯网络模型能够精确学习建模具有异步多时延表达调控关系的基因调控网络。  相似文献   

目的:由基因芯片数据精确学习建模具有异步多时延表达调控关系的基因调控网络。方法:提出了一种高阶动态贝叶斯网 络模型,并给出了网络结构学习算法,该模型假定基因的调控过程为多阶马尔科夫过程,从而能够建模基因调控网络中的异步多 时延特性。结果:由酵母基因调控网络一个子网络人工生成了加入10%含噪声的表达数据用于调控网络结构学习。在75%的后验 概率下,本文提出的高阶动态贝叶斯网络模型能够正确建模实际网络中全部的异步多时延调控关系,而经典动态贝叶斯网络仅 能够正确建模实际网络中1/3的调控关系;ROC曲线对比表明在各个后验概率水平上高阶动态贝叶斯网络模型的效果均优于经 典动态贝叶斯网络。结论:本文提出的高阶动态贝叶斯网络模型能够精确学习建模具有异步多时延表达调控关系的基因调控网 络。  相似文献   

初步构建乳腺癌转移相关基因表达调控网络的线性微分方程模型,并分析模型的可靠性和生物学意义. 采用基因芯片技术,分别对30例伴有淋巴结转移的乳腺癌组织及其相应淋巴结转移癌组织进行基因表达谱的比较,选择差异基因通过线性微分数学方法构建表达调控网络模型. 差异表达基因共27个,其中Ratio > 3的明显上调基因14个,而Ratio < 0.33的明显下调基因13个. 比较伴有淋巴结转移的乳腺癌组织和其相应淋巴结转移癌组织,分析筛选了27个表达差异基因,应用数学线性微分方程方法初步构建乳腺癌转移相关基因表达调控网络的线性微分方程模型,通过分析模型中重要节点、通路的生物学意义,判定网络的数学特性,初步表明,调控网络的可靠性和乳腺癌转移的形成是与多基因、多通路异常引起的细胞恶性转化相关.  相似文献   

李霞  姜伟  张帆 《生物物理学报》2007,23(4):296-306
复杂疾病相关靶基因的识别、构建疾病驱使相关基因网络及进行疾病机制研究,是功能基因组学研究中非常重要的科学问题。文章以计算系统生物学的观点和三维的角度,综述了基于生物谱(SNP遗传谱、芯片表达谱和2D-PAGE蛋白质谱等)的复杂疾病靶基因识别、多水平(SNPs虚拟网络、基因调控网络、蛋白质互作网络等)遗传网络逆向重构方法,及不同水平的网络之间在生物学和拓扑学上的纵向映射关系,并给出复杂疾病靶基因识别与网络关系的计算系统生物方法研究的未来展望。  相似文献   

随着基因芯片的技术的推广,越来越多的表达数据需要被处理和分析.利用这些表达数据提取基因调控矩阵从而构建基因网络是一个重要的问题.通过线性微分方程模型可以初步构建基因网络,了解网络结构,提取最显著的信息.然而由于分子生物学的条件限制或者数据来源的限制,导致实验数据不充分,使方程组无解.本文使用三次样条方法,对26例临床、病理资料完备的具有淋巴结转移的乳腺癌基因表达数据进行插值处理,使表达数据满秩,从而使用最小二乘法解出加权矩阵,构建初步的表达基因调控网络.通过对构建的基因网络的初步分析表明:乳腺癌转移的形成是由多基因异常引起多条传导通路异常,致使细胞恶性转化的结果,这与生物学上公认的看法是相一致的.因此,利用此线性模型方法对基因表达谱进行分析兵有一定可行性,在认识乳腺癌转移机制,乳腺癌诊断和治疗方面具有一定的理论和应用价值.  相似文献   

植物体细胞胚胎发生的调控网络   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
植物体细胞胚胎发生是一个极其复杂而有序的过程,受到多种内外因素的影响与调控。其中基因的表达与调控是影响体细胞胚胎发生最重要和最根本的因素。这些基因包括PLANT GROWTH ACTIVATOR系列基因、LEAFYCOTYLEDON家族基因、BABY BOOM基因、SOMATIC EMBRYOGENESIS RECEPTOR-LIKE KINASE基因和PICKLE基因等,它们相互作用构成了一个复杂的调控网络。以下结合作者对PLANT GROWTH ACTIVATOR 37等基因的研究,对这一调控网络进行了介绍,并探讨了未来体细胞胚胎发生的研究方向。  相似文献   

基因调控网络的重构是功能基因组中最具挑战性的课题之一. 针对基因间转录调控的时间延迟性, 提出了一种寻找时间延迟调控关系的方法: 多点延迟调控网络算法, 简称TdGRN (time-delayed gene regulatory networking). 该方法根据时间序列基因表达谱数据, 构建时间延迟基因表达矩阵, 利用有监督决策树分类器方法和随机重排技术挖掘基因之间的时间延迟调控关系, 从而构建时间延迟的基因调控网络. 该方法是一种不依赖模型的基因网络重建方法, 相对于目前采用的基于模型的网络重建方法有显著优势, 可直接利用连续的基因表达谱数据发现延迟任一时间单位差的基因表达调控关系, 并避免了目前一些研究方法中需要人为设定基因的最大调控子数目(k)的问题. 将该方法应用于酿酒酵母细胞周期的基因表达谱数据, 并构建时间延迟的基因调控网络, 结果发现多数时间延迟调控关系获得了已有知识的支持.  相似文献   

植物转录因子最新研究方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
转录因子可以调控众多下游基因的表达,在植物的生长发育、代谢及对外界环境的反应中起着重要作用。我们结合近年来植物转录因子的研究进展,归纳分析了高等植物转录因子研究的主要策略和最新的技术方法,并从生物信息学分析、瞬间转化技术的应用、突变体表型分析及调控网络等几个方面进行了全面阐述,为植物转录因子的预测、功能鉴定及靶基因分析等相关研究提供理论和方法的参考。  相似文献   

基因调控网络重建是功能基因组研究的基础,有助于理解基因间的调控机理,探索复杂的生命系统及其本质.针对传统贝叶斯方法计算复杂度高、仅能构建小规模基因调控网络,而信息论方法假阳性边较多、且不能推测基因因果定向问题.本文基于有序条件互信息和有限父结点,提出一种快速构建基因调控网络的OCMIPN算法.OCMIPN方法首先采用有序条件互信息构建基因调控相关网络;然后根据基因调控网络拓扑先验知识,限制每个基因结点的父结点数量,利用贝叶斯方法推断出基因调控网络结构,有效降低算法的时间计算复杂度.人工合成网络及真实生物分子网络上仿真实验结果表明:OCMIPN方法不仅能构建出高精度的基因调控网络,且时间计算复杂度较低,其性能优于LASSO、ARACNE、Scan BMA和LBN等现有流行算法.  相似文献   

Understanding the integrated behavior of genetic regulatory networks, in which genes regulate one another's activities via RNA and protein products, is emerging as a dominant problem in systems biology. One widely studied class of models of such networks includes genes whose expression values assume Boolean values (i.e., on or off). Design decisions in the development of Boolean network models of gene regulatory systems include the topology of the network (including the distribution of input- and output-connectivity) and the class of Boolean functions used by each gene (e.g., canalizing functions, post functions, etc.). For example, evidence from simulations suggests that biologically realistic dynamics can be produced by scale-free network topologies with canalizing Boolean functions. This work seeks further insights into the design of Boolean network models through the construction and analysis of a class of models that include more concrete biochemical mechanisms than the usual abstract model, including genes and gene products, dimerization, cis-binding sites, promoters and repressors. In this model, it is assumed that the system consists of N genes, with each gene producing one protein product. Proteins may form complexes such as dimers, trimers, etc. The model also includes cis-binding sites to which proteins may bind to form activators or repressors. Binding affinities are based on structural complementarity between proteins and binding sites, with molecular binding sites modeled by bit-strings. Biochemically plausible gene expression rules are used to derive a Boolean regulatory function for each gene in the system. The result is a network model in which both topological features and Boolean functions arise as emergent properties of the interactions of components at the biochemical level. A highly biased set of Boolean functions is observed in simulations of networks of various sizes, suggesting a new characterization of the subset of Boolean functions that are likely to appear in gene regulatory networks.  相似文献   

The analysis of gene network robustness to noise and mutation is important for fundamental and practical reasons. Robustness refers to the stability of the equilibrium expression state of a gene network to variations of the initial expression state and network topology. Numerical simulation of these variations is commonly used for the assessment of robustness. Since there exists a great number of possible gene network topologies and initial states, even millions of simulations may be still too small to give reliable results. When the initial and equilibrium expression states are restricted to being saturated (i.e., their elements can only take values 1 or −1 corresponding to maximum activation and maximum repression of genes), an analytical gene network robustness assessment is possible. We present this analytical treatment based on determination of the saturated fixed point attractors for sigmoidal function models. The analysis can determine (a) for a given network, which and how many saturated equilibrium states exist and which and how many saturated initial states converge to each of these saturated equilibrium states and (b) for a given saturated equilibrium state or a given pair of saturated equilibrium and initial states, which and how many gene networks, referred to as viable, share this saturated equilibrium state or the pair of saturated equilibrium and initial states. We also show that the viable networks sharing a given saturated equilibrium state must follow certain patterns. These capabilities of the analytical treatment make it possible to properly define and accurately determine robustness to noise and mutation for gene networks. Previous network research conclusions drawn from performing millions of simulations follow directly from the results of our analytical treatment. Furthermore, the analytical results provide criteria for the identification of model validity and suggest modified models of gene network dynamics. The yeast cell-cycle network is used as an illustration of the practical application of this analytical treatment.  相似文献   

Chordates comprise three major groups, cephalochordates (amphioxus), tunicates (urochordates), and vertebrates. Since cephalochordates were the early branching group, comparisons between amphioxus and other chordates help us to speculate about ancestral chordates. Here, I summarize accumulating data from functional studies analyzing amphioxus cis-regulatory modules (CRMs) in model systems of other chordate groups, such as mice, chickens, clawed frogs, fish, and ascidians. Conservatism and variability of CRM functions illustrate how gene regulatory networks have evolved in chordates. Amphioxus CRMs, which correspond to CRMs deeply conserved among animal phyla, govern reporter gene expression in conserved expression domains of the putative target gene in host animals. In addition, some CRMs located in similar genomic regions (intron, upstream, or downstream) also possess conserved activity, even though their sequences are divergent. These conservative CRM functions imply ancestral genomic structures and gene regulatory networks in chordates. However, interestingly, if expression patterns of amphioxus genes do not correspond to those of orthologs of experimental models, some amphioxus CRMs recapitulate expression patterns of amphioxus genes, but not those of endogenous genes, suggesting that these amphioxus CRMs are close to the ancestral states of chordate CRMs, while vertebrates/tunicates innovated new CRMs to reconstruct gene regulatory networks subsequent to the divergence of the cephalochordates. Alternatively, amphioxus CRMs may have secondarily lost ancestral CRM activity and evolved independently. These data help to solve fundamental questions of chordate evolution, such as neural crest cells, placodes, a forebrain/midbrain, and genome duplication. Experimental validation is crucial to verify CRM functions and evolution.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Estimating the network of regulative interactions between genes from gene expression measurements is a major challenge. Recently, we have shown that for gene networks of up to around 35 genes, optimal network models can be computed. However, even optimal gene network models will in general contain false edges, since the expression data will not unambiguously point to a single network. RESULTS: In order to overcome this problem, we present a computational method to enumerate the most likely m networks and to extract a widely common subgraph (denoted as gene network motif) from these. We apply the method to bacterial gene expression data and extensively compare estimation results to knowledge. Our results reveal that gene network motifs are in significantly better agreement to biological knowledge than optimal network models. We also confirm this observation in a series of estimations using synthetic microarray data and compare estimations by our method with previous estimations for yeast. Furthermore, we use our method to estimate similarities and differences of the gene networks that regulate tryptophan metabolism in two related species and thereby demonstrate the analysis of gene network evolution. AVAILABILITY: Commercial license negotiable with Gene Networks Inc. (cherkis@gene-networks.com) CONTACT: sascha-ott@gmx.net  相似文献   

Inferring gene networks from gene expression data is an important step in understanding the molecular machinery of life. Three methods for establishing and quantifying causal relationships between genes based on steady-state measurements in single-gene perturbation experiments have recently been proposed: the regulatory strength method, the local regulatory strength method, and Gardner's method. The theoretical basis of these methods is presented here in a thorough and consistent fashion. In principle, for the same data set all three methods would generate identical networks, but they would quantify the strengths of connections in different ways. The regulatory strength method is shown here to be topology-dependent. It adopts the format of the data collected in gene expression microarray experiments and therefore can be immediately used with this technology. The regulatory strengths obtained by this method can also be used to compute local regulatory strengths. In contrast, Gardner's method requires both measurements of mRNA concentrations and measurements of the applied rate perturbations, which is not usually part of a standard microarray experimental protocol. The results generated by Gardner's method and by the two regulatory strengths methods differ only by scaling constants, but Gardner's method requires more measurements. On the other hand, the explicit use of rate perturbations in Gardner's approach allows one to address new questions with this method, like what perturbations caused given responses of the system. Results of the application of the three techniques to real experimental data are presented and discussed. The comparative analysis presented in this paper can be helpful for identifying an appropriate technique for inferring genetic networks and for interpreting the results of its application to experimental data.  相似文献   

The paper is devoted to two questions: whether distinction of causes versus effects of neoplasia leaves a signature in the cancer versus normal gene expression profiles and whether roles of genes, "causes" or "effects", can be inferred from repeated measurements of gene expressions. We model joint probability distributions of logarithms of gene expressions with the use of Bayesian networks (BN). Fitting our models to real data confirms that our BN models have the ability to explain some aspects of observational evidence from DNA microarray experiments. Effects of neoplastic transformation are well seen among genes with the highest power to differentiate between normal and cancer cells. Likelihoods of BNs depend on the biological role of selected genes, defined by Gene Ontology. Also predictions of our BN models are coherent with the set of putative causes and effects constructed based on our data set of papillary thyroid cancer.  相似文献   

We present a simple model of genetic regulatory networks in which regulatory connections among genes are mediated by a limited number of signaling molecules. Each gene in our model produces (publishes) a single gene product, which regulates the expression of other genes by binding to regulatory regions that correspond (subscribe) to that product. We explore the consequences of this publish-subscribe model of regulation for the properties of single networks and for the evolution of populations of networks. Degree distributions of randomly constructed networks, particularly multimodal in-degree distributions, which depend on the length of the regulatory sequences and the number of possible gene products, differed from simpler Boolean NK models. In simulated evolution of populations of networks, single mutations in regulatory or coding regions resulted in multiple changes in regulatory connections among genes, or alternatively in neutral change that had no effect on phenotype. This resulted in remarkable evolvability in both number and length of attractors, leading to evolved networks far beyond the expectation of these measures based on random distributions. Surprisingly, this rapid evolution was not accompanied by changes in degree distribution; degree distribution in the evolved networks was not substantially different from that of randomly generated networks. The publish-subscribe model also allows exogenous gene products to create an environment, which may be noisy or stable, in which dynamic behavior occurs. In simulations, networks were able to evolve moderate levels of both mutational and environmental robustness.  相似文献   

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